Giant List of Games Programmers

The Giant List of Classic Game Programmers
Last Updated February 22, 2006
Please send new information and corrections to James Hague (email: james [at]

This is a Who's Who of classic game programmers, where "classic" generally refers to "8-bit" (Apple II, Atari 2600, Atari 800, Commodore 64, etc). I originally stuck to "one person, one vision" games, as that is what is most interesting to me, but I eventually decided to include ports as well (though undoubtedly ports carry less weight). When a game was released for multiple, similar platforms, I only listed the version the programmer originally developed. Games for modern platforms are mentioned only when the programmer has written at least one classic title. There are a lot more gray areas as well, and I tried to deal with them as best I can.
Please don't hesitate to send comments, corrections, and new information.
The list is arranged alphabetically by last name. Games written are listed chronologically in the following format:
Title, co-authors (year of release, system, publisher)
Question marks indicate things that I am not 100% sure of. I used them liberally, so as not to propagate incorrect information. Bracketed entries contain biographical notes.

System codes:
AP2 - Apple II/II+/IIe/IIc
GS - Apple IIgs
2600 - Atari 2600
800 - Atari 8-bit computers
5200 - Atari 5200
7800 - Atari 7800
LNX - Atari Lynx
ST - Atari ST
JAG - Atari Jaguar
PET - Commodore PET
VIC - Commodore Vic 20
C64 - Commodore 64
AMI - Commodore Amiga
C16 - Commodore C16/Plus 4
INT - Intellivision
COL - ColecoVision
FCF - Fairchild Channel F
O2 - Odyssey 2
VEC - Vectrex
ASTR - Bally Astrocade
TRS - TRS-80
COCO - Tandy Color Computer 1 & 2
CC3 - Tandy Color Computer 3
SPEC - Sinclair Spectrum
ZX81 - Sinclair ZX81
TI99 - Texas Instruments 99/4A
OSI - Ohio Scientific C1P
HAND - handheld game
MVIS - Microvision (handheld)
ARC - Archimedes
PIN - coin-op pinball
COIN - coin-op arcade game
ATOM - Acorn Atom BBCB - Acorn BBC B
BBCE - BBC Electron
NES - Nintendo Entertainment System
GBOY - Nintendo Game Boy & Color Game Boy
GBA - Nintendo Game Boy Advance
SNES - Super NES
VBOY - Nintendo Virtual Boy
N64 - Nintendo 64
MSX - MSX computer
MAC - Macintosh
PC - IBM PC & compatibles
PPC - Pocket PC
TG16 - TurboGrafx-16
SMS - Sega Master System
GEN - Sega Genesis (aka Megadrive)
SCD - Sega CD
32X - Sega 32X (Genesis add-on)
GEAR - Sega Game Gear
SAT - Sega Saturn
DC - Sega Dreamcast
CPC - Amstrad CPC
PS1 - Sony PlayStation / PS One
PS2 - Sony PlayStation 2
NEWT - Apple Newton
M Z80 - Sharp MZ-80K
ORIC - Oric
CDI - Phillips CDI
MBEE - Microbee (Australian)
THOM - Thomson MO/TO (French)
EMER - Emerson Arcadia 2001
XBOX - Microsoft X-box
Publisher codes (to save space):
AI - Adventure International (also AI UK)
ACT - Activision
APX - Atari Program Exchange (run by Atari, Inc.)
ASIM - Automated Simulations (precursor to Epyx)
BROD - Broderbund
EA - Electronic Arts
PB - Parker Brothers
Games may be preceded by the following special codes:
* Four-star game, using a rather conservative TV Guide style rating
system (a judgement call, I realize; I may stop doing this).
[P] Programmer only. Used for games ported from other formats or when
a game was designed by someone else--implies a lack of creative control.
[D] Designer only.
[B] Game written in BASIC. Might be interesting, as there is usually a
quality gap between BASIC games and those written in other languages.
[G] Group effort; the person mentioned had some sort of involvement.
[L] Leader of a group effort; implies more than management.
[T] Type-in program from a magazine.
[N] Non-game software.
[U] Unreleased product.

List Begins Here

Aaron, Robert
[G] The Lion's Share (1983, AP2, Davka)
The Philistine Ploy, with Alan Rosenbaum (1983, AP2, Davka)

Abbott, Mike
Teleport, with Jim Nitchals (1982, AP2, Cavalier Computer)
Hard Hat Mack, with Matt Alexander (1983, AP2, EA)

Abbott, Shaun D.
Emerald Isle (1984, many, Level 9)

Abramowitz, Marc
[TB] Red Squares (1989, 800, Antic) Tetris-like

Ace, Eric
Beyond Castle Wolfenstein, with Silas Warner and Frank Svoboda III (1984, AP2/800/C64, Muse)

Adams, Alexis [wife of Scott Adams]
Scott Adams Adventure #4: Voodoo Castle (many, AI)

Adams, Barry L.
[TB] Encounter in the Near Tholian Sector (1980, TRS, Softside)

Adams, Bill
[L] TRON (1982, COIN, Bally/Midway)

Adams, Colin
[T] Gantry (1989, C64, Run)
[T] Ketchup Attack (1989, C64, Run)

Adams, Douglas
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, with Steve Meretzky (1984, many, Infocom)
[G] Bureaucracy (1987, many, Infocom)

Adams, Peter
Crazitack (1982, 800, Artworx)
[P] Blue Max (C64, Synapse) port from 800
[P] Survivor (1983, C64, Synapse) port from 800
[P] Zaxxon (1984, C64, Synapse) port from COIN
[P] Beach Head 2 (1985, AP2, Access) port from C64
[P] Kik-Start (1986, 800, Mastertronic) port from C64

Adams, Rick
Temple of ROM (COCO, Tandy)
Shanghai (COCO, Tandy)

Adams, Scott [founder of Adventure International; NOT the Dilbert guy]
[B] The Scott Adams Adventure series: (engine originally in BASIC for TRS)
#1 Adventureland (1978)
#2 Pirate's Adventure, with Alexis Adams
#3 Mission Impossible (1979)
#5 The Count (1981)
#6 Strange Odyssey
#7 Mystery Fun House
#8 Pyramid of Doom
#9 Ghost Town
#10 Savage Island, part 1
#11 Savage Island, part 2, with Russ Wetmore
#12 Golden Voyage, with William Demas
#13 Sorcerer of Claymorgue Castle (1984)
#14 Return to Pirate's Island
[TB] Awari (1979, TRS, Softside)
[TB] Backgammon (1980, TRS, Softside)
[N] S.A.G.E. - Scott Adams' Graphic Editor (1983?, 800, AI)
The Hulk (1984, many, AI/Questprobe)
Spiderman (1984, many, AI/Questprobe)
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai, with Philip Case and Kern McNair (1985, many, AI)
Fantastic Four (1985, many, AI/Questprobe)
Return to Pirate's Island (many, AI)

Adan, Manolito
[P] Moonsweeper (TI, Imagic) port from 2600

Adelstein, Bruse
[P] Lost Tomb (1984, 800, Datasoft) port from COIN

Adham, Allen
Gunslinger (1986, AP2, Datasoft)

Aero, Rita
The Brain Game, with Elliot Weiner (1984, AP2, The Millennium Group)

Ager, Mike
Psycho Pigs UXB (C64)
[1999: writing GBOY games]

Ahn, Esteban
[P] Technocop (1988, AP2, Gray Matter)

Akbiyik, Hakan
Dooly (1987, C16)
Helix (1988, C16)

Akers, David
[P] Bump 'N' Jump, with Jeff Ratcliff (1983, 2600, M-Network) port from COIN
[P] Star Strike (1983, 2600, M-Network) port from INT
[G] Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters (1989, COIN, Atari Games)
Klax (1989, COIN, Atari Games)

Albanese, James
Jeepers Creepers (1983, 800, Quality)

Albaugh, Mike
Drag Race (1977, COIN, Kee)
Destroyer (1977, COIN, Atari)
Ultra Tank (1978, COIN, Kee)
[G] Football (1978, COIN, Atari)
[left Atari Games in 2000]

Albino, Victor T.
[TB] Volcano (1981, TRS, Softside)

Alcorn, Al
*Pong, with Nolan Bushnell (1972, COIN, Atari)
Space Race (1973, COIN, Atari)
Got'cha (1974, COIN, Atari)

Alderton, Nigel
Chuckie Egg (1983, SPEC)
[P] Commando, with Keith Burkhill (1985, SPEC, Elite) port from COIN

Aldrich, Ron
Nightmare Gallery (1982, AP2, Synergistic)

Alexander, Matt
Hard Hat Mack, with Mike Abbot (1983, AP2, EA)

Allen, James R. H.
Mine Madness (1983, VIC, Thorn EMI)
The Mad Doctor (1985, C64, Thorn EMI)

Allen, John
Pinball (1981, TRS, Acorn)
Basketball (1981, TRS, Acorn)

Allen, Mark
[B?] Apple Stellar Invaders (AP2) Space Invaders-like
*Sabotage (1981, AP2)
Pest Patrol (1983, AP2, Sierra)

Alpert, Dave
Xyphus, with Skip Walker (1984, AP2, Penguin)

Alvarado, Juan
[P] Mario Bros., with Greg Tavares (C64, Atarisoft) port from COIN

Alvarez, Fernando
[P] Genesis (1983, 800, Datasoft) port from COIN

Anderson, Bob
[B] Derelict, with Rodger Olsen (many, Aardvark)
Haunted House (1983, many, Aardvark)

Anderson, Charles
[P] Tuesday Morning Quarterback (1981?, AP2, ASIM) port from TRS

Anderson, Chip
[TB] Connection (1980, AP2, Softside)

Anderson, Dave
Hollywood Hijinx, with Liz Cyr-Jones (1986?, many, Infocom)

Anderson, Donovan E. Jr.
[TB] Match Mania (1989, C64, Compute!'s Gazette)

Anderson, Glyn [founder of Abalone; founder of Matahari Studios]
[P] Megamania (1983, 800/5200, ACT) port from 2600
[P] Ghostbusters (1985, 800, ACT) port from C64
[G] Aliens, with Steve Cartwright, Peter Kaminski, and Gene Smith (1986, C64, ACT)
[P] Hacker II: The Doomsday Papers (1987, ST, ACT) port from C64
[G] The Manhole (1989, PC/NEC9801/Fujitsu Towns, ACT) port from MAC
[L] Mutant League Hockey, with Paul Taylor and Lee Powell (1994, GEN, EA)
[L] Xperts, with Paul Taylor (1996, GEN, Sega)
[G] Golden Nugget (1996, PC, Virgin)

Anderson, John
The Eliminator (1982, AP2, AI) Defender-like
[P] Sea Dragon (AP2, AI) port from TRS
Rear Guard (AP2, AI)
Defense Cruiser (AP2, AI)
Rally Speedway (1983, 800, AI)
[P] AREX (1983, 800, AI) port from TRS

Anderson, Rhett
[GT] Basketball Sam & Ed (1987, C64, Compute!'s Gazette)

Andrews, Bob
Death Race (1979, AP2, Programma)
Sea Wolf, with Bob Flanagan (1980, AP2, Programma)

Angelo, Python [artist]
[D] Bubbles (1983, COIN, Williams)

Anschuetz, Eric and Robert
[TB] Kooky's Quest, with John Weisgerber (1985, 800, Antic)
[TB] Overflow, with John Weisgerber (1985, 800, Antic)
[B] Robot Dungeon, with John Weisgerber (1985, 800, Antic) on subscription disk

Ansell, Doug
Pyromania (AP2)
[P] Roundabout (1983, C64, Datamost) port from AP2

Antiochia, Antonio
Transylvania, with Steve Meuse (1982, AP2, Penguin)
The Crimson Crown (1982, AP2, Penguin)

Antonovich, Michael
[TB] Imhotep (1980, AP2, Softside)

Aplin, Richard
The Islands of Dr.Destructo (C64)
U.C.M. (C64)
[P] Double Dragon I (AMI/ST/CPC) port from COIN
[P] Double Dragon II (AMI/ST/CPC) port from COIN
[P] Shinobi (CPC) port from COIN
[P] Block Racer (AMI,ST)
[P] Line Of Fire (AMI,ST)
[P] Rotox (AMI,ST)
Fly Spy (CPC)

Archer, Michael
Geoff Capes Strong Man (BBCB, Martech)
W.A.R. (BBCB, Martech)
[D] Tarzan (1986, BBCB/C64, Martech)
Shoot Out (1986, C64, Martech)
Nemesis The Warlock (1987, C64, Martech)
Slaine The Barbarian (C64, Martech)
[P] Altered Beast (1989, C64, ACT) port from COIN
[P] Atomic Robokid (1989, C64, ACT)
[P] Tennis (C64, ACT)
[P] Alien 3 (1993, C64, Acclaim)
[LP] Road Riot 4WD (LNX, Atari) port from COIN
[LP] Alien vs. Predator (LNX, Atari)

Archer, Rowland
[TB] Word Wars (1981, TRS, Softside)

Archuletta, Michael
Hopper, with John Phillips (1983, TI99, Texas Instruments) Pengo-like
4A Flyer, with John Phillips (1986, TI99, Triton Products)

Arima, Toshio
[P] Gyruss (1983, COIN, Konami)

Armstrong, Kevin
Factactics, with Dorcas Evans (1984, AP2, Daystar)

Arneson, Dave
Malta Strike (1980, AP2/TRS, Discovery)

Arnstein, Robert
Pyramid (1979, TRS)
Project Nebula (1981, COCO, Tandy)
Raaka-Tu (1982, COCO, Tandy)
Xenos (1982, TRS, Tandy)
Bedlam (1982, COCO, Tandy)
Androne (1983, COCO, Tandy)

Aronoff, Stuart
Keyboard Golf (1981, AP2, Avant Garde)
Hi-Res Computer Golf 2 (1983, AP2, Avant Garde)
Beyond Pinball: The First Pinball Adventure Game (1986, AP2, Prime-Ware)

Arromdee, Ken
[TB] Black Box (1988, 800, Antic)

Artwick, Bruce
*A2-FS1 Flight Simulator (1980, AP2, Sublogic)
Night Mission Pinball (1982, AP2, Sublogic)
*Flight Simulator 2 (I, 1983, AP2, Sublogic)
[D] Jet (1986, AP2, Sublogic)
[L] UFO, with Hugo Feugen (1989, PC, Sublogic)

Aspromonte, Bill
Crash Dive (1983, 2600, Fox)
Bank Heist (2600, Fox)
[P] Stargate (1984, 2600, Atari) aka Defender II
[G] Pigs In Space (2600, Atari) "Pastaroids" segment only

Atack, Jon
[B] Lightning Robot (198x, 800, freeware) Berzerk-like
Meteor Storm (1982, 800, Royal)
Quasimodo (1984, 800, Synapse)
Trivia Quest (800/ST, Royal)

Atkin, Larry
Chess (1983, AP2, Odesta)
Odin, with Peter Frey (1983, AP2, Odesta)

Austin, Mike & Nick & Pete
Colossal Adventure (1983, many, Level 9)
Adventure Quest (1983, many, Level 9)
Dungeon Adventure (1984, many, Level 9)
Snowball (1984, many, Level 9)
Return to Eden (1984, many, Level 9)
The Worm in Paradise (many, Level 9)
The Price of Magik (1986, many, Level 9)

Austin, Mike (see also "Austin, Mike & Nick & Pete")
Lancelot, with Pete Austin (1988, C64/AMI, Level 9)

Austin, Pete (see also "Austin, Mike & Nick & Pete")
The Saga of Erik the Viking (1984, many?, Level 9)
[L] Red Moon (1985, many, Level 9)
The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole Aged 13 (1985, many?, Level 9)
The Archers (1986, many?, Level 9)
Knight Orc (1987, many?, Level 9)
The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole (1987, many?, Level 9)
Gnome Ranger, with Peter McBride (1987, C64/AMI, Level 9)
[D] Gnome Ranger II: Ingrid's Back (1988, C64/AMI, Level 9)
Lancelot, with Mike Austin (1988, C64/AMI?, Level 9)
ScapeGhost, with Sandra Sharkey and Pete Gerrard (1989, Level 9)

Austin, William A.
Sword Point (1983?, 800, PMI)

Averett, Ed
Take the Money and Run (1979, O2, Magnavox)
I've Got Your Number (1979, O2, Magnavox)
Invaders from Hyperspace (1979, O2, Magnavox)
Showdown in 2100 A.D.(1979,O2, Magnavox)
War of Nerves (1979, O2, Magnavox)
Alpine Skiing (1979, O2, Magnavox)
Hockey/Soccer (1979, O2, Magnavox)
Volleyball (1980,O2, Magnavox)
Electronic Table Soccer (1980, O2, Magnavox)
Pocket Billiards (1980, O2, Magnavox)
Pachinko (1980, O2, Magnavox)
Casino Slot Machine (1980, O2, Magnavox)
Blockout/Breakdown (1980, O2, Magnavox)
Alien Invaders Plus (1980, O2, Magnavox)
UFO (1981, O2, Magnavox)
Monkey Shines (1981, O2, Magnavox)
Quest for the Rings (1981, O2, Magnavox)
Conquest of the Worlds (1981, O2, Magnavox)
Great Wall St. Fortune Hunt (1981, O2, Magnavox)
K.C. Munchkin (1981, O2, Magnavox)
Freedom Fighters (1981, O2, Magnavox)
Pick Axe Pete (1981, O2, Magnavox)
K.C.'s Crazy Chase (1982, O2, Magnavox)
Attack of the Time Lord, with Linda Averette (1982, O2, Magnavox) aka "Terrahawks" (1983)
Power Lords (1983, O2, Magnavox)

Avery, Jack T.
Computer Air Combat, with Charles Merrow (1980, AP2, SSI)
Computer Baseball, with Charles Merrow (1981?, AP2, SSI)
Fighter Command, with Charles Merrow (1983, AP2, SSI)

Bachand, Charles
[TB] Maze Rider (1981, 800, ANALOG Computing)
Race in Space (1981, 800, ANALOG Software) later [T] for ANALOG Computing
[T] Harvey Wallbanger, with Tom Hudson (1982, 800, ANALOG Computing)
[T] Planetary Defense, with Tom Hudson (1984, 800, ANALOG computing)

Bacher, Eric
Pesco (1999, 2600, Ebivision) Pac-Man-like

Bachrach, Mark
[B] Spin*A*Fortune (1982, TI99, Sunrise)

Bader, Chris
Kangaroy (1985, TI99, T&C Actionware)

Baer, Ralph [creator of the Odyssey]
all original Odyssey games: Ping-Pong, shooting gallery, golf, etc. (1972, Odyssey, Magnavox)

Baggs, Scott C.
Dawn Patrol (1985, C64, Mark of the Falcon)

Bagley, Jim
[P] Throne Of Fire (SPEC)
[P] Road Runner (SPEC) port from COIN
[P] Street Sports Basketball (SPEC) port from C64
[P] World Class Leaderboard (SPEC) port from C64
[P] Gutz (SPEC)
[P] Batman Caped Crusader (CPC)
[P] Red Heat (SPEC/CPC)
[P] Cabal (SPEC/CPC) port from COIN
[P] Midnight resistance (SPEC/CPC)
[P] Hudson Hawk (SPEC/CPC/GBOY)
[P] Ultimate Soccer (GEAR/SMS/GEN)
[P] Defender/Joust (GBOY) programmer for Defender only; port from COIN
[P] Striker (GEN/32X)
[P] Revolution X (PC/SAT) port from COIN
[P] Doom (SAT) port from PC
[P] Tommi Makinen Rally (PS1)
[P] Premier League Stars (PS1)
[P] Supreme Snowboarding / Boarder Zone (GBOY)
[P] Tiny Toons: Buster Saves The Day (GBOY)
[P] MTV Sports: TJ Lavin's Ultimate BMX (GBOY)
[P] TechDeck Skateboarding (GBOY)
[P] Nancy Drew: Message in a Haunted Mansion (GBA)
[P] Strike Force Hydra (PS1)
[P] International Karate+ (GBA) port from C64
[P] Super Dropzone (GBA/PS1)
[P] World Tennis Stars (GBA/PS1)
[P] World Tennis Stars (PS1)
Animal Snap (GBA/PS1)
[P] King Of Fighters (XBOX) port from PS2

Bagley, Kevin
Mabel's Mansion (AP2, Datamost)
Oil-Rig (1981, AP2, C.P.U.)
The Human Fly (1982, AP2, C.P.U.)
Vortex (AP2)
[G] Flockland Island Crisis (1982, AP2)

Bailey, Donna
*Centipede, with Ed Logg (1980, COIN, Atari)

Bak, Steve
Cuthbert in the Jungle (1984, C64, Microdeal)
Hercules (1986, C64, Alpha Omega)
Gods and Heroes (1987, C64, Power House)
Goldrunner (1986, ST, Microdeal)
Jupiter Probe (1987, ST, Microdeal)
Leathernecks (198x, ST, Microdeal)
Lands of Havoc (1985, ST, Microdeal)
Electronic Pool (1986?, ST, Microdeal)
Return to Genesis (1988, ST, Microdeal)
Star Ray (1988, ST, Microdeal)

Baker, John
[TB] Bats (1981, TRS, Softside)

Baker, Philip
Ennumereight (1983?, 800, APX)

Baker, Steve
Fighter Pilot (1978, AP2, Softape)
Go-moku (1979, AP2, Softape)
Photar (1981, AP2, Softape) Centipede-like, originally called Nightcrawler
Microgammon (AP2)
Burn-Out (AP2, Softape?)
Bubbles (AP2, Softape?)
Planetoids (AP2, Softape?)
Baker's Trilogy (AP2, Softape) includes Bubbles, Burnout, and Planetoids
Star Mines (1983, AP2, Softape)
[P] Defender (1983?, 800/AP2, Atari) port from COIN
[U] Stargate (1984?, 800, Atari) port from COIN
[P] Summer Games (1987, 2600, Epyx) port from C64
[P] Winter Games (1987, 2600, Epyx) port from C64
[P] California Games (1988, 2600, Epyx) port from C64
Pilgrim Quest (AP2)
Sporting News Baseball '89 (1989, AP2)
Alien Legacy (PC)

Bakst, Daren
The Chalice of Mostania (1985, AP2, Coastal Software)

Baldwin, Mark Lewis
[TB] Starbase 13 (1982, 800, Softside)

Ball, Thomas
Falcons, with Eric Varsanyi (1981, AP2) Phoenix-like
Warp Destroyer, with Eric Varsanyi (1981, AP2, Piccadilly)

Ballard, Michael
[TB] Wall Street (1989, C64, Run)

Bana, Bill
Hunchback II, with Tony Pomfret (1983, C64, Ocean)

Banks, Rick
BC's Quest for Tires, with Michael Bate (1984?, AP2?, Sierra)
BC's Quest for Tires 2: Grog's Revenge (1985?, Sierra)

Barger, Jorn
[P] Wizard of Wor (AP2) port from COIN
[P] Berzerk (AP2, Microsoft) port from COIN

Barnes, Lee
Frog (1980?, M Z80, Newbear and Kuma)
Fender (1980?, M Z80, Newbear and Kuma)
Camelot (1980?, M Z80, Newbear and Kuma)
Head-On (1980?, M Z80, Newbear and Kuma)
Paqueman (1980?, M Z80, Newbear and Kuma)
Solitaire (1980?, M Z80, Newbear and Kuma)

Barnes, Tony
[TB] Escape from Hell (1987, 800, Antic)
[TB] Doom / Doomed (1987, 800, Antic)
[TB] Shutdown (1988, 800, Antic)
[T] Savior (1988, 800, Antic)
Chronic Warrior (C64)
Bot-A-Bout (C64/800)
Killing Joke (1988, AMI/ST, Zodiac Design)
[G] Zoetrope (1988?, AMI, Antic)
[G] Blox (AMI)
[NG] GFA Basic 3.0 (1988, AMI, Antic)
[G] Crue Ball (1992, GEN, EA)
[G] Harley's Humoungous Adventure (1992, SNES, EA)
[G] Madden 94 (1994, SNES, EA)
[G] Normy's Beach-Babe-o-Rama (1994, GEN, EA)
[G] Legacy of Kain (1996, PS1, Crystal Dynamics)
[D] Star Trek Deep Space 9: The Fallen (2000, PC/MAC, The Collective)

Barnes, Wherner
Escape from Pulsar 7, with Brian Howarth (1982, TRS, various)
Circus, with Brian Howarth (1982, TRS, various)

Baron, Peter James
[P] Salamander (C64, Ocean) port of Lifeforce (COIN)
Myth, with Bob Stevenson (C64, System 3)
Devious Designs, with Bob Stevenson (AMI/ST, Imageworks)
[P] Spiderman vs. The Sinister Six (NES, BITS)
[P] Wolverine Adamantium Rage (SNES, BITS)
[P] Maximum Roadkill (PC, BITS)
[P] Stratego (PC, Minda Eye/Hasbro Interactive)
[P] Monopoly (N64, Minds Eye/Empire)
[P] Sheep (PS1, Minds Eye/Empire)

Baronett, Stanley Jr.
Ripper, with John Winnie (C64, Avalon Hill)

Barshack, Leonard
Apple Adventure, with Peter Schmuckal (1980?, AP2, Apple Computer)

Bartlett, Peter J.
Enigma (1985, C16)
Robo Knight (1987, C16, US Gold)

Basham, Bill
Dogfight (1980, AP2, Micro Lab)

Bass, Daniel
[P] Loco-Motion (1982, INT, Mattel) port from COIN
Tower of Doom (1984, INT, INTV)

Bate, Michael
BC's Quest for Tires, with Rick Banks (1983, AP2?, Sierra)

Bates, Bob [founder of Legend]
[D] Sherlock: The Riddle of the Crown Jewels (1988, many, Infocom)
[D] Arthur: The Quest for Excalibur (1989, many, Infocom)
[D] TIMEQUEST (1991, PC, Legend)
[D] Eric The Unready (1993, PC, Legend)
[D] Spycraft: The Great Game (1996, PC, Activision)
[D] Quandaries (1997, PC, US Dept of Justice)
[D] John Saul's Blackstone Chronicles: An Adventure in Terror (1998, PC, Mindscape)

Battenberg, Rex
Flashpoint (unreleased Odyssey 3 prototype)
Zoo Keeper, with John Morgan and Rex Battenberg (1982, COIN, Taito America)

Baumrucker, Steven J., MD
Warrior of Ras, Volume I: Dunzhin, with Randall Masteller (1983?, 800, Screenplay)
Warrior of Ras, Volume II: Kaiv, with Randall Masteller (1983?, 800, Screenplay)
Warrior of Ras, Volume III: Wylde, with Randall Masteller (800, Screenplay)
Warrior of Ras, Volume IV: Ziggurat, with Randall Masteller (800, Screenplay)
Pogo Joe, with W.F. Denman (1983, C64, Screenplay) Q*bert-like
The Trivia Arcade, with Randall Masteller (1984, C64, Screenplay)

Bazier, Robert
Stunt Cycle, with Harry Tarnoff (AP2, Programma)

Beck, Steve
Save the Whales (?, 2600, Fox) self-released 2002

Becklund, Tom
Thunder Bombs (1982, AP2, Penguin)
Bouncing Kamungas (1983, AP2, Penguin)

Bedrosian, Gary
Close Assault (1982, 800, Avalon Hill)

Beekhuis, Kees
[P] Into the Eagles Nest (1988, 800, Pandora/Atari) port from C64
[P] Tanium (1988, 800, Players) port from C64

Behlen, James W.
Mini-Golf (1982, TI99, BeeJay Funware
Mini-Golf II (1983, TI99, BeeJay Funware)

Behnke, John
Missile Wars (1987, TI99, Asgard)
The Haunted Mine (1987, TI99, Asgard)
The Volcano Fortress (1987, TI99, Asgard)

Belka, Edgar
Desmond's Dungeon (1984, 800, Creative Sparks/Thorn EMI)

Bell, Bradley J.
Volleyball (1981, 800, Softside)

Bell, Ian
Free Fall (1983, BBCB, Acornsoft)
*Elite, with David Braben (1984, BBCB, Acornsoft) C64 version released in 1985

Bell, John [founder of Crystalware]
[B] Galactic Quest (1980, AP2, Crystalware)
House of Usher (1980, AP2, Crystalware)
[B] Fantasyland 2041 AD (1980, AP2, Crystalware)
[B] Beneath the Pyramids (1980, AP2, Crystalware)
[B] Sands of Mars (1981, AP2, Crystalware)
[B] World War III (1981, AP2, Crystalware)
[B] Little Crystal I & II (1981, AP2, Crystalware)
[B] Waterloo II, with Tom Tallman (1981, 800/AP2, Crystalware)
[B] Glamis Castle (1982, 800, Crystalware)
[B] Haunted Palace (1982, 800, Crystalware)
Starion (1983, 800, ROMox)

Bell, Tim
Snooker (1984, SPEC, Visions Software Factory)

Bellin, Adam
Robot Battle (1982, AP2, United Software of America) also wrote 800 version
Murder on the Mississippi: The Adventures of Sir Charles Foxworth (1986, AP2?, ACT)
[1998: with EA]

Benham, Jason
Bengo (1982, VIC, Mr. Micro)
Jogger (1982, VIC, Mr. Micro)
Digger (1982, VIC, Mr. Micro)
Amigo (1982, VIC, Mr. Micro)
Caterpillar (1983, ROMIK)
Megawarz (1983, C64, Paramount Software)
Outback (1983, VIC/C64, Paramount Software)
Roomlord (1984, C64, Paramount Software)
Guzzler (1984, C64, Interceptor)
Bigtop Barney (1985, C64, Interceptor)
Legend of Sinbad (1985, C64, Superior)
Fair Means/Foul (1986, C64, Superior)
Batty (1987, C64, Elite Systems)
Pro Boxing Sim (1988, C64, Codemasters)
Kwik Snax (1989, C64, Codemasters)
[G] Noah's Ark (1991, NES, Konami)
[G] Home Alone 2 (1992, SNES, THQ)
[G] Toys (1993, SNES, Absolute)
[G] Home Improvement (1994, SNES, Absolute)

Benioff, Marc Russell
Gwendolyn (1983?, 800, Artworx)
Escape from Vulcan's Isle (1983, 800, Epyx)
King Arthur's Heir (1983, 800, Epyx)
Quest For Power (1981, 800, Crystalware)

Bennett, Andrew
[P] Boulder Dash (BBCB/BBCE)

Bennett, Tommy
[T] Avalanche (1984?, 800, ANALOG Computing) Q*bert-like

Bentebal, K.
[D] Soko-Ban (1984, AP2, Spectrum Holobyte)

Bentley, Forrest
[T] Lava Flow (1988, C64, Compute!'s Gazette)
[T] Bombardment (1989, C64, Compute!'s Gazette)

Bentley, Kevin
Amnesia, with Thomas M. Disch (AP2, Cognetics/EA)

Benton, Charles "Chuck"
Softporn Adventure (AP2) precursor to Leisure Suit Larry
Jump Jet (1982, AP2, Avant Garde)
BC's Quest For Tires (1983, 800/C64, Sierra) port from AP2?

Berez, Joel
[G] *Zork I: The Great Underground Empire (1980, many, Infocom)

Berger, Adam
Star Sentry, with Craig Patchett (1982, 800, ANALOG Software)

Berker, Paul
3-D Space Battle (AP2, Loch Ness)
Adventure in Time (1981, AP2, Phoenix)
Birth of the Phoenix (1981, AP2, Phoenix)
Queen of Phobos, with Bill Crawford (1982, AP2, Phoenix)

Berlyn, Michael [founder of Sentient Software; co-founder of Eidetic]
Oo-Topos, with Muffy Berlyn (1981, AP2, Sentinent) later from Penguin
Cyborg (1982, Sentinent)
Gold Rush (Sentient)
Congo, with Harry Wilker (1982?, AP2, Sentient)
Suspended (1983, many, Infocom)
Infidel, with Patricia Fogleman (1983, many, Infocom)
Cutthroats, with Jerry Wolper (1984, Infocom)
[G] Fooblitzky (1986, many, Infocom)
[D] Tass Times in Tonetown, with Muffy Berlyn (1986, Interplay)
Dr. Dumont's Wild P.A.R.T.I. (1987, First Row)
Altered Destiny (1990, AMI, Accolade)
[D] Search for the King, with Steve Cartwright (1990, PC, Accolade)
Snoopy's Game Club, with Gene Smith (1992, Accolade)
[D] Bubsy Bobcat in: Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind (1993, SNES/GEN, Accolade)
[D] Mystery Capers, with Marc Blank (1994, NEWT, Apple/Starcore)
Motile (1994, NEWT, Eidetic)
[DG] Live Action Football (1994, PC, Accolade)
[DG] All Star Baseball (1995, PC, Accolade)
[1998: with EA]

Berman, Oliver
Sacred Stone (AP2)

Bernor, Gerald
[TB] Dante’s Inferno (1980, TRS, Softside)

Berns, Eagle I.
The Coveted Mirror, with Holly Thomason (1983, AP2?, Penguin)
Pie Man (1983?, AP2, Penguin)
MacMATCH (MAC, Axlon)

Berry, Danielle [formerly Dan Bunten; founder of Ozark Softscape; RIP 1998]
Wheeler Dealers (1978, AP2, Speakeasy)
Computer Quarterback (1979, AP2, SSI)
Cartels & Cutthroats, with Bill Bunten (1981, AP2, SSI)
Cytron Masters, with Jim Rushing, Bill Bunten, and Alan Watson (1982, AP2, SSI)
*M.U.L.E., with same (1983, 800, EA)
*Seven Cities of Gold, with same (1984, 800, EA)
Heart of Africa, with same (1985, C64, EA)
Robot Rascals, with Alan Watson (1986, C64, EA)
[G] Modem Wars (1988, PC, EA)
[G] Command HQ (1990, PC, Microrose)
[G] Global Conquest (1992, PC, EA)
[D] Warsport (1997, PC, TimeSink)

Bertoni, Len
[P] Bandits (1983, AP2, Sirius) port from AP2

Bertram, Anthony
[T] Tank Ambush (1989, C64, Compute!'s Gazette)

Bethell, John
Iwo Jima 1945/Falklands 1982 (1985, C64, Firebird)

Betts, Andrew
[P] Warhawk (1986, 800, Firebird) port from C64
I-ball (1987, C64, Firebird)
I-ball 2 (1988, C64, Firebird)

Bever, Ed
Decision in the Desert, with Sid Meier (1985, 800, Microprose)
Conflict In Vietnam, with Sid Meier (1985, 800, Microprose)
Crusade in Europe, with Sid Meier (1985, 800, Microprose)
Revolution '76 (1989, GS, Britannica Software)
Great Naval Battles [series] with Roy Gibson (1992-3, PC or AMI?, SSI)

Beveridge, Jim
[P] Empire: Wargame of the Century (1984, PC/DEC Rainbow)

Bevington, Carl
[TB] Hexapawn (1982, TRS, Softside)

Beznard, John "Bez"
Bezman (AP2) Pac-Man clone
Bez Wars (AP2)
Bez Off (AP2)
Pensate (AP2, Penguin)
Arcade Boot Camp (AP2, Pengiun)

Biddle, John
The Bermuda Race, with Gordon Mattox (1983, AP2, Sams)

Bies, Bill
Arthropod (1983, TI99, North Hills) Centipede-like
AsTIroids (1983, TI99, North Hills) Asteroids-like
Arcturus (1985, TI99, Exceltec) Zaxxon-like

Biess, W.J.
Bubbles (1983, AP2, Tellus Systems)

Bigelow, Marc
[P] Quasimodo (C64, Synapse) port from 800

Biggs, Stephen C.
Slamball (1984, C64, Synapse) originally started for 800 by Dirk Van Horne

Bigham, Dane [co-founder of Presage Software Development]
Where in the World is Carmen SanDiego? (1985, AP2, BROD)

Bigham, Elrhea
[TB] Word Challenge (1981, 800, Softside)
Adventure On A Boat (800, Sublogic)
The Black Forest (800, Sublogic)
Ghostly Manor (800, Sublogic)
Robby The Robot Catcher (800, Sublogic)
Sky Rescue (800, Sublogic)
Zendar, with Paul Bigham (AP2, Sublogic)

Bigham, Paul
Zendar, with Elrhea Bigham (AP2, Sublogic)

Billings, Joel [founder of SSI]
Computer Bismarck, with John Lyon (1980, AP2, SSI) first SSI game
Pursuit of the Graf Spee (1982, SSI)

Billyard, Adam Michael
Bellum (1983, 800, APX)
Henri (1984, 800, Visions Software Factory) Mr. Do-like
Chop Suey (1983, 800, English)
ElectraGlide (1984, 800, English)
Q-Ball (1985, ST, English)
[N] RenderWare (1994, PC, Criterion) 3-D graphics library

Binkowski, Ron
Fowl Play (1981, TI99, Futura)
Getcha! (1981, TI99, Futura)
The Hustler (1981, TI99, Futura)
London Blitz (1982, TI99, Futura)

Birn, Jeremy
[TB] Quatro (1987, 800, Antic)

Bishop, Bob
Rocket Pilot (1977, AP2)
Star Wars (1977, AP2)
Saucer Invasion (1977, AP2)
Space Maze (1977, AP2)
Bomber (AP2, 1978)
Galacticube (1978, AP2)
[T] Li'l Red Bug (1980?, AP2, Creative Computing)
Dung Beetles (1982, AP2, Datasoft)
[N] Micropainter (1982?, AP2, Datasoft)
Money Munchers (1982, AP2, Datamost)
Gobblers (1985, AP2, Interactive Arts)

Bishop, David
Witch's Brew (1989, TI99, Asgard)
Wizard's End (1989, TI99, Asgard)

Bitter, Wendell
Hangman (1977, AP2)

Bittrolff, Steve
Anthill (800, APX)

Bixby, Robert
[T] Lincoln Green (1988, C64, Compute!'s Gazette)
[T] Jericho II: The Revenge (1989, C64, Compute!'s Gazette)
[T] Qewb (1990, C64, Compute!'s Gazette)

Bjork, Steve
Space Balls (1979, TRS, Computer Light & Sound)
Galactic Fighter (1979, TRS, Computer Light & Sound)
Space Balls II (1980, TRS, Computer Light & Sound)
Popcorn (1981, COCO, Tandy/DataSoft)
[N] Micropainter (1981, COCO, Tandy/DataSoft)
[P] Canyon Climber, with James Garon (1982?, COCO) port from 800
Mega-Bug (1982, COCO, Tandy/DataSoft)
Sands of Egypt, with James Garon (1982, COCO, DataSoft)
[P] Clowns & Balloons (1983, COCO, DataSoft)
[P] Zaxxon (1983, COCO, DataSoft)
Ghana Bwana (1984, COCO, PC, Tandy/SRB)
Stellar Life Line (1984, COCO, Tandy/SRB)
Desert Rider (1984, COCO, Tandy/SRB)
[P] Dr. J and Larry Bird go One on One (1983, COCO, EA) port from AP2
[N] Color Computer Artist (1987, COCO, Tandy)
[P] Super Pitfall (1988, COCO, Tandy/ACT)
Mine Rescue (1988, COCO, SRB Software)
Bash (1988, COCO, SRB Software)
Z-89 (1989 COCO, SRB Software)
Marty's Nightmare (1990, COCO, SRB Software)
The Rocketeer (1991, SNES, Disney)
Captain Planet (1992, GEN, Sega)
Bass Masters Classic with Bob Polaro, (1995, SNES, THQ)
Bass Masters Classic Pro, with Bob Polaro (1996, SNES/GEN, THQ)

Blackmer, Bob
[T] Island Quest (1988, C64, Ahoy!)
[TB] Tri Words (1988, 128, Ahoy!)
[T] Tubular! (1988, C64, Ahoy!)
[T] Turbo Ski (1988, C64, Ahoy!)

Blakemore, Cleveland M.
[TB] Archer (1987, 128, Ahoy!)
[TB] Lost Dutchman's Mine (1988, C64, Ahoy!)
[TB] Phantasy (1988, 128, Ahoy!)
[TB] Phobia (1988, C64, Ahoy!)
[TB] Rashgar: Master of Dimension X (1988, 128, Ahoy!)
[TB] Snap Snake (1988, C64, Ahoy!)
[TB] Vee Kloros (1988, C64, Ahoy!)

