Sinclair Launches Interface 2 (PCW, 4th-10th October 1983)
Sinclair launches interface 2
Sinclair’s Interface 2 for the Spectrum made its first public appearance last week at the Personal Computer World show.
The Interface 2 can be plugged either directly into the Spectrum’s rear expansion port or into the rec?ently-launched Interface 1.
It enables Spectrum owners to use cartridge-based software, which plugs into a slot on the top of the Interface.
There are also two joystick ports, which will accept standard 9-way D plugs.
A separate expansion port for the ZX printer is also provided.
The Interface 2 costs £19.95.
Launched along with the Interface 2 were ten cartridge games, costing £.14.95 each.
Six of these – Space Raiders, Planetoids, Hungry Horace, Horace and the Spiders, Chess and Backgammon – are already sold by Sinclair in cassette form.
The other four are Pssst, Jet Pac, Cookie and Tranz Am, from Ultimate Play the Game.
Sinclair Research, Stanhope Road, Camberley, Surrey GU15 3PS