Blank, George
[TB] Round the Horn (1979, TRS, Softside)
[TB] Dive Bomb (1979, TRS, Softside)
[TB] Pork Barrell (1980, TRS, Softside)
[TB] Troll’s Gold (1980, TRS/AP2, Softside)
Santa Paravia and Fiumaccio (1980, TRS/AP2, Instant)

Blank, Marc [co-founder of Infocom; co-founder of Eidetic]
[G] Dungeon (1977, DEC PDP-11 and DecSystem-20) the original Zork, written at MIT
[G] *Zork I: The Great Underground Empire (1980, many, Infocom)
Zork II: The Wizard of Frobozz, with Dave Lebling (1981, many, Infocom)
Zork III: The Dungeon Master, with Dave Lebling (1982, many, Infocom)
*Deadline, with Dave Lebling (1982, many, Infocom)
Enchanter, with Dave Lebling (1983, many, Infocom)
[G] Fooblitzky (1986?, 800, Infocom)
Border Zone (1987, many, Infocom)
Journey (1989, many, Infocom)
Mystery Capers, with Mike Berlyn (1994, NEWT, Apple/Starcore)

Blauschild, Bob
Escape from Rungistan (1982, AP2, Sirius)
Critical Mass (1983, AP2, Sirius)

Blazczyk, Mark
Zoo Keeper, with John Morgan and Rex Battenberg (1982, COIN, Taito America)

Blumenthal, Lee
[TB] Draw Poker with Joel Willard (1980, TRS, Softside)

Bobbio, Robert
? [P] Learning with Leeper (1983, 800, Sierra) port from 800
Heathcliff (1984, 800, Datasoft)

Bobbitt, Chris [founder of Asgard Software]
Balloon Wars (1987, TI99, Asgard)
Classic Checkers (1992, TI99, Asgard)
Column Attack (1988, TI99, Asgard)

Bobco, Maxine
Henhouse (1982, TI99, Funware)
Driving Demon (1983, TI99, Funware)
Rabbit Trail (1983, TI99, Funware)
Lobster Bay (1983, TI99, Funware)
St. Nick (1983, TI99, Funware)

Boden, Scott [founder of Enerdyne]
[P] Star Castle (1980, COIN, Cinematronics) designed by Tim Skelly
Solar Quest (COIN, Cinematronics)
Upshot (COIN, Taito)
Complex X (COIN, Taito)
Trivia Master (1985, COIN)
Deluxe Music Trivia, with Tim Skelly (1985, COIN)

Bohlke, David
[TB] Engineer (1979, TRS, Softside)
[TB] Kiddy Slot Game (1979, TRS, Softside)
[TB] Jigsaw (1979, TRS, Softside)
[TB] Safari (1979, TRS, Softside)
[TB] All Star Baseball (1979, TRS, Softside)
[TB] Collision (1979, TRS, Softside)
[TB] Protour 80 (1980, TRS, Softside)
[TB] Master’s Golf (1980, 800, Softside)
[TB] Maze Search (1980, 800, Softside)
[TB] Stratoblaster (1980, 800, Softside)
Tycoon (1980, TRS, Softside)
PR Dogfight (1980, TRS, Softside)
World Series (1980, 800, Softside)
Double Cannon (1980, 800, Softside)
[TB] Engineer (1980, 800, Softside)
[TB] Speedello (1980, 800, Softside)
[TB] Stud Poker (1980, TRS, Softside)
[TB] Angle Cannon (1981, 800, Softside)
[TB] Number Battle (1981, 800, Softside)
[TB] Blocked (1981, 800, ANALOG Computing) Surround-like
[TB] Cannon Duel (1981, 800, ANALOG Computing) Artillery-like
[TB] 3-D Maze (1983, 800, Antic)
[TB] Androton (1984, 800, Antic)
Engineer (1986, PC)

Bollt, Erik
Trompers (AP2, Avant Garde)

Bonifacio, Robert T.
Meltdown (1982, 800, Cosmi)
Aztec Challenge (1982, 800, Cosmi) originally "The Bonifas"
The E Factor (1983, 800, Cosmi)
Caverns of Khafka (1984, 800, Cosmi)
Chomp! (1989, C64, Cosmi)
Delta Man (C64, Cosmi)

Booth, Roger
[P] Q*bert's Qubes (1983?, COL/PC, PB) port from COIN

Bosson, Ralph
T.A.C. [Tactical Armor Command] (1983, AP2, Avalon Hill)

Boswell, Colin
Tomahawk, with D.K. Marshall (1986, 800/C64, Digital Integration LTD)
F-16 Combat Pilot, with Paul Margrave and Rod Swift (1989, ST/AMI, Digital Integration LTD)

Botti, John
Lost Ark of the Covenant (AP2)

Bouchard, Rich
[TB] Space Dodge (1980, 800, Softside)
[TB] Miner with Steve Justus (1981, 800/AP2, Softside)
[TB] Strategy Strike (1981, 800, Softside)
[TB] Code Master (1981, 800, Softside)
[TB] Kidnapped! with Alan Zett(1981, 800, Softside)
[TB] Quest (1981, AP2, Softside)

Bowery, Jim
SPASIM (1974, PLATO) first multiplayer 3D First Person Shooter

Bownman, Paul
[G] Arctic Fox, with Damon Slye (1985, AMI, EA) port from AMI

Boyd, Alan M.
Global War (1979, AP2, Muse)

Bozeman, Jim
Moon Base Rynin (1983, TI99, CMS Systems)

Braben, David
*Elite, with Ian Bell (1984, BBCB, Acornsoft) C64 version released in 1985
Lander (1987, ARC) early demo of Zarch that shipped with Acorn machines
Zarch (1988, ARC, Superior) later "Virus" for AMI
Frontier: Elite II (1993, AMI)
Frontier: First Encounters (1995, PC, GameTek)
Darxside (1995, GEN, Sega)
Virus 2000 (1998, PC)

Bradfield, Andrew [RIP 2001]
Laser Hawk (1986, 800, Red Rat) graphics by Harvey Kong Tin
HawkQuest, with Harvey Kong Tin (1989, 800, RedRat)

Bradford, Rex
The Empire Strikes Back (1982, 2600, PB)
Jedi Arena (1982, 2600, PB)
[U] Kabobber (2600, ACT) freely released in 2000

Bradley, David W.
Parthian Kings (1983, AP2, Avalon Hill)

Bradley, Kathy
[P] Fast Eddie (1982, VIC, Sirius) port from 2600

Bradley, Phillip
[P] Baltic 1985 (1987, AP2, SSI)
[P] Norway 1985 (1987, AP2, SSI)

Bradshaw, Stephen
Block Buster, with Alan Griesemer (1982?, 800, APX) Rubik's Cube

Braine, Lee
[P] Burgertime (1984, C64, Interceptor) port from COIN
Where's My Bones (1984, C64, Interceptor)
Spirit of the Stones, with Ian Gray (1985, C64, Commodore)

Brandenburg, Bryan
Sentinel (1983, C64, Synapse)

Brantner, Tony
[T] Steeplechase (1987, C64, Ahoy!)
[TB] Video Poker (1988, C64, Run)
[T] Ram Rod (1990, C64, Run)

Braunstein, Andrew
[TB] Code Master (1981, TRS, Softside)

Braybrook, Andrew
3D Luna-Attack (1984, C64, Hewson)
Gribbly's Day Out (1985, C64, Hewson)
*Paradroid (1985, C64, Hewson)
Alleykat (1986, C64, Hewson)
Uridium (1986, C64. Hewson)
Uridium+ (1987, C64, Hewson)
Morpheus (1987, C64, Rainbird)
Intensity (1988, C64, Firebird)
Rainbow Islands (1989, AMI, Ocean/Graftgold)
Paradroid Competitive Edition (C64, Hewson)
Heavy Metal Paradroid (C64, 990, Hewson)
Uridium 2 (1990, AMI)
Uridium Special (AMI)
Gribbly's Special Day Out (AMI)
Simulcra (ST/AMI)
Paradroid '90, with Dominic Robinson (1990, AMI, Graftgold)
Fire and Ice (1991, AMI, Graftgold)
[G] Realms (ST)
Empire Soccer (1994, AMI, Graftgold)
Virocop (1995, AMI, Graftgold)

Brecher, Jerry
[P] Miner 2049'er (1983, VIC, Restom) port from 800

Breen, Mike
Buzz Bombers (1983, INT, Mattel)

Brewer, Chris
Mach III, with Fred Darmstadt (1983?, COIN, Mylstar)

Brewer, Walter
Galaxy (1983, C64, Avalon Hill)

Brewster, Derek
Haunted Hedges (1984, SPEC, Micromega)
Starclash (1984, SPEC, Micromega)
Codename Mat (SPEC)
Codename Mat II (SPEC)
Jasper (SPEC)

Briggs, Amy
Plundered Hearts (1987, many, Infocom)
[N] Gamma Force in Pit of a Thousand Screams (1988, many, Infocom) Infocomics
Quarterstaff: The Tomb of Setmoth, with Scott Schmitz and Ken Updike (1988, MAC, Infocom)

Bright, Walter
*Empire (1978, DEC System 10) later updated by Mark Baldwin as Empire: Wargame of the Century (1988, PC, Interstel/EA)
[N] Zortech C++ (1989?, PC)

Brinson, Jerry
Artillery Duel (1983, VIC)

Brioso, David
[G] Capitan Sevilla (1988, SPEC?, Dinamic)
[P] Hypsys (1989, SPEC?, DRO Soft) designed by Manuel Gasco

Bristow, Steve
Tank (1974, COIN, Kee) finished by Lyle Rains

Britto, Arthur
Crypt of Medea, with Allan Lamb (1984, AP2, Sir-Tech)
Rescue Raiders, with Greg Hale (1984, AP2, Sir-Tech)
[P] Strategic Conquest (1986, AP2, PBI) port from ?
Armor Alley, with Greg Hale (1991, MAC/PC, Three-Sixty Pacific)

Brock, Ernie
Type Attack, with design by Jim Hauser (1982, 800, Sirius)

Brodersen, Bob
Galactic Gliders (1987, AP2)
Sea Hunt (1987, AP2, Keypunch)

Brooker, Clive
[P] One Man and His Droid (198x, 800, Mastertronic) port from ?

Brooks, John
[P] Tomahawk (AP2, Datasoft) port from ?

Brors, Keith
[P] Eagles (1983, AP2, SSI) port from 800?
Wizard's Crown, with Paul Murray (C64, SSI)
[L] Pool of Radiance (AP2, SSI)
Rebel Charge at Chickamauga, with David Landrey and Chuck Kroegel (1987, AP2, SSI)
[G] Curse of the Azure Bonds (1989, AP2, SSI)
? Panzer General, with Paul Murray (PC, SSI)

Broussard, Michael
[TB] Kalah (1989, C64, Run)

Brown, Austin R.
[TB] Reverse (1980, AP2, Softside)

Brown, Donald
Sword Thrust (1981, AP2, CE Software)
Sword Thrust 2: The Vampyre Caves (1981, AP2, CE Software)
Sword Thrust 3: Kidnapper's Cove (1981, AP2, CE Software)

Brown, Trevor
[P] Feud (198x, 800, Mastertronic) port from ?

Brown, Wendell
Beauty & the Beast (1982, INT, Imagic)

Brownlee, B.
Nominoes Jigsaw Puzzle, with Charles Minns (1981, AP2, Dynacomp)

Bruette, Jeff
[P] Wizard of Wor (1983, C64, Commodore) port from COIN

Bryant, Martin
Colossus Chess (1983, 800, English)

Brzuszek, Joe
[TB] Monster Match (1990, 800, Antic)

Buckland, Patrick
[P] Submarine Commander (1983, AP2) port from ?

Buckner, Kevin
River Rescue (1983, 800, Thorn EMI)
[P?] Java Jim (1984, 800, Creative Sparks/Thorn EMI)
Knights of the Sky, with Andrew Parton and Mark Langerak (1992, ST/AMI, Microprose)

Budge, Bill
Penny Arcade (1979, AP2, Apple Computer)
Trilogy of Games (1980, AP2, California Pacific)
Space Album (1980, AP2, Calfornia Pacific)
[N] 3-D Game Tool (1981, AP2, Callifornia Pacific)
Tranquility Base (1981, AP2, Stoneware)
Raster Blaster (1981, AP2, BudgeCo)
*Pinball Construction Set (1983, AP2, EA) originally from BudgeCo
[N] MousePaint (1984, AP2, Apple Computer)
Virtual Pinball (1994, GEN, EA)
[G] Bladeforce (1995, 3DO, Studio 3DO) wrote 3D engine, parts of game

Bueche, Chuck "Chuckles" [co-founder of Origin]
Pacific Coast Freeway (1982, AP2, California Pacific Computer Company)
Lunar Leeper (1982, AP2, Sierra)
Laff Pak (1982, AP2, Sierra)
[P] Jawbreaker II (1982, AP2/800, Sierra) semi-port from 2600
[P] Ultima II (1982?, 800, Sierra) port from AP2
[P] Ultima III (1983, 800/C64, Origin) port from AP2
Caverns of Callisto (1983, AP2/800, Origin)
[P] Ultima IV (1985?, C64, Origin) port from AP2
*Autoduel (1985, AP2, Origin)
2400 A.D. (1988, AP2, Origin)
[P] Omega (1988, C64, Origin)
[PG] Cyberia 2 (1998, PC, Xatrix)
[L] Vertical Reality (1997, COIN, LBE Arcade/Sega Gameworks)

Buehler, David
Typo Attack (1982, 800, APX/Atari) educational
Impact (1983, 800, APX)
Wyzle! (1983, 800, APX)

Buiter, Karl [co-founder of Orbital Studios,, Orange Zephyr]
EOS: Earth Orbit Stations (1987, AP2, EA)
Sentinel Worlds I: Future Magic (1988, PC, EA)
[L] Hard Nova (1990, PC, EA)
[G] Spellcraft: Aspects of Valor (PC, ASCII)
[G] Shadows of Yserbius (PC, Sierra/INN)
[L] Forced Alliance: The Glarious Mandate (PC, 1997, Ripcord/Panasonic)
[L] Schwa Pyramid (PC, Worldplay)
EOS: Earth Orbit Stations (1987, C64, EA)
[G] Elmo's Alphabet Adventure / Number Journey (1999, PS1/N64, NewKidCo/CTW)
[G] Sesame Street Sports (2001, PS1, NewKidCo/CTW)

Buller, Martin
It's the Wooluf! (1984, SPEC, Crystal Computing)

Bulwa, Walt
[TB] Helicopter Round-up (1985, 800, Antic)

Bunch, David
Electrician (1984, 800, Synapse)
[L] Breakers (1985, AP2, Synapse)
[P] Brimstone: The Dream of Gawain, with Bill Darrah and William Mataga (1985, AP2, Synapse)
Skate or Die!, with Stephen Landrum (1987, C64, EA)

Bunten, Bill
Cartels & Cutthroats, with Dan Bunten (1981, AP2, SSI)
[also see Danielle Berry]

Bunten, Dan - see Danielle Berry

Burch, Ted
[TB] Cliff-Hanger (1989, C64, Commodore Magazine)

Burck, James
Galaxy (1983, TI99, Avalon Hill)

Burek, Mike
Jellyfish (1982, AP2, Sirius)

Burkhill, Keith
[P] Commando, with Nigel Alderton (1985, SPEC, Elite) port from COIN
[P] Ghosts 'n Goblins (1986, SPEC, Elite) port from COIN
[P] Space Harrier (1987, SPEC, Elite) port from COIN

Burlew, Tom
Stellar Trek (1980, AP2, Rainbow)

Burns, S.
Duellin' Droid (1984, 800, English) Robotron-like

Burnstein, Neil
Q*bert's Qubes (1983, COIN, Mysltar/Gottlieb)

Buro, Michael
Collect (1982, AP2)

Burt, Jon
C.I.A. Adventure (1982, TI99, Futura)
TI Runner, with Scott Emery (1984, TI99, EB Software) later Star Runner (1987, TI99, DaTaBiotics)

Bushnell, Nolan [founder of Atari]
Computer Space (1971, COIN, Nutting Associates)
*Pong, with Al Alcorn (1972, COIN, Atari)
*[D] Breakout (1976, COIN, Atari) hardware by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak

Butherus, Martin
Lantern of D'Gamma (1985, AP2, Milliken Publishing)

Butler, Chris
Hypercircuit (1985, C64, Alligata)
Z (1985, C64, Rino)
[P] Commando (1985, C64, Elite) port from COIN
[P] Ghosts 'n Goblins (1986, C64, Elite) port from COIN
[P] Space Harrier (1987, C64, Elite) port from COIN
Battleships (1987, C64, Elite) [not released until 1990]
[P] 720 (1987, C64, US Gold) port from COIN
[P] Thunderblade (1988, C64, US Gold) port from COIN
[P] Powerdrift (1989, C64, ACT) port from COIN
Ninja Spirit (1990, C64, ACT)
Turbocharge (1991, C64, System 3)
Arnie (1992, C64, Zeppelin)

Butler, David H.
[TB] Basic Burger (1985, 800, ANALOG) Burger Time-like

Butler, J.
Turtles! (O2, NAP)

Butler, Stephan L.
[P] Pipe Dream, with Akila Redmer (1990, AP2, LucasFilm Games) port from PC

Butrovich, John
[P] Conan (1984, C64, Datasoft) port from AP2

Caballero, M.D.
Batty Builders (1983, 800, English)
Firefleet (1983, 800, English)

Cage, Gary
[TB] Melody Dice (1981, AP2/800/TRS, Softside)

Calabrese, Joe
Jigsaw (1982, AP2, Microlab)
High Rise (1982, AP2, Microlab) port from AP2

Caldwell, Mark
[P] King's Bounty (1990, AP2, New World Computing)

Calfree, Robert
[P] Roadwar 2000, with Jeff Johnson (1986, AP2, SSI)

Callahan, Michael
Alpha Beam with Ernie (1983, 2600, Atari)

Campbell, Ben
[T] Minesweeper (1989, C64, Compute!'s Gazette)

Campion, Mark C.
Rails West (1983, AP2, SSI)

Campos, Manuel
Spectar (1981?, COIN, Exidy)

Canfil, Art
Taipan (1980, TRS, Softside) later (1982, AP2, Avalanche)

Canter, John
Pushy Pig (1983, 800, Arkin)

Cantwell, Edward C.
Highrollers (1987, TI99, self-published) dice game

Capener, Chris
Funky Fish (EMER)
[P] Jumpman Jr., with Randy Glover (1984?, COL, Epyx) port from C64

Carbonaro, Greg
Number Cruncher (1982, AP2, Unique)
People Pong (1982, AP2, Unique)
Ape Escape, with Mike Riedel (1982, VIC, Spectravideo)
Cave-In (1983, VIC, Spectravision) Pac-Man-like

Carbone, Thomas R.
Universe (1984, 800, Omnitrend) sequel: Universe 2 by William Leslie
Paladin, with William Leslie (1988, AMI/ST, Omnitrend)
Paladin II (1993, PC, Omnitrend/Impressions)

Card, Orson Scott
[TB] Gypsy Starship (1985, C64, Ahoy!)

Carlson, Craig
[P] $100,000 Pyramid (1987, AP2, Box Office) game show

Carlston, Doug [co-founded Broderbund in 1980]
Galactic Empire (1980, TRS, Softside)
Galactic Trader (1980, TRS, Softside)
Galactic Revolution (1980, TRS, Softside)
Tawala's Last Redoubt (1981)
*The Arcade Machine, with Chris Jochumson (1982?, AP2, BROD)

Carmack, John [co-founder of id Software]
Shadowforge (1989, AP2, Night Owl Productions)
Wraith (1990, AP2, Night Owl Productions)
Tennis (1990, AP2, Softdisk)
[G] Dark Designs (1990, AP2/PC, Softdisk)
Catacomb (1990, AP2/PC, Softdisk)
[G] Catacomb II (1990, PC, Softdisk)
[G] Slordax (1990, PC, Softdisk)
[G] Commander Keen: Marooned on Mars (1990, PC, id/Apogee)
[G] Commander Keen: The Earth Explodes (1990, PC, id/Apogee)
[G] Commander Keen: Keen Must Die! (1990, PC, id/Apogee)
[G] Shadow Knights (1991, PC, Softdisk)
[G] Dangerous Dave in the Haunted Mansion (1991, PC, id/Softdisk)
[G] Hovertank One (1991, PC, id/Softdisk)
[G] Rescue Rover! (1991, PC, id/Softdisk)
[G] Keen Dreams (1991, PC, id/Softdisk)
[G] Rescue Rover II: Return of the Robots (1991, PC, id/Softdisk)
[G] Commander Keen: Secret of the Oracle (1991, PC, id/Apogee)
[G] Commander Keen: The Armageddon Machine (1991, PC, id/Apogee)
[G] Commander Keen: Aliens Ate My Baby Sitter (1991, PC, id/Apogee)
[G] Catacomb 3-D (1991, PC, id/Softdisk)
[G] Wolfenstein 3-D (1992, many, id/Apogee)
[G] Spear of Destiny (1992, PC, id/Apogee)
*[G] DOOM (1993, many, id)
[G] DOOM II (1994, many, id)
*[G] Quake (1996, many, id)
[L] Quake II (1997, PC, id)
[L] Quake III: Arena (2000, PC, id)
[L] DOOM 3 (2004, PC, id)

Carnell, Roy [co-founded Carnell Software with Stuart Galloway]
Alien Intruder (ZX81, Carnell)
Wumpus Adventure (ZX81, Carnell)
Volcanic Dungeon (ZX81, Carnell) later for SPEC
Black Crystal (ZX81, Carnell) later for SPEC
Sinbad and the Golden Ship (SPEC, Carnell)
The Wrath of Magra (SPEC?, Carnell)

Caroli, Bengt [1943 - 1988]
Soldier One (1986, C64, American Action)
Captured (1986, C64, American Action)
Blood and Guts (1986, C64, American Action)
1943 (1987?, C64, American Action) not the Capcom game

Carpenter, Scott
The Great Race (1981, TRS, 80-U.S. Journal)

Carpet, Art
Cribbage II (AP2, Datamost)

Carr, Richard
Survivor (1982, 800, Synapse)
Air Support (1984, 800, Synapse)

Carter, Bob
Fire and Ice (1984, AP2, Datasoft)

Carter, Dene T.
[D] Druid (198x, Firebird) also lead artist
[D] Druid II (198x, Firebird) also lead artist
Cloud Kingdoms (198x, C64)

Carter, Ted
Galactic Barrier (1983, TI99, Funware)
Shanghai (1983, TI99, Funware)

Cartwright, Steve
Barnstorming (1982?, 2600, ACT)
Megamania (1982, 2600, ACT)
Seaquest (1982, 2600, ACT)
Frostbite (1983, 2600, ACT)
Plaque Attack (1984?, 2600, ACT)
[L] Hacker (1985, C64, ACT)
[G] Aliens, with Glyn Anderson, Peter Kaminski, and Gene Smith (1986, C64, ACT)
Hacker II: The Doomsday Papers, with Brad Fregger (1987, C64, ACT)
[D] Search for the King, with Michael Berlyn (1990, PC, Accolade)

Carver, Bruce [founder of Access]
[N] Spritemaster (1982, C64, self-published)
Neutral Zone (1983, C64, Access)
Beach Head (1983, C64, Access)
Raid Over Moscow (1984, C64, Access)
Beach Head 2, with Roger Carver (1985, C64, Access)
Leader Board, with Roger Carver (1986, C64, Access)
Leader Board Executive Class, with Roger Carver (1987?, C64, Access)
World Class Leader Board, with Roger Carver (1987, C64, Access)
Echelon, with Roger Carver (1988, C64/AMI, Access)

Carver, Roger
Beach Head 2, with Bruce Carver (1985, C64, Access)
Leader Board, with Bruce Carver (1986, C64, Access)
Leader Board Executive Class, with Brice Carver (1987?, C64, Access)
Echelon, with Bruce Carver (1988, C64/AMI, Access)

Case, Phillip [editor of SoftSide, 1980-82]
Galaxy Combat (1979, TRS, SoftSide/TSE)
International Bridge Contractors (1979, TRS, SoftSide/TSE)
Star Scout (1980, TRS, AI)
Venture (1981, TRS, Horizons)
[P] Arex (1983, C64, AI) port from TRS
[P] Airline (1983, C64, AI) port from 800
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai, with Scott Adams and Kern McNair (1985, many, AI)

Case, William Phillip, Jr.
[TB] Earth-Port II (1980, TRS, Softside)
[TB] Applebowler (1980, AP2, Softside)
[TB] Miner (1981, TRS, Softside)
[TB] International Bridge Contractors (1981, TRS, Softside)
[TB] Sonic Torpedoes (1980, TRS, Softside)
[TB] Galaxy Combat (1980, TRS, Softside)

Casey, Brian
[T] Jewel Grab (1989, C64, Compute!'s Gazette)

Cashen, Michael
Castles of Darkness (1981, AP2, The Logical Choice)

Casper, Al P.
Equestrian (1983, 800, APX)

Castagna, Will
[P] The Chalice of Mostania (1985, AP2, Coastal

Casten, J.D.
[TB] Risky Rescue (1984, 800, Antic)
[TB] Escape from Epsilon (1984, 800, Antic)
[TB] Advent X-5 (1984, 800, Antic)
[TB] Biffdrop (1984, 800, Antic)
[TB] Box-In (1985, 800, Antic)
[TB] Rebound (1987, 800, Antic)
[B] Maximillian B. (1987, 800, Antic) disk bonus

Caswell, Dennis
Phaser Patrol (1982?, 2600, Starpath)
Escape from the Mindmaster (1982?, 2600, Starpath)
Party Mix (1982?, 2600, Starpath)
Impossible Mission (1983, C64, Epyx)
Pitstop II, with Stephen Landrum (1984, C64, Epyx)

Catalano, James
[TB] Sorcerer's Apprentice (1988, 800, Antic)
[TB] Saucerian Shootdown (1989, 800, Antic)

Cauldwell, Jonathan
Egghead (1989, SPEC, Crash)
Egghead 2: To the Rescue (1990, SPEC, Crash)
Shove Off! (1990, SPEC) Soko-ban-like
Pipework (1991, SPEC, Your Sinclair)
Haunted House (1991, SPEC, Your Sinclair)
Super Fruit Machine (1991, SPEC, Sinclair User)
Megablast (1992, SPEC, Your Sinclair)
Squamble (19983, SPEC, Your Sinclair)
Egghead 3: Egghead in Space (2003, SPEC, Cronosoft)
Gloop! (2003, SPEC, Cronosoft) originally written in 1994
Dead or Alive (2003, SPEC, Cronosoft)

Cavanagh, Damien
Tazz (1984, C64, Bubble Bus) Robotron-like
[P] Hustler (1985, C16, Bubble Bus) port from C64; aka "Minnesota Fats Pool Challenge" in the US; also did ST port

Cavin, Dave
Minotaur (800, APX)

Cavina, Piero
Oystron (1998, 2600)

Cawley, Martin
Cave Runner (1983, 800, English)
Breath of the Dragon (1985, 800, English)

Cecco, Rafaelle
Cybernoid (SPEC)
Stormlord (SPEC)
Solomon's Key (SPEC)
Underwurlde (SPEC)
Cybernoid II (1988, CPC, Hewson)
Exolon (1989, SPEC/CPC, Hewson)
1st Samurai (1991, ST/AMI, Vivid Images)

Cecere, Frank
Gandolf the Sorcerer (1983, C64, Tymac)

Cermak, Dan
Colonial Conquest (C64/800, SSI)
Storm Across Europe (C64/800, SSI)

Cerny, Mark
Major Havoc, with Owen Rubin (1984, COIN, Atari)
*Marble Madness, with Bob Flanagan (1984, Atari Games, COIN)
[PG] Crash & Burn (1994?, 3DO, Crystal Dynamics)

Cestaro, Art V. III
[TB] Volcano (1980, TRS, Softside)
Leap Frog! (1983, 800, Rantom)

Chance, Christopher
Adventure Master (1984, AP2, CBS Software)

Chandler, Graeme
Cave Escape (MBEE)
Mystery of the Pyramid (MBEE)
The Ring of Targon (MBEE)
Rescue the Prince of Targon (MBEE)

Chang, Gray
Dog Daze (1981, 800, APX)
Claim Jumper (1982, 800, Synapse)
Dog Daze Deluxe (1983, 800, APX) later shareware
Bumpomov's Dogs (1984?, 800, Antic)

Chasin, Mark
Final Flight! (1982?, 800, MMG)

Chauvet, Max
[TB] Grand Prix (1980, TRS, Softside)

Cheser, Al
Matchboxes (1982, 800, BROD) also did C64 port

Chin, Bill
[T] RADs (1988, C64, Compute!'s Gazette)

Choi, Andrew
Invaders (Interton VC-4000)
Shootout (Interton VC-4000)
Space Attack (EMER)
Crazy Gobbler (EMER)

Christensen, Cory
Sphinx (1983, C64, D.E.S.-Soft)

Christensen, Greg
Caverns of Mars (1982?, 800, Atari)
Phobos (1983?, 800, APX)
Caverns of Mars II (1984?, 800, Antic)
[G] Battle Chess (1987?, AMI?, Interplay)

Christiansen, Bob
Fastgammon (1981, 800, Quality)

Christopherson, Leo
[B] Android Nim (1979, TRS) later from Softside
[B] Dancing Demon (1979, TRS) sold through Radio Shack
[B] Voyage of the Valkyrie! (1980, TRS, AOS?)
[B] Duel -N- Droids (1980, TRS, Acorn)
[B] Bee Wary (1980, TRS, Softside)
[B] Snake Eggs (1980, TRS, Softside)
[B] Life Two (1980, TRS, Softside)
[B] Duel-N-Droids (1980, TRS, Softside)

Churcher, Tony
Quincy (1984, SPEC, Severn)

Churnside, Ed
[B] Dragon's Quest or a Twist in the Tail (1982?, 800, APX) aka Dragon Quest

Clague, Larry
Pulsar, with Mike Hendricks (1980, COIN, Sega/Gremlin)
Eliminator, with Mike Hendricks (1983, COIN, Sega/Gremlin)
[P] Centipede (1983, COL, Atari) port from COIN
[P] Dig-Dug (1983, COL, Atari) port from COIN
[G] Summer Games II (1984, C64, Epyx)
Fencing (1984, C64, Epyx)
[G] World Series Baseball (1994-96, GEN, Sega)

Clapp, Glenn D.
[P] Shadow Hawk One (1981, AP2, Horizon Simulations)

Clardy, Robert
Dungeon Campaign (1978, AP2, Synergistic)
Wilderness Campaign (1979, AP2, Synergistic)
Sorcerors's Challenge & Doom Cavern (1980, AP2, Synergistic)
Odyssey: The Compleat [sic] Adventure (1980? AP2, Synergistic)
Microbe: The Anatomical Adventure (1982, AP2, Synergistic)
Apventure [sic] to Atlantis (1982, AP2, Synergistic) sequel to Odyssey
[P] Pitstop II, with Ivan Manley and C.D. Stinnett (AP2, Epyx) port from C64
Microscopic Mission (1986, AP2/PC, ACT)
[D] Space Ranger (1987, AMI/COIN, Virgin)
Thexder (1988, GS, Sierra)
Aargh (1988, GS, Virgin)
[D] War in Middle Earth (1988, many, Virgin)
[D] Spirit of Excalibur (1990, many, Virgin)
[D] New York Warriors (PC, 1990, Virgin)
[D] Vengeance of Excalibur (1991, many, Virgin)
[D] Conan the Cimmerian (1991, AMI/ST/PC, Virgin)
[D] Warriors of Legend (1993, PC, Virgin)
[D] Super Battleship (1993, SNES/GEN, Software Toolworks)
[D] The Beverly Hillbillies (1993, PC, Intracorp)
[D] Homey 'D' Clown (1993, PC, Intracorp)
[D] Carrier Aces (1994, SNES, GameTek)
[D] Air Cavalry (1995, SNES, GameTek)
[D] Thexder (1996, PC, Sierra)
[D] Birthright (1997, PC, Sierra)

Clark, D.W.
Missiles Defense (1981, AP2, On-Line)

Clark, Dennis
[P] Bump 'N' Jump, with Joe Jacobs (1983, INT, Mattel) port from COIN

Clark, Matt
Star Clones, with Dave Green (1981, AP2, Creative Computing)

Clark, Richard
Cave Fighter (1984, C64, Bubble Bus)
Gunlaw (1987, C16, Mastertronic)
Trizons (1986, C16, Bubble Bus)

Clark, Steve
Robot Panic (1982, VIC, Rabbit Software UK/HES)

Clark, Terry
[TB] Imhotep (1980, TRS, Softside)

Clarke, Anthony J.
OricMan (1983, ORIC, P.S.S.)
Hopper (1983, ORIC, P.S.S.)
Light Cycle (1983, ORIC, P.S.S.)
Xargon Wars (1984, C16, Gremlin Graphics)
Tycoon Tex (1984, C16, Gremlin Graphics)
Dorks Dilemma (1984, C16, Gremlin Graphics)
Frak 64! (1984, C64, State Soft)
Monty on the Run (1985, C64, Gremlin Graphics)
Thing on a Spring (1985, C64, Gremlin Graphics)

Cleaver, Thomas G.
Galactic Empires (1979, AP2, Powersoft)
The Final Conflict (1982, AP2, Hayden)

Clesius, Jeff
Commbat (1982, AP2, AI)

Cleveland, Dean
Tile Breaker (1985, TI99, Exceltec) Breakout-like; later Breakthrough (1989, TI99, DaTaBiotics)

Clifton, Marc-Thomas
Spills & Fills (1983, VIC, Creative)

Clough, Scott
Fun House Maze, with Lon Koenig and Paul Elseth (1984, AP2, Sunburst)

Coates, Ken
Icewar: the Battle of the Lake (1980, AP2)
[P] Doughboy (1984, C64, Synapse) port from VIC

Cochran, David W.
Galactic Taipan (1983, COCO, Ark Royal)

Cohen, Frank [co-founder of Regent]
Clowns & Balloons (1981, 800, Datasoft)
Cohen's Towers, with Alan Sinder (1983, 800, Datamost)
The Scrolls of Abadon (1984, 800/64, Access)
Ghost Chaser (1985, 800, Artworx)
Ollie's Follies (1985, 800/C64, American Eagle)
Scooter (1985, 800, Fanda/US Gold)

Cohn, Ted
Floppy, with Greg Hale (AP2)

Colbert, Robert
Okie Dokie (1996, 2600)

Cole, Chris
Sword of Kadash (1984, AP2, Penguin)

Cole, Dave C.
[P] Galactic Revolution, with Tony Newman (1980, AP2, BROD)

Coleman, Steve
[P] The Eliminator (1983, 800, AI) port from AP2; Defender-like
Pharaoh's Curse (1983, 800, Synapse)
Rainbow Walker (1983, 800, Synapse)
[P] Necromancer, with Scott Coleman (1984?, C64, Synapse) port from 800
Ninja (1986, 800, Sculptured/Mastertronic)
[P] Raid Over Moscow (1986, 800, Sculptured/Access) port from C64

Colgate, Gil
[P] Balance of Power (AP2) port from MAC
[P] Xenophobe (1990?, LNX, Atari) port/redesign from COIN

Collier, Dave
[P] Rambo: First Blood Part II, with Tony Pomfret (1985, C64, Ocean)
Roland's Rat Race, with Tony Pomfret (1985, C64, Ocean)
[P] Hypersports (1985, C64, Imagine) port from COIN
[P] Yie Ar Kung Fu (1986, C64, Ocean) port from COIN
[P} Terra Cresta (1986, C64, Ocean)
[P] Green Beret (1986, C64, Ocean)
[P] Combat School (1987, C64, Ocean)
[P] Dragon Ninja (1988, C64, Imagine)
Daley's Olympic Challenge (1988, C64, Ocean)

Collins, Steven
Herobotix (1987, C64, Hewson)
[P] Badlands (1990, C64, Domark) port from COIN

Collinson, Ian
[T] Chopper Command (1985, Dragon 32, Computer and Video Games) unrelated to the 2600 game
Mega Force, 1987?, BBCB/BBCE, Tynesoft)
Zenon (1988, BBCB/BBCE, Impact)
Breakthrough (1988, BBCB/BBCE, Audiogenic Sofware Limited)
Perplexity (1989, BBCB/BBCE, Superior)

Colvin, Mike
[TB] Stellar Defense (1983, 800, Antic)

Cominio, John
Stratos (1982, TRS, AI) Missile Command-like

Condo, F. J. Jr.
[TB] Rubi-Cube (1982, AP2, Softside)

Connell, Bob
Captain Beeble (1983, 800, Inhome)

Connelley, Jim [co-founder of Automated Simulations, which turned into Epyx]
[B] Starfleet Orion, with Jon Freeman (1978, PET, ASIM)
[B] Invasion Orion, with Jon Freeman (1979, PET, ASIM)
[B] Temple of Apshai, with Jon Freeman and Jeff Johnson (1979, PET/TRS, ASIM)
[B] Datestones of Ryn, with Jon Freeman and Jeff Johnson (1979, TRS, ASIM)
[B] Morloc's Tower, with Jon Freeman and Jeff Johnson (1979, TRS, ASIM)
[B] Rescue at Rigel, with Jon Freeman (1980, TRS, ASIM)
[GB] Hellfire Warrior (1980, TRS, ASIM)
[B] Star Warrior, with Jon Freeman (1981, TRS/800, ASIM)
Richochet (1981, TRS, ASIM)
Crush, Crumble & Chomp!, with Jon Freeman (1981, TRS, ASIM)
[L] Dragonriders of Pern (1983, 800/C64, Epyx)

Contos, Mike
[P] Lawkeeper (1984, 800, BROD) port from AP2

Cook, Robert B.
Gumball (1983, AP2, BROD)
[P] Karateka (1984?, 800, BROD) port from C64
[TB] Knock 31 (1989, C64, Compute!'s Gazette)
[T] Bomb Squad (1990, C64, Run)
D/Generation (1991, PC, Mindscape)

Cook, Vance
[P] World Class Leader Board (1987, AP2, Access) port from C64

Cooke, Mike
Checkout (1984, BBCB, Virgin Games)

Cooke, Pete
A Whole New Ballgame (SPEC, Crash)
Invincible Island (1983, SPEC, Richard Shepherd)
Urban Upstart (1984, SPEC, Richard Shepherd)
Inferno (1984, SPEC, Richard Shepherd)
20 Tons, with Chris Newcombe (1985, SPEC, 64 Tape Computing)
Ski Star 2000 (1985, SPEC, Richard Shepherd)
Juggernaut (1985, SPEC, CRL)
Tau Ceti (1985, SPEC, CRL)
Room 10 (1986, SPEC, CRL)
Academy (1987, SPEC, CRL)
Micronaut One (1987, SPEC, Nexus)
Brainstorm (1988, SPEC, Firebird)
Earthlight (1988, SPEC, Firebird)
Zolyx (1988, SPEC, Firebird)
Tower of Babel (1990, ST/AMI/ARC)
*F1GP, with Geoff Crammond (1992, AMI)
F1GP2, with Geoff Crammond (1995, PC, Microprose)
F1GP3, with Geoff Crammond (2000, PC, Microprose)
F1GP3 Season 2K, with Geoff Crammond (2001, PC, Microprose)

Cooper, Dave
Match Wits (1983, AP2, CBS)

Cope, John
[TB] Convoy, with William Morris (1981, TRS/AP2/800, Softside)

Copeland, Ian
[P] Draconus (1988, 800, Zeppelin Games/Cognito) port from C64
[P] Jocky Wilson's Compendium of Darts (1988, 800, Zeppelin Games)
[P] Star Wars (1988, 800, Zeppelin Games/Domark) port from COIN
[P] Jocky Wilson's Darts Challenge (1988, 800, Zeppelin Games)
[P?] Ninja Commando (1989, 800, Zeppelin Games)
[P] Fantastic Soccer (1989, 800, Zeppelin Games)
[P] Mountain Bike Racer (1989, 800, Zeppelin Games)
[P] Kenny Daglish Soccer Manager (1989, 800, Zeppelin Games/Cognito)
[P] Blinky's Scary Scholl (1990, 800/ST/C64, Zeppelin Games)
[P] Edd The Duck (1990, ST, BBC Entrprises/Impulze)
[P] Mountain Bike Racer (1990, C64, Zeppelin Games)
[P] World Soccer (1990, 800, Zeppelin Games)
[P] Titanic Blinky (1991, ST, Zeppelin Games)

Copeland, Maureen
Transmuter (1987, 800, Codemasters)

Corr, Frank
ASYLUM (1981, TRS, Med Systems/Screenplay)

Cotton, B.
Tank Atak [sic] (1982, VIC)

Cotton, Eric
[P] Omega Race, with Andy Finkel (1982, VIC, Commodore)
[P] Gorf, with Andy Finkel (1982, VIC, Commodore)

Cox, Alan
Seas of Blood, with Mike Woodroffe (1986, many, AI UK)
Blizzard Pass (SPEC, Adventure Soft UK)
Personal Nightmare, with Mike Woodroffe and Keith Wadhams (AMI/ST/PC, Horrorsoft/Tynesoft)

Cox, Donnel
Forbidden Quest, with William Pryor (1984, AP2, Pryority)

Cox, Jeff G.
[B] Surprise Attack! (AP2, Mindcraft)

Cozier, Bernard
[TB] Dimension Wizards (1988, 800, Antic)

Crafferty, Jay H.
Galaxy Rocks (1981, AP2, Amber)
Robot Tank Invasion (1981, AP2, Amber)

Craig, Douglas Brian
[P] Donkey Kong, with Howard E. Scheer (1983, TI99, Atarisoft) port from COIN
[P] Moon Patrol (1984, TI99, Atarisoft) port from COIN

Craig, Rob
Crack'ed (1987, ST, Atari) credited as "Robert Neve"
[P] Rampage (1988, C64, ACT)

Crammond, Geoff
Revs (1984, BBCB)
*The Sentinel (1986, C64, Firebird)
Revs Plus (1987, C64, Firebird)
Stunt Car Racer (1989, AMI/ST, Firebird)
*F1GP, with Pete Cooke (1992, AMI)
F1GP2, with Pete Cooke (1995, PC, Microprose)
F1GP3, with Pete Cooke (2000, PC, Microprose)
F1GP3 Season 2K, with Pete Cooke (2001, PC, Microprose)
F1GP4 (2002, PC, Microprose)

Crandall, Stephan R.
[P] Millipede (1984, 800, Atari) port from COIN

Crane, David
Outlaw (2600, 1979?, Atari) aka Gunslinger
Slot Machine (2600, 1979?, Atari)
[P] Canyon Bomber (2600, 1979?, Atari) port from COIN
[N] Atari 800 Operating System, with Al Miller and Larry Kaplan (1979, 800, Atari)
Dragster (1981?, 2600, ACT)
Fishing Derby (1981?, 2600, ACT)
Laser Blast (1981?, 2600, ACT)
Freeway (1981?, 2600, ACT)
Grand Prix (1982?, 2600, ACT)
*Pitfall (1982, 2600, ACT)
Decathalon (1983, 2600, ACT)
Pitfall II: Lost Caverns (1984, 2600, ACT)
[D] Ghostbusters (1984?, 2600, ACT) programmed by Dan Kitchen
Ghostbusters (1984, C64, ACT)
Little Computer People (1985, C64, ACT)
Transformers (1986?, C64, ACT)
Skateboardin' (1987, 2600, Absolute)
Super Skateboardin' (1987?, 7800, Absolute)
A Boy And His Blob (1989?, Absolute)
The Rescue of Princess Blobette (1990?, GBOY, Absolute)
Amazing Tennis (1992, SNES, Absolute)
[G] Toys (1993, SNES, Absolute)

Cranford, Michael
[P] Donkey Kong (AP2) port from COIN
[P] Super Zaxxon, with Larry Holland (1985, C64, US Gold) port from COIN
*The Bard's Tale (1985, C64, Interplay/EA)
[G] Borrowed Time (1985, C64, Interplay)
The Bard's Tale II (C64, Interplay/EA)
Centauri Alliance (1990, C64/AP2, BROD)
Darkseed, with Mike Dawson (1992, PC or AMI, Cyberdreams)

Craske, Spencer
[TB] Alien Asylum (1985, 800, Antic)
[G] NHL All-Star Hockey (Saturn, Gray Matter)
[G] Perfect Weapon (PS1, Gray Matter)
[G] Fox Basketball 2000 (PS1, Radical)
[G] NHL Hitz 2002 (PS2, Black Box/Midway)
[G] NHL Hitz 2003 (PS2, Black Box/Midway)
[G] Need For Speed: Underground (PS2, EA)

Craven, Paul
Screaming Wings (1986, 800?, Red Rat)

Crawford, Bill
Queen of Phobos, with Paul Berker (1982, AP2, Phoenix)

Crawford, Chris [co-founder of the Computer Game Developers Conference]
Tanktics (1978, PET, self-published)
Legionnaire (1979, PET, self-published)
[B] SCRAM (1981, 800, Atari)
Tanktics (1981, 800) update of 1978 game
Energy Czar (1981, 800, Atari)
*"Eastern Front (1941)" (1981, 800, APX) later from Atari; source code and a scenario editor were sold through APX
Legionnaire (1982, 800, Avalon Hill) update of 1979 game
[U] Gossip, with Kim Whitmore and Aric Wilmunder (1983, 800)
Excalibur, with Larry Summers and Valerie Atkinson (1983, 800, APX)
Balance of Power (1985, MAC, Mindscape)
Patton vs. ROMmel (1986, MAC, EA)
Trust & Betrayal: The Legacy of Siboot (1987, MAC, Mindscape)
Balance of Power II (1988, MAC, Mindscape)
The Global Dilemma: Guns & Butter (1990, MAC, Mindscape)
Balance of the Planet (1990, MAC, Chris Crawford)
Patton Strikes Back (1991, MAC, BROD)
[N] Erasmatron (1997-2000, MAC) storytelling system

Crick, Michael
Gomoku (1967, IBM mainframe)
Frogmaster (1981, 800, APX) also did ports for VIC and C64, published by Commodore
Word Feud (1983, 800/COL, Xonox)
HES Games (1984, C64, HES) later released as "Go For the Gold"
Break Street (1984, C64, Creative)
Gold Medal Games (1986, C64, CelerySoft)
CompuTrainer (1987, C64/NES, RacerMate)
WordHai (1987, PC, IBM)
Dudes with an Attitude (NES, American Video Entertainment)
Trolls on Treasure Island (NES, American Video Entertainment)
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1990, NES, Taito)
WordZap (1991, GBOY, Jaleco), (1993, PC, Microsoft)
Gomoku (1994, PC, Microsoft)
Pentode (1994, PC, Sierra)

Crim, Christopher
Wrath of Denethenor (AP2/C64, Sierra)

Crimi, Fred
[P] Moonsweeper (1983, VIC, Imagic) port from 2600
Grand Slam Baseball (1984, PCJR, Imagic)

Crockford, Douglas
Crockford's Trench (1982, 800, Atari)
Galahad and the Holy Grail (1982?, 800, APX)
Hollywood Midieval (1982?, 800, freeware)
Interval (1982?, 800, freeware)
Blocks (1982?, 800, freeware)
Burgers! (1983, 800, APX)

Cross, Demetrius
Acid Trip (1982, AP2)

Cross, Hubert
[T] Final Defense (1989, C64, Compute!'s Gazette)
[T] Apple Willie (1990, C64, Compute!'s Gazette)

Cross, Mark
Blitzkrieg (1979, AP2, Mark Cross)
[TB] Bouncing Ball Catcher (1980, AP2, Softside)
[TB] Fifteen Game (1980, AP2, Softside)
[TB] Famous Sayings Hangman (1981, AP2, Softside)
[TB] Shark (1981, AP2, Softside)

Croudy, John
Druid (198x, 800, Firebird)
[P] SWIV [Silkworm In Vertical] with Ronald Pieket (1991, ST/AMI, Storm)
[P] Saint Dragon (1990, ST/AMI, Storm)

Crow, Steve
Factory Breakout (1984, SPEC, Bubble Bus)
Wizard's Lair (1985, SPEC, Bubble Bus)
Starquake (1985, SPEC, Bubble Bus)
Firelord (1986, SPEC, Hewson)
[G] Neverhood (PS1, Neverhood)

Crowther, Anthony "Tony"
Trap (1985, C64, Alligata)
Blagger (1983, C64, Alligata)
Killer Watt (1984, C64, Alligata)
Loco (1984, C64, Alligata)
Son of Blagger (1984, C64, Alligata)
Wanted: Monty Mole (1984, C64, Gremlin)
Potty Pigeon (1984, C64, Gremlin)
Gryphon (1984, C64, Quicksilva)
Baby Monty (1984, C64, PCW)
Suicide Express (1985, C64, Gremlin)
Kettle (1985, C64, Alligata)
William Wobbler (1986, C64, Wizard development)
Black Thunder (1986, C64, Quicksilva)
Killer Ring (1986, C64, Ariolasoft)
Battle of the Gobots (1987, C64, Ariolasoft)
Centurions (1987, C64, Imageworks)
Fernandez Must Die (1988, C64, Imageworks)
Zig-Zag (1988, C64, Imageworks)
Bombuzal (1988, C64, Imageworks)
Phobia (1989, C64/AMI/ST, Imageworks)
Captive (1990, AMI, Mindscape)
Knightmare (1991, AMI/ST, Mindscape)
Captain Planet (1991, AMI/ST, Mindscape)
Liberation (1994, AMI/ST/CD32, Mindscape)
[G] Realms of the Haunting (1997, PC, Gremlin)
[G] N20 (1997, PS1, Gremlin)
[L] Wacky Races (2000, DC, Infogrames) also did PS2 port

Crowther, Will
*Colossal Cave (1976?, various mainframes) updated by Don Woods in 1976

Curtis, Stephen N.
Nonterraqueous (1985, Mastertronic)

Cutler, Scott
[G] *Zork I: The Great Underground Empire (1980, many, Infocom)

Cutter, John
[GD] GBA Championship Basketball (1986, AP2, ACT)

Cygert, Henryk
Kult (1992, 800, ASF)
Krucjata (1993, 800, ASF)
Miecze Valdgira II (1993, 800, ASF)

Daglow, Don [founder of Stormfront Studios]
*Utopia (1981, INT, Mattel)

Dalton, John
[T] Spy Defense (1988, C64, Compute!'s Gazette)

Damon, Roger
Operation Whirlwind (1982, 800, BROD)
Field of Fire (1984, 800?, SSI)
Panzer Grenadier (1985, 800?, SSI)
Wargame Construction Set (1986?, 800?, SSI)
NAM, with Jeff Johnson (1986?, 800?, SSI)
Reel Fish'n (1987, ST, Interstel/EA)
Dragon Force (1988, ST, Interstel/EA)

Daniel, Noel
Thunderfox (1987, 800, Atari UK)

Daoust, John
[TB] Darts (1981, AP2, Softside)
[TB] Skunk (1981, AP2, Softside)

Darling, David & Richard [founders of Codemasters]
Spellbound (1985, C64, Mastertronic)
BMX Trials (1985, C64, Mastertronic)
Master of Magic (1986, C64, Mastertronic)
BMX Simulator (1986, C64, Codemasters)
The Last V8 (1986, C64, Codemasters)

Darmstadt, Fred
Arena (COIN, Gottlieb/Mylstar
Mach III, with Chris Brewer (1983?, COIN, Mylstar)

Darrah, Bill
[L] Essex (1985, Synapse)
[P] Brimstone: The Dream of Gawain, with David Bunch and William Mataga (1985, AP2, Synapse)

Davie, Andrew
Qb (1984, 800) non-commercial
Mugsys Revenge (1986-7, C64)
Asterix and the Magic Cauldron (1987, C64)
[P] Super Pac-Man (1988?, C64) port from COIN
[P] Pac-Man Junior (1988?, C64) port from COIN
Street Hassle (1988, C64)
Bad Street Brawler (1988-9, NES) same game as Street Hassle
The Three Stooges (1989?, NES)
The Hunt for Red October (1991?, NES)
Bigfoot Systems (1991?, NES)
MechWarrior (1993, SNES) aka BattleTech
WCW Superbrawl Wrestling (1994, SNES)
Mechwarrior/Battletech (SNES)
Qb (2001, 2600, freeware)

Davies, Martyn
Atlas Assignment (1984, SPEC, Virgin Games)

Davies, N.
Vanadium (1987, 800, self-published)

Davis, Bob
Ulysses and the Golden Fleece, with Ken Williams (1981, AP2, Sierra)

Davis, Warren
*Q*bert (1982, COIN, Gottlieb)
Us vs. Them (1984, COIN, Mylstar) programmer and co-designer
[P] Joust 2: Survival of the Fittest, with Joe Hellesen and Christine Donofrio (1986, COIN, Williams)
Exterminator (1989, COIN, Premiere Technologies)

Dawe, Russell "Rusty"
[L] Cloak & Dagger (1983, COIN, Atari)
[L] I, Robot (1983, COIN, Atari) designed by Dave Theurer
[P] Paperboy (1984?, COIN, Atari Games)
Thunderjaws (1985?, COIN, Atari Games)

Dawson, Marc
BC Bill (1984, C64, Imagine)
Stairways (1985, C64, Thor Computer)
[P] Nodes of Yesod, with Robbie Tinman and Keith Robinson (1986, C64, Odin Computer Graphics)
Robin Of the Woods (1986, C64, Odin)
Mission AD (1987, C64, Odin)
Hypaball (1987, C64, Odin)
Scary Monsters (1987, C64, Odin)
[P] Army Moves (1988, ST/AMI, Ocean)
Astaroth (1989, ST/AMI, Hewson)
[P] Flibo's Quest, with Mark McCubbin and Steve Wetherill (1990, ST/AMI, EA) port from C64
[G] Projectyle (1990, ST/AMI, EA)

Day, Kelly
Bruce Lee, with Ron J. Fortier (1984, 800, Datasoft)
The Goonies, with Scott Spanburg (1985?, 800, Datasoft)

Day, Sylvia
Gopher (1982?, 2600, U.S. Games)
[P] Mouse Trap (1983?, COL, Coleco) port from COIN

de St. Germain, Howard
Pool 1.5, with Don Hoffman and David Morock (1982, 800, IDSI)
Pool 400, with Don Hoffman and David Morock (1982, 800, IDSI)
Trick Shot, with Don Hoffman and David Morock (1983, AP2, IDSI)
Speedway Blast, with Don Hoffman and David Morock (1983, 800, IDSI)

Dearden, John
[TB] Isolation (1990, C64, Compute!'s Gazette)

Deaux, Thomas
[TB] Pinball II (1981, AP2, Softside)

Debro, Dennis
[TB] Nuclear Reactor (1988?, 800, Antic)

Decker, D.A. Jr.
New World (AP2, Gryphon)

Decuir, Joe [one of the chip designers for the 2600, 800, and AMI]
Video Olympics (1977, 2600, Atari)

DeFrisco, Steve
Tropical Trouble (1982, INTV, Imagic)
Wing War, co-designed by Alan Smith (1984, 800, Imagic)
[G] "I, Damiano" (1984, AP2, Imagic)
[P] Sherlock Holmes II (1986, AP2, Imagic)
Secret Quest (1987, 2600, Axlon/Atari)
MotoRodeo (1988, 2600, Atari)
[UP] Klax (1989, 2600, Atari)
Styxx and Bones, with Nolan Bushnell (1990, MAC, VENT)
Baseball Heroes (1991, LNX, Atari)
Prize Fighter, with Kevin Welsh and Mark Klein (1993, SCD, Digital Pictures)
Slam City with Scottie Pippen, with Kevin Welsh (1994, SCD, Digital Pictures)
[G] Maximum Surge (1996, SAT, Digital Pictures)

DeGroff, Penny
[TB] I Remember (1988, C64, Run)

Delaney, John M.
[TB] Battleship (1979, TRS, Softside)

Delinski, Joseph
War of the Worlds (1984, 800 or C64?, Task Force)

Delman, Howard "Howie"
Super Bug (1977, COIN, Kee/Atari)
Canyon Bomber (1977, COIN, Atari)
Fire Truck (1977, COIN, Atari) aka Smokey Joe
Lunar Lander (1979, COIN, Atari)
Gridlee (1982, COIN, Videa)
[G] Snake Pit (1983, COIN, Sente)
[G] Hydro-Thunder (1998, COIN, Midway) did some minor hardware work

Delp, George
[TB] TRS-Man (1982, TRS, Softside)

DeMar, Larry
*Defender, with Eugene Jarvis, Sam Dicker, and Paul Dussault (1980, COIN, Williams)
Stargate, with Eugene Jarvis (1981, COIN, Williams) aka Defender II
*Robotron: 2084, with Eugene Jarvis (1982, COIN, Williams)
Blaster, with Eugene Jarvis (1983, COIN, Williams)
[P] The Addams Family (1992?, PIN, Williams)

Demas, William "Bill"
Frog (1980, TRS, AI)
Scott Adams Adventure #12: Golden Voyage, with Scott Adams (many, AI)
Forbidden City (1981, TRS)
Forbidden Planet (1981, TRS)
Panik! (1982, TRS)
Timequest (TRS)

DeMeo, Alex
The Great American Cross-Country Road Race (1985?, 800, ACT)
[G] Toys (1993, SNES, Absolute)

Denbrook, Patty
Fortress, with Jim Templemen (1983, AP2/800, SSI)

Denman, William. F. Jr. ("Mike")
Deathmaze 2000 (AP2)
Pogo Joe, with Steven Baumrucker (1984?, C64, Screenplay) Q*Bert-like
[P] ASYLUM, with Michael Haire (1985, 800/C64, Med Systems/Screenplay) port of ASYLUM II from TRS
AcroJet (1985, C64, Microprose)

Dentt, David
Ninja Golf (1990, 7800, PC)
[UP] KLAX (1990?, 7800, Atari)
[L] World Series Baseball (GEN)

DePew, Bill
Apple 21 (1978, AP2, Softape)

Devine, Robert R.
Storm Warning (1984, AP2, Microsparc)

DeWitz, Harold
Cranston Manor, with Ken Williams (1981, AP2, Sierra)

Dibble, Ken
[B] Draw Poker (1982, TI99, Counterpoint)
[P] Spy's Demise, with Mark Sumner (1982, TI99, CSI Design Group) port from AP2
Mini-Pede (1985?, TI99) Centipede-like

Dicker, Sam
Sinistar, with Noah Falstein and John Newcomer (1983, COIN, Williams)

Dickerson, Robert
Dragon Game (1982, TI99, Futura)
Viral Vendetta (1982, TI99, Futura)

Dies, Dave
Gold Runner (1984, COCO, Tom Mix Software) Lode Runner-like
Gold Runner II (COCO)

Dietz, Bob
[P] Mind Mirror, with Peter Van Den Beemt (AP2, EA)

Dinc, Mev [co-founder of Vivid Image]
[P] Enduro Racer (198x, CPC, Electric Dreams/ACT) port of 2600 Enduro
[G] Time Machine
[G] Hammerfist
Last Ninja (1987, SPEC, System 3)

Disch, Thomas M. [novelist]
Amnesia, with Kevin Bentley (1986, AP2/C64/PC, Cognetics/EA)

Disharoon, Dale
[B] Wordmaster (1982, 800, APX) educational
[B] Cubbyholes (1982?, 800, APX) educational
[B] Speling Genie (1982?, 800, APX) educational
Below the Root (1985, C64/AP2, Spinnaker)

Ditton, Richard & Elaine [founders of Incredible Technologies]
Journey (1983, COIN, Bally/Midway)

Dixon, Kevin
[TB] Spheroids (1990, C64, Compute!'s Gazette)

Dollahite, Garth
TI Invaders (1982, TI99, Texas Instruments) Space Invaders-like
[P] Vanguard, with Jim DRAMis and Paul Urbanus (1983, TI99, Atarisoft) port from COIN
[P] Pole Position, with Paul Urbanus (1984, TI99, Atarisoft)
Barrage (TI99, DaTaBiotics/Softmachine) Missile Command-like

Dollard, Walter J.
Egyptian Graphical Adventure (1983, TI99, Dollard)
Medieval Graphical Adventure (1983, TI99, Dollard)
Sundial Island I & II (1983, TI99, Dollard)

Dominick, Gary
[TB] Piazza Hotel (1982, 800, Softside)

Dondzila, John
Vector Vaders (1995, VEC, self-published) Space Invaders-like
Star Fortress (VEC, self-published) Star Castle-like
AMOK! (O2, self-published) Berzerk-like
Space Invasion (COL, self-published) Space Invaders-like

Donner, Robert
[P] Risk, with Gary Gouriluk (1988, AP2, Virgin Games/Leisure Genius)
[P] Clue Master Detective, with Gary Gouriluk (1988, AP2, Virgin Games/Leisure Genius)
Minesweeper, with Curt Johnson (1990-91, PC, Microsoft)

Donofrio, Christine
[P] Mystic Marathon, with Ken Graham (1985?, COIN, Williams)
[P] Joust 2: Survival of the Fittest, with Warren Davis and Joe Hellesen (1986, COIN, Williams)

Donoghue, David
Gears, with Bob Kimball (1985, AP2, Sunburst)

Dorey, Daniel J.
[B] Crypts of Terror (1981, 800, Inhome)

Dorfman, Len
Karmic Caverns (1983?, 800, PMI)
Erg (1984, 800, D-Mind/APX)
Nordic Ski (800)
PAX Chess (PC)
[also wrote several public domain games for 800 and 21 programming books]

Dougherty, Brian [co-founder of Imagic & Berkeley Softworks, later Geoworks]
Swords & Serpents (1983, INT, Imagic)

Dougherty, Charles & John
Questron (1984, C64, SSI)
Questron II (1985, C64, SSI)
Legacy of the Ancients (1987, C64, EA)
Legend of Blacksilver (1988, C64, Epyx?)

Dow, John T.
[B] Dow-4 Gazelle (1981, TI99, Dow Software)

Dowell, Thomas
Dreadnaughts (1984, C64?, Avalon Hill)

Doyle, Bob
Wildfire (1976, HAND, PB)

Dragin, Douglas D.
[P] Donkey Kong (1983, C64, Atarisoft) port from COIN
[P] Mountain King (1983, C64, Beyond) port from 800

DRAMis, Jim
Car Wars (1981, TI99, Texas Instruments)
Parsec, with Paul Urbanus (1983, TI99, Texas Instruments)
Munch Man (1983, TI99, Texas Instruments) Pac-Man-like
[P] Vanguard, with Paul Urbanus and Garth Dollahite (1983, TI99, Atarisoft) port from COIN
[P] Jungle Hunt, with Paul Urbanus (1984, TI99, Atarisoft) port from COIN
Spot-Shot (TI99, Databiotics/Softmachine)

Dreyer, Dr. Keith
K-Razy Shoot Out, with Torre Meeder (1982?, 800, K-Byte)
Boulders and Bombs, with Torre Meeder (1983, 800, CBS)

Dreyer, E.F.
Mountain King (1982, 800, K-Byte/CBS)

Drury, Mike
[B] Gridiron Glory, with Bob Graves (1982?, 800, APX)

Dubicki, Susan
Beach Landing, with Richard Hefter (1984, AP2, Optimum Resource)

Dubnoff, Dr. Jerry
[TB] SuperNim (1980, AP2, Softside)

Dudar, Joseph A.
Gruds in Space, with Chuck Sommerville (1983, AP2, Sirius)

Dudley, Gerald O.
Computer Football Strategy (1982, AP2, Avalon Hill)

Duisman, George
Bridge Challenger (1980, AP2/PET/TRS, BITS Inc.)

Duncan, Rob
Starblade (1987, 800, Activision Europe)

Duncan, Tim
[TBP] Rhino (1982, VIC, Vic Computing) rewrite of PET game
[TB] MotherHen (1982, VIC, Vic Computing)

Dunn, Brian
Deep Water Danger (AP2)
Eagle Eggs (AP2)
Flap & Smack (AP2)
Jouster (1983, AP2) Joust-like
Quibble's Revenge (1983, AP2)
Return of the Galaxians (1983, AP2)

Dunn, John
Superman (1980?, 2600, Atari)
Snark (2600, Atari) could this be Capture the Flag?
[N] Atari Astrology (800, Atari) aka Jean Dixon's Astrology?

Dunn, Steve
Space Relief (1986, C64, Top Ten)
Thunderhawk (1986, C64, US Gold)
Zone Z, (C64, 1987)
Call Me Psycho (1987, C64, Pirate Software)
Better Dead than Alien (1988, C64, Elektra)
Galaxia 7 (C64, 1988)

Dyer, Landon
Myriapede (1982, 800, public domain) Centipede-like
[P] Donkey Kong (1982, 800, Atari) port from COIN
[UP] Super Pac-Man (1984, 800, Atari) port from COIN
[N] wrote much of the Atari ST BIOS (1985, Atari)
[N] MadMac Assembler (1987?, ST, Atari) used for later 2600 development

Dyer, Rick
[D] Dragon's Lair (1983, COIN, Starcom/Cinematronics) animated by Don Bluth
[D] Thayer's Quest (1984?, COIN)
[D] Kingdom: The Far Reaches (PC/MAC, Interplay) based on Thayer's Quest
[D] Shadoan (PC/MAC, Interplay) sequel to Kingdom

Dziabczenko, Alick
[P] Protector (1983, VIC) port from 800
[P] Pharaoh's Curse (1983, VIC) port from 800

Easterbrook, Stuart
Ace of Aces (1986, C64, Accolade) concept by Michael Bate and Rick Banks

Eastman, Gordon
Star Maze (1982, AP2, Sir-Tech)
C'est La Vie (1983, AP2, AI)

Edelman, Brad
Smooth Max (AP2)

Edelstein, Paul
Wayout (1982, AP2, Sirius) also did 800 port
Capture the Flag (1983, 800, Sirius) also did VIC port
[G] Star Trek: 25th Anniversary (PC, Interplay)
[G] Star Trek: Judgement Rights (PC, Interplay)
[G] NHL 2K 3 (many, Sega)

Edmunds, William
[TB] Computer Space (1981, AP2, Softside)

Edson, Dave [ATS = Aardvark Technical Services]
Space Invasion (1978, OSI, ATS) Space Invaders clone
Collide (1979, OSI, ATS) Head-On clone
Kamikaze (1980, OSI, ATS) Missile Command-like
Monster Maze (1980, OSI, ATS) Pac-Man clone
Thief (OSI, ATS) Rip-Off-like
Venturer (OSI, ATS) Venture clone, later for COCO
Targa (OSI, ATS) Targ clone
unknown clone (1981, OSI, ATS)
Caterpillar (1982, COCO, ATS) Centipede clone
Planet Raiders (1982, COCO, ATS) Defender-like
Catch'Em (1982, COCO, ATS) Kaboom clone; later (1989, PC, shareware)
Tube Frenzy (1983, COCO, ATS) original!
Tutankham (1983, COCO, ATS) clone of the coin-op
Mirror Maze (1990, PC, shareware) update of Tube Frenzy
[P] Tetris for Windows Entertainment Pack (1991?, PC, Microsoft)

Edwards, Mike
Attack at EP-CYG-4 (1982, 800, Bram) later from ROMox
Zombies (1984?, 800, Bram) later "Realm of Impossibility" from EA

Edwards, Sam
The Antagonists, with Hal Renko and Hermie Hermens (C64, Addison-Wesley)

Ehninger, Charles [founder of Futura Software]
'Chutes and Sharks (1981, TI99, Futura)
All*Star Baseball (1981, TI99, Futura)
All*Star Bowling (1981, TI99, Futura)
Galactic War (1981, TI99, Futura)
Wall Street (1981, TI99, Futura)

Eidson, William
Pterodactyl (AP2)

Eishaugle, Chris
Handy Dandy (1983, AP2, Gentry)
Formula 1 Racer (1983, AP2, Gentry)
[P] Pooyan (1984, AP2, Datasoft) port from COIN/800
[P] Bubble Bobble (1988, AP2, Novalogic) port from COIN

Eisler, Dave
Monster Smash! (1982, AP2, Software Farm)

Elder, Scott [founder of Nukefop Software]
Dodgecars (1981, VIC, Nukefop)
VikMan (1981, VIC, Nukefop)
Escape (1981, VIC, Nukefop)
Search (1981, VIC, Nukefop)
Quirk (1981, VIC, Nukefop)
Bomber (1981, VIC, Nukefop)
Invasion (1981, VIC, Nukefop)
Rescue from Nufon (1981, VIC, Nukefop)
3-D Man (1982, VIC, Nukefop)
Defender on Tri (1982, VIC, Nukefop)
Anti-Matter Splatter (1982, VIC, Nukefop)
RaceFun (1982, VIC, Nukefop)
Krazy Kong (1982, VIC, Nukefop)s
3-D 64 Man (1983, C64, Nukefop)
Cavern Construction kit, with Mike White (1983, C64, Nukefop/BROD Japan)
Carnival Fun (1985, C64, BCI Software)
One-On-One Games (1986, C64, BCI Software)
Stunt Cycle (1986, C64, BCI Software)
Alien Panic (1987, C64, Free Spirit)
SuperBike (1987, C64, Free Spirit)
A Spy Tale (1987, C64, Viking Technologies)
Pebbles (1988, C64, Free Spirit)
Mini-Golf (1988, C64, UpTime)
Monster Power (1988, C64, Free Spirit)
RaceCraze (1988, Viking Technologies)
[T] Rally Racer (1988, C64, COMPUTE!)
Tombs of Doom (1989, C64, UpTime)
Super Bike II (1989, C64, LoadStar)
Kings Ransom (1989, C64, LoadStar)
Smasheroids (1989, C64, LoadStart)
[T] Grand Prix Challenge (1989, C64, Run)
Wheels (1990, C64, Softdisk)
Type Racer (1990, C64, Softdisk)
Drop Poker (1990, C64, Softdisk)

Ellis, Frank
[P] Dragonfire, with Matthew Sarconi (1984, COCO, Imagic) port from 2600

Elliss, Joss
Medieval Joust (1983, VIC, Thorn EMI)
Wing Commander (1984, VIC, Creative Sparks)
Brian Jacks Superstars, with Gary Yorke (1985, C64, Firebird)

Elseth, Paul
Fun House Maze, with Scott Clough and Lon Koenig (1984, AP2, Sunburst)

Emerson, Joe
The Holy Grail (AP2, 1984, Hayden)
Inca (1985, AP2, Hayden)

Emerson, John
GI Joe (1982?, 2600, PB)

Endoh, Masanobu
Xevious (1982, COIN, Namco/Atari)

Enge, Keith
Dawn Patrol: Computer Aerial Combat (1982, AP2, TSR)

Engelstein, Geoffrey M.
StarBlaster, with Mark Kriegsman (1981, AP2, Piccadilly)
Panic Button, with Mark Kriegsman (1989, AP2, Softdisk)

English, Ed
[P] Frogger (1982, 2600, PB) port from COIN
[P] Mr. Do! (1983, 2600, Coleco) port from COIN
[P] Roc N' Rope (1983?, 2600, Coleco) port from COIN

Engman, Dave
[P] Tutankham, with Dawn Stockbridge (1983?, 2600, PB) port from COIN

Enns, Rich B.
[T] Cosmic Glob (198x, 800, ANALOG Computing)

Erdling, Elroy N.
Blood Quest (AP2, Questware)

Erendson, Kerry
Alien Sidestep (1983, VIC)

Erickson, Brent
Trek for Riches (1978, TRS, Imagination Unlimited) also did AP2 and C64 ports
Soldier of Fortune (1979, AP2, Imagination Unlimited) also did VIC and C64 ports
Spartacus (1980, AP2, Imagination Unlimited)
TACC (1982, AP2, Imagination Unlimited) also did C64 port
[P] Beach Head II (1985, AP2, Access) port from C64
[P] Beach Head (1985, AP2, Access) port from C64
[P] Raid Over Moscow (1985, AP2, Access) port from C64
[G] Leader Board (1985, C64/AMI/ST, Access)
[G] Tenth Frame (1986, C64/PC/ST, Access)
[G] World Class Leader Board (1986, ST, Access) port from C64
[G] Mean Streets (1987, C64, Access) also worked on PC port
[G] Crime Wave (1989, PC/AMI/ST, Access)
[G] Countdown (1990, PC, Access)
[G] Martian Memorandum (1991, PC, Access)
[G] Links (1991, PC/AMI, Access)
[G] Amazon (1992, PC, Access)
[P] Links Pro (1992, PC, Access)
[G] Noctropolis (1993, PC, EA)
[G] Fred Couples Golf (1994, 32X, EA)
[G] PBA Bowling (1995, PC, Bethesda)
[G] SkyNet (1996, PC, Bethesda)
[G] Daggerfall (1996, PC, Bethesda)
[G] XCar (1996, PC, Bethesda)
[G] Burnout (1997, PC, Bethesda)
[G] Burnout: Player's Choice (1998, PC, Bethesda)
[G] Redguard (1998, PC, Bethesda)
[G] NIRA Drag Racing (1999, PC, Bethesda)
[G] IHRA Drag Racing (2000, PC, Bethesda)
[G] Monsters, Inc. (2001, PS2, Bethesda)

Erwin, Stan
Go (1982, AP2, Hayden)
War (AP2?, AI)

Escudero, Al
Deathlord, with David Wong (1987, AP2, EA)
[G] Twilight Lands (PC, ICE Online)
[1999: with Wizards of the Coast]

Estcourt, Mervin J.
Death Chase (1984, SPEC, Micromega)
Luna Crabs (1984, SPEC, Micromega)
Full Throttle (SPEC)
Speed King (1985, C64, Digital Integration) later from Mastertronic

Evans, Dorcas
Factactics, with Kevin Armstrong (1984, AP2, Daystar)

Evans, Douglas
Golden Gloves (1982, 800, Artworx)

Ewens, Louis
Whistler's Brother (1984, 800, BROD)

Ezcan, Kemal
Dredis (800, KE-Soft)
Zador (199x, 800, KE-Soft)
Zador II (1992, 800, KE-Soft)

Faber, Steven
Epidemic! (1982?, AP2?, SSI)

Faden, Glenn
[B] Microsailing (1983?, 800, APX)

Falstein, Noah
[L] Sinistar (1983, COIN, Williams) also co-designer
Dark Tower (VEC) based on the electronic board game
[L] Koronis Rift, with Aric Wilmunder (1985, 800/C64, LucasFilm Games)
[LD] PHM Pegasus (1986, C64/PC, Lucasarts)
[D] Strike Fleet (1987, C64/PC, Lucasarts)
[D] Battlehawks 1942 (1988, PC, Lucasarts) co-designer
[L] Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, with Ron Gilbert and David Fox (1989, PC, Lucasarts)

Fargo, Brian [founder of Interplay]
Demon's Forge (1983, AP2, Sabre)

Farmer, David
MU Outpost (1982, TI99, Counterpoint)
Ribbit (1983, TI99, CSI Design Group)
Bubble Badness (1984, TI99, IG Development)

Farnen, Ken
Citadel Warrior, with Jon Mayers (1983, 800, English)

Farren, Michael
[PB] Temple of Apshai (1979, AP2, ASIM) port from TRS
[PB] Datestones of Ryn (1979, AP2, ASIM) port from TRS
[PB] Morloc's Tower (1979, AP2, ASIM) port from TRS
[PB] Rescue at Rigel (1980, TRS, ASIM) port from TRS
[PB] Star Warrior (1981, AP2, ASIM) port from TRS
[PB] Hellfire Warrior (1981, AP2, ASIM) port from TRS
[PB] Crush, Crumble & Chomp (1981, AP2, ASIM) port from TRS
Plattermania (1982?, 800, Epyx)
Gateway to Apshai (1984?, 800, Epyx)
[P] Storm Across Europe (1989, PC, SSI)

Fasoulas, Stavros
Sanxion (1986, C64, Thalamus)
Delta (1987, C64, Thalamus)
Quedex (1987, C64, Thalamus)
[U[ Galactic (AMI)

Favaro, Peter
Alter Ego (1985, C64, ACT) male & female versions

Feddersen, L.
[P] Heavy Barrel (1987, AP2, Quicksilver) port from COIN
[P] Bad Dudes (1988, AP2, Quicksilver) port from COIN
[P] Platoon (1988, AP2, Quicksilver) port from ?

Federmeyer, Ed
Edtris 2600 (1995, 2600, self-published) Tetris-like

Fedor, John
[TB] Knock! (1988, C64, Run)
[TB] Pivot Point (1988, C64, Commodore Magazine)
[T] Sack Race (1988, C64, Ahoy)
[T] Break-Away (1989, C64, Run)
[T] Flag Hunt (1989, C64, Ahoy!)
[T] Tag (1989, C64, Run)

Feitelberg, David
Lost Colony (1983, 800, Acorn Software)

Fenton, Jamie Faye [formerly Jay Fenton]
Fireball (1976, PIN, Bally) home pinball game
Checkmate (1976, COIN, Dave Nutting Associates)
[N] Bally Astrocade home game system (1977, ASTR, Bally) led the development team and wrote most of the OS
[N] Bally BASIC (1977, ASTR, Bally)
280 ZZZap (1977, COIN, Dave Nutting Associates)
Gorf (1981, COIN, Bally/Midway)
Adventures of Robby Roto, with Dave Nutting (1981, COIN, Bally/Midway)
[P] Pitstop (1983, C64, Epyx) port from 800
[P] Beamrider (1984, C64, ACT) port from INT
[N] VideoWorks (1985, MAC, MacroMind) precursor to MacroMedia Director

Ferguson, Chris
Laser Course (1983, AP2, General Masters)

Fernandez, Gustavo
Star Dance (1981, AP2, United Software of America)

Ferris, Tim
Canyon Climber (1982, 800, Datasoft)
Atom Smasher (1982, 800, C.C.P.)
Cosmic Tunnels (1983?, 800, Datamost)
[P] Mr. Do! (1984, 800, Datasoft) port from COIN

Ferro, David
[P?] Great Maine to California Race (1983, 800, Hayden) port from ?

Field, John
ICBM Strike (1981, AP2, Computer Consultants of Iowa) Missile Command-like
Axis Assassin (1983, AP2, EA) Tempest-like
The Last Gladiator (1983, AP2, EA)

Fife, Rich
[P] Carl Lewis Olympic Decathalon (1989, AP2, Softie) also 1990, C64

Filiberti, Peter
Night Raiders (1983, 800, Datamost)

Finkel, Andy
[P] Mission Impossible Adventure (1981, VIC, Commodore)
[P] Sargon II Chess (1981, VIC, Commodore)
[P] Omega Race, with Eric Cotton (1982, VIC, Commodore)
[P] Gorf, with Eric Cotton (1982, VIC, Commodore)
co-designer of the Amiga OS

Finney, Hal
[P] Armor Ambush (1982, 2600, M-Network) port from INT Armor Battle
[P] Astroblast (1982, 2600, M-Network) port from INT
[P] Dark Cavern (1982, 2600, M-Network) port from INT Night Stalker
[P] Space Attack (1982, 2600, M-Network) port from INT Space Battle
Adventures of Tron, with Glenn Hightower (1983, 2600, M-Network)

Fish, Mike
The Factory (1983, AP2, Sunburst)

Fisher, Justin & Amanda
Quadrant 6112 (1982, AP2, Sensible)

Fisher, William C. "Bill" [co-founder of Quicksilver Software]
Space Hawk (1982?, INT, Mattel) based on Astrosmash code
Space Spartans, with Steve Roney (1983?, INT, Mattel)
[G] B-17 Bomber (INT, Mattel)

Fitzgerald, Brian
Taxman (1981, AP2, HAL Labs) Pac-Man like
Sheila (1982, AP2, HAL Labs)
Super Taxman 2 (1982, HAL Labs) Pac-Man like
[P] Pac-Man (1983, AP2, Atarisoft)
Stellar Triumph (1983, C64, HAL Labs)
[1998: porting games to MAC]

Fitzgerald, Rod
[TB] ICBM (1980, TRS, Softside)

Fitzhugh, Karl
Periscope Up! (800, 1988, Atlantis)

Fitzpatrick, John
Motor Mania (C64, UMI)
On-Field Football (1984, C64, Gamestar)
Indoor Sports (Gamestar)
Gary Lineker Superstar Soccer (1988, C64, Gamestar)

Flanagan, Bob
Sea Wolf, with Bob Andrews (1980, AP2, Programma)
Thief (1981, AP2, Datamost)
Speedway (AP2?)
Guardian (1982, AP2, Datamost)
Spectre, with Scott Miller (1983, AP2, Datamost)
Pandora's Box (1983, AP2, Datamost)
Space Ark (1983, AP2, Datamost)
*Marble Madness, with Mark Cerny (1984, COIN, Atari Games)
[P] Gauntlet, with Ed Logg (1985, COIN, Atari Games)
[P] Gauntlet II, with Ed Logg (1986, COIN, Atari Games)
Xybots, with Ed Logg (1987, Atari, COIN)
Space Lords, with Ed Logg (1992? COIN, Atari Games)
[should be lots more coin-ops here]

Fleishman, Charles
U-Boat Command (1982, AP2, Synergistic)

Fleishmann, Mike
Klondike Solitaire (1983?, 800, Antic) cards

Flitman, Stephen
Stellar Adventure (1982, TRS, Software Innovations)

Floeter, Al
Skybombers (1980, AP2, Instant)

Fogel, David
Baker Street Detective (1985, AP2, Artworx)

Fokos, Peter
Alien Ambush (1981, AP2, DANA) also did 800 port in 1982
Alien Blitz, with Thomas A. Giguere (1981, VIC, UMI)
Cloudburst (1982, VIC, UMI) also did 800 port
Spiders of Mars (1982?, VIC, UMI)
[P] Super Huey (1984?, C64, Cosmi) port from C64

Foote, Gary A.
[P] Yahtzee (1978, AP2, Apple Computer)

Ford, Alex
[P] Reversal (1983, C64, Hayden) port from AP2

Ford, Jay M.
[P] Ardy the Aardvark (1983, C64/800, Datamost) port from AP2
Moonbeam Arcade (1984, 800, Cosmi)

Forster, Carl D.
Cubic Tic-Tac-Toe (1985, AP2, Silver Bullet)

Forsythe, Charles
Dragon Quest (1981, TRS, Programmer's Guild)

Fortier, Ron J.
[P] Zaxxon (1983, 800, Datasoft) port from COIN
Bruce Lee, with Kelly Day (1984, 800, Datasoft)
[P] Conan (1984, 800, Datasoft) port from AP2
Monkey Business (1986, ST, The Other Valley) Donkey Kong-like

Forward, Dave
180! (198x, 800, Mastertronic)

Fox, David
[L] Rescue on Fractalus!, with Charlie Kellner and Loren Carpenter (1984, 800, LucasFilm Games)
[D] Labyrinth (LucasArts)
[G] Maniac Mansion (LucasArts)
[L] Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders (PC, LucasArts)
[G] Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: The Graphic Adventure (PC, LucasArts)
[L] Mirage" (LucasArts) "location-based entertainment project", LucasArts
[L] Cadillacs and Dinosaurs: The Second Cataclysm (Rocket Science Games)

Fox, Dennis
[T] Shooting Stars (1984, 800, ANALOG Computing)

Fox, Randy
[TB] White Lightning (1980, AP2, Softside)

Fraleigh, John
[T] Bombs Away! (1988, C64, Ahoy!)

Franco, Val
Zylogon (1984, C64, Big G)
[G] Midwinter II: Flames of Freedom (1990?, ST/AMI, Microprose)

Franklin, Ken
Milestones (AP2, Creative Computing) computer version of Milles Bornes

Franklin, Kevin
Draconus (1988, 800, Cognito Zeppelin Games)
[P] Ball Blasta (1988, C64, Cognito)
Zybex (198x, C64, Zeppelin Games)
[P] Jocky Wilson's Darts Challenge (1990?, ST, Zeppelin Games)

Frazier, Chris
Battle Trek (1982, 800, Voyager)

Freeman, Eric M.
Weakon (1983, 800, APX)
Bootleg (1983?, 800, APX)

Freeman, Jon [co-founder of Automated Simulations, which turned into Epyx, and Free Fall Associates]
[D] Starfleet Orion, with Jim Connelley (1978, PET, ASIM)
[D] Invasion Orion, with Jim Connelley (1979, PET, ASIM)
[D] Temple of Apshai, with Jim Connelley and Jeff Johnson (1979, PET/TRS, ASIM)
[D] Datestones of Ryn, with Jim Connelley and Jeff Johnson (1979, TRS, ASIM)
[D] Morloc's Tower, with Jim Connelley and Jeff Johnson (1979, TRS, ASIM)
[D] Rescue at Rigel, with Jim Connelley (1980, TRS, ASIM)
[GD] Hellfire Warrior (1980, TRS, ASIM)
[D] Star Warrior, with Jim Connelley (1981,TRS, ASIM)
[D] Sorcerer of Siva (1981, TRS, ASIM)
[D] Keys of Acheron, with Paul Reiche (1981, TRS, ASIM)
[GD] Upper Reaches of Apshai (1981, TRS, ASIM)
[D] Crush, Crumble & Chomp!, with Jim Connelley (1981, TRS, ASIM)
[D] Tax Dodge, with Anne Westfall (1982, 800, Island Graphics)
*[D] Murder on the Zinderneuf, with Paul Reiche and Robert Leyland (1983, 800, EA)
*[D] Archon, with Anne Westfall and Paul Reiche (1983, 800, EA)
*[D] Archon II: Adept, with Anne Westfall and Paul Reiche (1984, 800, EA)
[D] Swords of Twilight, with Anne Westfall (1989, AMI, EA)
[UD] Time Tracks, with Anne Westfall (1994, PC/AMI)
[D] Archon Ultra, with Anne Westfall (1994, PC, EA)
[D] Simplex, with Anne Westfall (online, Free Fall/GameTV)
[D] Eureka, with Anne Westfall (online, Free Fall/GameTV)
[D] Reflection, with Anne Westfall (online, Free Fall/GameTV)
[D] Stop & Go, with Anne Westfall (online, Free Fall/GameTV)
[D] Grab, with Anne Westfall (online, Free Fall/GameTV)
[D] Heartless, with Anne Westfall (online, Free Fall/GameTV)

Freeman, Kyle G.
Dark Lord (1987, AP2, Datasoft)
Renegade (1989, AP2, Novalogic)

Fregger, Brad
Portal, with Rob Swigart (1986, C64, ACT)

Freund, Chris
Invasion (1980, TRS, Softside)
X-Wing Fighter II (1980, TRS, Softside)
[TB] Ship Destroyer (1981, TRS, Softside)
[TB] Drag Race (1979, TRS, Softside)
[TB] Bomber (1980, TRS, Softside)
[TB] Deep Six (1980, TRS, Softside)

Frey, Peter
Odin, with Larry Atkin (1983, AP2, Odesta)

Friele, Robert
[P] Aliens, with Michael Ornsby (AP2, ACT)

Fries, Ed
Space Combat (1982, 800) Spacewar-like
Princess and the Frog (1982, 800, ROMox) Frogger-like
Anteater (1982, 800, ROMox) Dig-Dug-like
Sea Chase (1983, 800, ROMox)
Froggie (198x, 800, freeware) used Princes and the Frog code
[1997: General manager of games at Microsoft]

Frumker, Bruce
Memory Match (800, APX)

Frye, Tod
Touch Me (197x, HAND, Atari)
[P] Asteroids (1980?, 800, Atari) port from COIN
[P] Pac-Man (1982, 2600, Atari) port from COIN
Swordquest Fireworld (1983?, 2600, Atari)
Swordquest Airworld (1983?, 2600, Atari)

Fudge, Don
Death Race '82 (1982, AP2, Avant Garde)
Zero Gravity Pinball (1982, AP2, Avant Garde)

Fuller, Scott
[L] Crystal Castles, with Franz Lanziger (1983, COIN, Atari)

Fullerton, Ralph & Becky
[TB] Dr. Livingston with Karen & Carl Russell (1980, TRS, Softside)

Fulop, Rob [founder of P.F. Magic]
[P] Space Invaders (1979?, 800, Atari) port from COIN
[P] Night Driver (1980?, 2600, Atari) port from COIN
[P] Missile Command (1981,2600, Atari) port from COIN
Demon Attack (1982, 2600, Imagic)
Cosmic Ark (1982, 2600, Imagic)
Fathom (1983?, 2600, Imagic)
Cubicolor (1983?, 2600, self-published)
[L] Night Trap (SCD)
[L] Sewer Shark (SCD)
Third Degree (CDI)
Ballz (1994, GEN)
Rabbit Jack (online, America Online)

Furry, Dennis
Genesis (1983, AP2, Datasoft)

Gale, T.L.
[P] Countdown to Shutdown, with Ivan Manley (1985, AP2, ACT)

Galley, Stu
The Witness (1983, many, Infocom)
Seastalker, with Jim Lawrence (1984, many, Infocom)
Moonmist, with Jim Lawrence (1986, many, Infocom)

Gamon, J.
P.C. Fuzz (1984, C64, Anirog)

Gantzke, Witek
The Convicts (199x, 800, Domain)

Gaponoff, Mark
Survival of the Fittest (1982, 800, ISDI)

Garcia, Curtis
Quimbee (1982, TI99, Dynamic Data & Devices)

Garcia, John
[P] Zaxxon (AP2, 1983, Datasoft) port from COIN

Gardner, John D.
Battlestation with John C. Williams (1983, TI99, Mirage)
Chopper Ace with John C. Williams (1983, TI99, Mirage)
Mean Streets with John C. Williams (1982, TI99, Alpha)
Quadrant Command with John C. Williams (1982, TI99, Alpha)

Gardner, Karl
Chambers of Zorp, with Tom Konchan (1983, 800, APX)

Gardner, Lynn
Oliver's Twist, with Mickey Schmitt (1989, TI99, Asgard)
Zoom Flume (1989, TI99, Asgard)

Gari, Ray
Neon (1983, AP2, Datamost)

Garner, Edward
[TB] Black Box (1980, AP2, Softside)

Garon, James
[TB] Nim (1979, TRS, Softside)
[TB] Tank (1979, TRS, Softside)
[TB] Spelling Bee (1979, TRS, Softside)
[TB] Isolate (1979, TRS, Softside)
[B?] Pentominoes (1980, TRS, Softside)
[TB] Meteor Storm, with Mark Pelczarski (1980, AP2, Softside)
[TB] Boing! (1980, 800, Softside)
[TB] Solitare (1980, TRS, Softside)
Shooting Gallery (1981, COCO, Tandy/Datasoft)
[TB] Maze Sweep (1982, TRS, Softside)
[P] Canyon Climber, with Steve Bjork (1982, COCO, Tandy/Datasoft) port from 800
Sands of Egypt, with Steve Bjork (1982, COCO, Tandy/Datasoft)
[P] Moon Shuttle, with Gerry Humphrey (1982, COCO, DataSoft)
[P] Pooyan, with Gerry Humphrey (1983, COCO, DataSoft) port from COIN
The Dallas Quest (1984, COCO, Tandy/Datasoft)
Zorro (1985, 800, Datasoft) also worked on AP2 version

Garriott, Richard "Lord Britsh" [co-founder of Origin]
[B] Akalabeth (1979, AP2, self-published) later from California Pacific
*[B] Ultima I: The First Age of Darkness (1981?, AP2, California Pacific)
*Ultima II: The Revenge of the Enchantress (1982?, AP2, Sierra)
*Ultima III: Exodus (1983, AP2, Origin)
*Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar (1985?, Origin) supposedly wrote half

Garris, Wayne
Broadsides (1983, AP2, SSI)

Garrison, Lewis E.
Pyramids (1979, TRS, Softside)

Gaucher, Joe
James Bond 007 (1983, 2600, PB)
[P] Popeye (2600, PB) port from COIN

Gault, Don
Steve Garvey vs. Jose Canseco in Grand Slam Baseball (1987, C64, Cosmi)

Gazzard, Sue
Lords of Time (many, Level 9)

Gebelli, Nasir [founder of Gebelli]
Star Cruiser (1980, AP2, Sirius) Galaxian-like
Phantoms Five (1980, AP2, Sirius)
Both Barrels (1980, AP2, Sirius) two games: High Noon and Duck Hunt
Gorgon (1981?, AP2, Sirius)
Space Eggs (1981?, AP2, Sirius)
Cyber Strike (1981, AP2, Sirius)
Pulsar II (1981, AP2, Sirius)
Autobahn (1981, AP2, Sirius)
Horizon V (1981, AP2, Gebelli)
Firebird (1981, AP2, Gebelli)
Neptune (AP2, Gebelli)
Zenith (AP2, Gebelli)
Rad Racer (1987, NES, Squaresoft)
3D World Runner (NES, Squaresoft)
Final Fantasy I (1987, NES, Squaresoft)
Final Fantasy II (1988, NES, Squaresoft) only released in Japan
The Secret of Mana (1993, SNES, Squaresoft)

Geczy, George
[TB] Exterminate (1981, TRS, Softside)

Geer, Lewis
Plasmania (AP2, Sirius)

Geisler, Dan
[P] Tetris 2 (AP2, Spectrum Holobyte) port from ?
[G] Road Rash (1992, GEN, EA)
[G] Road Rash 2 (1993?, GEN, EA)
[G] Road Rash 3 (EA)

Gelberg, Larry
[P] Frogger II: Threedeep (1984?, 800/5200, PB)

Genoar, Gene
In the Chips (1984, VIC, Creative)

George, Greg
Situation Critical, with Alex Stern and Peter Rokitski (1982, AP2, Prism)

Gerrard, Pete
ScapeGhost, with Sandra Sharkey and Pete Austin (1989, Level 9)

Gertz, Udo
Bongo (1986, C16, Kingsoft)
Ghost Town (1986, C16, Kingsoft)
Tom Thumb (1986, C16, Kingsoft)
Summer Events (1987, C16, Kingsoft)
Winter Events (1986, C16, Kingsoft)

Getreu, Dave
[P] Centipede (1982, 800, Atari) port from COIN

Gibbons, John
Fourth Encounter (1983, VIC, Thorn-Emi)
Eddie Kidd Jump Challenge (1984, C64, Martech)
[G] Fourth Protocol (1985, C64, Bantam)
[G] Microprose Soccer (1988, ST/AMI, Microprose)
[P] Cloud Kingdoms, with Wing Lai (1989, C64, Millennium) port from ST/AMI
[P] Druid the Avenger, with Wing Lai (1990, C64, Millennium) port from ST/AMI

Gibke, Chuck
Air Raid (800, APX)

Gibson, John
Molar Maul (1983, SPEC, Imagine)
[G] Zzoom (1983, Spec, Imagine)
[G] Stonkers (1984, Spec, Imagine)
[UG] Bandersnatch (Spec, Imagine)
[G] Gift from the Gods (1984, Spec, Denton Designs/Ocean)
[G] Shadowfire (1985, Spec, Denton Designs/Beyond)
[G] Frankie Goes to Hollywoord (Spec, Denton Designs/Ocean)
[G] Cosmic Wartoad (1986, Spec, Denton Designs/Ocean)
[P] Galivan (1986, Spec, Ocean)
[G] Spaced Out (1987, Spec, Firebird)
[P] Airborne Ranger (1988, Spec, Microprose)
[P] Awesome (1993, FM Towns, Psygnosis)
[G] Microcosm (1993, FM Towns, Psygnosis)
[P] Sentient (1998, PS1, Psygnosis)
[P] Star Trek - Strike Force (2000, PS1)

Giesking, Steve
Electron (1984, COCO, Spectral) Tron-like

Giguere, Thomas A.
Alien Blitz, with Peter Fokos (1981, VIC, UMI)
Outworld (1982, VIC/AP2, UMI)

Gilbert, C.
[P] Soko-Ban (1984, AP2, Spectrum Holobyte)

Gilbert, Michael C.
Peggammon (1986, 800, Artworx)

Gilbert, Tim
[P] Two Tigers (1984, COIN, Bally/Midway) designed by Ron Haliburton

Gill, Paul
AlStrad (1986, CPC, Rhinosoft)
Die, You Vicious Fish (1987, CPC, Rhinosoft)
Grand Prix Tennis (1987, C64, Mastertronic)
Droids (1988, C65, Mastertronic)
Speedboat Assassin (1988, C64, Melbourne House)
Bobs Full House (1989, C64, Domark)
Indiana Jones + The Last Crusade (1989, C64, US Gold) also did GEN port in 1992
Dynasty Wars (1990, C64, US Gold)
Italy 1990 (1990, C64, US Gold)
Strider 2 (1991, LNX, US Gold)
World Cup USA '94 (1994, SNES, US Gold)

Gilland, Ken
Doom Games III (1989, TI99, Asgard)

Gilman, Terry
[P] Armored Patrol, with Wayne Westmoreland (1981, TRS, AI) Battlezone-like
[P] The Eliminator, with Wayne Westmoreland (1981, TRS, AI) Defender-like
Sea Dragon, with Wayne Westmoreland (1982, TRS, AI)
[P] Rear Guard, with Wayne Westmoreland (1982, TRS, AI) port from ?
[P] Zaxxon, with Wayne Westmoreland (1983, TRS, Radio Shack) port from COIN

Gines, James
Wampyr's Tomb (1983?, 800, PMI)

Ginsburg, Ilan
Saracen (1987, AP2, Datasoft)

Ginzburg, Steve
[TB] Beam Me Up! (1989, 800, Antic)

Glaister, Andrew
Invaders (1981, ZX81, Silversoft)
AlienDropOut (1981, ZX81, Silversoft)
Muncher (1981, ZX81, Silversoft)
Meteor (1981, ZX81, Silversoft)
Orbiter (1982, SPEC, Silversoft)
Meteroids (1982, SPEC, Softek)
Defender (1982, SPEC) Defender-like
[N] Basic Compiler (1983, SPEC, Softek)
Joust (1983, SPEC, Softek)
Warlords, (1984, SPEC, Century)
Tachyon Command (1984, SPEC, Century)
Scuba Attack (1984, SPEC, Century)
Emprire (1985, SPEC, Firebird)
Legend (1986, SPEC, Century)
Skyline Attack (1986, C64, Century) finished by Jeremy San and Fouad Katan
Comet Game (1987, SPEC/CPC, Firebird)
Fourth Protocol (1987, SPEC, Century)
Jailbreak (1987, SPEC, Marjacq)
Salamander (1988, SPEC/CPC, Marjacq)
[N] TG-16/PC Engine Development System (1992, TG16, Icom Simulations)
Beyond Shadowgate, (1993, PC, Icom Simulations) - Never published
Space Invaders / Chess / Checkers / Backgammon (1994, HP95/HP100, Sparcom)
[G] Pitfall - The Mayan Adventure, (1994, Win95, Kinesoft/ACT)
[P] Earthworm Jim (1995, Win95, Kinesoft/ACT) port from GEN
[LP] Fatal Fury (1995, Win95, Kinesoft/Softbank) port from COIN
[LP] Samurai Spirits (1996, Win95, Kinesoft/Softbank)
[LP] Gex (1996, Win95, Kinesoft/Microsoft) port from 3DO
[LP] Zero Divide (1997, Win95, Kinesoft/Softbank)
[LP] Toshinden II (1997, Win96, Kinesoft/Softbank) port from COIN
[P] Mechcommander (1998, Win95, Fasa Interactive)

Glass, Tom
Oil Barons (AP2, Epyx)

Gleckler, Arthur
Weerd! (1983, TRS, Big Five)

Glen, Steve
Back 40 III, with Bill Miller (AP2, AI)

Glover, Randy
Jumpman (1983, 800, Epyx)
Jumpman Jr. (1983, 800, Epyx)

Gluck, Joel
[B] Attank! (1981?, 800, APX)
[B] Babel, (1981?, 800, APX)
? [B] Pushover (800, APX)
[TB] Bounce (1983?, 800, ANALOG Computing)
[TB] Four-Letter Words (1984, 800, ANALOG Computing)
[T] More Fun with Bounce (1985?, 800, ANALOG Computing)
[Also wrote game design column, "Our Game," for ANALOG Computing]

Goebel, Ron
Ringquest, with Dallas Snell and Joel Rea (1983, AP2, Penguin)

Goles, Ed
Journey Into Darkness (1986, AP2, Earthware)

Gollop, Julian
[D] Time Lords (1983, BBCB, Redshift)
[D] Islandia (1984, BBCB, Redshift)
Nebula (1984, SPEC, Redshift)
Rebelstar Raiders (1984, SPEC, Redshift)
Chaos (1984, SPEC, Games Workshop)
Rebelstar (1986, SPEC, Firebird)
Rebelstar II (1988, SPEC, Silverbird)
*Laser Squad (1988, SPEC, Blade) also did C64 port
[LD] Lords of Chaos, with Nick Gollop (1990, SPEC, Blade)
*[LD] X-Com: UFO Defense, with Nick Gollop (1994, PC, Microprose)
[LD] X-Com: Apocalypse (1997, PC, Microprose)
[D] Magic & Mayhem, with Ian Terry (1998, PC, Virgin)

Gomez, George
[G] TRON (1982, COIN, Bally/Midway)
[D] Spy Hunter (1983, COIN, Bally/Midway)
[D] Corvette (PIN)
[D] Johnny Mnemonic (PIN)
[D] NBA Fast Break (PIN)
[D] Monster Bash (PIN)

Gong, Stan
[PB] Sands of Mars (1981, PET, Crystalware) port from AP2

Goodman, Chris & John [Hardwood Software]
Smasher (1983, 800, Hardwood/APX)
Twirlybird (1984, 800, Hardwood)

Goodman, Marc
Asteroid (1980, AP2, AI) aka Planetoids, Asteroids-like
Space Warrior (1981, AP2, BROD)
*The Bilestoad (1982, AP2, Datamost)
[1997: working on The Bilestoad for MAC]

Goodwin, Charles
Strangeloop (1984, SPEC, Virgin Games)

Goodwin, Simon
S.S. Achilles, with David Muncer (1984?, 800, Beyond)

Gorlin, Dan [founder Ariok Entertainment]
*Choplifter (1982, AP2, BROD)
*Airheart (1987, AP2, BROD)
Typhoon Thompson: Search for the Sea Child (1988, ST/AMI, BROD)

Goss, Stephen
Flying Tigers, with David Wesely (1983, AP2, Discovery Games)
Station 5 (1984, AP2, Micro Fun)
Computer Acquire (many, Avalon Hill)

Goss, Steve
Plastron (1990, 800, Harlequin)

Gossen, Trouba
[D] Gemstone Warrior, with Peter Lount (AP2, Paradigm/SSI)
[D] Gemstone Healer, with Peter Lount (1984, AP2, Paradigm/SSI)

Gould, Tony
Arena (1988, C64, Cult Games)

Goulet, Jean
[TB] Wireball (1989, 800, Antic)

Gouriluk, Gary
[P] Risk, with Robert Donner (1989, AP2, Virgin Games/Leisure Genius)
[P] Clue Master Detective, with Robert Donner (1988, AP2, Virgin Games/Leisure Genius)

Graham, Jon
[P] Crossfire (TI, On-Line) port from AP2

Graham, Ken
[P] Mystic Marathon, with Christine Donofrio (1985?, COIN, Williams)

Graham, William J.
[B] 747 Landing Simulator (1981?, 800, APX)

Granchelli, Paul
Buzzword (1986?, 800, The Buzzword Game Co.)

Granger, Arlan
Rip Cord (COIN, Exidy)

Granger, Chris G.
[B] Underground (1981, TI99, DigiLog)
[B] TI Checkers (1981, TI99, DigiLog)
[B] Cracker (1982, TI99, DigiLog)
Adventure on Zeyos (1984, PCJR, Hermit Games) shareware
Runes (1985, PCJR, Hermit Games) shareware
Robo-Smash (1985, PCJR, Hermit Games) shareware
Nuke! (1985, PCJR, Hermit Games) shareware
PC Badlands (1988, PC, BoutTime)
Championship Pool (1989, PC, BoutTime)
[G] X-Men (1992, GEN, Sega)
[G] Robosaurus (1992, SNES, ?)
[G] Menacer (1992, GEN, Sega)
[G] Joe Montana's Football III (1992, GEN, Sega)
[G] DarkSeed (1993, PC, Cyberdreams)
[PG] CyberRace (1993, PC, Sony/Cyberdreams)
[G] I Have No Mouth but I Must Scream (1994?, PC, Cyberdreams)
[G] Simone! (1994, PC, Image Systems) shareware
[G] Brainiac (1994, PC, Image Systems) shareware
[G] Apollo 18 (1995?, PC, GT Interactive)
[G] 3-D Baseball (1996, SAT/PS1, Crystal Dynamics)
[LG] Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver (1998, PS1, Crystal Dynamics)
[G] Small Soldiers (1998, PS1, Dreamworks)
[G] Metal of Honor (1999, PS1, Dreamworks)

Granros, Donn
Old Dark Caves (1985, TI99, Asgard)
Legends (1987, TI99, Asgard) sequel to Old Dark Caves
Legends II (1989, TI99, Asgard)

Grant, Ken
Exterminator (1983, VIC, Nufekop)

Grau, Edward
Poker Tourney (1982, 800, Artworx)

Graves, Bob
[B] Gridiron Glory, with Mike Drury (1982?, 800, APX)

Gray, Chris
*Boulder Dash, with Peter Liepa (1983, 800, First Star)
Boulder Dash 2, with Peter Liepa (1984)
Whirlinurd (1985, 800/C64, PDM/US Gold)
Boulder Dash 3, with Peter Liepa? (1986)
Infiltrator (1986, C64, Mindscape)
Infiltrator II (1987, C64?, Mindscape)
[D] Road Raider (1988, C64, Mindscape)
[D] Technocop (1988, AP2, Gray Matter)
[D] Fiendish Freddy's Big Top o'Fun (1989, AMI, Mindscape)

Gray, Ian
? Alien Blitz (VIC)
Siren City (1983, C64, Interceptor)
China Miner (1983, C64, Interceptor)
Get off my Garden (1983, C64, Interceptor)
Tales of the Arabian Nights (1984, C64, Interceptor)
Aquanaut (1984, C64, Interceptor)
Quango (1984, C64, Interceptor)
Heroes of Karn (1984?, C64, Interceptor)
Empire of Karn (1984?, C64, Interceptor)
Spirit of the Stones, with Lee Braine (1985, C64, Commodore)

Gray, Jeff
Abyssal Zone (1984, AP2)

Gray, John R.
Fifty Mission Crush (1984, 800?, SSI)
B-24, with Peter Schmitt (1987, AP2, SSI)
First Over Germany (1989, C64?, SSI)

Gray, Justin
Aquatron (1983, 800, Sierra)

Gray, Norm
Pick-A-Dilly Pair (1983, AP2, Actioncraft)

Greathouse, Butch
Warlock's Revenge (1983, 800, Synergistic)

Green, A.
Froggy with J. Couto (1982, TI99, Extended) Frogger-like

Green, Dave
Star Clones, with Matt Clark (1981, AP2, Creative Computing)

Green, Kevin T.
[P] Nonterraqueous (1985, C64, Mastertronic) port from ?

Green, Stewart
Alien (1985, SPEC, PSS)
Astrocade (1985, SPEC, PSS)
Mega-Mazing (1985, SPEC, PSS)
Invadas (1985, SPEC, PSS)
Space Fright (1985, SPEC, PSS)
Luna Buggy (1985, SPEC, PSS)
Annals of ROMe (1986, SPEC, PSS)
Pegasus Bridge (1986, SPEC/CPC, PSS)
Invasion Force (1987, SPEC/CPC, PSS)
Dark Blades PBM (1989, ST, Standard Games PBM)
Skullball (1989, PC/ST, Active Games PBM)
Europa (1990, PC, Active Games)
Pogotron (1990, SPEC, Cascade)
Loopz (1990, SPEC, Audiogenic)
Super League Manager (1991, SPEC/CPC, Audio Genie)
[P] Xenon II (1993, SMS, Mirrorsoft)
Charge of the Light Brigade (1993, PC, Impressions)
Hand of St. James (1993, PC/ST, Millennium)
Robocod (1993, GBOY/NES, Millennium)
Pinkie (1993, many, Millennium)
[D] for over a dozen games since 1993

Greenberg, Andrew
Dungeons of Despair, with Robert Woodhead (1980?, AP2) the precursor to Wizardry
*Wizardry: The Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord, with Robert Woodhead (1981, AP2, Sir-Tech)
Wizardry II: Knight of Diamonds, with Robert Woodhead (AP2, Sir-Tech)
Wizardry III: Legacy of Llylgamyn, with Robert Woodhead (AP2, Sir-Tech)
Wizardy IV: Return of Werdna, with Robert Woodhead and Roe Adams [D] (1985?, Sir-Tech)
Wizardry V: Heart of the Maelstrom, with Robert Woodhead and David Bradley (Sir-Tech)
[G] Star Saga I: Beyond the Boundary
[G] Star Saga II: Beyond the Boundary

Greene, Andy
[P] Time Lords (1983, BBCB, Redshift)
[P] Islandia (1984, BBCB, Redshift)

Greene, Michael [founder of Johnson-Greene Software, now Casady & Greene]
No Escape! (1983, 2600, Imagic)
Wing War (not released, 2600, Imagic)
[P] Star Wars (1984, C64, PB)

Greenshields, Mark
Hades Nebula (1987, C64, Paranoid)

Greiner, Ken
[TB] Warrior 3000 (1985, 800, Antic)

Griesemer, Alan
Block Buster, with Stephen Bradshaw (1982?, 800, APX) Rubik's Cube

Griggs, Ted
Superhero (AP2)

Grigsby, Gary
Warship (AP2?, SSI)
Bomb Alley (1982, AP2, SSI)
North Atlantic 86 (1982, AP2, SSI)
Carrier Force (1983, AP2, SSI)
Objective: Kursk (1984, AP2, SSI)
Reforger 1988 (1984, AP2, SSI)
*Kampfgruppe (1985, SSI)
Battle Group (1986, C64?, SSI)
Battle Cruiser (1987, C64?, SSI)
Typhoon of Steel (1988, C64/AP2, SSI)
*Panzer Strike (1988, PC?, SSI)
Carrier Strike (1992, PC, SSI)
*Gary Grigsby's Pacific War (1992, PC, SSI)
[D?] Western Front (1992, PC, SSI)
[D?] Carrier Strike (1992, PC, SSI)
War in Russia (1993, PC, SSI)
[Did he program these later games or just design them?]

Grimm, Leslie
Robot Odyssey, with Mike Wallace (AP2, The Learning Company)

Grimm, Steven
[T] Blast! (198x, 800, ANALOG Computing)

Griner, Tom
Guardian (1981, VIC, Systems Formulate Corp)
Meteors (1981, VIC, Systems Formulate Corp)
Astroblitz (1982, VIC, Creative)
Videomania (1982, VIC, Creative)
Black Hole (1982, VIC, Creative)
Terraguard (1982, VIC, Creative)
Predator (1982, VIC, HES)
Mosquito-Infestation (1982, VIC, HES)
Maze (1983, VIC, HES)
Satellite Patrol (VIC, HES)
[P] Shamus (1983, VIC, HES) port from 800
[P] Choplifter (1983, VIC, Creative) port from AP2
Astroblitz Deluxe (C64, Creative)
[P] Robotron (1985, C64, Atarisoft/Williams) port from COIN
[P] Stargate (1985, C64, Atarisoft/Williams) port from COIN

Grodin, Larry
Torpedo Terror (1981, AP2, Continental)

Groll, Stephen
[TB] Microids (1983, 800, Antic)

Gronbech, Soren
Crackers Revenge (1985, C64)
The Vikings (1986, C64, Kele Line)
Sword of Sodan (1988, AMI, Discovery)
Datastorm (1989, AMI, Visionary Design Technologies)

Gross, Arnold
[TB] Robot Builder (1981, TRS, Softside)

Groth, Roy
Lying Chimps (1981, TRS, 80-U.S. Journal)

Grotjan, Jim
Spiderquake (1983, 800, Gentry)

Groves, Glen H.
TI Toad (1983, TI99, Software Specialties) Frogger-like
Burger Builder (1983, TI99, Software Specialties) Burger Time-like
Micro Pinball (1983, TI99, Software Specialties)
Midnite Mason (1983, TI99, Software Specialties) Lode Runner-like

Grumbles, Robert
Doom Valley, with Nick Magnus III (AP2, Superior)

Gustaffson, Roland
Cosmic Balance II (1986, AP2, SSI)

Guy, Charles
[P] Jet (1986, AP2, Sublogic)

Guy, Rudy A.
[B] Connection (1988, AP2, Mindcraft)

Habibi, Mehdi
Jailbreak (1983, TI99, "Bit, Byte, Bit")

Haffner, Lance
3-in-1 Baseball (1984, AP2, Lance Haffner Games)
Full Count Baseball (AP2, Lance Haffner Games)

Haft, Russ
TRON Maze-A-Tron (1982?, INT, Mattel)

Hagani, James A.
[TB] Slot Machine (1980, TRS, Softside)

Hague, James [co-founder of Dadgum Games]
[T] Bonk (1985, 800, ANALOG Computing)
[TB] Rockslide! (1986, 800, Antic)
[T] The Electroids (1986, 800, ANALOG Computing)
[TB] Uncle Henry's Nuclear Waste Dump (1986, 800, Antic)
[TB] Current Events (1987, 800, Antic)
[TB] E-Racer (1988, 800, Antic)
[PG] King Arthur & the Knights of Justice (1995, SNES, Enix)
[PG] The Need for Speed (1996, SAT, EA) port from PC/PS1
Bumbler (1996, MAC, Dadgum)
Boingo Electro (1996, MAC, Dadgum) freeware reworking of The Electroids
Bumbler Bee-Luxe (1997, MAC, Dadgum)
[PG] Summoner (2000, PS2, THQ)
[PG] Summoner 2 (2002, PS2, THQ)

Hahn, Mark
[P] Pengo (2600, Atari) port from COIN
Elk Attack (2600)

Haigh-Hutchinson, Mark
Android One (CPC, Vortex)
Highway Encounter (CPC, Vortex)
Alien Highway (SPEC/CPC, Vortex)
Revolution (CPC, Vortex)
[P] Paperboy (CPC, Elite Systems)
Overlander (SPEC/CPC, Elite Systems)
[P] Thunderblade (CPC, Tiertex/US Gold)
Human Killing Machine (C64, Tiertex/US Gold)
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (SPC/CPC/PC, Tiertex/US Gold)
Italy 1990 (SPEC/CPC, Tiertex/US Gold)
[P] Zombies Ate My Neighbors (GEN) port from SNES
[P] for many LucasArts titles

Haight, Bev R.
Night Falls (1982, AP2, Omega Microware)

Haire, Michael O.
[P] ASYLUM, with William Denman (1985, 800/C64, Med Systems/Screenplay) port of ASYLUM II from TRS

Haines, Eric
[T] Circuits (1989, C64, Compute!'s Gazette)

Hale, Greg [RIP 2000]
Floppy, with Ted Cohn (AP2)
Rescue Raiders, with Arthur Britto (1984, AP2, Sir-Tech)
Cavern Cobra (1986?, GS, PBI Software)
Leprechaun (1987, MAC, Shodan)
Armor Alley, with Arthur Britto (1989, MAC/PC, Three-Sixty/EA)

Hales, Steve
Slime, with Erich Horn (1982, 800, Synapse)
Fort Apocalypse (1982, 800, Synapse)
Suicide Mission (1982, 2600, Starpath)
Dimension X (1984, 800, Synapse)
[L] Mindwheel, with Robert Pinsky (1985, Synapse)

Haliburton, Ron [founder of Arcade Engineering, later sold to Midway]
[DG] Omega Race (1981, COIN, Bally/Midway)
[D] Two Tigers (1984, COIN, Bally/Midway) programmed by Tim Gilbert

Hall, Darren
Space Fortress (VIC, ROMik)
Space Escort (VIC, ROMik)

Hall, Robert C. III
[TB] Lone Star Corral (1980, TRS, Softside)
[TB] Entrapment (1979, TRS, Softside)

Hall, Tom [co-founder of id, Ion Storm, and Monkeystone Games]
[P] The Seven Keys (1987, AP2, Softdisk)
Aztec Temple (1988, AP2, Softdisk)
Ed's Superspy Course (1988,AP2, Softdisk)
[P] Anagram Challenge (1988, AP2, Softdisk)
[P] Loose Change (1988, AP2, Softdisk)
Changemaker (1988, AP2, Softdisk)
Walk Into the Dot (1988, AP2, Softdisk)
The Silver Cow (1988, AP2, Softdisk)
Recollect Trek (1988, AP2, Softdisk)
Recollect the Beatles (1988, AP2, Softdisk)
Amusement Park (1989, AP2, Softdisk)
Word Castle (1989, AP2, Softdisk)
In Search of the Golden Cheese (1989, AP2, Softdisk)
Duck Boop (1989, AP2, Softdisk)
Alfredo's Stupendous Surprise, with John ROMero (1989, AP2, Softdisk)
[P] Magic Boxes (1989, AP2, Softdisk)
Pun's Peak (1990, AP2, Softdisk)
Ark Shadows (1990, AP2, Softdisk)
Legend of the Star Axe (1990, GS, Softdisk GS)
[G] Catacomb (1990, AP2, PC, Softdisk) worked on art
[G] Catacomb GS (1990, GS, Softdisk GS) worked on art
[G] Double Dangerous Dave (1990, A2, Softdisk) worked on art
[G] Catacomb II (1990, PC, Softdisk)
[G] Slordax(1990, PC, Softdisk)
[G] Shadow Knights (1990, PC, Softdisk)
[G] Rescue Rover! (1990, PC, Softdisk)
[G] Dangerous Dave in the Haunted Mansion (1990, PC, Softdisk)
[G] Keen Dreams (1990,PC, Softdisk)
[G] Rescue Rover II (1990, PC, Softdisk)
[G] Hovertank One (1990, PC, Softdisk)
[G] Catacomb 3-D (1990, PC, Softdisk)
[G] Commander Keen: Marooned on Mars (1990, PC, id/Apogee)
[G] Commander Keen: The Earth Explodes (1990, PC, id/Apogee)
[G] Commander Keen: Keen Must Die! (1990, PC, id/Apogee)
[G] Commander Keen: Secret of the Oracle (1991, PC, id/Apogee)
[G] Commander Keen: The Armageddon Machine (1991, PC, id/Apogee)
[G] Commander Keen: Aliens Ate My Baby Sitter (1991, PC, id/Apogee)
[G] Wolfenstein 3-D (1992, many, id)
[G] Spear of Destiny (1992, PC, id)
*[G] DOOM (1993, many, id)
[G] Duke Nukem II (1993, PC, Apogee)
[G] Rise of the Triad (1994, PC, Apogee)
[G] Extreme Rise of the Triad (1995, PC, Apogee)
[G] Terminal Velocity (1995, PC, 3D Realms)
[D] Anachronox (2001, PC, Ion Storm)
[D] Hyperspace Delivery Boy! (2001, PPC, Monkeystone Games)

Hall, Trevor
Twin Kingdom Valley (1983, C16/SPEC/BBCB, Bug Byte)

Halloran, Phil
Microx (1992, 800, LK Avalon)

Hally, Mike
Gravitar (1982, COIN, Atari)
[L] Star Wars (1983, COIN, Atari)

Hamlin, Denslo
[TB] Slalom (1979, TRS, Softside)

Hamlin, Thomas III
[TB] Mad Scientist (1980, TRS, Softside)

Hammer, Cary
A.I. (1987, AP2)

Hammond, Eric
*Dr. J and Larry Bird go One on One (1983, AP2?, EA)
Maze Craze Construction Set (AP2?, EA?)
Night Flight (AP2) possibly bundled with Mockingboard
Marauder, with Rorke Wengandt (AP2)

Hammond, Greg
Willy Byte in the Digital Dimension, with Murray Krehbiel (1984, AP2, Datatrek)

Hammons, Roger
Break the Bank, with Don Harris (1983, AP2, Gentry)

Hampton, Dave
[P] Q*bert (1982, 2600, PB) port from COIN

Hanawa, Steve
Tranquilizer Gun (COIN, Sega)
Space Trek (COIN, Sega)
Space Odyssey (COIN, Sega)
Turbo (COIN, Sega)
Sinbad Mystery (COIN, Sega)
Monster Bash (COIN, Sega)

Hancock, Hunter
Cyclod (1981?, AP2, Sirius)

Hanson, Tim
[T] White Water (1989, C64, Compute!'s Gazette)

Hardy, Robert
The Spy Strikes Back, with Mark Pelczarski (1983, AP2, Pengiun)

Hardy, Simon
Critical Mass (1984, SPEC, Durell)

Hare, Doug
IO (C64)
Itchy and Scratchy (SNES, BITS)

Harleman, Thomase
[TB] Missile Evasion (1980, TRS, Softside)

Haroutonian, Arti
Kid Grid (1982, 800/C64?, Tronix)
*Juice (1983, C64, Tronix)

Harper, Roy
[TB] Meteor Storm (1980, TRS/800, Softside)

Harris, Don
Break the Bank, with Roger Hammons (1983, AP2, Gentry)

Harris, John
Bomb Blaster (1980, 800, ?)
Chase (1980, 800, ?)
Battle Warp (1980, 800, ?)
Jawbreaker (1981, 800, Sierra)
Mousekattack (1982, 800, Sierra)
[P] Frogger (1982, 800, Sierra)
Jawbreaker (1983, 2600, Tiger)
[NP] Hansel & Gretel (1984, 800, Blythe Valley) educational
[NP] Briar Rose (1984, 800, Blythe Valley) educational
[N] various information display systems (1985-93, 800)

Harris, John [not John "Jawbreaker" Harris]
[B] Can't Quit (1983?, 800, APX)

Harris, Robert S. "RoSHA"
Nimble Number NED (O2?)
Killer Bees (O2, NAP)
WarRoom (Probe2000, COL)
[P] Hustle (TI99)
[P] Blasto (TI99)

Harris, Thorne D. III
The Quest for the Holy Grail, with Mark Hattier (AP2, Superior)

Harter, David
SPAD X111 Mk. 2 (1987, TI99, Not-Polyoptics) later Red Baron Flight Simulator

Harter, Steve
[T] Crossroads II: Pandemonium (1988, C64, Compute!'s Gazette)
[T] Battling Boas (1991, C64, Run)

Hartford, Steve
Star Trader (COCO)
Sam Sleuth (COCO)
Maui Vice (COCO)
Franchise (COCO)

Hartley, Chuck
[TB] Magic Cave (1980, AP2, Softside)

Hartman, Alan
[TB] Bombardment (1981, 800, Softside)

Harvey, Neil
[TB] International Bounty Hunter (1990, 128, Compute!'s Gazette)

Harvey, Will
[N] Music Construction Set (1984, AP2?, EA) additional programming by Jim Nitchals
[P] Marble Madness (1986, C64, EA) added 1 level to the original
Zany Golf (1988, GS, EA) additional programming by Jim Nitchals
[G] The Immortal (1992, GS, EA)

Hassett, Greg
[TB] King Tut's Tomb (1979, AP2/TRS)
[TB] Sorcerer's Castle (1979, AP2/TRS)
[TB] Enchanted Island (TRS)
[TB] Voyage to Atlantis (1980, TRS)
[B] Journey to the Center of the Earth (1980, TRS, Softside)
[TB] House of the Seven Gables (1981, TRS)
Haunted House
World's Edge (1980, TRS/AP2)
Search for the Sasquatch (AP2)
Mystery Mansion (TRS)
Devil's Palace (1980, TRS)
Search for the Sasquatch (AP2)
Enhanted Island Plus (1979?, TRS)

Hata, M.
Super Invaders (1980?, AP2, California Pacific) Space Invaders-like

Hattier, Mark
The Quest for the Holy Grail, with Thorne D. Harris (AP2, Superior)

Hausman, Frank
[P] Centipede, with some help from Sean Hennessy (1982, 5200, Atari)

Hausman, Robert Jr.
[TB] No-Mis (1980, AP2, Softside)

Hawkins, P.T.
Steeple Jack (1983, 800, English)

Hawkins, Randy
[TB] Concentration II (1980, TRS, Softside)
[TB] Gambler (1982, AP2/800/TRS, Softside)

Hawley, Steve
Suicide! (AP2, Piccadilly)

Hayenga, Keith
Foosball (1981, AP2, Sirius)

Hays, Tim
[TB] Trench (1980, 800, Softside)

Heath, Charlie
[P] Reactor (1983?, 2600, PB) port from COIN

Heath, David
At the Gates of Moscow (1985, 800?, SGP)

Heaven, Peter
Turf-Form (1988, 800, Cygnus/Blue Ribbon)

Hefter, Richard
Chivalry, with Steve & Janie Worthington (1983, AP2, Optimum Resource)
Beach Landing, with Susan Dubicki (1984, AP2, Optimum Resource)
Fat City, with Steve Worthington (1983, AP2, Optimium Resource)
Old Ironsides, with Jack Rice (1983, AP2, Weekly Reader)
Run for It, with Steve Worthington (1983, AP2, Optimum Resource)

Heineman, Bill "Burger Bill" [founder of Logicware]
Dragon Wars (AP2)
Mindshadow (1985, C64, Interplay/ACT)
[PG] Tass Times in Tonetown (1986, Interplay)
World Karate Championship (1986, AP2, Epyx)
[P] Bard's Tale III: The Thief of Fate (C64, 1988, Interplay/EA)
[P] Wolfenstein 3-D, with Eric Shepherd (MAC/3DO/GS, id) port from PC
[P] Out of This World (MAC/3DO/SNES/GS, Interplay) port from PC
Track Meet (GBOY)
AstroRock 2000 (1998, PC/Mac, Logicware) 3D Asteroids

Hellesen, Joe
[P] Deluxe Invaders (1982, 800, Roklan) Space Invaders-like
[P] Pac-Man (1983, 800, Atari) port from COIN
[P] Wizard of Wor, with Joe Wagner (1984, 800, Roklan) port from COIN
[P] Gyruss (1984, C64, PB) port from COIN
[P] Joust (1985, C64, AtariSoft) port from COIN
[P] Dream Zone (1986 ST, Baudville)
[LP] Joust 2: Survival of the Fittest, with Warren Davis and Christine Donofrio (1986, COIN, Williams)
[LP] Jordan Vs. Bird 1 on 1 (1988, C64, Electronic Arts)
[P] Red Storm Rising (Tactical Game) with Sid Meier (1989, PC, ST, Microprose)
[P] M1 Tank Platoon, with Scott Spanburg and Daryll Dennies (1990, ST, Microprose)
[LP] F117A - Stealth Fighter 2.0, with Scott Spanburg and Ed Fletcher (1991, PC, Microprose)
[P] Dracula Unleashed, with Fred Allen (1993, SCD, Sega)
[LP] Phantom 2040, with Patrick Costello (1995, GEN, Hearst)
[P] Beavis & Butthead Little Thingies, with Fred Allen (1996, PC, Viacom New Media)
[P] Septerra Core (Graphics Engine) with Mark Manyen (1999, PC, Valkyrie)
[P] Axis and Allies: Iron Blitz (1999, PC, Hasbro)

Henderson, Bob
[P] Space Shuttle: A Journey into Space (1984, 800/5200, ACT) port from 2600

Hendricks, Mike
Pulsar, with Larry Clague (1980, COIN, Sega/Gremlin)
Eliminator, with Larry Clague (1983, COIN, Sega/Gremlin)

Henkel, Guido [co-founder of Attic, founder of G3 Studios]
Hellowoon (1984, C64, Ariolasoft) later did AMI/ST/PC versions
Ooze: Als die Geister mürbe wurden (1987, C64/AMI/ST/PC, Ariolasoft)
[P] Exxolon (1988, AMI, Hewson)
Ooze: Creepy Nights (1989, C64/AMI/ST/PC, Linel)
[P] Kaiser (1989, AMI, Linel)
[G] Lords Of Doom (1990, AMI/ST/PC, Starbyte)
[G] Spirit Of Adventure (1991, AMI/ST/PC, Starbyte)
Drachen Von Laas (1992, AMI/ST/PC, Attic)
[G] The Oath (1992, AMI, Attic Entertainment Software)
[G] Das Schwarze Auge: Die Schicksalsklinge (1992, AMI/ST/PC, Attic)
[G] Realms of Arkania: Blade of Destiny (1995, PC, Sir-Tech)
[P] Fears (1996, AMI, Attic)
[G] Realms of Arkania: Star Trail (1995, PC, Sir-Tech)
[P] Der Druidenzirkel (1996, PC, Attic)
[G] Jagged Alliance II: Deadly Games (1996, PC, Sir-Tech)
[G] Made In Germany (1996, PC, Attic)
[G] Realms of Arkania: Shadows Over Riva (1997, PC, Sir-Tech)
[G] Herrscher Der Meere (1997, PC, Attic)
[G] Fallout 2 (1997, PC, Interplay)
[G] Planescape: Torment (1999, PC, Interplay)
Black Jack Pro (2002, PPC, G3 Studios)
Video Poker Pro (2002, PPC, G3 Studios)

Hennessy, W. Sean
[Helped on 5200 Centipede; see Frank Hausman]
RealSports Tennis (1983, 5200, Atari)
[P] Pengo (1983, 5200/800, Atari)
[G] MouseTraks (1984, Mac, Axlon)
[P] SoulFire, with Phil Sorger (1994, SCD, Sega)

Henshon, Elaine
[P] Yahtzee (TI99, Milton Bradley) port from paper & dice game
[P] Stratego (TI99, Milton Bradley) port from board game

Hensley Jr., David
[GT] Basketball Sam & Ed (1987, C64, Compute!'s Gazette)

Herlihy, Felix and Greg
Vaults of Zurich (1982, 800, Dynacomp/Artworx)

Hermens, Hermie
The Antagonists, with Hal Renko and Sam Edwards (C64, Addison-Wesley)

Hernandez, Nelson G. Sr.
President Elect (1981, AP2, SSI)
President Elect '88 Edition (1988, AP2, SSI)

Herrera, Fernando
[B] Space Chase (1981?, 800, Swifty)
Astro Chase (1983, 800, First Star) later from PB
Bristles (1983, 800, First Star)
Rockford, with Tony Manso and Peter Liepa (1985, AMI/COIN, First Star)
Superman, with Tony Manso and Jim Nangano (1985, C64, First Star)

Hess, Philip & Bob
Death in the Carribean (1983, AP2, Microfun)

Hester, Dean
Collision Course (1982, 800, Zimag)

Hewitt, Dan
[P] Xevious (1984, AP2, Mindscape) port from COIN

Hightower, Glenn
Adventures of Tron, with Hal Finney (1983, 2600, M-Network)

Higinbotham, Willy
Tennis for Two (1958) the _original_ Pong

Hilger, Jim
[TB] Volleyball (1981, AP2, Softside)
Trik (AP2)

Hill, Alan
[TB] Shoot Out (1980, AP2, Softside)

Hille, David
Combat Leader (1984, 800, SSI)
Batallion Commander (AP2, SSI)

Hillen, S.
[T] Deathzone (1986, 800, ANALOG Computing) Robot Tank-like

Hillhouse, Jeff
[P] Windwalker (AP2, Origin) port from ?

Hilty, James C.
[TB] Batter Up! (1987, C64, Ahoy!)
[TB] The Jupiter Jump (1987, C64, Commodore Magazine)

Hindorff, Bill
Radar Rat Race (1981, VIC, Commodore)
Cosmic Cruncher (VIC)
[LP] Gorf (VIC) port from COIN
[LP] Blue Print (C64) port from COIN

Hinkle, Steve
Galaxy, with Dave Johnston (1983, 800, Avalon Hill)

Hinxman, Anton
Sting 64 (1984, C64, Quicksilva)

Hitchens, Dan
[P] Berserk (1982?, 2600, Atari)

Hobbs, Ed
Seafox (1982, AP2, BROD)
Triad (1982, AP2, AI)
Castles of Dr. Creep (1983?, AP2, BROD)
[U?] Syzygy (1983, AP2)

Hochbrueckner, Walter
Conquering Worlds (1983, AP2, Datamost)
[P] Sky Travel (1988, AP2, Deletron) port from ?

Hochwitz, Todd
At the Gates of Moscow (1985, AP2, SGP)

Hoddie, J. Peter
Fishy Business (1983, TI99, Optimus)
J. Freddy Frog (1983, TI99, Optimus)
Klimbing Kong (1983, TI99, Optimus)
Nuclear Rain (1983, TI99, Optimus)
Space Battle: 2101 (1983, TI99, Optimus)

Hoffberg, Robert
Connect Four (MVIS, Milton Bradley)
Cosmic Hunter (MVIS, Milton Bradley)

Hoffman, Bruce X.
Talisman (1987, AP2, Penguin)

Hoffman, William
Laser Battle (1982, TI99, Futura)

Hofstede, Geert
Space Snake (1982, VIC, Handic Benelux B.V.)

Hogarth, Les
Se-Kaa of Assiah, with Clive Wilson (1984, C64, Mastertronic)

Hogg, Tom
Pool Shark, with Owen Rubin (1977, COIN, Atari)

Hogue, William B. "Bill"
Super Nova, with Jeff Konyu (1981, TRS, Big Five)
Galaxy Invasion, with Jeff Konyu (1980, TRS, Big Five)
Attack Force, with Jeff Konyu (1980, TRS, Big Five)
Cosmic Fighter, with Jeff Konyu (1980, TRS, Big Five)
Meteor Mission 2, with Jeff Konyu (1981, TRS, Big Five)
Galaxy Invasion -Plus-, with Jeff Konyu (1980, TRS, Big Five)
Robot Attack, with Jeff Konyu (1983, TRS, Big Five)
Defense Command, with Jeff Konyu (1982, TRS, Big Five)
Miner 2049'er (1982, 800, Big Five Software)
Bounty Bob Strikes Back!, with Curtis Mikolyski (1985, 800, Big Five Software) sequel to Miner 2049'er

Hogue, Ray
[U] Pussyfootin' (1983?, VIC, Synapse)

Holder, Wayne
*Sundog: Frozen Legacy, with Bruce Webster (1984, AP2, FTL Games)
*DungeonMaster, with Doug Bell and Andy Jaros (1987, ST, FTL Games)

Holland, Lawrence "Larry" [founder of Totally Games]
[P] Super Zaxxon, with Larry Holland (1985, C64, US Gold) port from COIN
Project Space Station (1987, AP2, HES)
Their Finest Hour: The Battle of Britain (1990, ST/AMI, Lucasfilm)
[L] X-Wing (PC, LucasArts)
[L] Tie Fighter (PC, LucasArts)

Holle, Dav [not Dave]
Sherwood Forest, with Dale Johnson (1981, AP2, Phoenix)

Hollis, Andy
MIG Alley Ace (1983, 800?, Microprose)
Kennedy Approach (1985?, C64?, Microprose)
Gunship (1985?, Microprose)
[1998: with Janes' Combat Simulations]

Hollis, John [founder of Hollis Research, 1984]
Space Intruders (SPEC, Quicksilva)
Meteor Storm (SPEC, Quicksilva)
Time-Gate (SPEC, Quicksilva)
Game Designer (SPEC, Quicksilva)
Aquaplane (SPEC, Quicksilva)

Hollis, Ken
[P] Jennie of the Prairie (1983?, AP2, Rhiannon)

Homer, Kevin M.
[P] Leader Board (1986, 800, Access) port from C64

Hood, Bill
Tank Arcade (1982, AP2, Avalon Hill)
Shuttle Orbiter (1982?, 2600, Avalon Hill)

Hoover, Rick
Might & Magic (1983, AP2, Sanctum) different than the New World Computing game

Hoque, Amin
[P] Trailblazer (1986, 800, Gremlin Graphics) port from C64

Horai, Makato
A.E., with Jun Wada (1982, AP2, BROD)

Horn, Bob
[P] Princess and the Frog (1983, VIC, ROMox) port from 800; Frogger-like

Horn, Erich
Slime, with Steve Hales (1982, 800, Synapse)
Veingame (VIC, Sirius)
[P] Stargate (VIC, HES) port from COIN
[P] Gauntlet (NES, Tengen) port from COIN
[P] Super Sprint (NES, Tengen) port from COIN
[P] Xybots, with Lisa Ching (NES, Tengen) port from COIN
[P] Off Road Racing (GEN, Parkplace Productions) port from COIN?
[P] Strike Force 3 (GEN, Foley Hi-Tech)
[P] Super Strike Force (GEN, Foley Hi-Tech)

Horsley, Martin
ROMmel's Revenge (1984, SPEC, Crystal Computing)

Hoshizaki, Julie
Thin Ice (INT)

Houck, Duane
Pakacuda (1984, C64, Rabbit) Pac-Man-like

Householder, Matt
Krull, with Chris Krubel (1983, COIN, Gottlieb)
[LD] World Games (1986, many, Epyx)
[LD] California Games (1987, many, Epyx)
[LD] 3DO Games: Decathlon (1996, 3DO, Studio 3DO)

Howard, Mike
[P] Moria (1984, SPEC, Severn) port from ORIC

Howarth, Brian
The Golden Baton (1981, TRS, various)
The Time Machine (1981, TRS, various)
Arrow of Death, part 1 (1981, TRS, various)
Arrow of Death, part 2 (1982, TRS, various)
Escape from Pulsar 7, with Wherner Barnes (1982, TRS, various)
Circus, with Whener Barnes (1982, TRS, various)
Feasibility Experiment (SPEC?, various)
The Wizard of Akyrz, with Cliff J. Ogden (SPEC?, various)
Perseus and Andromeda (C64, various)
Ten Little Indians (SPEC?, various)
Waxworks, with Cliff J. Ogden (SPEC?, various)
Gremlins (1984, many, AI UK)
Robin of Sherwood: The Touchstones of Rhiannon, with Mike Woodroffe (1985, many, AI UK)
Super Gran: The Adventure, with Mike Woodroffe (1985, C64, Tynesoft)
Lone Survivor (Tynesoft)

Howerton, Ed
Tic-Tac-Toe (1980, AP2, Progressive)

Howie, Les
Fall Gelb: The Fall of France May 1940 (1983, AP2, Simulations Canada)
Battle of the Atlantic: The Ocean Lifeline (1984, AP2, Simulations Canada)

Hoyt, Michael
[TB] Capture (1988, C64, Ahoy!)
[TB] The V'Lurian Mines (1988, 128, Ahoy!)

Hubbard, Matthew
Dolphin (1983?, 2600, ACT)
Zenji (1984, 2600, ACT)
[was with EA, circa 1990]

Huber, Walt
Super Stud Poker (1983, 800, Lotsa Bytes)
Star Lords (1984, 800, Lotsa Bytes)
Blue Team Bridge (1985?, 800, Antic)

Hudson, Tom
[T] Harvey Wallbanger, with Charles Bachand (1982, 800, ANALOG Computing)
[T] Fill 'Er Up (1982?, 800, ANALOG Computing) Qix-like
[T] Livewire! (1983, 800, ANALOG Computing) Tempest-like
[T] Retrofire (1983, 800, ANALOG Computing)
Buried Bucks (1983, 800, ANALOG Software) later "Chopper Hunt" from Imagic
[TB] Adventure at Vandenburg AFB (1984?, 800, ANALOG Computing)
[T] Planetary Defense, with Charles Bachand (1984, 800, ANALOG Computing)
[T] Fire Bug, with Kyle Peacock (1984, 800, ANALOG Computing)
[N] DEGAS (1986?, ST, Batteries Included)
[N] CAD 3D (1987?, ST, Antic) forerunner of 3-D Studio
[N] 3D Studio (1990?, PC, Autodesk)

Huebner, Ken
[P] Cycleknight (1986, 800, Artworx) port from ?
[TB] Memory Tiles (1989, C64, Run) Same Ken who wrote Cyclenight?

Huether, Jim
Flag Capture (2600, Atari)
Steeplechase (2600, Sears)
Sky Diver (2600, Atari)
Realsports Football (5200, Atari)
Xevious (5200, Atari)
[D] Mickey Mouse Castle of Illusion (1991, GEN, Sega
[D] Joe Montana Football (GEN, Sega)
[D] Joe Montana Sportstalk Football (GEN, Sega)

Huey, Jimmy
Quackers, with Thomas Kim (1982, VIC, Interesting)
Galactix Blitz (1982, VIC, Tronix) aka Space Phreaks; Galaxian-like
Swarm (1982, VIC, Tronix) aka Night Crawler
Sidewinder (1982, VIC, Tronix)
Scorpion (1983, VIC, Tronix)
Vindicator (1983, AP2, HAL Labs)
[P] Pac-Man (1983, VIC) port from COIN
[UP] Mario Bros. (1984, AP2, Atarisoft) port from COIN
Trolls and Tribulations (1985?, C64/800/AP2, Creative)
[PG] World Games (1986, PC, Epyx) port from C64
[P] Winter Games (1986, PC, Epyx) port from C64
[P] International Karate (1986, PC, Epyx) port from C64
[PG] Summer Games II (1987, PC, Epyx) port from C64
[P] Death Sword (1987, AP2/PC, Epyx) port from C64
[P] Dr. Doom's Revenge (1989, AMI, Paragon) port from ST
[P] Sharkey's 3D Pool (1989, ST, Microprose) port from PC
[P] Keith Van Eron's Pro Soccer (1989, C64, Microprose) port from PC
[PG] RollerbladeRacer (1992, NES, Hitech)
[P] Mickey's Ultimate Challenge (1993, SNES, Hitech) port from GEN
Baby's Day Out (1994, GEN, Hitech)
[P] Xtreme Sports (1998?, GBOY, Infogrames)

Huff, Robinson
[P] Alternate Reality: The Dungeon (1987, AP2, Datasoft) port from C64

Hughes, C.
Stranded, with Woodhouse D. (1984, 800, English)

Hughes, Steve
[P] Castles & Kings, with Johan Van Imschoot (1989, AP2, Entrex)

Hugon, Jaques
[P] Track & Field, with Seth Lipkin (1984, 2600, GCC/Atari) port from COIN

Hui, Sam
Cross City (1986, AP2, Computing Age) City Connection-like

Hume, Colin
Computer War (1983?, 800, Thorn Emi)

Humphery, Joe
[TB] Battlefield (1981, AP2, Softside)

Humphrey, Gerry
[P] Moon Shuttle. with James Garon (1982, COCO, DataSoft)
[P] Pooyan, with James Garon (1983, COCO, DataSoft) port from COIN

Hunt, Simon
Diamonds (1983, 800, English)
Dan Strikes Back (1984, 800, English)

Huntington, G.
Citadel Warrior (1983, 800, English)

Huntington, Tim
Robin Hood (1984, 800, English)

Hurd, James
Dungeons, Dragons, & Other Perils (1983?, 800, XLent)

Hurlburt, Jeff
SuperQuest (AP2, Softside)

Hurley, Kenneth
[P] Rampage (AP2, 1985?, ACT) port from COIN; also did PC and AMI ports
[P] Sword of Kadash (ST) port from AP2?
Chuck Yeager's Air Combat Simulator, with Brent Iverson (PC, EA)
[P] Wing Commander III, with Steve Coallier (PS1, EA) port from PC

Huskey, Scott
Flip Out (1981?, AP2, Sirius)

Hutcherson, Larry W. Sr.
Pepper II (1981?, COIN, Exidy)
Teeter Torture (1981?, COIN, Exidy)
Mouse Trap (1981, COIN, Exidy)
Hard Hat (1982, COIN, Exidy)
Crossbow (1983, COIN, Exidy)
Cheyenne (1984, COIN, Exidy)
Combat (1985, COIN, Exidy)
Chiller (1986, COIN, Exidy)
Clay Pigeon (1986, COIN, Exidy)
Crackpot (1986, COIN, Exidy)
Top Secret (1986, COIN, Exidy)
Hit 'N Miss (1987, COIN, Exidy)
Showdown (1988, COIN, Exidy)
Who Dunnit (1988, COIN, Exidy)
[P] NBA Jam 2K (Sculptured)
[P] NBA Jam 2001 (Sculptured)
[P] Legends of Wrestling (Sculptured)
[P] The Sims: Bustin' Out (PS2/XBOX/GC, EA)
[P] The Sims: Street Smart (PS2/XBOX/GC, EA)

Hutchinson, Mike
[P] Arkanoid (1987, 800, Taito/Ocean) port from COIN

Hyatt, Jason
[P] Pharoah's Curse (C64, Synapse) port from 800

Iaria, Peter
Trivia Savant, with Anthony Tribelli (1984, AP2, HAL Labs)

Ibbotson, Denis
Bugs (1984, BBCB, Virgin Games)
Jungle Jive (1984, BBCB, Virgin Games)

Ida, Ken
Snoggle, with Jun Wada (1981, AP2, BROD)

Illowsky, Dan
Snack Attack (1982, AP2, Datamost) Pac-Man like
County Carnival (AP2)
Space Cadette (1983, AP2, Datamost)
Snack Attack II, with Michael Abrash (1983?, PC, Funtastic)
Cosmic Crusader, with Michael Abrash (PC, Funtastic)
Big Top, with Michael Abrash (PC, Funtastic)
Master Miner (PC, Funtastic)
[1998: is a computer consultant]

Irish, Ray
Fusebox (1989, 800, Antic) disk bonus

Isaac, Paul C.
Times of Lore (1988, AP2, Origin) concept by Chris Roberts

Iverson, Brent
[B] Nibbler (1982, AP2, Microsparc)
[B] Quasar II (AP2, Mindcraft)

Ivey, Howell
[D] Clean Sweep (1973-5, COIN, Ramtek
[D] Death Race (1976, COIN, Exidy)
[D] Circus (1978, COIN, Exidy)
[D] Robot Bowl (1978?, COIN, Exidy)
[D] Venture (1980, COIN, Exidy)
Car Polo (COIN, Exidy)

Iwata, Satoru
Star Battle (1981, VIC)

Iwatani, Toru
Gee Bee (1978)
Bomb Bee (1979)
Cutie Q (1979)
*Pac-Man (1980, COIN, Bally/Midway)
Super Pac-Man (1982, COIN, Bally/Midway)
Libble Rabble (1983, COIN, Namco)

Jacob, Jim
Death Trap (1982?, 2600, Avalon Hill)
Out of Control (1982?, 2600, Avalon Hill)

Jacobs, Joe
[P] Bump 'N' Jump, with Dennis Clark (1983, INT, Mattel) port from COIN

Jacoby, Arthur P.
Bankroll (1982, TI99, Not-Polyoptics)

Jaeger, Jay R.
[P] Space War (1983?, 800, APX) the classic game

Jaeger, Robert
Pinhead (1983, 800, Utopia) Kick-Man like
Montezuma's Revenge (1983, 800, Utopia) later from PB
Montezuma's Return (1998, PC)

Jamshidi, Behzad
[T] The Unexpected (1990, C64, Run)

Jangeborg, Bo
Fairlight I (1984?, SPEC, Edge)
Fairlight II (1985 SPEC, Edge)

Jarvis, Eugene P.
[P] The Atarians, with Fred Yates (1977, PIN, Atari)
Time 2000 (1977, PIN, Atari)
[P] Airborne Avenger (1978, PIN, Atari)
[P] Space Riders (1978, PIN, Atari)
[P] Superman (1979, PIN, Atari)
[P] Lazer Ball (1979, PIN, Williams)
[P] Firepower (1980, PIN, Williams)
*Defender, with Larry DeMar, Sam Dicker, and Paul Dussault (1980, COIN, Williams)
Stargate, with Larry DeMar (1981, COIN, Williams) aka Defender II
*Robotron: 2084, with Larry DeMar (1982, COIN, Williams)
Blaster, with Larry DeMar (1983, COIN, Williams)
[L] F-14 Tomcat, with Ed Boon (1986, PIN, Williams)
[D] NARC (1989, COIN, Williams)
High Impact Football, with Ed Boon and John Newcomer (1991, COIN, Williams)
[D] Cruis'n USA (1994, COIN, Midway)
[L] Cruis'n world (1996, COIN, Midway)

Jay, Rita
Arena 3000 (1984, C64, Microdeal)
[P] Cuthbert Goes Walkabout (1984, 800, Microdeal) port from Dragon 32
[P] Do Run-Run (1984, C64, Microdeal) port from COIN

Jay, Sam & Paul
The Detective Game (1986, Argus Press/A.P.S.)

Jay, Simon
The Helm (C64, Firebird)

Jengo, James
Crypts of Plumbous (1982, 800, Cosmi)

Jennings, Peter
Microchess 2.0 (1978, AP2, Personal)

Jensen, Garth
[TB] Micro-80 Pinball Machine (1980, TRS, Softside)

Jentzsch, Thomas
Thrust (2000, 2600) clone of C64 game of same name; Gravitar-like

Jesdale, Natalie
Great Maine to California Race (1983, AP2, Hayden)

Jesse, Jeff
[B] Deflection (1980, 800, AI)
[B] Mountain Shoot (1980, 800, AI) Artillery-like
[B] Simon Says (1980, 800, AI)

Jew, Matthew
Battleship Commander, with Erik Kirk (1980, AP2, Quality)

Ji-Wen Tsao
Shark! Shark! (1983, INT, Mattel)

Jimick, Joseph
[TB] Missile Bombers (1990, 800, Antic)

Jochumson, Chris
Track Attack (1981?, 800, BROD)
*The Arcade Machine, with Doug Carlston (1982?, AP2, BROD)
[N] Graphics Magician, with David Lubar and Mark Pelczarski (1982?, AP2, Penguin)
Space Quarks (AP2, BROD)

Joerges, Jasdan
Kinetik (1987, SPEC, Firebird) also did CPC port

Johanningman, Jeff
[B] Snark Hunt (1982?, 800, APX)
Rabbotz (1983?, 800, APX)

Johnson, Cliff
Labyrinth of Crete, with Alan Pinero (1983, AP2, AI)
*The Fool's Errand (1987, MAC)
At the Carnival (1988, MAC)
3 in 3 (1990, MAC)
[G] Hanna Barbara's Cartoon Carnival (1993, CDI/MAC/PC)
[G] Merlin's Apprentice (1994, CDI/MAC/PC, 1994)
[G] Labyrinth of Crete (1995, CDI/MAC/PC, 1995)

Johnson, D.W.
Menagerie (1983, VIC, Commodore) Frogger-like

Johnson, Dale
Mad Venture, with Christine Johnson (1981, AP2, Micro Lab)
Palace in Thunderland, with Ken Rose (1981, AP2, Micro Fun)
Sherwood Forest, with Dave Holle (1981, AP2, Phoenix)
Masquerade (1983, AP2, Phoenix)
Fraktured Faebles (1985, AP2, American Eagle)

Johnson, Dave [founder of Johnson-Greene Software, later Casady & Greene; founder of Working Software]
Lookahead (800, APX)
[P] Demon Attack (1982, 800, Imagic) port from 2600
Quick Step (1983, 2600, Imagic)
[P] Demon Attack (1983?, O2, Imagic) port from 2600

Johnson, Douglas
[TB] Foosball (1980, AP2, Softside)

Johnson, Greg
*[DG] Starflight (1985, PC, EA)
[D] Starflight II (1986?, PC, EA)
[D] Caveman Ugh-Lympics (1988, C64, Dynamix/EA)
[G] Toejam & Earl (1991, GEN, Sega)
[G] Toejam & Earl: Panic on Funkotron, with ? (1993, GEN, Sega)

Johnson, Jeff A.
[B] Temple of Apshai, with Jon Freeman and Jim Connelley (1979, PET/TRS, ASIM)
[B] Datestones of Ryn, with Jon Freeman and Jim Connelley (1979, TRS, ASIM)
[B] Morloc's Tower, with Jon Freemane and Jim Connelley (1979, TRS, ASIM)
[GB] Hellfire Warrior (1980, TRS, ASIM)
NAM, with Roger Damon (1986?, 800?, SSI)
Roadwar 2000, with Robert Calfree (1986, AP2, SSI)
[D] Roadwar 2000 Europa (1987, AP2, SSI)

Johnson, Lloyd
Berserker Raids (1983, 800?, Berserker Works)

Johnson, Paul
[TB] Super Barricade (1980, 800, Softside)
[TB] Sleuth (1980, 800, Softside)
[TB] Ricochet (1980, 800, Softside)

Johnson, Richard
[TB] Dodger (1980, AP2, Softside)

Johnson, Roger L.
ASW Tactics II (1983, TI99, DEJ Software)

Johnson, Tom
3-D Maze (1982, TI99, American)
Bomb Squad (1982, TI99, American)
Wizard's Dominion (1982, TI99, American)
Entrapment (1983, TI99, American)

Johnston, Dave
Galaxy, with Steve Hinkle (1983, 800, Avalon Hill)

Joiner, David "Talin"
Guardian (1983, COCO, Quasar Animations)
Discovery (1985, AMI, MicroIllusions)
*The Faery Tale Adventure (1986, AMI, MicroIllusions)
Inherit the Earth (PC, New World Computing)

Jones, Gwyll
Savage Pond (1983, 800, Starcade)
Up, Up, & Away! (1983, 800, Pulsare)

Jones, Jason
Modem Surround (1988, AP2, Applied Engineering)

Jones, Jay
[P] Turmoil (1984, C64, Sirius) port from 2600

Jones, Jeremy
[P] Turmoil (1984?, VIC, Sirius) port from 2600

Jones, Kelly
Drelbs (1983, 800, Synapse)

Jones, Nick
Galaliens (ORIC, Tansoft)
Herbert's Dummy Run (CPC, Mikrogen)
Three Weeks in Paradise (CPC, Mikrogen)
Equinox (1985, C64, Mikrogen)
Frostbyte (1986, C64, Mikrogen)
Exolon (1986, C64, Hewson)
Cybernoid 1 (1988, C64, Hewson)
Cybernoid 2 (1989, C64, Hewson)
Stormlord (1989, Hewson)
Vixen (C64, Martech)
Axiens (CPC, Bubble Bus)
Classic Muncher (CPC/SPEC, Bubble Bus)
Dan Dare 3 (1990, C64, Virgin)
Supremmacy (1990, C64, Virgin)
[P] Smash T.V. (1991, C64, Virgin) port from COIN
Beyond the Ice Palace (C64, Elite Systems)
Mr. Wino (CPC/SPEC, Firebird)
[P] Family Feud (GEN, Gametek)
[G] Alien 3 (SNES, Acclaim)
[G] Earthworm Jim (SNES, Shiny)
[G] Earthworm Jim 2 (SNES, Shiny)

Jones, Peter
Hampstead, with Trevor Lever (BBCB?, Melbourne House)
Terrormolinos, with Trevor Lever (1985, SPEC?, Melbourne House)
Dodgy Geezers, with Trevor Lever (Melbourne House)

Jongens, Randy
Pathfinder (1983, 800, Gebelli)

Jordan, Ken
[P] Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom (1983, AP2/800, Sega)
[P] Tapper (1984, 800, Sega)
*[P] Alternate Reality: The City, with Jim Ratcliff (1984-85, C64, Datasoft) port from 800
Alternate Reality: The Dungeon, with Philip Price and Dan Pinal (1987, C64, Datasoft)

Jukic, Mark
Hooper (1984, C64, Calisto)
[P] The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai, with Scott Adams and (1985, AP2, AI) port from ?
[P] Fantastic Four (1985, AP2, AI) port from ?

Jung, Robert
[TB] A-Rogue (1987, 800, Antic) Rogue-like

Justus, Steve
[TB] Baseball, with Steve MacLeay (1980, AP2, Softside)
[TB] Mini Golf (1981, AP2, Softside)

Kacneski, Chet
[TB] Towers of Hanoi (1979, TRS, Softside)

Kaestner, Ray
[P] Burgertime (1982, INT, Mattel) port from COIN
Masters of the Universe: The Power of He-Man, with Rick Koenig (1983, INT, Mattel)
Diner (1984?, INT, INTV) sequel to Burgertime

Kahn, Steven
[TB] Horse Race (1980, AP2, Softside)

Kalagher, Dick
Sea Bandit (1983, 800, Gentry)

Kalinowski, Pawel
Bank! Bang! (1992, 800, Mirage)

Kalkut, Kevin
Laser Bounce (1982, AP2, Hayden)

Kaluzniacki, Andy
Repton, with Dan Thompson (1983, AP2, Sirius)

Kaminski, Peter
[P] Frogger, with Tom Soulenille (1982, INT, Mattel) port from COIN
[P] River Raid (1983?, INT, ACT) port from 2600
Master of the Lamps, with Russell Lieblich (1985, C64, ACT)
[G] Aliens, with Steve Cartwright, Glyn Anderson, and Gene Smith (1986, C64, ACT)
Rocket Ranger (AMI?, Cinemaware)

Kampschafer, David
Planetary Guide (1982, AP2, Synergistic)

Kanevsky, Paul
[P] Panic Button (1983, COCO, First Star) port from VIC?

Kaplan, Larry
Bowling (1979, 2600, Atari)
[N] Atari 800 Operating System, with David Crane and Al Miller (1979, 800, Atari)
Air-Sea Battle (1980?, 2600, Atari)
Bridge (1981?, 2600, ACT)
Kaboom! (1981?, 2600, ACT) Avalanche-like, art by David Crane
[later worked for SGI]

Karg, Fred
[T] Boom and Bust (1988, C64, Compute!'s Gazette)
[T] Cats 'N' Dogs (1988, C64, Compute!'s Gazette)
[TB] The Challenge (1988, C64, Commodore Magazine)
[TB] Sheerluck (1990, C64, Compute!'s Gazette)
[TB] Think Tank (1990, C64, Compute!'s Gazette)

Karp, David
[TB] Buzz-zap (1984, 800, ANALOG)

Kato, Gary
[P] Demon Attack (1982, INT, Imagic)

Kavanagh, John
Quest for the Maltese Chicken, with Pat McCormack (1986, 800, Futureware)
[P] Green Beret (800) aka Rush n' Attack
James Bond: The Living Daylights (800)
[P] Football Manager (ST/Amiga)
[P] ATF (ST/Amiga)

Kean, Greg
Bouncer (1982, TI99, Extended)
Heist (1983, TI99, Kean Computing) Lode Runner-like
Kong (1983, TI99, Extended) Donkey Kong-like
ROMeo (1983, TI99, Extended)
Sneaky Snake (1984, TI99, Kean Computing)
Void (1984, TI99, Kean Computing)

Keating, Roger
Computer Conflict (1980, AP2, SSI)
Southern Command (1981, AP2, SSI)
Operation Apocalypse (1981, AP2, SSI)
RDF 1985 (1982, AP2, SSI)
[D] Baltic 1985 (1987, AP2, SSI)
[D] Norway 1985 (1987, AP2, SSI)

Keating, Roger & Ian Trout
*Reach for the Stars (1983, AP2, SSG)
Germany 1985 (1983, AP2, SSI)
Carriers At War (1984, AP2?, SSI)
Europe Ablaze, with Eric Baker (1985, AP2, SSG)
Battlefront (1987, AP2, SSG)
Russia: The Great War in the East (1987, AP2, SSG)
[L] Battles in Normandy (1987, AP2, SSG)
[L] ROMmel (1988, AP2, SSG)
[L] Halls of Montezuma (1988, AP?, SSG)
Decisive Battles of the American Civil War Vols. 1-3, with Malcom Power ? (1988, AP2/C64, SSG/EA)
MacArthur's War: Battles for Korea (1988?, AP2/C64, SSG/EA)
Panzer Battles (1989, SSG)
Carriers at War, 2nd Edition (1992, PC, SSI)
Carriers at War Construction Kit (1993, PC, SSI)

Keeton, Brett
Galagon (1984, COCO, Spectral) Galaga-like
Balakon Raider (1986, C64, Interstel/EA)

Kelbrick, Gary
Quann Tula, with Mike Smith (SPEC?, 8th Day)
Faerie, with Mike Smith (SPEC?, 8th Day)

Kelleher, Michael
[TB] Amazin’ Maze (1979, TRS, Softside)

Keller, Phil
Fire One (1987, CCS, Ark Royal)

Kellner, Charlie
Apple Bowl, with Eric Larson (1978, AP2, Apple Computer)
[G] Rescue on Fractalus!, with David Fox and Loren Carpenter (1984, 800, LucasFilm Games)
[L] Eidolon (1985, 800/C64, LucasFilm Games)

Kemmetmueller, Robert
[B] Walk the Plank (1982, TI99, self-published)
[B] Springer (1982, TI99, self-published)
[B] Jouster (1982, TI99, self-published)
[TB] Taco Man (1983, TI99, 99'er)
Ninja (1986, PC, shareware) unrelated to the Mastertronic title
Snakepit (1986, PC, shareware)
Fenix (1986, PC, shareware)
Viper (1986, PC, shareware)

Kendall, Neil
Lethal (1987, C64, Alternative)

Kennedy, Mark
Kool-Aid Man, co-designed by Vladimir Hrycenko (1983, INT, Mattel)

Kennedy, Martin
Baldor's Castle (1983, VIC, Arfon Microelectronics)

Kenney, Kevin
Tunnels of Doom (1982, TI99, Texas Instruments)

Kerchledge, Bruce
Dnieper River (1983, AP2?, Avalon Hill)

Key, Gordon J.
Hunky Egg (1985?, BBCB)
Clogger (1987?, BBCB, Impact)
Haunted House (ARC, Fourth Dimension)
Apocalypse (ARC, Fourth Dimension)
Virtual Golf (ARC, Fourth Dimension)
Virtual Golf Augusta (ARC, Fourth Dimension)
Break 147 (ARC, Fourth Dimension)
Superpool (ARC, Fourth Dimension)
Holed Out (1987?, ARC, Fourth Dimension)
E-Type (1989, ARC, Fourth Dimension)
E-Type Extra 100 Miles (ARC, Fourth Dimension)
E-Type 2 (1991?, ARC, Fourth Dimension)
Black Angel (1993, ARC, Fourth Dimension)

Keyser, Earl
Frogs (1978, AP2)

Kidd, Michael A.
Country Club Golf (1983, TI99, User-Happy Simulations)

Kilgus, Robert
Dino Wars (1980, COCO, Tandy)

Killworth, Peter
Countdown to Doom (early 1980s, BBCB, Acornsoft)
Hamil, with Jonathan Partingon (Acornsoft)
[P] Quondam (BBCB, Acornsoft) based on a mainframe adventure by Rod Underwood, 1980
[G] Acheton (BBCB?, Acornsoft)
Philosopher's Quest (BBCB?, Acornsoft?)
Giant Killer (1985?, many, Topologika)
Return to Doom (1988, many, Topologika)
Last Days of Doom (many, Topologika)

Kim, Thomas
Quackers, with Jimmy Huey (1982, VIC, Interesting)
Deadly Skies (1983, VIC, Tronix) Carnival-like

Kimball, Bob
Gears, with David Donoghue (1985, AP2, Sunburst)

Kimball, Ken
Computer Title Bout (1984, AP2, Avalon Hill)

Kindl, Paul
Space Shuttle (1982, 800, Swifty)

Kingsbury, Brad
[P] Tycoon (1983, AP2, Blue Chip) port from ?

Kingston, Dr. Charles
Survival Adventure (AP2, United Software of America)

Kipp, Richard
[TB] Killer Cars (1982, TRS, Softside)

Kirk, Erik
Battleship Commander, with Matthew Jew (1980, AP2, Quality)

Kirk, Harris
[TB] Concentration (1980, AP2, Softside)

Kirsch, Peter
[TB] Kidnapped! (1980, TRS, Softside)
[TB] Dominoes (1981, TRS, Softside)
[TB] Numbagels (1980, TRS, Softside)
The Curse of the Pharaoh (1982, 800, Softside)
Kismet II (1982, 800, Softside)

Kitchen, Dan
Crystal Caverns (1982, AP2, Hayden)
Crackpots (1983, 2600, ACT)
Crime Stopper, with Barry Marx (1983, AP2, Hayden)
[P] Ghostbusters (1984?, 2600, ACT) designed by David Crane
[P] Kung Fu Master (2600, 1984, ACT) port from COIN
[P] Double Dragon (2600, 1985?, ACT) port from COIN

Kitchen, Garry
[P] Space Invaders (HAND, NDI)
[P] Donkey Kong (1982, 2600, Coleco) port from COIN
Space Jockey (1982, 2600, U.S. Games)
Sneak 'N' Peek (1982?, 2600, U.S Games)
Keystone Kapers (1983, 2600, ACT)
Pressure Cooker (1983, 2600, ACT)
[N] The Designer's Pencil (1984?, C64, ACT)
Garry Kitchen's Gamemaker (1985?, C64, ACT)
[D?] Bellhop, with John Van Ryzin (AP2)

Kitchen, Steve
Bank Shot (1977?, HAND, PB)
Space Shuttle: A Journey into Space (1983, 2600, ACT)

Klein, Mark
Subterranea (1983, 2600, Imagic)
Touchdown Football (1984, PCJR, Imagic)
Damiano (1985, PC, Bantam Books)
Mouse Trap Hotel (1990, GBOY, Electrobrain)
Bart Simpson: Escape from Camp Deadly (1991, GBOY, Acclaim)
[D] Prize Fighter, with Steve DeFrisco and Kevin Welsh (1993, SCD, Digital Pictures)

Klinger, Paul
[TB] Moving Maze (1980, TRS, Softside)

Knauss, Greg
[TB] Upward (800, ANALOG Computing)
[TB] Cloudhopper (800, ANALOG Computing)
[TB] Trial by Fire (800, ANALOG Computing)
Frog (1988, 800, Antic) disk bonus; Frog Bog-like
Killer Chess (1988, 800, Antic) disk bonus; also ST version for STart
Reardoor (1988, 800, Antic) disk bonus
Bugs! (1989, ST, STart) Anteater-like
TurtleGrooves (ST, ST-Log)
Experiment #42 (ST, ST-Log)

Knechtel, Paul
[TB] Oil Baron (1979, TRS, Softside)

Knight, Russell
Tiger Attack (800, Atari UK) aka Flying Shark
Space Rider (800, Hi Tec)
[P] Rampage, with Anthony Wilson (1987, 800, ACT Europe) port from COIN
Ruff and Reddy in the Space Adventure (1990, 800, PAL Developments)
Yogi Bear & Friends (1990, 800, PAL Developments/HiTec)
Yogi's Great Escape (1990, 800, PAL Developments/HiTec)
Speed Zone (1989, 800, PAL Developments/Mastertronic)
Sidewinder II, with Anthony Wilson (1989, 800, PAL Developments/Mastertronic)

Knopp, Eric
Oribtron (1981, AP2, Sirius)
Copts (sic) and Robbers, with Alan Merrell (1981, AP2, Sirius)
Russki Duck, with Alan Merrell (1982, AP2, Gebelli)
Lazersilk (1982, AP2, Gebelli)
Candy Factory (1982, AP2, Gebelli)
Night Strike (1983?, VIC, Solitaire Group)
[P] Space Dungeon, with Alan Merrill (1984, 5200, Atari) port from COIN
[P] Jungle Hunt (1984, 5200, Atari) port from COIN
[P] Moon Patrol (1984, 5200, Atari) port from COIN
[P] Mario Bros. (1985, 5200, Atari) port from COIN
[G] Pool of Radiance (1987 AP2, SSI)
[G] Winter Games (1987, C64, Epyx)
[G] Summer Games for (1988, C64, Epyx)
Skate or Die 2 (1989, NES, EA)
Tour De Thrash (1989, GBOY, EA)
PGA Tour Golf for (1991, SNES, EA)
[G] Total Eclipse (1993, 3DO, Crystal Dynamics)
[G] Crash & Burn (1993, 3DO, Crystal Dynamics)
[2003: with Intel]

Kobayashi, A.Y.
Nightstrike (1983?, 800, TG Software)

Koberstein, Michael
Shrooms (1983, VIC, D.E.S.-Soft)

Koble, Dennis
Monte Carlo (1980, COIN, Atari) racing game
Avalanche (1980, COIN, Atari) also (198?, 800, APX)
[B] Chinese Puzzle (1981?, 800, APX)
[B] Sultan's Palace (1981?, 800, APX)
Trick Shot (1982, 2600, Imagic)
Atlantis (1982, 2600, Imagic)
Shooting Gallery (1983, 2600, Imagic)
Solar Storm (1983, 2600, Imagic)
[G] Sonic Spinball (1993, GEN, Sega)

Koenig, Joseph
Gates of the Incas, with Pierre Vella-Zarb (1983, 800, IIT)

Koenig, Lon
Fun House Maze, with Scott Clough and Paul Elseth (1984, AP2, Sunburst)

Koenig, Mark
[TB] Tanks-a-Lot (1981, TRS, Softside)

Koenig, Rick
Motocross (1983, INT, Mattel) originally started by Rick Levine
Masters of the Universe: The Power of He-Man, with Ray Kaestner (1983, INT, Mattel)
Racing Destruction Set (1984?, C64, EA)
Ferrari Formula I

Konatkowski, Tomasz
Battle Ships, with Arkadiusz Lukszo (1989, 800, Gizmo Magic)

Konchan, Tom
Chambers of Zorp, with Karl Gardner (1983, 800, APX)

Kong Tin, Harvey
HawkQuest, with Andrew Bradfield (1989, 800, Red Rat) game design & graphics

Konopa, John
Moonbase IO (1982?, 800, PDI)
Swamp Chomp (1983?, 800, PDI)

Konyu, Jeff
Super Nova, with Bill Hogue (1981, TRS, Big Five)
Galaxy Invasion, with Bill Hogue (1980, TRS, Big Five)
Attack Force, with Bill Hogue (1980, TRS, Big Five)
Cosmic Fighter, with Bill Hogue (1980, TRS, Big Five)
Meteor Mission 2, with Bill Hogue (1981, TRS, Big Five)
Galaxy Invasion -Plus-, with Bill Hogue (1980, TRS, Big Five)
Robot Attack, with Bill Hogue (1983, TRS, Big Five)
Defense Command, with Bill Hogue (1982, TRS, Big Five)

Koopman, Philip
Battleship (1980, AP2, Eagle)
Hide and Sink (1983, AP2, Mirror Images)

Korman, Mark
At the Gates of Moscow (1985, AP2, SGP)

Kosaka, Michael
[D] Destroyer (1982, AP2, Epyx)

Kothe, Ranier
Tales of Dragons and Cavemen (1986, 800, AMC)

Kotleba, Steve
[P] Tutankham (1983?, VIC, PB) port from COIN
Entombed (1982, 2600, U.S. Games)

Kozik, Vance
Slinky (800, 1983, Cosmi) Q*Bert-like

Kranish, Steve
[P] Frogger, with assistance from Dawn Stockbridge (1983?, 800/5200, PB) port from COIN

Krehbiel, Murray
Willy Byte in the Digital Dimension, with Greg Hammond (1984, AP2, Datatrek)

Kress, Jack
Crime and Punishment, with Graeme Newman (1984, AP2)

Kriegsman, Mark
StarBlaster, with Geoffrey M. Engelstein (1981, AP2, Piccadilly)
Panic Button, with Geoffrey M. Engelstein (1989, AP2, Softdisk)

Kroeckel, John
The Last Ninja, with Jeff Silverman (AP2, ACT)

Kroegel, Chuck
Tigers in the Snow, with David Landrey and Skip Walker (1981?, TRS/AP2, SSI)
Knights of the Desert (SSI)
Breakthrough in the Ardennes, with David Landrey (1983, AP2, SSI)
Battle of Antietam, with David Landrey (1985, AP2, SSI)
Operation Market-Garden, with David Landrey (1986, SSI)
Shiloh: Grant's Trial In The West, with David Landrey and Brian Hermundstad (1987, SSI)
Rebel Charge at Chickamauga, with David Landrey and Keith Brors (1987, AP2, SSI)
*Gettysburg: The Turning Point, with David Landrey (1987?, 800, SSI)
Battles of Napoleon, with David Landrey (1988, AP2, SSI)

Krubel, Chris
Krull, with Matt Householder (1983, COIN, Gottlieb)

Kugler, Paul
Ring Destroyer, with Steve Meyers (1982, TI99, Republic)

Kula, J.
Siege in Afrika (1984, AP2, Simulations Canada)

Kurtz, Ted
Spitfire Simulator (1982, AP2)
Airplane Simulator (1983, AP2)

Kusimak, Gene
[P] Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer (1987, AP2, EA) port from PC

Kutcher, John F. Jr.
Rescue Squad (1983, C64, Muse)
Space Taxi (1984, C64, Muse)

Kuzyk, Mark
Stun Trap (1983, 800, Affine)

Kweder, Frank
[TB] Gemini (1991, 800, Antic)

Kwok, Lucius
[TB] Head 'Em Off (1991, 800, Antic)

Labaw, Ken
Draw Poker (1981, AP2, Softape)

Lafore, Robert
The Dragons of Hong Kong (AP2, AI)
His Majesty's Ship Impetuous (1980, AP2, AI)
Local Call for Death (1981, TRS, AI)
Six Micro Stories (1981, TRS, AI)
Two Heads of the Coin (1981, TRS, AI)

LaFortune, Eric
Rock Runner (1990, TI99, Asgard)

Lagrone, Tracy
Stealth, with Richard E. Sansom (1985, 800, BROD)

Lai, Wing
[P] Cloud Kingdoms, with John Gibbons (1989, C64, Millennium) port from ST/AMI
[P] Druid the Avenger, with John Gibbons (1990, C64, Millennium) port from ST/AMI

Laity, Al
Mothership (1983?, C64, SoftSync)

Lam, Wayne
Panic Button (1983, VIC, First Star)

Lamb, Allan
Crypt of Medea, with Arthur Britto (1984, AP2?, Sir-Tech)

Lamb, Scott
Quest of the Space Beagle (1984?, 800?, Avalon Hill)
Jupiter Mission: 1999 (1984, 800, Avalon Hill)
Operation Com*Bat (1990, AMI, Merit)

LaMont, Rick
Lancer (1983, COCO, Spectral) Joust-like

Lampke, Steve
Intercept, with Ed Lee (1982, TI99, Cactus Eaters)
[P] Black Hole, with Ed Lee (1987, TI99, DaTaBiotics) port from VIC

Landowski, James
[P] Centipede (1982, TI99, Atarisoft) port from COIN
[P] Dig-Dug (1982, TI99, Atarisoft) port from COIN
[P] Cannonball Blitz (1982, TI99) port from AP2

Landrey, David
Tigers in the Snow, with Chuck Kroegel and Skip Walker (1981?, TRS/AP2, SSI)
Breakthrough in the Ardennes, with Chuck Kroegel (1983, 800?, SSI)
Battle for Normandy (1984, SSI)
Battle of Antietam, with Chuck Kroegel (1985, AP2, SSI)
Operation Market-Garden, with Chuck Kroegel (1986, SSI)
Shiloh: Grant's Trial In The West, with Chuck Kroegel and Brian Hermundstad (1987, SSI)
Rebel Charge at Chickamauga, with Chuck Kroegel and Keith Brors (1987, AP2, SSI)
*Gettysburg: The Turning Point, with Chuck Kroegel (1987?, 800, SSI)
Battles of Napoleon, with Chuck Kroegel (1988, AP2, SSI)

Landrum, Stephen H.
Viper (AP2, RDA Systems)
Communist Mutants from Space (1982?, 2600 SuperCharger, StarPath)
[P] Frogger (2600, 1982?, StarPath) port from COIN
Dragon Stomper (1983?, 2600 SuperCharger, StarPath)
Pitstop II, with Dennis Caswell (1984, C64, Epyx)
[L] Summer Games (1984, C64, Epyx)
[PG] Temple of Apshai Trilogy (1985, 800, Epyx)
[PG] Super Cycle (1985, C64, Epyx)
[P] Temple of Apshai Trilogy (1985, AP2, Epyx) port from 800
Skate or Die!, with David Bunch (1987, C64, EA)
Blue Lightning (1989, LNX, Atari)
[later worked for NTG/3DO on the 3DO operating system]

Lane, Jim
Bolo (1982?, AP2, Synergistic)

Lanier, Jaron
Alien Garden (1982?, 800, Epyx)
*Moon Dust (1983, C64, Creative)

Lanziger, Franz
Crystal Castles, with Scott Fuller (1983, COIN, Atari)

Larimer, Neil
[PB] Rear Guard (1981?, 800, AI) port from AP2
[P?] Stratos (1982, 800, AI) port from TRS?

Larsen, Geoff [founder of Larsoft]
Witchwood (BBCB, Larsoft)
The Puppet Man (BBCB, Larsoft)
Hex (BBCB, Larsoft)

Larson, Eric
Apple Bowl, with Charlie Kellner (1978, AP2, Apple Computer)

Later, Duane
Fly Wars (1981, AP2, Sirius)
Rainbow Zone (AP2, High-Powered Games)

Latino, Ligia
[T] Royal Rescue (1990, C64, Compute!'s Gazette)

Lavdas, Mike
[B] Atlantic City Games (1982, TI99, Jerseyware)

Lavinsky, Joshua
Time Trek (1980, TRS, Softside)

Lawrence, Daniel
[B] Telengard (1981?, AP2, Avalon Hill)

Lawrence, Heath
[TB] Cliffhanger (1988?, 800, Antic)

Lawrence, Jim
Seastalker, with Stu Galley (1984, many, Infocom)
Moonmist, with Stu Galley (1986, many, Infocom)

Lay, Paul
Sprong (1985, 800, Bignose/Red Rat)
[T] Floyd the Droid Goes Blastin' (1987?, 800, ANALOG Computing)
[T] Floyd The Droid On The Run (1988?, ST, ANALOG Computing)

Lear, Dave
Color Baseball (COCO, Tandy)

Leavens, Alex
Stargunner (2600)
[P] Gorf (1982, 2600) port from COIN
[P] Crazy Climber (2600, 1983?, Atari) port from COIN
Boing!, with Shirley A. Russel (1983, 2600, First Star)
[P] Astro Chase (1983?, 2600, PB) port from 800
Wombats I (800/ST) in the Smithsonian
Wombats II (800/ST)

Lebaw, Ken
Draw Poker (1981, AP2, Softape)

Lebling, Dave
[G] Dungeon (1977, DEC PDP-11 and DecSystem-20) the original Zork, written at MIT
[G] *Zork I: The Great Underground Empire (1980, many, Infocom)
Zork II: The Wizard of Frobozz, with Marc Blank (1981, many, Infocom)
Zork III: The Dungeon Master, with Marc Blank (1982, many, Infocom)
Starcross (1982, many, Infocom)
*Deadline, with Mark Blank (1982, many, Infocom)
Enchanter, with Mark Blank (1983, many, Infocom)
Suspect (1984, many, Infocom)
Spellbreaker (1985, many, Infocom)
The Lurking Horror (1987, many, Infocom)
James Clavell's Shogun (1988, PC/MAC, Infocom)

Lee, Dan
Lost Tomb (1982, COIN, Stern)

Lee, Joanne [aka "Jolee"]
Rat Hotel (1982, VIC, Creative)
Skibbereen (1982, VIC, UMI)

Lee, Steve
Skyhawk (1984, VIC20, Quicksilva)
Hideous Bill and the Gi-Gants (1984, C64, Virgin Games) Pac-Man like
Falcon Patrol 1 (1984, C64, Virgin)
Falcon Patrol 2 (1985, C64, Virgin)
Erebus (1986, C64, Virgin)

Leemon, Sheldon
[TB] Outer Space Attack (1982, 800, Softside) Space Invaders-like

Leiterman, James
[P] Shadow Hawk One (1982, 800, Horizon Simulations)

Lempereur, Yves
[P] Apple Panic (1982, TRS, Funsoft) port from AP2
Time Runner (1982, 800, Funsoft)
Snokie (198x, 800, Funsoft)
[P?] Flak, with A. Marsily (1984, C64?, Funsoft)

Lenard, J.
[P] Attack of the Mutant Camels (1983, 800, HES) aka Gridrunner II

Lennekerker, Freida
Linking Logic (1984?, COL)

Leon, Tom
[G] TRON (1982, COIN, Bally/Midway) wrote tank wave
[P] Spy Hunter (1983, COIN, Bally Midway)

Leone, Vic
[P] Super Bunny (AP2, Datamost) concept by Bill Russell

Lerner, Ned
Deep Space (AP2)
[PG] Space Rogue (1989, AP2, Origin)
Chuck Yeager's Flight Trainer (PC, EA)
[G] Ultima Underworld (PC, Origin)
F-22 Interceptor (GEN, EA)
[G] Madden '93 (1993, GEN, EA)
[G] Car & Driver (PC)
[G] Chuck Yeager Air Combat (MAC)
[G] PGA Golf II (MAC)
[G] Flight Unlimited (PC)
[G] FireTeam (PC)

Lesiak, Albert
Fireground (AP2)

Leslie, William III
Universe 2 (1985, PC, Omnitrend) prequel: Universe by Thomas Carbone
Paladin, with Thomas Carbone (1988, AMI/ST, Omnitrend)

Lesser, Mark
Auto Race (197x, HAND, Mattel)
Baseball (197x, HAND, Mattel)
Brain Baffler (197x, HAND, Mattel)
Football (197x, HAND, Mattel)
Horoscope Computer (197x, HAND, Mattel)
[P] Frogger II: Threedeep (1984, 2600, PB) port from 800
[1999: with EA]

Letwin, Gordon
[P] Microsoft Adventure (1979, AP2, Microsoft) rewrite of original

Leupp, Jon
Robots of Dawn (1984, AP2, Epyx)

Lever, Trevor
Hampstead, with Peter Jones (BBCB?, Melbourne House)
Terrormolinos, with Peter Jones (1985, SPEC?, Melbourne House)
Dodgy Geezers, with Peter Jones (Melbourne House)

Levin, Elizabeth
Police Artist (1982?, AP2, Sir-Tech)

Levine, David
*[L] Ballblazer (1985, 800, LucasFilm Games) music, sound & AI by Pete Langston

Levine, Rick S.
[G] Handheld Bowling (1979, HAND, Mattel)
PBA Bowling, with Mike Minkoff (1980, INT, Mattel)
*Microsurgeon (1982, INT, Imagic)
Truckin' (1983, INT, Imagic)
[G] Palenque (1985, RCA DVI) an early DVI CD-ROM product
[P] Defender of the Crown (1988, PC, Cinemaware) port from AMI
[G] It Came From the Desert (1989, AMI, Cinemaware)
[G] Kids on Site (1994, SCD/PC/MAC, Digital Pictures)
[G] Double Switch for Windows '95 (1995, PC-Windows '95, Digital Pictures)

Leviton, Daniel
Earthly Delights, with Roger Webster (1984, AP2, Datamost)

Lewis, Larry
Fly Snuffer (1983, TI99, Futura)

Lewis, Michael L.
[TB] Stratahex (1988, C64, Commodore Magazine)
[TB] Commodore Sixty-Fore (1989, C64, Commodore Magazine)

Leyland, Robert
*[P] Murder on the Zinderneuf, with Jon Freeman and Paul Reiche (1983?, 800, EA)

Leyland, Robert
Dragon's Eye (1981, Epyx)

Li, Teri
Lost Duchman’s Gold (1980, TRS, Softside)

Lieblich, Russell
Web Dimension (1984, C64, ACT)
Master of the Lamps, with Peter Kaminski (1985, C64, ACT)

Liepa, Peter
*Boulder Dash, with Chris Grey (1983, 800, First Star)
Boulder Dash 2, with Chris Grey (1984)
Rockford, with Fernando Herrera and Tony Manso(1985, AMI/COIN, First Star) level design only
Boulder Dash Construction Kit (1986, C64, First Star)
Super Boulder Dash (1986, EA) combo of Boulder Dash & BDCK

Lindstrom, Ted
[TB] Reflection (1980, TRS, Softside)

Lipkin, Seth
[P] Track & Field, with Jaques Hugon (2600, GCC/Atari) port from COIN

Livesay, Mike
Roach Hotel (1981, AP2, Microlab)
Ming's Challenge (1982, AP2)
The Heist, with Mike Mooney (1983, AP2, Microfun)
[P] Miner 2049'er (AP2, Microfun) port from 800
Miner 2049'er II (AP2, Microfun)
Peeping Tom (1982, AP2, Microlab)
[P] Activision Action Pack (1995, PC, ACT) entire series

Lock, Dean M.
Orc Attack (1983?, 800, Thorn-Emi)
Blackhawk (1984, C64, Thorn Emi)

Logg, Ed
Super Breakout (1978, COIN, Atari)
Video Pinball (1979, COIN, Atari)
Football II (1979, COIN, Atari)
*Asteroids, with Lyle Rains (1979, COIN, Atari)
*Centipede, with Donna Bailey (1981, COIN, Atari)
[P] Othello (1981, 2600, Atari)
Millipede (1982, COIN, Atari)
[LD] Gauntlet, with Bob Flanagan (1985, COIN, Atari Games)
[LD] Gauntlet II, with Bob Flanagan (1986, COIN, Atari Games)
Xybots, with Bob Flanagan (1987, COIN, Atari Games)
[P] Tetris (1989, NES, Tengen)
Steel Talons, with Ed Rotberg (1991, COIN, Atari Games)
Space Lords, with Bob Flanagan (1992 COIN, Atari Games)
Wayne Gretsky 3D Hockey (1996, N64, Midway)
[P] San Francisco Rush (1997, N64, Midway) port from COIN
[P] San Francisco Rush 2 (1998, N64, Midway)
[P] San Francsisco Rush: 2049 (2000, N64/DC, Midway)
[P] Dr. Muto (2002, PS2/DC/XBOX, Midway)
GenPlay Stack'um (2004)
GenPlay Pool Pro Online (2004)

Long, Marv
Cyclotron (1982, AP2, Sensible)

Lorenzen, Mike
Oink (1983?, 2600, ACT)
[P] Pitfall II: Lost Caverns (1984, 800, ACT)
Psi-5 Trading Co. (1986, C64/AP2, Accolade)

Lottrup, Peter M.L.
[TB] Flags (1990, C64, Compute!'s Gazette)

Loughry, Tom
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (1982?, INT, Mattel)
Treasures of Tarmin (1983?, INT, Mattel)
The Dreadnaught Factor (1983, INT, ACT)
Worm Whomper (1983?, INT, ACT)
Alcazar: The Forgotten Fortress (1985, C64?, ACT)
[G] Gunboat (Accolade)
[G] Steel Thunder (1988, C64, Accolade)
[G] Test Drive III: The Passion (1991, PC, Accolade)

Louie, Gilman [founder of Spectrum Holobyte]
Starship Commander (1982, AP2, Voyager)
Delta Squadron (1983, Nexa)

Lount, Peter William
Gemstone Warrior, with Trouba Gossen (AP2, Paradigm/SSI)
Gemstone Healer, with Trouba Gossen (1984, AP2, Paradigm/SSI)

Lovell, Anthony
[B] Subchaser (1979, AP2, Powersoft)

Lowe, Al
Dragon's Keep (1982)
Bop-A-Bet (1982)
Troll's Tale (1983, AP2, Sierra)
A Gelfling Adventure (1984, AP2, Sierra)
Winnie the Pooh in the Hundred-Acre Woods (1983, Disney)
[G] The Black Cauldron (1983, AP2, Sierra)
[GP] King’s Quest III (1985, PC)
Leisure Suit Larry 1 (PC, 1987) also did remake in 1991
[GP] Police Quest I (1987, PC)
[GP] King’s Quest IV (1988, PC)
Leisure Suit Larry 2 (1988, PC)
Leisure Suit Larry 3 (1989, PC)
[D] Leisure Suit Larry 5 (1991, PC)
[D] Freddy Pharkas, Frontier Pharmacist (1993, PC)
[D] Leisure Suit Larry 6 (1994, PC)
[D] Torin’s Passage (1995, PC)
[D] Leisure Suit Larry 7 (1996, PC)
[D] Leisure Suit Larry’s Casino (1998, PC)

Lowrance, Paul
Cavern Creatures (1982, AP2, Datamost)

Lowrance, Ron
Argos (1983, AP2, Datamost)

Lubar, David R.
Bumper Blocks (1980, AP2, Creative Computing)
Obstacle Course (1980, AP2, Creative Computing)
Killing Zone (1981, AP2, Versaware)
[G] Battlesight (AP2, Versa Computing)
Worm War I (1982, 2600, Sirius/Fox)
The Challenge of.....Nexar (1982?, 2600, Spectravision)
Fantastic Voyage (1982, 2600, Sirius/Fox)
Space Master X-7 (1982, 2600, Sirius/Fox) ported to the 800 as Alpha Shield
Bumper Bash (1982, 2600, Spectravideo)
[N] Graphics Magician, with Chris Jochumson and Mark Pelczarski (1982? AP2, Penguin)
Flash Gordon (1983, 2600, Fox)
Pastfinder (1983, 800, ACT)
[P] Master of the Lamps (1985, 800, Activision) port from C64
[P] Murder on the Mississippi (AP2, ACT) port from C64?
[P] Shanghai (1986, AP2, ACT) port from C64?
River Raid II (1988, 2600, ACT)
Sentinel (1989, 2600/7800, Atari)
My Golf (1990, 2600, HES)
[P] Home Alone (GBOY, 1991, THQ)
Swamp Thing (NES, Absolute)
[G] Super Battletank II (SNES, Absolute)
[G] Home Improvement (SNES, Absolute)

Lubarsky, Don
[TB] Duck Hunter (1980, TRS, Softside)

Lubeck, Olaf
Red Alert (1981, AP2, BROD)
Gobbler (1981, AP2, On-Line)
Pegasus II (1982, AP2, On-Line)
Cannonball Blitz (1982, AP2, On-Line) Donkey Kong-like
[P] Jawbreaker (AP2, On-Line) port from 800
[P] Frogger (1983, AP2, On-Line) port from COIN
[P] Pinball Construction Set (1983, 800, EA) port from AP2
[P] Apple Panic (1983, 800, BROD) port from AP2

Luciow, Leszek
Thinker (1992, 800, Opacus Chiroptera/Mirage)

Ludwig, Scott
Quarxon (1983, 800, APX)
Caterpiggle (1983, 800, APX)
[NG] Windows (Microsoft, PC) starting with version 1.0

Luedders, Steve
Ultimate Wizard, with Sean Moore (1986, C64, Access)

Luhrs, Tom
Apple-Oids (1980?, AP2)
Chip Out (AP2, Twilight)
The Mating Zone (1983, AP2, Datamost)

Lukszo, Arkadiusz
Battle Ships, with Tomasz Konatkowski (1989, 800, Gizmo Magic)

Lundberg, Dave
Simon (1982?, PET/VIC, Data Equipment Supply)
[P] Fax (1984?, PC/C64/800, Epyx) port from COIN
[P] Super Huey (1985?, ST/AMI, Cosmi) port from C64
[L] The Case of the Cautious Condor (1990?, AMI/CDTV/PC, Tiger Media)
[L] Murder Makes Strange Deadfellows (1991?, AMI/CDTV/PC, Tiger Media)

Lurie, Gordon
Invasion Force (AP2)

Lustig, M.G.
Food War (1983, COCO, Arcade Animation) Food Fight-like

Lutus, Paul
Space Raiders (1981, AP2, United Software of America)

Lyon, Jon
Computer Bismarck, with Joel Billings (1980, AP2, SSI)
Computer Naopleonics (1980, AP2, SSI)
Torpedo Fire (1981, AP2, SSI)
SEUIS [Shoot Em Up in Space] (1982, AP2, SSI)
Queen of Hearts (1983, AP2, SSI)

MacArthur, Jeffrey S.
Kamikaze (1981, 800, Star Gazer)

Macchiarulo, Joe
Astro-Mania (1982, TI99, Moonbeam)
Cavern Quest (1982, TI99, Moonbeam)
Garbage Belly (1982, TI99, Moonbeam)
Zero Zone (1982, TI99, Moonbeam)

MacDonald, Mike
Lunar Lander (1979, AP2, Aladdin Automation)

Mackintosh, Ivan
Crumble's Crisis (1986, 800, Red Rat)
Cavernia (1990, 800, Zeppelin Games)
Tagalon (800, Micro Discount)
Tube Baddies (1995, 800, Richard Gore)

MacLean, Archer [note: did all versions of games himself]
Dropzone (1984, 800/C64, Arena Graphics/US Gold) distributed by Microdaft in the US
*International Karate (1986, 800/C64, System 3)
International Karate+ (1988, C64) later ported to ST/AMI
Jimmy White's Whirlwind Snooker (1991, ST/AMI/PC) wrote GEN version in 1995
Archer MacLean's Pool (1992, ST/AMI/PC)
Dropzone (1993-4, NES/GEAR/GBOY/SMS)

Maclean, John
Key Bored (AP2, Universal Software Australia)

MacLeay, Steve
[TB] Baseball, with Steve Justus (1980, AP2, Softside)

MacLennan, James P.
Super Pachinko (1980, TRS, Programma)

MacRae, Elizabeth Chase
Mankala (800, APX)

Magdziarz, John
[TB] Speed Demon (1982, Antic, 800)
[TB] Stunt Clown (1983, Antic, 800) Circus-like

Maggs, Bruce
Avatar, with Andrew Shapira and David Sides (1979?, PLATO)

Magnus, Nick III
Doom Valley, with Robert Grumbles (AP2, Superior)

Maker, Ross
RAF: The Battle of Britain, with David Wesely and David L. Arneson (many, Discovery Games)
MIGS and Messerschmitts, with David Wesely (1980, AP2/TRS, Discovery Games)
Lafayette Escadrille, with Ross Maker (1983, many, Discovery Games) based on a TRS design by Colin Barnhorst
Jagdstaffel, with David Wesely (1985, many, Discovery Games)
Baseball Strategy (many, Avalon Hill)

Male, Mike
Nightflite (1982, SPEC, Hewson)
Nightflite II (1983, SPEC, Hewson)
Heathrow ATC (1984, SPEC, Hewson)

Malinowski, Edmund
[TB] Blackjack (1983,AP2, Softside)

Malinowski, Tom
[D] Three Stooges (1984, COIN, Mylstar)

Malone, Greg
Minit Man (1983, AP2, Penguin)
Halley's Solar Sojurn (1985, AP2)
Moebius (1986, AP2, Origin)
Windwalker: Moebius II (AP2, Origin)

Maloney, Patrick
[TB] International Bridge Contractors (1982, 800, Softside)

Man, J.R.
Pogoman (1982?, 800, Computer Magic Unlimited)

Manginelli, David
Ghost! (1982?, 800, Action) later called Moogles (1983, Sirius)

Manley, Ivan [founder of Manley & Associates]
[P] Jungle Hunt (1984?, AP2, Atarisoft) port from COIN
[P] Pitstop II, with Robert Clardy and C.D. Stinnett (AP2, Epyx) port from C64
[P] The Great American Cross-Country Road Race (1985?, AP2, ACT) port from 800
[P] Countdown to Shutdown, with T.L. Gale (1985, AP2, ACT)
Pharaoh's Revenge (1988, AP2, Publishing International) Lode Runner-like

Mann, Bill
Super Demon Attack (1983, TI99, Texas Instruments)

Mannering, David
Air Traffic Controller (1982, 800, Creative)

Manso, Tony
[G] Superman, with Fernando Herrera and Jim Nangano (1985, C64, First Star)
Rockford, with Fernando Herrera and Peter Liepa(1985, AMI/COIN, First Star)
[P] 4th & Inches (1986, GS, Accolade) port from C64
[P] Jack Nicklaus Golf (1987, GS, Accolade) port from PC

Manyen, Mark
Chessmaster 2000 (800/C64/AP2)
[P] Software Golden Oldies Volume 1 (ST)
[P] Chessmaster 2100 (C64/AP2/GS)
[P] Cribbage King/Gin King (GS)
[P] Life and Death (GS)
[P] Gateway to the Savage Frontier, with Cathryn Mataga (C64)

Mardon, Nial
Zaxxan (1983, SPEC, Starzone) Zaxxon-like

Marentes, Nickolas [founder of Fun Division]
[B] Stellar Odyssey (1982, TRS, Fun Division)
Cosmic Bomber (1982, TRS, Fun Division)
Neutroid (1983, TRS, Fun Division)
The Gladiator (1983, TRS, Fun Division)
[B] Stellar Odyssey 2 (1983, TRS, Fun Division)
Donut Dilemma (1984, TRS, Fun Division)
Escape Zone (1984, TRS, Fun Division)
Neutroid 2 (1984, COCO, Fun Division)
Donut Dilemma (1987, COCO, Tandy)
Rupert Rythym [sic] (1988, CC3, Tandy)
Space Intruders (1988, CC3, Tandy) Space Invaders-like
Cosmic Ambush (1992, CC3, shareware)
[P] Pac-Man Tribute (1998, CC3, self-published) rewrite of Pac-Man
Gate Crasher (2000, CC3, self-published)

Mari, Jean-Paul
Murder (1982, AP2, self-published)
[P] Chicken Chase (1985, AP2, Jawx) port from C64; called "Cock'In" in France
Rodeo (1986, THOM, Microids)
[P] The Inheritance 2 (1986, C64, Infogrames) port from THOM
[P] Prohibition (1987, C64, Infogrames) port from THOM
Playbac (1987, THOM, Microids)
[P] Super Ski (1988, C64, Microids) port from CPC; also called Superski and Downhill Challenge
[P] Iron Trackers (1989, CPC, Microids) port from ST
Shuffle Puck Cafe (1989, CPC, BROD)
[P] The Ancient Art of War (1990, CPC, BROD) port from PC
[P] Swap (1990, CPC, Microids) port from PC
[P] GP500cc 2 (1991, CPC, Microids) port from ST; called Hot Rubbers in the UK
[P] Killerball (1991, PC, Microids) port from ST/AMI
[P] Sliders (1991, CPC, Microids) port from AMI

Marino, Peter
[TB] Disc Blitz (1989, C64, Compute!'s Gazette)

Markley, David H.
[TB] Island Jumper (1982, 800, COMPUTE!)

Marks, Michael
Checker King (1979, AP2, Personal)

Marks, Stuart
Omega (AP2, Origin)

Maro, Anthony
[TB] Lifeboat (1989, C64, Commodore Magazine)

Marraccini, Jeff
Secret of Easter Island (1982, AP2, Three Sigma)

Marsh, James
Spider Raid (1982, AP2)

Marshall, D.K.
Tomahawk, with C. Boswell (1986, 800/C64, Digital Integration LTD)

Marshall, Todd
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi: Death Star Battle (1982, 2600, PB)
Eggomania, with Henry Will and Wes Trager (1982?, 2600, U.S. Games)
[P] Q*bert's Qubes (1983?, 2600, PB) port from COIN
[P] Smurf Rescue in Gargamel's Castle (1983?, C64) port from COL
[P] Frogger (1983?, TI99, PB) port from COIN
[P] Garry Kitchen's Game Maker (AP2, ACT) port from C64

Marsily, A.
[D?] Flak, with Yves Lempereur (1984, C64?, Funsoft)

Martin, Ian
Ace (1985, C64, Cascade)
Ace II (1987, C64, Cascade)
Ace 2088 (1988, C64, Cascade)
Sky Runner (1986, C64, Cascade)
Space Shuttle, with Andy Craven and James Fisher (1992, ST/AMI, Virgin)
Dogfight (1994, ST/AMI,Microprose)
[G] The Killing Cloud (1991, ST/AMI, Imageworks)
B17 Flying Fortress, with Dominic Robinson and Andrew Walrond (1993, ST/AMI, Microprose)
Slipstream, with Ciaran Gultnieks (1995, PC, Gremlin)

Martin, Tim [founder of MicroGraphicImage]
Spelunker (1983, 800, MicroGraphicImage/BROD)

Marx, Barry
Crime Stopper, with Dan Kitchen (1983, AP2, Hayden)

Masao, Kijima
Crazy Climber (1980, COIN, Nichibutsu)

Massena, Darrin
Championship Star League Baseball (1986, C64/AP2, ACT)
[L] Space Ranger (1987, AMI/COIN, Virgin)
[L] Sidewinder (1988, AMI/COIN, Virgin)

Masteller, Randall Don
Warrior of Ras, Volume One: Dunzhin, with Steven Baumrucker (1982, 800, Screenplay)
Warrior of Ras, Volume Two: Kaiv, with Steven Baumrucker (800, Screenplay)
Warrior of Ras, Volume Three: Wylde, with Steven Baumrucker (800, Screenplay)
Warrior of Ras, Volume Four: Ziggurat, with Steven Baumrucker (800, Screenplay)
The Trivia Arcade, with Steven Baumrucker (1984, C64, Screenplay)
[P] Silent Service (1985?, 800/PC, Microprose) port from ST

Mataga, Cathryn [formerly William Mataga]
Shamus (1982, 800, Synapse)
Shamus: Case II (1983?, 800, Synapse)
Zeppelin (1983, 800, Synapse)
[P] Brimstone: The Dream of Gawain, with David Bunch and Bill Darrah (1985, AP2, Synapse)
Neverwinter Nights (an AOL online game)
Gateway to the Savage Frontier (PC)
Shamus (2000?, GBOY, Junglevision) port from 800

Mateos, Alvaro
Rocky (1985, SPEC?, Dinamic) also called "Rocco"
West Bank (1986, SPEC?, Dinamic)
[G] Capitan Sevilla (1988, SPEC?, Dinamic)

Matson, Neil
Laserball (1982, TRS, AI) Pac-Man-like

Matthews, Grahame
[P] Mutant Herd (VIC, Thorn EMI)

Mattox, Gordon
The Bermuda Race, with John Biddle (1983, AP2, Sams)

Mattrick, Don [founder of Distinctive Software]
Evolution, with Jeff Sember (1982, AP2, Sydney)
[1999: president of EA World Studios]

Maurer, Richard "Rick"
[P] Pinball Challenge (1978, FCF, Fairchild)
Hangman (1979, FCF, Fairchild)
Pro Football (1979, FCF, Fairchild)
Maze Craze (1980, 2600, Atari)
[P] Space Invaders (1980, 2600, Atari) port from COIN
Space Duel (1981, COIN, Atari) prototype only; finished by Owen Rubin

Maxwell, William H.
Maxwell Manor (1984, 800, Avalon Hill)
Mission on Thunderhead (1986, AP2, Avalon Hill)

Mayers, Jon
Citadel Warrior, with Ken Farnen (1983, 800, English)

Mayfield, Mike
*Star Trek (1971, Sygma 7, public domain) the original Star Trek game

Maynard, David S.
"Worms?" (1983, 800, EA)
[later worked for SGI and 3DO]

McAllister, Norman
[TB] Parachute (1980, TRS, Softside)

McAuley, Rodney
Blister Ball (1981, AP2, Creative Computing)
Mad Bomber (1981, AP2, Creative Computing)
Tsunami (1981, AP2, Creative Computing)
Wavy Navy (1983, AP2, Sirius)

McCarthy, Colm
Manor of Madness (1984, ZX81, SPEC/C64, Celtic)
Corridors of the Nethermind (1985, SPEC/C64, Celtic)
The Light: Shelby's Addendum (1995, many, Illusory Mental Images)

McCarthy, Justin
'Copter Capers (1982, TI99, Futura)

McClellan, C.A.
Surf's Up, with Eric Small (1984, 800) port from 2600?

McComb, Damian
Dinky Doo (1984, C64, Software Projects)

McCord, Jeff
Sword of Fargoal (1983, C64, Epyx)

McCormack, Pat
Quest for the Maltese Chicken, with John Kavanagh (1986, 800, Futureware)

McCue, Mike
Night Mission (1986, TI99, Millers Graphics) Choplifter-like

McFarland, Douglas
Beta Fighter (1982, 800, Artworx)
Encounter at Questar IV (1982, 800, Artworx)

McGlauflin, Don
[P] Creepy Corridors (1983, VIC, Sierra) port from AP2

McGuinness, Tim
[D] Rotor Raiders (1982, TI99, ROMox) Pac-Man-like

McHugh, Tom
[P] Gunfight, with Dave Nutting (1976, COIN, Midway)
[P] SeaWolf (1976, COIN, Midway)
[P] Wizard of Wor, with Dave Nutting (1981, COIN, Midway)

McKay, Graham
Suicide Strike (1983, VIC, C64, Tronix)

McKenna, Michael
[TB] Space Dodge (1980, TRS, Softside)

McKenzie, Neil
[P] Fathom (1983, TI99, Imagic) port from 2600

McKinstry, Chris
[B] trschess (1980, TRS, self-published)
TRAM, with Vic Spicer (1982, TRS, Microsystems' Software) Surround-like
Ramatron, with Vic Spicer (1982, TRS, Microsystems' Software)
UltraGulip, with Vic Spicer (1982, TRS, Microsystems' Software)

McMenamin, Hugh
[TB] Thoroughbird Racing (1989, 128, Run)

McNair, Kern
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai, with Scott Adams and Philip Case (1985, many, AI)

McNally, Bob
[B] Camera Obscura (1979, AP2, Programma)
[P] Mr. Robot and His Robot Factory (1984, AP2, Datamost) port from 800
[P] Ghostbusters (1984, AP2, ACT) port from C64
Quintette (1986, MAC/AMI, Miles)
[P] ROMantic Encounters at the Dome (1987, MAC/AMI, MicroIllusions)
Ebonstar (1988, AMI, MicroIllusions)
The Jetsons (1989, MAC/AMI, MicroIllusions)
[P] PGA Tour Golf (1990, MAC, EA)
[D] Britannica's Jigsaw (1990, CDI, NovaLogic)
[D] Halls of the Dead: The Faery Tale Adventure II (1995, PC, Encore)
[D] Dinotopia (1995, PC, Turner)

McNeil, Alan
Berzerk (1980?, COIN, Stern)
Frenzy (1981, COIN, Stern) sequel to Berzerk

McNeill, Fergus
Murder off Miami, with Jason Somerville (C64, CRL Group PLC)
Sherwood Forest (Delta 4)
The Dragonstar Trilogy (Delta 4)
Quest for the Holy Joystick (SPEC, Delta 4)
Return of the Joystick (SPEC, Delta 4)
Bored of the Rings (1985, CPC, Delta 4)
Robin of Sherlock (CPC, Delta 4)
The Boggit (1985?, CPC, Delta 4)
The Big Sleaze (1987, Delta 4)
The Colour of Magic (CPC, Delta 4) based on the Terry Pratchett book
Mindfighter (1988, C64?, Delta 4/ACT)

McWilliams, Tom
Outpost (AP2, Sierra)
[P] Turmoil (1984?, 800, Sirius) port from 2600
[P] Law of the West (1985, AP2, Accolade) port from C64
Crosscheck (1986?, 800?, Datasoft)
Injured Engine (AP2, Imagic?)

Mechner, Jordan [founder of Smoking Car Productions]
*Karateka (1984, AP2, BROD)
*Prince of Persia (1989, AP2, BROD)
[D] Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow and the Flame (1993, PC, BROD)
[L] The Last Express (1997, PC/MAC, BROD) later from Interplay
[GD] Prince of Persia 3D (1999, PC) consultant
[GD] Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (2003, PS2/XBOX)

Meeder, Torre
K-Razy Shoot Out, with Keith Dreyer (1982?, 800, K-Byte)
Boulders and Bombs, with Keith Dreyer (1983, 800, CBS)

Megler, Veronika
*The Hobbit, with Philip Mitchell (1983, various, Melbourne House)

Mehlich, M.E.
Fortress of the Witch King (1983, AP2, Avalon Hill)

Meier, Dirk
[T] Earthraid (1986, C64, Happy Computer)
[T] Weltendaemmerung (1987, C64, 64er)

Meier, Myron
Topper (1983, 800, ROMox)

Meier, Sid
[B] Hostage Rescue (1980, 800)
[B] Hellcat Ace (1982, 800, Microprose) first Microprose game
Chopper Rescue (1982?, 800, Microprose) aka Air Rescue
Floyd of the Jungle (1982?, 800, Microprose)
NATO Commander (1983, 800, Microprose)
Spitfire Ace (1983, 800, Microprose)
Solo Flight (1984?, 800, Microprose)
Decision in the Desert, with Ed Bever (1985, 800, Microprose)
Conflict In Vietnam, with Ed Bever (1985, 800, Microprose)
Crusade in Europe, with Ed Bever (1985, 800, Microprose)
*F-15 Strike Eagle (1985, C64, Microprose)
Silent Service (1986, Microprose)
Gunship (1986, C64, Microprose) engine done by other programmers
*Pirates (1987, C64, Microprose)
*Railroad Tycoon (1990, PC, Microprose)
Covert Action, with Bruce Shelley (1990?, PC, Microprose)
*Civilization (1991, PC, Microprose)
[D] Pirates! Gold (PC, Microprose)
[ND] CPU Bach (1994, 3DO, Microprose)
[GD] Colonization (1994, PC, Microprose) consultant
[D] Gettysburg (1997, PC, Microprose)
[GD] Alpha Centauri (1999, PC, Firaxis) consultant
[GD] Civilization III (2001, PC) consultant
SimGolf (2002, PC, EA)

Melfi, Dominic J.
Kippy's Nightmare (1981, TI99, Futura)
Bang Bang Sub (1982, TI99, Data Force)
Space Station 1 (1982, TI99, Data Force)

Meller, Dan & Marilyn
Crown of Arthain (1980, AP2, Microlab)

Mendes, Dave
The Generators (1984, BBCB, Quicksilva)

Meninsky, Carla
Dodge 'Em (2600, Atari)
Indy 500 (1980?, 2600, Atari)
Warlords (1981?, 2600, Atari)
[P] Star Raiders (1982, 2600, Atari) port from 800
[UP] Tempest (2600, Atari) port from COIN

Meretzky, Steve
*Planetfall (1983, many, Infocom)
Sorcerer (1984, many, Infocom)
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, with Douglas Adams (1984, many, Infocom)
*A Mind Forever Voyaging (1985, many, Infocom)
Leather Goddesses of Phobos (1986, many, Infocom)
Stationfall (1987, many, Infocom)
Zork Zero: The Revenge of Megaboz (1988, many, Infocom)
[N] Lane Mastodon vs. The Blubbermen (1988, many Infocom) Infocomics
[G] Spellcasting 101: Sorcerers Get All the Girls (1990, PC, Legend)
[G] Spellcasting 201: The Sorceror's Appliance (1991, PC, Legend)
[G] Spellcasting 301: Spring Break (1992, PC, Legend)
[G] Leather Goddesses of Phobos II: Gas Pump Girls Meet the Pulsating Inconvenience from Planet X (1992, PC, "Infocom")
[G] Superhero League of Hoboken (1994, PC, Legend)
[G] Hodj 'n' Podj (1994, PC/Mac, Boffo Games)
[UG] Planetfall: The Search for Floyd (1995, PC, "Infocom")
[G] The Space Bar (1997, PC, Boffo Games/Segasoft)

Merlo, James
[T] Pinhead (1990, C64, Compute!'s Gazette)

Merrell, Alan
Copts (sic) and Robbers, with Eric Knopp (1981, AP2, Sirius)
High Orbit (1982, AP2, Gebelli)
Russki Duck, with Eric Knopp (1982, AP2, Gebelli)
[P] Space Dungeon, with Eric Knopp (1984, 5200, Atari) port from COIN

Merritt, Bruce
Black Widow (1982, COIN, Atari)

Merritt, Roger L.
Amok! (1981, VIC, UMI)
Meteor Run (1982, VIC, UMI)
Satellites and Meteorites! (1982, VIC, UMI)
Sub Chase (1982, VIC, UMI, UMI)
Super Amok (1982?, VIC, UMI)

Merrow, Charles (Charlie)
Computer Air Combat, with Jack Avery (1980, AP2, SSI)
Computer Baseball, with Jack Avery (1981?, AP2, SSI)
Fighter Command, with Jack Avery (1983, AP2, SSI)

Meuse, Steve
Transylvania, with Antonio Antiochia (1981, AP2, Penguin)
Ogre, (1987?, AP2?, Origin)
[G] Ultima V (1988, PC, Origin) one of about 5 programmers

Meyer, Steve
Wacko (1982, COIN, Bally/Midway)
Root Beer Tapper (1984, COIN, Bally/Midway)
Timber (1984, COIN, Bally/Midway)

Meyers, Steve
Ring Destroyer, with Paul Kugler (1982, TI99,Republic)

Michalec, Barbara
Astro Blaster, with Gary Shannon (1981, COIN, Sega/Gremiln)

Michon, Ted
*Night Driver, with Dave Sheppard (1976, COIN, Atari)

Mick, Joel
[TB] Escape (1980, TRS, Softside)
[TB] Monster Maze (1980, TRS, Softside)

Micklus, Lance
[TB] Concentration (1979, TRS, Softside)
[TB] Dog Star Adventure (1979, TRS, Softside)
[B] Master Mind II (1980, TRS, Softside)
[B] Star Trek (1980, TRS, Softside)
[TB] Star Trek III.4 (1980, TRS, Softside)
Star Trek III.5 (1980, TRS, Softside) later from AI
Mean Checkers Machine (1980, TRS, Softside)
[TB] Treasure Hunt (1980, AP2, Softside)
Mean Checkers Machine II (1981, TRS, Softside)

Mikolyski, Curtis
Bounty Bob Strikes Back, with Bill Hogue (1985, 800, Big Five) sequel to Miner 2049'er

Mildon, Steve
Junkman Jr. (1987, TI99, DaTaBiotics)

Miles, Troy A.
Neuromancer (1985, AP2, Interplay)

Miller, Alan
Basketball (1977, 2600, Atari)
Hangman (1979?, 2600, Atar) aka Spelling
Surround (1979?, 2600, Atari) aka Chase
[N] Atari 800 Operating System, with David Crane and Larry Kaplan (1979, 800, Atari)
Basketball (1979, 800, Atari)
Checkers (1981?, 2600, ACT)
Tennis (1981?, 2600, ACT)
Ice Hockey (1982?, 2600, ACT)
Starmaster (1982?, 2600, ACT)
Robot Tank (1983?, 2600, ACT)
Law of the West (1985, C64, Accolade)

Miller, Allen
[TB] Collapsing Deck (1990, 800, Antic) solitaire

Miller, Bill
Back 40 III, with Steve Glen (AP2, AI)

Miller, Carl
Invaders From Space (1980, TRS, Acorn)

Miller, Chuck
Mines of Moria, with ? (1976?, PLATO)

Miller, Craig
Battle Over Titan (1982, TI99, MG)
Blackbeard's Treasure (1982, TI99, MG)
Casino Blackjack (1982, TI99, MG)
The Crazy Fun House (1982, TI99, MG)
The Pharaoh's Tomb (1982, TI99, MG)

Miller, Donald W. Jr.
[B] Stranded (1990, AP2, Mindcraft)

Miller, Kevin
[P] Alcazar: The Forgotten Fortress (1985, AP2, ACT) port from C64

Miller, Larry
Epoch (1981, AP2, Sirius)
Hadron (AP2, Sirius)
Minotaur (AP2, Sirius)
Spider Fighter (1982?, 2600, ACT)
Enduro (1983?, 2600, ACT)

Miller, Ray
Star Wars: Death Star Battle (1983?, 2600, PB)

Miller, Scott
Spectre, with Bob Flanagan (1983, AP2, Datamost)

Mills, Vince
[P] The Scoop by Agatha Christie (AP2, Telarium)

Minh, Chou Tran
Pinball, with Bob Newstadt (1983, INT, Mattel)

Minkoff, Mike
PBA Bowling, with Rick Levine (1980, INT, Mattel)
SNAFU (1981?, INT, Mattel)

Minns, Charles
Nominoes Jigsaw Puzzle, with B. Brownlee (1981, AP2, Dynacomp)

Minter, Jeff [founder of Llamasoft]
Defenda [Andes Attack] (VIC) later for ST
Aggressor (1982, VIC, HES)
Rat Man (VIC)
Headbanger's Heaven (VIC) later for SPEC
Abductor (VIC)
Traxx (VIC)
Gridrunner (1982?, VIC, HES) later for C64
Laser Zone (VIC)
Matrix (VIC)
Metagalactic Llamas Battle at the Edge of Time (VIC) later for C64
[N] Psychedelia (VIC) light sythesizer; later for C64, SPEC, MSX
ROX-64 (1983, C64)
Laser Zone (C64)
Attack of the Mutant Camels (1983, C64)
Hover Bovver (1983, C64/800, Llamasoft)
Revenge of the Mutant Camels (1984, C64) later for ST/AMI
Ancipital (1984, C64, Llamasoft)
Hell Gate (1984, C64, Llamasoft)
Sheep in Space (1984, C64, Llamasoft?)
Mama Llama (1985, C64, Llamasoft)
Batalyx (1986, C64, Ariolasoft)
Void Runner (1987, C64, Mastertronic) later for C16
Iridis Alpha (C64)
Return of the Mutant Camels (1987, C64, Mastertronic)
Super Deflex (SPEC)
Turboflex (800)
[N] Colourspace (1985?, 800, Antic)
[N] Trip-A-Tron (ST/AMI, Llamasoft)
Super Gridrunner (ST)
Photon Storm (AMI, Llamasoft)
Defender II (1990?, ST/AMI, Llamasoft)
Llamatron (1991, ST, Llamasoft) shareware, Robotron-like
Hardcore (1992, ST, Llamasoft)
*Tempest 2000 (1994, JAG, Atari)
[N] Virtual Light Machine (1995, JAG-CD, Atari)
Defender 2000 (1996, JAG, Atari)
Tempest 3000 (2001?, Nuon, VM Labs)
Deflex (2002, PC/PPC, Llamasoft)
Hover Bovver (2002, PC/PPC, Llamasoft)
Gridrunner++ (2002, PC, Llamasoft)

Mirkovich, Reinhard
Gypsy (1983, 800, Avalon Hill)

Mirsky, Rick
[P] Bruce Lee (1984, AP2, Datasoft) port from 800
[P] Mr. Do! (AP2, Datasoft) port from COIN
[P] Zorro, with James Garon (1985, AP2, Datasoft) port from 800?
[P] The Never Ending Story (AP2, Datasoft) port from ?

Mirzazadeh, M.
Droids (1983?, 800, TG Software)
Spark Bugs (1983, 800, ROMox)

Mitchell, Michael
[TB] Dark Star (1985, 800, Antic) also wrote Action! version in same issue

Mitchell, Philip
*The Hobbit, with Veronika Megler (1983, many, Melbourne House)
Sherlock (1985, many, Melbourne House)
The Lord of the Rings: Game One (1985, many, Melbourne House)
[L] Shadows of Mordor (1988, C64?, Melbourne House)
[L] Crack of Doom (1989, PC, Melbourne House)
[G] The Dame was Loaded (1999?, MAC)

Mitchell, Thomas J.
Oil's Well (1983, 800, Sierra)

Miyamoto, Shigeru
*[D] Donkey Kong (1981, COIN, Nintendo)
[D] Donkey Kong Junior (1982, COIN, Nintendo)
[D] Mario Bros. (1983, COIN, Nintendo)
[D] Donkey Kong 3 (1983, COIN, Nintendo)
*[D] Super Mario Bros (1984, NES, Nintendo)
[D] Excitebike (1984, NES, Nintendo)
[D] The Legend of Zelda (1986, NES, Nintendo)
[D] Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (1987, NES, Nintendo)
[D] Super Mario Bros. 3 (1988, NES, Nintendo)
[D] Super Mario World (1991, SNES, Nintendo)
[D] PilotWings (1990, SNES, Nintendo)
[D] F-Zero (1990, SNES, Nintendo)
[D] Super Mario Kart (1992, SNES, Nintendo)
[D] Star Fox (1993, SNES, Nintendo)
[D] Stunt Race FX (1994?, SNES, Nintendo)
[D] Yoshi's Island: Super Mario World 2 (1995, SNES, Nintendo)
[D] Mario 64 (1996, N64, Nintendo)
[D] PilotWings 64 (1996, N64, Nintendo)
[D] Waverace (1996, N64, Nintendo)
[D] Zelda 64 (1998, N64, Nintendo)
[D] F-Zero X (1998, N64, Nintendo)

Modla, Andrew [STU2 = RCA Studio II (unreleased)]
Baseball (1976-7?, STU2, RCA)
Blackjack (1976-7?, STU2, RCA)
Bowling (1976-7?, STU2, RCA)
Math Fun (1976-7?, STU2, RCA)
Gunfighter/Moonship Battle (1976-7?, STU2, RCA)
Tennis/Squash (1976-7?, STU2, RCA)

Montelo, Pat
[P] Boulder Dash Construction Kit (1987, AP2, Epyx) port from 800?

Montero, Steve
Night Stalker (1982, INT, Mattel)

Montgomery, Mike
[P] Cluedo (C64, Leisure Genius)
[P] Scrabble (C64, Leisure Genius)
[P] Monopoly (C64, Leisure Genius)
[P] Mastermind (C64, Leisure Genius)
[P] Dan Dare (C64, Leisure Genius)
[P] Karate (C64, Leisure Genius/Virgin)
[P] Xenon, with Steve Kelly and Eric Matthews (1988, AMI, The Bitmap Brothers)
[P] Speedball, with Steve Kelly and Eric Matthews (1988, AMI, The Bitmap Brothers)
[P] Cadaver, with Steve Kelly (1990, AMI, The Bitmap Brothers)
[P] Cadaver: The Payoff, with Steve Kelly (1990?, AMI, The Bitmap Brothers)
[P] Speedball 2, with Rob Trevellyan (1991?, AMI, The Bitmap Brothers)
[P] Gods, with Steve Tall (AMI, The Bitmap Brothers)
[P] Magic Pockets (1992?, AMI, The Bitmap Brothers)
[P] Chaos Engine, with Steve Cargill (1993, AMI, The Bitmap Brothers)
[P] Chaos Engine 2 (AMI, The Bitmap Brothers)
[P] Z (PC, The Bitmap Brothers)
[P] Speedball 2100 (PS1, The Bitmap Brothers)
[P] Z: Steel Soldiers (PC, The Bitmap Brothers)

Moody, John
La Kootieratcha (1983, TI99, CMS Systems)

Moon, Mr. [founder, Moonbeam Software]
[B] Death Drones (1982, TI99, Moonbeam)

Mooney, Mike
The Heist, with Mike Livesay (1983, AP2, Microfun)

Moore, Mark & Richard
Purple Turtle (1984, C64, Quicksilva)

Moore, Sean
Ultimate Wizard, with Steve Luedders (1986, C64, Access)

Morgan, John
[L] Zoo Keeper, with Mark Blazczyk and Rex Battenberg (1982, COIN, Taito America)
[L] Redline Racer (1988, COIN, Leland/Cinematronics)
[L] Ivan Stewart's Super Off-Road (1989, COIN, Leland)
[G] Danny Sullivan's Indy Heat, with David Sullivan (1991, COIN, Leland)

Morgan, Robert
[P] Robocop (1988, AP2, Quicksilver) port from COIN

Morgan, Scott
Haunted House (1982, TI99, Tiventures)
Miner 49er (1982, TI99, Tiventures)
Stone Age (1982, TI99, Tiventures)
007: Aqua Base (1982, TI99, TIventures)
Fun House (1982, TI99, TIventures)
In Search of: The Four Vedas (1982, TI99, TIventures)

Moriarty, Brian
[TB] Adventure in the Fifth Dimension (1983, 800, ANALOG Computing)
[T] Crash Dive! (1984, 800, ANALOG Computing)
Wishbringer: The Magick Stone of Dreams (1985, many, Infocom)
*Trinity (1986, many, Infocom)
Beyond Zork: The Coconut of Quendor (1987, PC/MAC, Infocom)
*Loom, with Mark Ferrari (1990, PC, LucasFilm Games)
[D] Loadstar (1995, PC, RocketScience Games)

Mork, Phil
[TB] Maze Rider (1981, 800, ANALOG Computing)
Carnival (1982?, 800, ANALOG Software)

Mornini, Tom
[P] Dark Forest (1981?, AP2, Sirius) designed by Jerry Jewell

Morris, Bill
Taxicab Hill (1985, 800, Antic)

Morris, Leonard
[TB] Vanish (1989, 128, Ahoy!)
[TB] Match Games (1989, 128, Run)
[TB] Connex (1990, 128, Run)

Morris, William [is this Bill Morris?]
[TB] Convoy, with John Cope (1981, TRS/AP2/800, Softside)

Morrison, Ian
[P] Outrun (1986, SPEC/SPEC, Probe)
[P] Outrun U.S.A. (1987/8, ST, Probe)
[P] Turbo Outrun (1989, SPEC/ST, SEGA)
Shark Attack (SPEC)
Color Clash (SPEC)
[P] Lode Runner (SPEC) port from AP2
[P] Beach Head (SPEC) port from C64
[P] Beach Head 2 (SPEC) port from C64
[P] Tapper (SPEC) port from COIN
Galactic Troopers (SPEC)
Brain Damage (SPEC)
Exterminator (SPEC)
World Series Baseball (SPEC)
World Series Basketball (SPEC)
[P] Cisco Heat, with Douglas Little (1991, ST, ICE/Imageworks)

Mountford, Brian
[P] Canyon Climber (1982, AP2, Datasoft) port from 800

Mowbray, David
Rodeo Games (C64/ST/AMI/PC, Tynesoft)
Beverly Hills Cop (C64/ST/AMI/PC, Tynesoft)
Mayday Squad (PC, Tynesoft)
Kidnapped (PC, Tynesoft)
Circus Games (many, Tynesoft)
Superman: Black Monday (many, Tynesoft)
Tag a Long (many, Tynesoft)
Summer Olympiad (many, Tynesoft)
Winter Olympiad (many, Tynesoft)
Para Academy (C64/ST, Zeppelin)
RAD Racer (C64, Zeppelin)
Fire and Forget (C64/ST/AMI, Zeppelin)
Double Agent(ST/AMI/PC, Microvalue-Flair)
Calypso (ST/AMI/PC, Microvalue-Flair)
Turn and Burn (C64/ST/AMI/PC, Microvalue-Flair)
Revenge (C64, Microvalue-Flair)
Elvira: Mistress of the Dark (ST/AMI/PC, Microvalue-Flair)
Trolls (C64, Microvalue-Flair)
D'Angelo (ST/AMI/PC, Microvalue-Flair)
Demon Blues (C64/ST/AMI/PC, Microvalue-Flair)

Mueller, Carl
[TB] Maze Search (1981, AP2, Softside)
[TB] Kidnapped! (1981, AP2, Softside)

Muk, William
Arex (1983, TRS, AI)

Mullally, C.
[B] Mastermatch (1983?, 800, APX)

Mullen, Don
[P] The Trivia Arcade (1984, AP2, Screenplay) port from ?

Mullich, David G.
Windfall (1979, AP2)
Space II (1979, AP2)
Network (1980, AP2)
Windfall! (1980, AP2, EduWare)
Prisoner (1981, AP2, EduWare)
Prisoner II (1982, AP2, EduWare)
Empire I: World Builders (1981, AP2, EduWare)
Empire II: Interstellar Sharks (1982, AP2, EduWare)
[D] Empire III: Armageddon (1984, AP2, EduWare)
[D] Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, with ?
[D] DuckTales: The Quest For Gold, with ?
[D] "I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream," with ?

Muncer, David
S.S. Achilles, with Simon Goodwin (1984?, 800, Beyond)

Munnery, S.
Asteroids (1981?, VIC, Bug Byte) Asteroids clone

Munro, Ian
Virgin Atlantic Challenger (1986, SPEC/CPC, MillSide)
Iron Sphere (2005, CPC, Cronosoft) originally written in 1990

Munsey, Paul
[P] M*A*S*H, with Flora Ng (1983, TI99, Fox) port from 2600
[P] Revenge of the Beefsteak Tomatoes (1983, 800, Fox) port from 2600

Murphy, Alan J.
Bug Hunt, with Robert Zdybel (1987, 800, Atari)

Murphy, Tim
[P] Bubbles (1983?, COIN, Williams)

Murray, Chris P.
[P] Henry's House (1987, 800, Mastertronic) port from C64
Mirax Force (1987, 800, Tynesoft)
The Last Guardian (800, Micro Discount)
Winter Olympiad '88, with Brian Jobling and Michael Hedley (1988, 800, Tynesoft)
Winter Olympiad '88, with Brian Jobling and Ian Davidson (1988, C64, Tynesoft)

Murray, Kent
[P] The Bod Squad (1992, C64, Zeppelin Games)

Murray, Paul [American]
Cosmic Balance I (1982, AP2, SSI)
Cosmic Balance II (1983, AP2, SSI)
Imperium Galacticum (1984, AP2, SSI)
Napoleon's Campaigns 1813 & 1815 (AP2, SSI)
The Road to Gettysburg (AP2, SSI)
Wizard's Crown, with Keith Brors (C64, SSI)
The Eternal Dagger, with Victor Penman (1986, AP2, SSI)
[G] Pool of Radiance (AP2, SSI)
[G] Curse of the Azure Bonds (1989, AP2, SSI)
? Panzer General, with Keith Brors (PC, SSI)

Murray, Paul [British]
[G] Rastan Saga (1988, SPEC, Ocean)
Tom 'N' Jerry (1990, NES, Hi-Tech Expressions)
The Incredible Crash Dummies (1992, NES, Acclaim)
Maximum Carnage (1994, SNES/GEN, Acclaim)
Separation Anxiety (1995, SNES/PC, Acclaim)
[Also did lots of ports to SPEC, CPC, and PC]

Murry, Dave & Barry
Championship Boxing (1982?, AP2, Sierra)
The Ancient Art of War (1985?, PC, BROD)
The Ancient Art of War at Sea (1986?, PC, BROD)
Manhunter: New York, with Dee Dee Murry (1988, PC, Sierra)
Manhunter 2: New York, with Dee Dee Murry & Barbara Ward (1989, PC, Sierra)

Muscolino, Bruce
[TB] Word Wars (1982, AP2, Softside)

Myhre, Byron A.
[TB] Everest (1979, TRS, Softside)

Nagel, Chistian & Stefan
Rooter (C64, 1989, Verlag)
Spacetanks (PC, 2004, Yawthrust)

Nangano, James "Jim" [founder of UpFront Software]
Flip & Flop (1983, 800/C64, First Star)
[P] I Love My Numbers (800, First Star)
[G] USA Adventure (800, First Star)
[D] Omnicron Conspiracy (1989, C64, Epyx) originally written in 1985
[P] Spy vs. Spy (800, First Star)
[P] Spy vs. Spy 2 (800, First Star)
Superman, with Fernando Herrera and Tony Manso (1985, C64, First Star)
Spy vs. Spy 3: Arctic Antics (1987, C64, First Star)
MicroLeague Baseball (MicroLeague)
[P] MicroLeague Wrestling, (AMI, MicroLeague)
MicroLeague Football (PC, MicroLeague)
MicroLeague Baseball IV, (PC, MicroLeague)
MicroLeague Football II, (PC, MicroLeague)

Nedbal, Richard, A.
[B] Pillar Munch (1983, AP2, Mindcraft)

Needle, Dave [co-creator of Atari Lynx and 3DO]
Space Encounters (COIN, Midway)

Neighorn, Steven
Nuclear Submarine Adventure (1982, TRS/AP2, Softside)

Nelsen, Rod
Tharolian Tunnells (1982, AP2, Datamost)
Cricketeer (1982, AP2, The Software Farm) Frogger-like
Space Spikes, with Glen Williams (1983, AP2, Three Sigma)

Nelson, Greg
[P] NYC: The Big Apple (C64, Synapse) port from 800

Nelson, Rod
Dragon Fire (1981, AP2, Level-10/Dakin-5)
Super Dungeons (1981, AP2, Level-10/Dakin-5?)

Nesbit, Bruce
Wizzy's Mansion (BBCB, Audiogenic)
Circus Games (ST, Tynesoft)
Rodeo Games (ST, Tynesoft)
[P] Krusty's Super Fun House (NES, Audiogenic)
Winter Olympics (AMI, US Gold)
Rodeo Games, with Steve Tall (ST, Tynesoft)
[P] Z (PC, The Bitmap Brothers)
[P] Speedball 2010 (PS1, The Bitmap Brothers)
[P] Z: Steel Soldiers (PC, The Bimap Brothers)
[P] WW2: Frontline Command (2003, PC, The Bitmap Brothers / Koch)

Nesbitt, Bryce C.
Rootin' Tootin' (1984?, C64, Hesware)

Nesmith, Bruce
Theseus and the Minotaur (1982, AP2, TSR)
Dungeon (1982, AP2, TSR)

Nettle, Paul
[P] Apache Strike (C64)
[G] Heavy Barrel (C64) graphics engine only

Neubauer, Doug
*Star Raiders (1979, 800, Atari)
Megaforce (2600, Fox) as Dallas North
Alien (2600, Fox) as Dallas North
M*A*S*H (2600, Fox) as Dallas North
*Solaris (1986, 2600, Atari)
Super Football (1988, 2600, Atari)
Radar Lock (1988, 2600, Atari)

Neurath, Paul [co-founder of Looking Glass Studios]
[G] Space Rogue (1989, AP2, Origin)

Neville, Jim & Vicki
Crossword (1980, AP2, Softape)

Neville, Ted
Trust (1983, 800, Rantom)

Newberg, Stephen
Main Battle Tank, with Stephen St. John (1989, AP2, Simulations Canada)

Newcomer, John
*[D] Joust (1982, COIN, Williams)
[D] Splat! (1982?, COIN, Williams)
[D] Sinistar, co-designed with Noah Falstein and Sam Dicker (1983, COIN, Williams)
[D] Joust 2: Survival of the Fittest (1986, COIN, Williams)
[D] High Impact Football, with Ed Boon and Eugene Jarvis (1991, COIN, Williams)

Newell, Wesley B.
[B] Pro Bowling (800, APX)

Newman, Alan
Domination (1982, 800, APX)
Tutti Frutti (1983, 800, AI)
Hotel Alien (1985?, 800, Artworx)

Newman, Graeme
Crime and Punishment, with Jack Kress (1984, AP2)

Newman, Tony
[P] Galactic Revolution, with Dave Cole (1980, AP2, BROD)

Newstadt, Bob
Pinball, with Minh Chou Tran (1983, INT, Mattel)

Ng, Flora
[P] M*A*S*H, with Paul Munsey (1983, TI99, Fox) port from 2600

Ngo, Benny Aik Beng
Gamma Goblins, with Tony Ngo (1981, AP2, Sirius)
Bandits, with Tony Ngo (1982, AP2, Sirius)
*Drol (1983, AP2, BROD)

Ngo, Tony
Gamma Goblins, with Benny Ngo (1981, AP2, Sirius)
Bandits, with Benny Ngo (1982, AP2, Sirius)
Park Patrol (1984?, C64, ACT)
Squish 'Em (1984, C64, Sirius)

Nichols, Mark
[P] Rocky Horror Show (1985, AP2, ACT) port from ?

Nickels, Paul
Street Sports Soccer (AP2, Epyx)
[G] Street Sports Football (1988, AP2, Epyx)

Nicols, Simon
TLL [Tornado Low Level] (1984, C64)
Crazy Comets (1985, C64, Martech)
Mega Apocalypse (1987, C64, Martech)
Sam Fox Strip Poker (1986, C64, Martech)
Back to the Future III (1991, C64, Mirrorsoft)
The Quill (C64)
Trivia The Ultimate Quest (C64)
License To Kill (NES)
Technocop (NES)
Apocalypse II (SNES)

Nicols, W.J.
Grey Seas, Grey Skies (1983, AP2, Simulations Canada)
Golan Front (1985, AP2, Simulations Canada)
Seventh Fleet (1985, AP2, Simulations Canada)
Northern Fleet (1988, AP2, Simulations Canada)

Niday, Peter C.
[P] Crystal Castles (2600, Atari) port from COIN
Sorceror's Apprentice

Nikolich, Laura
[P] Frogger II: Threedeep (1984?, COL, PB)

Nitchals, Jim L. [co-founder of Cavalier Computer Corp; RIP 1998]
Bug Attack (1981, AP2/800, Cavalier Computer)
Asteroid Field (1980, AP2, Cavalier Computer)
Star Thief (1981, AP2, Cavalier Computer)
Microwave, with Jay Zimmerman (1982, AP2, Cavalier Computer)
Teleport, with Mike Abbott (1982, AP2, Cavalier Computer)
Ring Raiders (AP2, Cavalier Computer) free promotional game
[P] Archon (1984, AP2, EA) port from 800; also did Mac port in 1985-6
[P] Archon II: Adept (1985, AP2, EA) port from 800
[also see Will Harvey]

Noone, Thomas and Patrick
The Caves of Olympus (AP2, 1982)

Norman, Paul
Forbidden Forest (1983, C64, Cosmi)
Beyond Forbidden Forest (1984, C64, Cosmi)
Super Huey (1984?, C64, Cosmi)
Chernobyl (1986, C64, Cosmi)
Super Huey II (1987, C64, Cosmi)
Navy Seals (198x, C64, Cosmi)
Defcon 5 (1987, C64, Cosmi)
The President is Missing (1988, C64/PC, Cosmi)
Murder Makes Strange Deadfellows (PC/CDTV, Tiger Media)
Home Alone II (GEN, Sega)
Carrier: Fortress at Sea, with Laura Buddine and Kate Young (3DO, Panasonic/Discovery Channel)

North, Dallas - see Doug Neubauer

Northrup, William H.
Checker King (1982?, 800, APX)

Norton, Larry
Cross Country Car Rally (1982, TI99, Norton Software)

Novembrino, Mark
Elysian Fields (1984, AP2, American Eagle)

Nunn, David J.T.
[TB] Sailplane Derby (1980, TRS, Softside)

Nutting, Dave
[D] Sea Wolf, with Tom McHugh (1975, COIN, Midway)
[D] Sea Wolf II (1979?, COIN, Midway)
*[D] Wizard of Wor, with Tom McHugh (1981, COIN, Bally/Midway)
[D] Adventures of Robby Roto, with Jay Fenton (1981, COIN, Bally/Midway)

O'Boyle, Helen
[P] Cave Girl Clair (1984?, AP2, Rhiannon)

O'Day, Cullen
[TB] Monster Bar-B-Q (1989, 128, Compute!'s Gazette)
[TB] Mudfrog Math (1990, C64, Compute!'s Gazette)

O'Donohue, Sean
[P] Dragon's Lair (1983, COIN, Starcom/Cinematronics)
[P] Popeye (1983, C64, PB) port from COIN

O'Fallon, John
Gemini (1983, AP2, Phoenix)

O’Keefe, Michael
[TB] Orienteering at Jacque’s Coulee (1981, TRS, Softside)

O'Neill, Jeff
Ballyhoo (1985, many, Infocom)
Nord and Bert Couldn't Make Head or Tail of It (1987, many, Infocom)

O'Neill, John
Lifespan (1984?, 800?, Roklan)

O'Neill, Kevin
[TB] Canfield Solitaire (1991, 800, Antic)

Oberth, Chris
Phasor Zap (1978, AP2, Programma)
3D-Docking (1978, AP2, Programma)
DartRoom (1978-9, AP2, The Elektrik Keyboard)
Cycle Jump (1978-9, AP2, The Elektrik Keyboard)
Recall (1978-9, AP2, The Elektrik Keyboard)
RunAround (1978-9, AP2, The Elektrik Keyboard)
Intercepter (1978-9, AP2, The Elektrik Keyboard)
Depth Charge (1978-9, AP2, The Elektrik Keyboard)
Demolition Derby (1978-9, AP2, The Elektrik Keyboard)
Frustration (1978-9, AP2, The Elektrik Keyboard)
Moto-Cross (1978-9, AP2, The Elektrik Keyboard)
Light Fight (1979-80, HAND, Milton Bradley)
Finger Bowl (1979-80, HAND, Tiger)
Sky-Writer (1979-80, HAND, Ideal Toys)
Alfie (1979-80, HAND, Playskool)
Armored Car, with Gunars Licitis (1981-3, COIN, Stern)
Anteater (1981-3, COIN, Stern)
Minefield (1981-3, COIN, Stern)
Rescue (1982, COIN, Stern)
Tazmania (1983, COIN, Stern)
Ardy The Aardvark (1983, AP2, Datamost) Anteater-like
[G] Winter Games (1985, C64, Epyx)
[G] American Gladiators (1992, NES, Gametek)
[G] Time Killers (1995, COIN, Incredible Technologies)
[G] Bloodstorm (1995, COIN, Incredible Technologies)
[G] ShuffleShot (1997, COIN, Incredible Technologies)
[1998: with Incredible Technologies]

Ockers, Stan
[TB] Changing Hearts (1981, 800, Softside)
[B] Angle Worms / Crolon Diversion (1981?, 800, AI) pack of 2 games
[TB] Chicken (1982?, 800, public domain) Frogger-like
[TB] Frog (1982, 800, public domain)
[TB] Bats (1982, 800, public domain)
[TB] Courting Crickets (1985, 800, Antic)

Odendahl, Mark & Suzy
Rush Hour (1983?, 800, APX) Frogger-like

Ogden, Cliff J.
The Wizard of Akyrz, with Brian Howarth (SPEC?, various)
Waxworks, with Brian Howarth (SPEC?, various)

Ohmert, Steven
[P] A.E. (1983, VIC, BROD) port from AP2

Okamoto, Yoshiki
[D] Time Pilot (1982, COIN, Konami)
[D] Gyruss (1983, COIN, Konami)
[D] 1942 (1984, COIN, Capcom)
[D] 1943 (1987, COIN, Capcom)
[D] Sidearms (COIN, Capcom)

Oliphant, Peter
Stand-Alone Football (HAND, Mattel)
Speed Freak (HAND, Mattel)
Mini-Dungeons and Dragons (HAND, Mattel)
World Championship Footbal (HAND, Mattel)
Gravity (HAND, Mattel)
Mr. Cool (1983, 800, On-Line) Q*Bert-like
WallWar (1983?, 800, Sierra)
[P] Troll's Tale (Sierra)
[P] Dragon's Keep (Sierra)
Mickey's Space Adventure (Sierra)
[P] King of Chicago (Cinemaware)
[P] Rocket Ranger (Cinemaware)
[P] Free D.C. (Independent)
Lexicross (1991, PC, Interplay)
[L] Stonekeep (1996?, PC, Interplay)

Oliver, Dan
Space Cavern (1982, 2600, Apollo)
Rescue Terra I (1982?, 2600, Venturevision)
Laser Gates (1983?, 2600, Imagic)

Ollmann, Lloyd Jr.
[PB] Warlocks Revenge (1981, 800, Synergistic) port from AP2
Probe One: The Transmitter (1983, 800, Synergistic)
[P] Donkey Kong, with C.D. Stinnett (VIC, Atarisoft) port from COIN
[P] Pitstop II, with James McBride (800, Epyx)
[P] Crisis Mountain (1983, C64, Creative) port from AP2
[PG] Championship Baseball (1986, AP2, ACT)
[G] Space Ranger (AMI, Mastertronic)
[P] Thexder (AMI/MAC, Sierra) port from PC
[P] Lord Of The Rings (AMI, ST, Virgin/Mastertronic)
[P] Code Name Dancer (AMI, Accolade)
[P] The Fool's Errand (AMI, Miles)
[P] Spirit Of Excalibur (AMI, MAC, Virgin/Mastertronic)
[P] Home Alone (AMI, Capstone)
[P] Jeopardy (1994?, MAC, GameTek)
[PG] PGA Tour Golf III (MAC, EA) port from PC

Olsen, John
Night of the Walking Dead (1988, C64, Free Spirit)

Olsen, Rodger
[B] Derelict, with Bob Anderson (many, Aardvark)
[B] Pyramid (many, Aardvark)
[B] Mars (many, Aardvark) aka Escape from Mars
Quest, with Rodger Olsen (1983, COCO, Aardvark)

Omarzu, Christopher H.
Big Bird's Egg Catch (1983?, 2600, Atari)

Omi, Greg
[P] Captain Cosmo (1982, 800, Nexa)
[P] Portal (1986, C64, Nexa/ACT)
[PG] Defender (1983, VIC, HES/Atarisoft) port from COIN
[PG] Streetsports Baseball (1986, AP2, C64, Epyx)
[PG] Streetsports Basketball (1986, AP2, Epyx)
[NP] Atari Lynx Development Team (1990, LNX, Epyx)
[P] Electro Cop (1991, LNX, Epyx/Atari)
[P] Klax (1991, LNX, Atari) port from COIN
[P] Slime World (1992, GEN, Epyx) port from LNX
[P] Andre Aggasi Tennis (1992, GEN, TekMagic)
[NP] 3DO Multiplayer Development Team (1992, 3DO, NTG/3DO)
[NUPG] 3DO M2 Development Team (1994, 3DO, NTG/3DO)
[NUPG] 3DO MX Development Team (1996, 3DO, NTG/3DO)
[PG] Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back (1997, PS1, Naughty Dog/Sony)
[PG] Crash Bandicoot Warped (1998, PS1, Naughty Dog/Sony)
[PG] Crash Team Racing (1999, PS1, Naughty Dog/Sony)
[PG] Jak and Daxter (2001, PS2, Naughty Dog/Sony)
[PG] Jak II (2003, PS2, Naughty Dog/Sony)
[PG] Jak 3 (2004, PS2, Naughty Dog/Sony)
[PG] Jak X Combat Racing (2005, PS2, Naughty Dog/Sony)

Orban, Richard
Three Mile Island (1980, AP2, Muse)
International Grand Prix (1981, AP2, Riverbank)

Orcutt, Charles
[T] Rubber Bandit Ball (1988, C64, Run)
[T] Gravitron (1989, C64, Run)

Oritz, John
Jax-O (800, APX)

Ornsby, Michael
[P] Aliens, with Robert Friele (AP2, ACT)

Ortel, John
Attack of the Phantom Karate Devils (1983, C64, Phantom)

Ostman, Corey
Gold Fever (1983, VIC, Tronix)

Overton, Sam
Sid the Spellbinder (1983?, O2, N.A.P.)

Packer, Brent
Andorra (1982, AP2, Softside)

Pal, Andrew "CrazyAndy"
DiverLuck (1982, VIC, BROD)
Targon (1983,VIC, BROD)
SpeedSki (1983, VIC, Omtech)
Targon 64 (1984, C64, Net Software) Xevious-like
Major Tom (1984, C64, Omtech)
Alexander The Creep (1984, C64, Omtech)

Palahnuk, Sam
Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator (1983?, COIN, Sega)

Palevich, John "Jack" H.
*Dandy (1982?, 800, APX) later Dandy Dungeon from Antic; pre-cursor to Gauntlet
[later worked at Taligent, WebTV, and Microsoft]

Panayi, Costa
Cosmos (ZX81/SPEC, Vortex)
Android One (SPEC, Vortex)
Android Two (SPEC, Vortex)
Tornado Low Level (SPEC, Vortex)
Highway Encounter (SPEC, Vortex)
Cyclone (SPEC, Vortex)
Revolution (SPEC, Vortex/US Gold)
Deflektor (SPEC/CPC, Vortex/Gremlin)
H.A.T.E.(SPEC/CPC, Vortex/Gremlin)

Pappas, Lee [founder of ANALOG Computing magazine]
[TB] Sub (1981, 800, ANALOG Computing)

Parker, Eric
Talon, with Eric Robinson (1983, AP2, BROD) Joust-like
[P] Joust, with Eric Robinson (AP2, Atarisoft)
Conan, with Eric Robinson (1984, AP2, Datasoft) originally called Visigoth
[P] Arkanoid (1987?, AP2) port from NES

Parod, Bill
[P] Robotron: 2084 (1983, TI99, Atarisoft) port from COIN

Passfield, John
Chilly Willy (1984, MBEE) Pengo-like
Halloween Harry (1985, MBEE)
[L] Flight of the Amazon Queen (1994, PC)
Zombie Wars (1996, PC)

Partington, Jonathan
Hamil, with Peter Killworth (Acornsoft)
SpySnatcher, with Jon Thackray (1986?, many, Topologika)
Kingdom of Hamil, with Jon Thackray (Topologika)
Monsters of Murdac, with Jon Thackray (Topologika)
Avon, with Jon Thackray (Topologika)
Acheton, with David Seal and Jon Thackray (Topologika)

Patchett, Craig
[B] Pumpkin Stand (1981, 800, PDI)
[B] Captivity (1981, 800, PDI) 3D maze game
[TB] Thunder Island (1982, 800, ANALOG Computing)
Star Sentry, with Adam Berger (1982, 800, ANALOG Software)

Patton, Rob
Barrier (1979, COIN, Cinematronics)
War of the Worlds (1981, COIN, Cinematronics)
[U] Bouncer (1984, COIN, Entertainment Sciences)

Paulp, James
[P] Brimstone (1985?, C64?, Synapse) port from AP2

Pavlish, Alan
Cyclon (1983, VIC) Space Zap-like
Crater Raider (1983, VIC, Boone Corp) Moon Patrol-like
[P] Murder on the Zinderneuf (1983?, AP2, EA) port from 800
[P] Galaxian (1984, VIC, Atarisoft) port from COIN
Wasteland (1986?, AP2, EA)
[1998: a higher-up at Interplay]

Peacock, Kyle
[T] Bacterion! (1984?, 800, ANALOG Computing) Rip-Off-like
[T] Fire Bug, with Tom Hudson (1984, 800, ANALOG Computing)
[TB] Bopotron (1985?, 800, ANALOG Computing)

Pearson, Jyym
The Institute, with Robyn Pearson and Norman Sailer (1981, AP2, Med)
The Curse of Crowley Manor, with Norman Sailer (1981?, many, AI)
Escape from Traam, with Norman Sailer (1981?, many, AI)
The Paradise Threat (1982, 800, Med)
Earthquake San Francisco, with Norman Sailer 1906 (1981?, AI)
Lucifer's Realm, with Robyn Pearson (1984, AP2, American Eagle)
Saigon: The Final Days, with Robyn Pearson and Norman Sailer (800, many, AI)
The Farvar Legacy (1983, Med)

Pederson, Bruce
[P] Dragonfire (1983, VIC, Imagic) port from 2600

Pekoz, Erol
Torax (1981, AP2, Creative Computing)

Pelczarski, Mark
[TB] Meteor Storm, with James Garon (1980, AP2, Softside)
[TB] Caribbean Cruising, with Jim Klink (1980, AP2, Softside)
[TB] Collision (1980, AP2, Softside)
[TB] Invaders (1980, AP2, Softside)
[TB] Dogfight (1980, AP2, Softside)
The Spy Strikes Back, with Robert Hardy (1983, AP2, Pengiun)

Pelling, Nick [aka Orlando M. Pilchard]
Hedgehog (1981, ATOM, Aardvark) Frogger-like
Invaders (1981, ATOM, Aardvark) Space Invaders-like
Arcadians (1982, BBCB, Acornsoft) Galaxian-like
Acornsoft Chess (1983, BBCB, Acornsoft)
Zalaga (1983, BBCB/BBCE, Aardvark) Galaga-like
Frak! (1984, BBCB/BBCE, Aardvark)
Firetrack (1987, BBCB/C64, Electric Dreams)
Dandy (1987, C64, Electric Dreams)
[P] Enduro Racer (1987, C64, Electric Dreams)
Bangkok Knights (1988, C64, System 3)
Ghostbusters II (1988, C64, Mediagenic)
3D Pool (1988, many, Firebird)

Pembroke, Bud
Carl Lews Olympic Decathalon (1988?, PC, Softie)

Pendleton, Steven
Terrorist (1980, AP2, Eduware)

Pence, Frank
[TB] Goal (1980, AP2, Softside)

Penman, Victor
The Eternal Dagger, with Paul Murray (1986, AP2, SSI)

Pentecost, David
[P] Bad Street Brawler 1988-9, C64) same game as Street Hassle; port from NES?

Perkins, Jason
Thing on a Spring (1985, C64, Gremlin)
Monty on the Run (1985, C64, Gremlin)
Jack the Nipper (1986, C64, Gremlin)

Perkins, John
Artillery Duel (2600?)

Perkowitz, Tom
The Castle of Death (1984, TI99, Tomputer)
The Chicken (1981, TI99, Tomputer) Frogger-like
The Quest for Hitler's Diary (1984, TI99, Tomputer)
Thief (1982, TI99, Tomputer)
The Haunted Lighthouse (1984, TI99, Tomputer)

Peters, Chris
The Ring of Doom (1983, MBEE)

Peterson, David
Andromeda Conquest (1982, AP2?, Avalon Hill)

Peterson, Jon
[T] Demon Racer (1988, 800, Antic)

Peterson, Richard
Forest Fire (1982, 800, Artworx)
Rocket Raiders (1982, 800, Artworx)

Peterson, Ted
Minefield (1985, TI99, T&C Actionware)

Petritis, John
Starbase Fighter (1983, 800, Gentry)

Pettingill, Tom
The Attack (1981, TI99, Milton Bradley)

Pfeiffer, Dave
[D] M.A.C.H. III (1983?, COIN, Mylstar)

Pfeiffer, Randy & Sandy [married]
*Qix (1981, COIN, Taito)

Pfutzenreuter, Bill "Pfutz"
Inferno (198x, COIN)
*[P] Joust (1982, COIN, Williams)
[also did programming for roughly 50 pinball machines]

Pham, Hung A.
[B] Game Show (800, APX)

Phillips, John
[P] Moonmine (1983, TI99, Texas Instruments) designed by Robert F. Hendren
Hopper, with Michael Archuleta (1983, TI99, Texas Instruments) Pengo-like
[P] Jawbreaker II (1983, TI99, Sierra) port from 800
D-Station (1983, TI99, IUG)
Face Chase (1984, TI99, Video Magic)
D-Station 2 (1985, TI99, Exceltec)
Star Trap (1985, TI99, Exceltec)
4A Flyer, with Michael Archuletta (1986, TI99, Triton Products)
Beyond Parsec (1988, TI99, Triton Products)
STRIKE THREE! (1988, TI99, Triton Products)

Phillips, John M.
Nutcracka (C64/BBCB, Software Projects)
Impossaball (C64/BBCB, Hewson)
Sunburst (SPEC, Hewson)
Nebulus (1988, C64, Hewson) called Tower Toppler in the US
Eliminator (1988, ST/AMI, Hewson)
[P?] Speedball 2 (GEN, The Bitmap Brothers)
[P] Z (PC, The Bitmap Brothers)
[P] Xenon 2000 (PC, The Bitmap Brothers)
[P] Z: Steel Soldiers (PC, The Bitmap Brothers)

Phillips, Willard
Expedition Amazon (1984, AP2, Penguin)

Pick, Simon
Nemesis (1986, C64, Konami)
Microrythmn (1986, C64, Firebird)
Mad Nurse (1987, C64, Firebird)
Slimey's Mine (1988, C64, Firebird)
Microrythmn+ (1988, C64, Firebird)
Indy Heat (1991, C64, Storm)

Pickell, Kevin
Paladin (PET) Defender-like
[P] Gemstone Warrior (C64, SSI) port from AP2
Test Drive (C64)
[N] TSDS (C64/AMI) development system
[1999: with EA]

Pieket-Weeserik, Ronald
Snake It (1985, MSX, Eaglesoft)
Fuzzball (1986, MSX, Eaglesoft)
Scentipede (1986, MSX, Eaglesoft) Centipede-like
Dawn Patrol (1987, MSX, Eaglesoft)
Skooter (1987, MSX, Eaglesoft)
Hype (1987, MSX, Methodic Solutions)
Police Academy II (1988, MSX, Methodic Solutions)
[P] SWIV, with John Croudy (1989, AMI/ST, Virgin) port from COIN
[P] The Ninja Warriors, with John Croudy (1990, AMI/ST, Virgin) port from COIN
SWIV [Silkworm in Vertical] with John Croudy (1991, AMI/ST, Storm)
[P] Rodland (1991, AMI/ST, Storm) port from COIN
Qbic (1992, AMI, freeware)
Firepower 2000/Super SWIV (1992, SNES, SunSoft/Storm)
Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story (1994, SNES, Virgin)
[G] The Lion King (SNES, 1994, Virgin)
[P] Die Hard Trilogy, part 3 (1997, SAT, Fox)
[G] One (ASC, PS1, 1997)

Pierce, Jeff
Destiny (1985, AP2, Destiny)

Pierce, Matt
[TB] Trap Shoot (1988, C64, Ahoy!)

Pierce, Rik
[TB] Stake Your Claim (1982, TRS, Softside)

Pike, Brian
[T] Delta War (1988, C64, Compute!'s Gazette)

Pike, Rod
Dracula (1986, C64, CRL Group PLC)
Pilgrim (1986, C64, CRL Group PLC)

Pinal, Dan
Alternate Reality: The Dungeon, with Philip Price and Ken Jordan (1987, C64, Datasoft)

Pincus, Samuel
Starship Concord (1982, TI99, Futura)
Doomcastle (1983, TI99, Futura)
Newton's Revenge (1983, TI99, Futura)

Pinero, Alan
Labyrinth of Crete, with Cliff Johnson (1983, AP2, AI)

Pink, Chris
Firestone Castle (SPEC/CPC)
Tunnel Run (800)
[P] Leaderboard (SPEC/CPC)
Super Cycle, with Ian Weatherburn (SPEC/CPC)
[P] Throne of Fire (CPC) designed by Mike Singleton

Pirali, Edmund
Cubit (AP2, Micromax)

Plaster, John C.
Tombstone City in the 21st Century (1981, TI99, Texas Instruments)
Chisolm Trail (1982, TI99, Texas Instruments)

Plassman, Tom
[TB] Catacombs of the Phantoms (1981, 800, Softside)

Platt, Randy
Pharoah's Pyramid (198x, 800, Master Control)
L.A. Swat (198x, 800, Sculptured/Mastertronic)
S.D.I. (1987?, ST)
It Came From the Desert (1988?, AMI)

Plotkin, David
[TB] Attack on the Death Star, with Maria Montes (1982, 800, Antic)
[TB] Reckless Racer (1984, 800, ANALOG Computing)
[B] Miniature Golf Plus (1987?, 800, XLent) originally [TB] in Antic
[TB] ANALOG Man (1988?, 800, ANALOG Computing)

Poelhman, Bruce
Star Raiders II, with Gary Stark (1985, 800, Atari)

Pogatch, Steven
[TB] Stuntman (1982, 800, ANALOG Computing) Crazy Climber-like

Polan, Michael
Street Sports Football (1988?, C64, Epyx)
The Sporting News Baseball (1988, C64, Epyx)

Polaro, Bob
[B] Reversi (800, APX) originally released as ROMan Checkers
[B] Space Trek (800, APX)
[B] Dice Poker (800, APX)
[B] Lemonade (1981, 800, APX)
[P] Defender (1982, 2600, Atari) port from COIN
Realsports Volleyball (1982?, 2600, Atari)
Bugs Bunny (1983, 2600) released in 2002
Holey Moley (1984, 2600) released in 2002
[P] Rampage (1986, 2600, ACT) port from COIN
[P] Desert Falcon (1988, 2600, Atari) port from 7800
Sprintmaster (1988, 2600, Atari)
[P] Roadrunner (1989, 2600, Atari) port from COIN
Bass Masters Classic Pro, with Steve Bjork (1996, SNES, THQ)

Polaseck, John
Trek X, with Gordon Walton (1978, PET, Instant)
Dungeon of Death, with Gordon Walton (1978, PET, Instant)
Gran Prix, with Gordon Walton (1979, PET, Instant)
MicroWarrior, with Gordon Walton (1979, PET, Instant)
Orbiter, with Gordon Walton and others (1986, MAC/PC, Spectrum Holobyte)
Sub Battle Simulator, with Gordon Walton and others (1986, MAC/PC, Epyx)
PT-109, with Gordon Walton and others (1986, MAC/PC, Spectrum Holobyte)

Polin, Bob
Blue Max (1983, 800, Synapse)
Blue Max 2001 (1984, 800, Synapse)
[G] Puzzle Panic (1984?, 800, Epyx)

Pollock, Robert J.
[TB] Vici (1982, TRS, Softside)

Pomerantz, Jason
[U?] Cosmic Squeeze (1983?, 800?, First Star)

Pomfret, Tony
Hunchback II, with Bill Bana (1984, C64, Ocean)
Daly Thompson's Decathalon (1984, C64, Ocean)
[P] Rambo: First Blood Part II, with Dave Collier (1985, C64, Ocean)
Roland's Rat Race, with Dave Collier (1985, C64, Ocean)
Cyclone (1985, C64, Ocean)
Mikie (1986, C64, Ocean/Imagine)
Hysteria (1987, C64, Software Projects)
FireFly (1988, C64, Ocean)
Hyper Active (1988, C64, Commodore User)
Pictionary (1989, NES, LJN Interactive)
The New Zealand Story (1990, NES, Taito/Ocean)
[P] Super Off-Road (1991, SNES, Leyland) port from COIN
Power Drive (1993, SNES, US Gold)
[P] Revolution X (995, PS1, Acclaim) port from COIN
[L] The DarkLight Conflict (1997, PS1, EA)
[L] Space Debris (1999, PS1, Sony)
[P] Gladiator: Sword of Vengeance (2003, XBOX, Acclaim)

Popeil, Marek
[P] Realm of Impossibility (1986, AP2, EA) port from 800
[P] NAM (1986?, AP2, SSI) port from 800?

Popejoy, Eric
Tunnel Terror (1982, AP2, Magansoft)
Galaxy Gates (1983, AP2, Magnasoft)
Missile Attack (AP2, AI)

Porcino, Nick
Aquattack (1982, COL, Interphase)

Porter, Todd
[G] Knights of Legend (AP2, Origin)

Posthuman, Stefan
Hades (C64)

Potkin, Ron
Kriegspiel 2 (1980, TRS, Softside)
Up Periscope (1980, TRS, Softside)
Warptah (1980, TRS, Softside)
Kreigspiel (1980, TRS, Softside)
Turret and Track (1983, TRS, Softside)

Potter, Jeff
Maze of AGDAgon (1993?, 800, The AGDA Group)

Potter, Mike
[PB] Galactic Quest (1981, 800, Crystalware) port from AP2
[P] House of Usher (1981, 800, Crystalware) port from AP2
[PB] Fantasyland 2041 AD (1981, 800, Crystalware) port from AP2
[PB] Little Crystal I & II (1981, 800, Crystalware) port from AP2
[B] Laser Wars (1981, 800, Crystalware)
Protector (1981, 800, Crystalware) later from Synapse
Protector II (1982?, 800, Synapse)
Chicken (1982, 800, Synapse)
Nautilus (1983, 800, Synapse)
Shadow World (1983, 800, Synapse)
PlaqueMan (1983, 800/C64, Home Computer Software)

Powell, Dean
[TB] Atlantic Balloon Crossing (TRS, Softside)

Preator, Craig
"Sevens (Fan Tan)" (1983?, 800, Antic) cards

Prentiss, Steven
Zarcon (1983, C64/VIC, D.E.S.-soft)

Prescott, Michael
[TB] Galaxia (1981, AP2, Softside)
[TB] Flip-it (1981, AP2, Softside)

Prescott, Robert
Destroyer Escort (1989, C64, Medalist)

Preston, F.J.
The Ring of Power (1983, Quicksilva)
The Thompson Twins Adventure (1984, Quicksilva)

Preston, M.
Dragons Bane (1984, SPEC, Quicksilva)

Price, Mark
[T] Boulder Bombers (1985?, 800, ANALOG Computing) Canyon Bomber-like
[T] Maze War (1985?, 800, ANALOG Computing)

Price, Philip [music in all games by Gary Gilbertson]
The Tail of Beta Lyrae (1983, 800, Datamost)
*Alternate Reality: The City (1984-85, 800, Datasoft)
Alternate Reality: The Dungeon, with Ken Jordan and Dan Pinal (1985-86, C64, Datasoft)
designed & started by Price, completed by Jordan & Pinal

Priestly, Don
Mazogs (1981, ZX81, Bug Byte)
Dictator (SPEC)
Gregory Loses His Clock (SPEC)
Jumbly (SPEC)
Maziacs (SPEC)
Meteroids (SPEC)
Popeye 86 (SPEC)
Spawn (SPEC)
Tanx (SPEC)
Trapdoor (SPEC)
Trapdoor II (SPEC)
Up For Grabs (SPEC)
Minder (SPEC) based on the TV show

Pritchett, Robert A.
[TB] Gravity-Float Trace (1982, AP2, Softside)

Pryor, William
Forbidden Quest, with Donnel Cox (1984, AP2, Pryority)

Pulsifer, Allen
Arachnoid (1982, VIC, UMI) Centipede-like

Raffel, Glenn
[TB] Siege (1984, 800, ANALOG Computing)

Ragsdale, Al
[TB] Deadstick (1980, TRS, Softside)

Raine, Lee
Hopper (1981, BBCB, Acornsoft) Frogger-like

Rains, Lyle
Tank (1974, COIN, Atari) started by Steve Bristow
Jet Fighter (1975, COIN, Atari)
Steeplechase (1975, COIN, Atari)
Indy 800 (1975, COIN, Kee)
Sprint 2 (1976, COIN, Kee)
[G] Football (1978, COIN, Atari)
*Asteroids, with Ed Logg (1979, COIN, Atari)
[D] Asteroids Deluxe (1980, COIN, Atari)

Ramshaw, Clifford
Shark Trap (1982?, VIC, BROD)
Martian Raider (1982?, VIC, BROD)
Cosmonaut (1984, VIC20, Melbourne House)

Ransil, Patrick
[P] Atlantis (1982, INT, Imagic) port from 2600
[P] Dragonfire (1982, INT, Imagic) port from 2600

Rasmussen, Bob
[P] Lunar Leeper (1982?, VIC, Sierra) rewritten & redesigned from AP2

Rass, Bernd
Halloween, with Thomas Schumann (1983, AP2, Microsparc)

Ratcliff, Jeff
[P] Bump 'N' Jump, with David Akers (1983, 2600, M-Network) port from COIN

Ratcliff, Jim
[P] The Dallas Quest, with James Garon (1984, AP2, Datasoft) port from ?
*[P] Alternate Reality: The City, with Ken Jordan (1984-85, 800, Datasoft) port from 800

Ratcliff, Matthew J.W.
[T] Rambug (1985?, 800, ANALOG Computing)

Raymond, Robert
Eagles (1983, 800?, SSI)

Re, Rob
Dodge Racer (1981, 800, Synapse)

Rea, Joel
Ringquest, with Dallas Snell and Ron Goebel (1983, AP2, Penguin)

Reagh, John D.
Orbit--A Trip to the Moon (1985?, 800, Antic)

Reamy, Tom
Galactic Gladiators (1982, AP2, SSI)
Galactic Adventures (1983, AP2, SSI)

Redekopp, John
[P] Mr. Cool (AP2, On-Line) port from 800

Redman, Mike
Castle Blackstar, with Mark Shepherd (C64, SCR Adventures/CDS)

Redmer, Akila J.
[P] Pipe Dream, with Stephan Butler (1990, AP2, LucasFilm Games) port from PC

Reese, Dave
XTAL (Crystal)--An Adventure in Space (1985?, 800, Antic)

Reese, Timothy
[P] GATO, with J.A. Yandrofski (1985, AP2, Spectrum Holobyte) port from PC

Reeve, Jay A.
[TB] Mosaic (1988, C64, Compute!'s Gazette)

Reeves, Tony
[P] Cash'n'Grab (1990, C64, Zeppelin Games)

Reiche, Paul III [designer]
[D] Keys of Acheron, with Jon Freeman (1981, TRS, ASIM)
*[D] Murder on the Zinderneuf, with Jon Freeman and Robert Leyland (1983?, 800, EA)
*[D] Archon, with Jon Freeman and Anne Westfall (1983, 800, EA)
[D] Mail Order Monsters, with Evan & Nicky Robinson (1985, C64, EA)
*[D] Archon II: Adept, with Anne Westfall and Jon Freeman (1985?, 800, EA)
[D] World Tour Golf, with Evan & Nicky Robinson (1986, PC, EA)
[D] Star Control (1990, PC, Accolade)
[D] Star Control 2 (1992?, PC, Accolade)
[D] The Horde (1994, 3DO, Crystal Dyanmics)
[D] Pandemonium (Crystal Dynamics)

Reid, Mark
[B] Downhill (1981?, 800, APX)
[B] Solitaire (1981?, 800, APX)
Getaway! (1982, 800, APX)

Reinhart, Dan
[B] Yahtman (1983?, 800, APX) Yahtzee-like

Reiss, Bill
TI-Pei (1992, TI99/Myarc Geneve 9640, Asgard)

Reiss, Jim
TRIS (1989, TI99, Asgard)
TRIS-2 (1992, TI99, Asgard)

Renko, Hall
The Antagonists, with Sam Edwards and Hermie Hermens (C64, Addison-Wesley)

Reno, Michael
[P] Dig-Dug (C64, Atarisoft) port from COIN

Reschke, Julian
Nadral, with Andreas Wiethoff (198x, 800, Atari Germany)

Retelle, Bob
[B] Trek Adventure (many, Aardvark)
Quest, with Rodger Olsen (1983, COCO, Aardvark)

Reynolds, Brian
[TB] Quest (1981, TRS, Softside)

Richardson, George P.
Haunted Hill (1982, 800, Swifty)

Richardson, Michael
Harrier Attack (1984?, SPEC, Durell)
Scuba Dive (1984?, SPEC, Durell)
Combat Lynx (1985?, SPEC, Durell)
Turbo Esprit (1985, SPEC, Durell)
Thanatos (1987, SPEC, Durell)
Sigma 7 (1987, SPEC, Durell)

Richbourg, Henry L.
Professional Tour Golf (1983, AP2, SSI)

Riding, S.A.
Air Strike (1982?, 800, English)
[P] Molecule man (1986, 800, Mastertronic) port from C64
[P] Universal Hero (1986, 800, Mastertronic) port from C64
[P] Revenge II (1987, 800, Mastertronic) port from C64

Riedel, Mike
Ape Escape, with Greg Carbonaro (1982, VIC, Spectravideo)
Spy vs. Spy (1985, C64, First Star)

Rieley, Mark (Riley)
Shooting Arcade (1981?, 800, Datasoft)
O'Riley's Mine (1983, 800, Datasoft)

Rieman, Monti
[P] Star Trek (Atari 800/5200, Sega) port from COIN
Dr. Seuss' Fix Up the Mix Up Puzzler (1984, 800, CBS)

Riley, Mark
[P] Tumble Bugs (1982, 800, Datasoft) port from AP2 or COCO?

Ritman, Jon [founder of Cranberry Source]
Namtir Raiders (1981, ZX81, Artic Computing)
Combat Zone (1983, SPEC, Artic Computing)
Cosmic Debris (1983, SPEC, Artic Computing)
Bear Bovver (1983, SPEC, Artic Computing)
Dimension Destructors (1983, SPEC, Artic Computing)
Match Day (1984, SPEC, Ocean)
Batman (1985, SPEC, Ocean)
Match Day II (1987, SPEC, Ocean)
Head Over Heels (1987, SPEC, Ocean)
Monster Max (1994, GBOY, Telstar)
[1998: with Argonaut]

Ritter, Jack
Boxing Bugs (1983, COIN, Cinematronics)

Roathe, Lane
Zappa Roidz, with John ROMero (1989, AP2/GS/PC, Softdisk) Asteroids-like
[P] Pixel Puzzler ][ (1989, AP2, Softdisk)
[P] Dark Castle (1989, GS, Three-Sixty Pacific)
[P] Shogun, with John ROMero (1989, AP2, Infocom)
[P] Journey, with John ROMero (1989, AP2, Infocom)
[P] Arthur, with John ROMero (1989, AP2, Infocom)
[P] Zork Zero, with John ROMero (1989, AP2, Infocom)
[G] CrossMagic Cross Word Maker (1989, AP2, Softdisk)
[G] WordMagic Word Search Maker (1989, AP2, Softdisk)
[P] Pixel Puzzler II (1989, PC, Softdisk)
ParaShooter (1990, GS, Softdisk)
[P] Sarga Noidz (1990, GS, Softdisk) port from AP2
[G] Catacomb II (1990, PC, Softdisk)
[G] Slordax (1990, PC, Softdisk)
[G] Armor Alley (1991, MAC/PC. Three-Sixty Pacific)
[G] Dark Castle (1991, GEN, Three-Sixty Pacific)
[G] Shadow Knights (1991, PC, Softdisk)
Space Whiskey (1992, GS, shareware)
[G] Theatre of War (1992, PC, Three-Sixty Pacific)
[G] V for Victory (1992, MAC/PC, Three-Sixty Pacific)
Space Pizza (1993, PC, Shareware)
[G] Scooter's Magic Castle (1993, MAC, EA)
[G] Victory at Sea (1993, MAC/PC, Three-Sixty Pacific)
[G] Ballz (1994, SNES, PF Magic/Accolade)
[L] Packy & Marlon (1994, SNES, Raya Systems)
Strata3, with Katin Imes (1994, MAC/PC, Metricom)
[L] Bronkie (1995, SNES, Raya Systems)
[G] GridShock (1997, PC, MGM)
[L] JADAG (1998, MAC/PC, Monkey Byte Games)
[G] Galactic Patrol (1998, PC, Monkey Byte Games)

Robbins, Mitchell
Space Vikings (1982, AP2, Sublogic)

Roberts, Chris
Stryker's Run (BBCB)
Times of Lore (C64, Origin)
[L] Wing Commander (1990, PC, Origin)
[L] Wing Commander II (1992, PC, Origin)
[L] Strike Commander (1994?, PC, Origin)

Robinett, Warren
Slot Racers (1978, 2600, Atari)
[N] BASIC Programming (1979, 2600, Atari)
*Adventure (1979, 2600, Atari)
*[N] Rocky's Boots (1982, AP2, Learning Company)

Robinson, Dominic
Zynaps (1987, SPEC, Hewson)
Cybernoid I + II (SPEC, Hewson)
Paradroid '90, with Andrew Braybrook (1990, ST/AMI, Graftgold)
[G] Killing Cloud (1991, ST/AMI, Vektor Grafix/Imageworks)

Robinson, Eric
Talon, with Eric Parker (1983, AP2, BROD) Joust-like
[P] Joust, with Eric Parker (AP2, Atarisoft)
Conan, with Eric Parker (1984, AP2, Datasoft) originally called Visigoth

Robinson, Evan & Nicky
Mail Order Monsters, with Paul Reiche III (1985, C64, EA)
World Tour Golf, with Paul Reiche III (1986, PC, EA)
[G] Centurion: Defender of ROMe (EA)
[1994: Nicky was with 3DO]

Robinson, Keith
TRON Solar Sailer (1983?, INT, Mattel)

Robinson, Steve
Diggerbonk (1982?, 800, APX)
The Bean Machine (1983?, 800, APX)

Robitaille, Roger W.
[TB] End Zone (1978, TRS, Softside)
End Zone II (1980, TRS, Softside)
[TB] Cribbage (1978, TRS, SoftSide)
[TB] Death Star (1978, TRS, Softside)

Rogers, Doug
Drive-In (1980, TRS, shareware)
Radio (1980, TRS, shareware)
Nectar (1982, TRS, shareware)

Rogers, Tony
[P] Eliminator (1988, C64, Hewson) port from ST/AMI

Rogoway, Ken
Spitball (1982, C64, Creative)
[P] Crisis Mountain (1983, VIC, Creative) port from AP2
[P] Rescue On Fractalus! (1986, COCO, Epyx) port from 800
[P] Koronis Rift (1986, COCO, Epyx) port from 800
[G] World Games (1986, AP2, Epyx)
[G] California Games (1987, PC, Epyx)
GateWorld (1993, PC, Homebrew)
G.O.R.G. (1993, PC, Homebrew)
Rallo Gump (1994, PC, Homebrew)
[G] Congo (1995, PC, Viacom)
[G] Congo (1996, MAC, Viacom)
[G] Hyperman 2 (1996, PC, IBM)
[G] Imagynasium (1998, PC, SouthPeak)

Rokitski, Peter
Situation Critucal, with Alex Stern and Greg George (1984, AP2, Prism)

Rolfe, David
[P] Star Fire (1978, COIN, Exidy)
Fire One! (1979, COIN, Exidy)
Blackjack & Poker (1979, INT, Mattel)
Major League Baseball (1979, INT, Mattel)
Checkers (1980, INT, Mattel)
Super Challenge Baseball (1982, 2600, Mattel)
Frogs and Flies (1982, 2600, Mattel)
Beamrider (1983?, INT, ACT)

Roll, Mark
[P] Spindizzy (1986, 800, Electric Dreams) port from C64

Romejko, Stephen
Melt-Down (1982?, 800, APX)
Moon Marauder (1983, 800, APX)

Romero, John [co-founder of id Software, Ion Storm, and Monkeystone Games]
[T] Scout Search (June 1984, AP2, inCider)
Cavern Crusader (1984, AP2, A+) contest winner
Bongo's Bash (1985, AP2, inCider)
[T] Major Mayhem (Dec 1987, AP2, Nibble)
Evil Eye (1987, AP2, UpTime) Asteroids-like
Subnodule (1987, AP2, Keypunch)
Jumpster (1987, AP2, UpTime)
Pyramids of Egypt (1987, AP2, UpTime) later (1989, PC, Softdisk)
Lethal Labyrinth (1987, AP2, UpTime)
Krazy Kobra (1987, AP2, UpTime) Snake Byte-like
Wacky Wizard (1987, AP2, UpTime)
Neptune's Nasties (1987, AP2, UpTime) Space Quarks-like
Zippy Zombi (1987, AP2, UpTime) Q*Bert-like
[N] GraBasic (1987, AP2, UpTime)
[T] City Centurian (Dec 1988, AP2, Nibble)
Dangerous Dave (1988, AP2, UpTime) later [G] (1990, PC, Softdisk)
[G] Space Rogue (1988, AP2, Origin)
[P] Might & Magic II (1988, C64, New World Computing)
[P] Shogun, with Lane Roathe (1989, AP2, Infocom)
[P] Journey, with Lane Roathe (1989, AP2, Infocom)
[P] Arthur, with Lane Roathe (1989, AP2, Infocom)
[P] Zork Zero, with Lane Roathe (1989, AP2, Infocom)
[D] Dark Castle (1989, GS, Three-Sixty Pacific)
[T] Treasure Dive (1989, AP2, Nibble) later (1989, PC, Softdisk) as Twilight Treasures
Sub Stalker (1989, AP2, Softdisk)
Zappa Roids, with Lane Roathe (1989, AP2/GS/PC, Softdisk) Asteroids-like
[P] Magic Boxes (1989, PC, Softdisk)
Alfredo's Stupendous Surprise, with Tom Hall (1989, AP2, Softdisk)
[P] How To Weigh An Elephant (1990, PC, Merit/Softdisk)
[P] Dinosorcerer (1990, PC, Softdisk)
[P] Same or Different (1990, PC, Merit/Softdisk)
[G] Dark Designs (1990, AP2, Softdisk) level design only
Double Dangerous Dave (1990, AP2, Softdisk)
[G] Catacomb II (1990, PC, Softdisk)
[G] Slordax (1990, PC, Softdisk)
[G] Commander Keen: Marooned on Mars (1990, PC, id/Apogee)
[G] Commander Keen: The Earth Explodes (1990, PC, id/Apogee)
[G] Commander Keen: Keen Must Die! (1990, PC, id/Apogee)
[G] Shadow Knights (1991, PC, Softdisk)
[G] Dangerous Dave in the Haunted Mansion (1991, PC, id/Softdisk)
[G] Hovertank One (1991, PC, id/Softdisk)
[G] Rescue Rover! (1991, PC, id/Softdisk)
[G] Keen Dreams (1991, PC, id/Softdisk)
[G] Rescue Rover II: Return of the Robots (1991, PC, id/Softdisk)
[G] Commander Keen: Secret of the Oracle (1991, PC, id/Apogee)
[G] Commander Keen: The Armageddon Machine (1991, PC, id/Apogee)
[G] Commander Keen: Aliens Ate My Baby Sitter (1991, PC, id/Apogee)
[G] Catacomb 3-D (1991, PC, id/Softdisk)
[G] Wolfenstein 3-D (1992, many, id/Apogee)
[G] Spear of Destiny (1992, PC, id/Apogee)
*[G] DOOM (1993, many, id)
[G] DOOM II (1994, PC/MAC, id)
[G] The Ultimate DOOM (1995, PC/MAC, id)
[G] Final DOOM (1996, PC, Ion Storm/Eidos)
*[G] Quake (1996, PC, id)
[G] Dominion: Storm Over Gift3 (1998, PC, Ion Storm/Eidos)
[D] Daikatana (2000, PC, Ion Storm/Eidos)
[G] Anachronox (2001, PC, Ion Storm/Eidos)
[P] Hyperspace Delivery Boy! (2001, many, Monkeystone)
[G] Dig It! (2002, BREW, Monkeystone/THQ)
[G] Jewels and Jim (2002, BREW, Monkeystone/THQ)
[L] Congo Cube (2003, many, Monkeystone/Real/THQ)
[LP] Red Faction (2003, N-Gage, Monkeystone/THQ) port from PC

Romine, Terry
The Missing Ring (1982, AP2, Datamost)

Roney, Stephen (co-founder of Quicksilver Software)
Space Spartans, with William Fisher (1983?, INT, Mattel)
[G] B-17 Bomber (INT, Mattel)

Ronne, Jeff
[P] Tron: Deadly Discs, with Brett Stutz (1982, 2600, M-Network) port from INT

Ronnie, Jeff
[P] Atlantis (1983?, O2, Imagic) port from 2600

Root, Chris
Pulsar (1982, TI99, C.A. Root Associates)

Rose, Ken
[P] Protector II (1983?, C64, Synapse) port from 800
[P] Chicken (NEC PC6001, Synapse) port from 800
Countdown (1984, 800, Synapse)
[P] Touchdown Football (800/C64, EA)
[P] Battlezone (1987, 800, Atari) port from COIN
[P] Desert Falcon (800, Atari) port from 7800
[G] Sonic Spinball (1993, GEN, Sega) did bonus rounds
[1998: with VM Labs]

Rose, Ken [not the same Ken Rose as above]
Palace in Thunderland, with Dale Johnson (1981, AP2, Micro Fun)

Rosen, Brad
Arcade Insanity (1983, AP2, Avant Garde) aka Triple Arcade Insanity

Rosen, Ron
Pacific Coast Highway (1982, 800, Datasoft) Frogger-like
Rosen's Brigade (1982?, 800, Datasoft)
Mr. Robot & His Robot Factory (1983?, 800, Datasoft)
Polar Pierre (1984?, 800, Datasoft) sequel to Mr. Robot

Rosenbaum, Alan
The Philistine Ploy, with Robert Aaron (1983, AP2, Davka)

Rosenthal, Larry [founder of Cinematronics]
Space Wars (1977, COIN, Cinematronics)
Speed Freak (197x, COIN, Vectorbeam)
Tailgunner, with Dan Sunday (197x, COIN, Vectorbeam/Cinematronics)

Ross, David
[P] Dragonfire (1984, CV, Imagic) port from 2600

Rost, Randi J.
King Cribbage (1981, AP2, Hayden)

Rotberg, Ed
Atari Baseball (1979, COIN, Atari)
*[L] Battlezone (1980, COIN, Atari Games)
[G] Snake Pit (1984, COIN, Sente)
[G] Hat Trick (1985, COIN, Sente)
[G] Goalie Ghost (1986, COIN, Sente)
[L] Blasteroids (1987?, COIN, Atari Games)
S.T.U.N. Runner (1989?, COIN, Atari Games)
Shuuz (1990, COIN, Atari Games)
Steel Talons, with Ed Logg (1991, COIN, Atari Games)

Roth, Craig
The Shard of Spring, with David Stark (1986, AP2, SSI)

Roth, David
Pawns (1990, AP2, Mindcraft)

Rothstein, Rick
Shuttle Command (1982, TI99, FFF Software)

Rotta, Daryl
J-Bird (AP2, Orion) Q*Bert-like

Rowlands, John
Scorpius (1988, C64, Firebird)
Retrograde (1989, C64, Thalamus)
Cyberdyne Warrior (1990, C64, Hewson)
Creatures (1991, C64, Thalamus)
*Creatures 2 (1992, C64, Thalamus)
*Mayhem in Monsterland (1993, C64, Apex)

Rowlett, Frank B.
[TB] Ten Pin Bowling (1979, TRS, Softside)
[TB] Shooting Gallery (1979, TRS, Softside)

Rowson, D.P.
[P] Jet Set Willy 2: The Final Fontier (1985, SPEC, Software Projects)

Rubin, Owen
Cannonball (1976, COIN, Atari)
Pool Shark, with Tom Hogg (1977, COIN, Atari)
Triple Hunt (1977, COIN, Atari)
Skydiver (1977, COIN, Atari)
Orbit (1978?, COIN, Atari Inc) Space War-like
Tube Chase (1978, COIN, Atari)
Yahtzee (1980, 800, Atari)
Space Duel (1981, COIN, Atari) prototyped by Rick Maurer
Tunnel Hunt (1982, COIN, Centuri/Atari)
Major Havoc, with Mark Cerny (1984, COIN, Atari)
Goalie Ghost (1985, COIN, Bally Sente)
Name That Tune (1986, COIN, Bally Sente)
Shrike Avenger (1986, COIN, Bally Sente)
Grudge Match (1987, COIN, Bally Sente)

Ruddle, Henry
[PB] Sands of Mars (1981, TRS, Crystalware) port from AP2

Ruddy, Steve
[P] Kinetik (1987, C64, Firebird) port from SPEC
[P] Bubble Bobble (1987, C64, Firebird) port from COIN
[P] Ghouls and Ghosts (1989, C64, US Gold)
[P] Bionic Commando (1989, C64, US Gold)
[P] LED Storm (1989, C64, US Gold)

Rushton, Hal
[P] Speed King (1986, 800, Sculptured) port from C64

Russel, Shirley A.
Boing!, with Alex Leavens (1982?, 2600, First Star)

Russell, Jon
Revenge of the Beefsteak Tomatoes (1983, 2600, Fox)

Russell, Karen & Carl
[TB] Dr. Livingston, with Ralph & Becky Fullerton (1980, TRS, Softside)

Russell, Steve "Slug"
*Spacewar! (1961, DEC PDP-1)

Russo, Sam
[P] Quizimodo (1982?, COIN, Gottlieb)
[P] Three Stooges (1984, COIN, Mylstar)

Rutland-Wallis, John
Mission To Sector 1 (1983, TI99, CMS Systems)
Night Patrol (1983, TI99, CMS Systems)

Rutter, Matt
[TB] Dodge (1981, 800, Softside)
[TB] Lunar Mission (1981, 800, Softside)
[B?] Death Star (1982, 800, Softside)
[TB] Space Rescue (1982, 800, Softside)
Stellar Shuttle (1982, 800, BROD)

Ryan, John
[TB] Concentration Station (1988, C64, Commodore Magazine)
Islands (1988, C64, Run)

Ryan, Kevin [co-owner of Dynamix]
Zoo Master (1983, AP2, Earthware)
Black Belt (1984, AP2/C64, Earthware)
[P] Sword of Kadash (1984 C64, Penguin)
[P] Megaventure (1985, AP2, Earthware)
[G] Arctic Fox (1986, AMI, EA)
[G] Skyfox II (1987, C64, EA)
[G] F-14 Tomcat (1988, C64, ACT)
[G] David Wolf: Secret Agent (1989, PC, Dynamix)
[G] Rise of the Dragon (1990, PC, Sierra)
[G] Heart of China (1991, PC, Sierra)
[G] Adventures of Willy Beamish (1991, PC, Sierra)
[G] The Incredible Machine (1992, PC, Sierra)
[G] The Even More Incredible Machine (1993, PC, Sierra)
[G] The Incredible Machine version 3 (1995, PC, Sierra)
[G] 3D Ultra Minigolf (1997, PC, Sierra)
[G] 3D Ultra Minigolf Deluxe (1998, PC, Sierra)
Heaven Quest (1999, PC, Top Meadow)
[G] Contraptions (2000, PC, Sierra)
Gil's Bible Jumble (2000, PC, Top Meadow)
[G] Marble Blast (2002, PC, Garage Games)
[G] Chain Reaction (2002, PC, Garage Games)

Ryan, William J.
[TB] Apple Capture (1982, AP2, Softside)

Saari, Roland
[TB] Star Venture (1985, 800, Antic)

Sacks, Steven
Chambers of Xenobia (1981, AP2, Avant-Garde Creations)
Race for Midnight (1981, AP2, Avant-Garde Creations)

Sagan, Jeremy
Pentapus (1983, AP2, Turning Point)

Sailer, Norman
The Institute, with Robyn & Jymm Pearson (1981, AP2, Med Systems)
The Curse of Crowley Manor, with Jymm Pearson (1981?, many, AI)
Escape from Traam, with Jymm Pearson (1981?, many, AI)
Earthquake San Francisco, with Jymm Pearson 1906 (1981?, AI)
Saigon: The Final Days, with Jymm & Robyn Pearson (800, many, AI)

Salvo, Ed
Skeet Shoot (1982?, 2600, Apollo)
Lost Luggage (1982?, 2600, Apollo)
Raquetball (2600, Apollo)
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2600)
Glacier Patrol (2600)
[P] Mountain King (1983, 2600, Apollo) port from 800
Gustbuster (COL)

San, Jeremey (aka "Jez"; founder of Argonaut)
Skyline Attack, with Fouad Katan (1986, C64, C64) started by Andrew Glaister
*Starglider (1987?, ST)
Starglider II (1988?, ST)

Sander-Cederlof, Bob
[TB] Jig-Saw (1980, AP2, Softside)
[TB] Space War (1980, AP2, Softside)

Sanders, Dave
The Snapper (1982, 800, Silicon Valley Systems)

Sanders, Mike
[P] Masters of the Universe: The Power of He-Man, with Jossef Wagner (1983, 2600, M-Network) port from INT

Sanderson, John
[P] Spindizzy (ACT) port from C64

Sandlin, Larry
Strip Blackjack (1983, AP2, Sansoft Plus)

Sandy, Herb
[TB] Moonlanding (1980, AP2, Softside)

Sansom, Richard E.
Stealth, with Tracy Lagrone (1985, 800, BROD)

Saracini, Carl
Ringside Seat (1983, AP2, SSI)

Sarconi, Matthew
[P] Dragonfire, with Frank Ellis (1984, COCO, Imagic) port from 2600

Savain, Louis
Renaissance (1982, VIC, UMI) Othello

Scarlett, Jim
Tribble Trubble (1984, SPEC, Software Projects)

Schaumburg, M.
Satarn Saturn (1983, 800, Compy Shop)

Schebek, Darren
[P] Road Raider (1988, C64, Mindscape) written parallel with ST original
[P] Mondu's Fight Palace (1990, C64) port of Tongue of the Fatman

Scheer, Howard E.
[P] Pac-Man (TI99, Atarisoft) port from COIN
[P] Donkey Kong, with Douglas Brian Craig (1983, TI99, Atarisoft) port from COIN

Schilling, Gerhard F.
[TB] Radio Search (1987, C64, Commodore Magazine)

Schilling, Robert A.
COMMBAT (1981, TRS/800) early modem-to-modem game
Monster Maze (1982, 800, Epyx)

Schillings, B.
[P] Flak (1984?, AP2, Funsoft) port from C64?

Schmeckpeper, Ted
[G] Lords of Conquest (AP2, EA)

Schmidt, Tim
Fortune Hunter (1982, 800, ROMox)
Topper (1983, VIC, ROMox)

Schmitt, Mickey
Oliver's Twist, with Lynn Gardner (1989, TI99, Asgard)

Schmitt, Peter
[P] B-24, with John Gray (1987, AP2, SSI)

Schmitz, Patrick
Ice Trek (1983?, INT, Imagic)

Schmuckal, Peter
Apple Adventure, with Leonard Barshack (1980?, AP2, Apple Computer)
The Standing Stones, with Dan Sommers (1983, AP2, EA)

Schneider, Ed
[B] Escape from Volantium (1981, 800, Dynacomp)

Scholar, Josh
Lode Runner's Rescue (1985, 800, Synapse)

Schram, Scott
Genetic Drift (1981, AP2, BROD) also did 800 port
Labyrinth (1982, AP2, BROD)
CrimeWave (1983, AP2, Penguin)
[P] Pie Man (800, Penguin) port from AP2

Schreibman, Arthur N.
[TB] Number Race (1982, 800, Softside)

Schroeder, David H.
Crisis Mountain (1981, AP2, Synergistic) later from Micro-Fun
*Dino Eggs (1982, AP2, Micro-Fun)
Short Circuit (1984, AP2, Micro-Lab)
Ho! Ho! Ho! 5 Family Christmas Games (1985, AP2, Random House)
Happy Birthday to You! (1990, AP2, Softdisk)
MasterWord (1990, AP2, BROD/AppleLink) also did PC port in 1991
AppleLink Darts (1990, AP2, BROD/AppleLink)

Schroeder, Greg
[TB] Defense (1982, 800, Softside)

Schuler, Keith
[T] Castle Zhagwhar (1989, COCO, Rainbow)
Chaganitzu (1990, PC, Big Blue Disk)
Paganitzu (1991, PC, Apogee)

Schulze, Randy
[TB] Miner Jack (1984, 800, ANALOG Computing)

Schumann, Thomas
Mission: Escape! (1982, AP2, Microsparc)
Halloween, with Bernd Rass (1983, AP2, Microsparc)

Schwader, Warren
Hi-Res Cribbage (1980, AP2, On-Line)
Thrilogy (1981, AP2, Sierra)
Threshold, with Ken Williams (1981, AP2, Sierra)
[N] The Artist (1982, AP2, Sierra)
Sammy Lightfoot (1983, AP2, Sierra)
Hoyle's Book of Games Volumes 1-4 (1989-93, PC, Sierra)
Jones in the Fast Lane (199x, PC, Sierra)

Schwaiger, Jim
Oubliette (1977, PLATO)

Schwartz, Mike
Chase the Chuckwagon (1982?, 2600)
? Artillery (2600)
[P] Dick Tracy (1991, GEN, Sega)
[P] Marble Madness (1992, GEN, EA) port from COIN/AMI
[P] Bubsy (1993, GEN, Accolade)

Schwenk, George
Airline (1983, 800, AI)
After Pearl (1984, 800, SuperWare)
Dawn of Civilization (198x, 800, SuperWare)

Schworak, Glenn
Karate Challenge (1989, TI99, Asgard)
Mission Destruct (1989, TI99, Asgard)

Scorupski, Richard W.
Panzer-Jagd (1984, 800 or C64, Avalon Hill)

Scott, Duncan
Wall Ball (1982, 2600, Avalon Hill)

Seastrom, Craig B.
[P] Gremlins (1984, AP2, Atarisoft) port from 5200
[P] Rescue on Fractalus! (1985, AP2, Lucasfilm) port from 5200
[P] Rad Warrior (1987, AP2, Epyx) port from C64
[P] Chessmaster (1990, GBOY, Software Toolworks) port from NES
[G] Sherlock Holmes, Consulting Detective (1990, TG16, NEC)
[P] Risk (1993, GEN, PB)

Sedore, Mike
[T] Race Ace (1990, C64, Compute!'s Gazette)

Segal, Russ
Reversi II (1981, 800, APX)
Picnic Paranoia (1982?, 800, Synapse)
NYC: The Big Apple (1984, 800, Synapse)

Seghers, John
RealSports Soccer (5200/800, Atari)
Gremlins (1983?, 5200, Atari)
[G] Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1990, NES, Taito)
[G] Hover! (1995, PC, Microsoft) on the Windows 95 CD-ROM

Sellers, Norm
Sorgan II (1988, TI99, DaTaBiotics)

Selth, Brad Reid
Alien Invasion (FCF, Fairchild)
Video Whizball (FCF, Fairchild)

Sember, Jeff
Evolution, with Don Mattrick (1982, AP2, Sydney)
[P] Squadron 617: The Dambusters (1984, AP2, Sydney)

Sents, Steve
Tron: Deadly Discs (1982?, INT, Mattel)

Seremet, Mark E.
Dr. Doom's Revenge, with Thomas J. Holmes and Andrew L. Miller (1989, C64, Paragon)

Serki, Ben
Apple Panic (1981, AP2, BROD) home version of Space Panic

Shannon, Gary J.
[P] Othello (1978, AP2, Programma)
Dragon Maze (AP2, Programma)
Advanced Dragon Maze (AP2)
Jupiter Express (AP2, Programma)
Nightmare Number Nine (AP2, Programma)
[P] Sargon (AP2, Hayden) port from S-100
Astro Blaster, with Barbara Michalec (1981, COIN, Sega/Gremiln)
[1998: with Dynamix]

Shapira, Andrew
Avatar, with Bruce Maggs and David Sides (1979?, PLATO)

Shapiro, David "Dr. Cat"
Caverns of Freitag (1981, AP2, Muse)
[P] Ultima V (C64, Origin) port from PC
[P] Moebius (C64, Origin) port from AP2
[P] Windwalker: Moebius II (C64, Origin) port from AP2
[PG] Warsport (1997, PC, TimeSink)

Shapiro, Kevin
Bismarck (1988, 800/C64, IntelliCreations/Datasoft)

Sharkey, Sandra
ScapeGhost, with Pete Austin and Pete Gerrard (1989, Level 9)

Sharp, Doug
Mathonaut, with Mike Johnston (1982, C64/AP2/PC, Control Data Publishing)
ChipWits, with Mike Johnston (1984, MAC, BrainPower)
[P] Garfield Eats his Words (1985, C64, Random House)
King of Chicago (1986, MAC, Cinemaware)
[P] Sinbad (1989, GS, Cinemaware)
Free D.C.!, with Kellyn Beck (1991, PC, Cineplay)

Sharpe, Dean
[P] The Price is Right (AP2, 1990, Softie)

Shatao Lin
Bomb Squad, with Gene Smith (INT, Mattel)

Shaw, Carol
3D Tic-Tac-Toe (1978, 2600, Atari)
Checkers (1978, 2600, Atari)
River Raid (1982?, 2600, ACT) also did 800 port in 1983
Happy Trails (1983, INT, ACT)
Polo (2600) written in 1978, but not released until 1996 on the Cyberpunks' Supercharger CD

Shea, David
The Snowman (1984, SPEC, Quicksilva)
Silent service II (1991, ST, Microprose)

Sheer, Howard
[P] Pac-Man (1983?, TI99, Atarisoft)

Shepard, John
Giga Trek (AP2, Dynacomp/Artworx?)

Shepherd, Mark
Castle Blackstar, with Mike Redman (C64, SCR Adventures/CDS)

Sheppard, Adrian
Dinky Kong (1984, ORIC, Severn)
Grail (1984, ORIC, Severn)
Jogger (1984, ORIC, Severn)
Lone Raider (1984, ORIC, Severn)
Moria (1984, ORIC, Severn)
One Man and His Droid (198x, 800, Mastertronic)
Spellbound (198x, 800, Mastertronic)
One Man and His Droid (1985, C64, Mastertronic)
[P] BMX Simulator (1987, 800, Codemasters) port from C64
[P] Grand Prix Simulator (1987, 800, Codemasters) port from C64

Sheppard, Will
London Blitz (1982?, 2600, Avalon Hill)

Shepperd, Dave
Quiz Show (1976, COIN, Kee)
Fly Ball (1976, COIN, Kee)
*Night Driver, with Ted Michon (1976, COIN, Atari)
Sky Raider (1978, COIN, Atari)
[P] Asteroids Deluxe (1980, COIN, Atari)

Shere, Howard [founder of Green Dragon]
Xenophobe (1987?, COIN, Midway)
[L] Gridz (1997, MAC, Green Dragon)

Sherman, Larry
Acey-Deucey (1982, AP2, L&S Computerware)

Sherry, John
The Prince (1984, SPEC, Cases Computer Simulations)

Sherman, Jon C.
[TB] Westward 1847 (1979, TRS, Softside)

Sherwin, Adrian
The Birds and the Bees (1984, SPEC, Bug-Byte)

Shetline, Kerry
[P] Alter Ego (1985?, AP2, ACT) port from C64

Shields, Dennis
Space Station Zulu (1983, AP2/800, Avalon Hill)

Shirley, Paul
Confuzion (1984, CPC/C64, Incentive) some design collaboration with Ian Andrew
*Spindizzy (1986, CPC/C64, ACT/Electric Dreams)
Mission Genocide/ZTB (1987, CPC/C64/ST, Firebird)
Quartz (1989, AMI/ST, Firebird/Microprose)
Spindizzy Worlds (1991, ST/AMI, ACT)

Shotter, Tim
[P] Pitfall II: Lost Caverns (1984, C64, ACT) port from 2600

Shrigley, Chris
[P] Pub Quest (1983, C64, Dream)
[P] Bounder (1986, C64, Gremlin)
[P] Future Knight (1986, C64, Gremlin)
[P] Gauntlet II (1987, C64, Gremlin)
[P] Footballer Of the Year (1987, several, Gremlin)
[P] Action Fighter (1988, C64, Core)
[P] Advanced Pinball Simulator (1988, C64, Code Masters)
[P] Re-Bounder (1988, C64, Gremlin)
[P] Masters Of The Universe (The Movie) (1988, C64, Gremlin)
[D] Magician (1989, NES, Eurocom)
[P] James Bond Jr. (1990, NES, Eurocom)
[P] Ex-Mutants (1991, GEN, ACME)
[P] Batman Returns (1992, GEN, ACME)
[P] Cliffhanger (1993, GEN, ACME)
[P] Gargoyles (1995, GEN, Disney)

Shull, Stephen
[T] Squeeze (1987, C64, Compute!'s Gazette)

Shumway, Scott
Mask of the Sun (C64, Ultrasoft) later from BROD
The Serpent's Star (1983, C64, Ultrasoft) sequel to Mask of the Sun; later from BROD

Sides, David
Avatar, with Bruce Maggs and Andrew Shapira (1979?, PLATO)

Silverman, Jeff
[P] Sky Blazer (1983, VIC, BROD) port from AP2
The Last Ninja, with John Kroeckel (AP2, ACT)

Simko, Joseph
[P] Defender (1983, C64, Atarisoft) port from COIN

Simmons, David
[TB] Dairy Farming (1981, 800, Softside)
[P] Star Trek 3.5 (1981?, 800, AI) port from AP2?
[P] Airline (1983, TRS, AI) port from 800

Simon, Kent
[P] Roundabout (198x, 800, Datamost) port from AP2
[P] Ankh (1984, 800, Datamost) port from AP2

Simon, Randy
Abuse (1981, 800, Don't Ask)

Simpson, Chet
Blox (1991?, CC3, shareware)
Digger (1991, CC3) Lode Runner-like
Digger II: Return of the Saint (1997, CC3)
Gold Runner 2000 (1997, CC3) sequel to games by Dave Dies

Sinclair, Bob
Battle Command (1986, C64, Applied Computer Consultants)

Singleton, Mike [founder of Maelstrom Software]
Space Ace (1980, PET, Petsoft)
Computer Race (1981?)
Siege (1981, VIC, Postern)
Gamepack 1 (1981, ZX81)
Shadowfax (1982, VIC, Postern)
Snake Pit (1983, VIC, Postern)
3-Deep Space (BBCB, 1983, Postern)
*The Lords of Midnight (1984, SPEC, Beyond)
Doomdark's Revenge (1985, SPEC, Beyond) sequel to Lords of Midnight
[D] Throne of Fire (1986, SPEC, Firebird)
Dark Sceptre (SPEC, 1986, Firebird)
Whirligig (1987, AMI, Firebird) aka "Space Cutter+"
War in Middle Earth (1988, SPEC, Melbourne House)
[G] Midwinter (1989, AMI/ST/PC, Rainbird)
[G] Flames of Freedom (1990, AMI/ST/PC, Rainbird)
[G] Starlord (1993, PC, Microprose)
[G] Lords of Midnight (1995, PC, Domark) actually Lords of Midnight III: The Citadel

Sivo, Peter
Superhero (AP2)

Skelly, Tim
Starhawk (1978, COIN, Cinematronics)
Sundance (1978, COIN, Cinematronics)
Warrior (1979, COIN, Cinematronics/Vectorbeam)
*Rip-Off (1980, COIN, Cinematronics)
[D] Star Castle (1980, COIN, Cinematronics) programmed by Scott Boden
Armor Attack (1981, COIN, Cinematronics)
Reactor (1982, COIN, Gottlieb)
Deluxe Music Trivia, with Scott Boden (1985, COIN)

Skelton, Daniel
Stinger! (1985, C64, Cygnus)
Quizam! (1985, C64, Cygnus/Interstel/EA)

Slate, David
Checkers (1983, AP2, Odesta)

Slye, Damon
*Stellar 7 (1984?, AP2, Software Entertainment) later from Penguin
[G] Arctic Fox (1985, AMI, EA) also worked on AP2 port
[G] A-10 Tank Killer (PC, Dynamix)
[G] Red Baron (1991?, PC, Dynamix)
[G] Aces of the Pacific (1992?, PC, Dynamix)
[G] Aces Over Europe (1993, PC, Dynamix)

Small, Daniel [founder of Scavenger]
[P] Q*bert (800, 1982, PB) port from COIN

Small, Eric
Surf's Up, with C.A. McClellan (1984, 800) port from 2600?

Smith, Alan
Dragonfire (1982, INT, Imagic) port from 2600
Dracula (1983, INT, Imagic)

Smith, Bill
Crazy Eights (1979?, AP2, Softape)

Smith, Bob
[B] Sleazy Adventure (1981?, 800, APX)
Video Pinball (1981, 2600, Atari)
Star Voyager (1982, 2600, Imagic)
Riddle of the Sphinx (1982, 2600, Imagic)
Dragonfire (1982, 2600, Imagic)
Moonsweeper (1983, 2600, Imagic)
[P] Star Wars: The Arcade Game (1984, 2600, PB) port from COIN
[later worked for Accolade and EA]

Smith, Charles
Knights (1980, AP2, Progressive)

Smith, Doug
*Lode Runner (1982, AP2, BROD)
Championship Lode Runner (1984, AP2, BROD)
The Secret of Evermore (1995, SNES)
[1998: with EA]

Smith, Gareth
Shaft Raider (1982, 800, Program One)

Smith, Gary Scott
Tangled Tales: The Misadventures of a Wizard's Apprentice (1989, AP2, Origin)

Smith, Gary [is this Gary Scott Smith?]
Realms of Darkness (1987, AP2, SSI) co-designed with Duong Nghiem

Smith, Gene
Bomb Squad, with Shatao Lin (INT, Mattel)

Smith, Jeremy C.
Thrust (1986, BBCB, Superior)
Exile, with Peter Irvin (1989, Audiogenic)

Smith, Jeremy N.
[B] Cribbage & Dominos (800, Thorn EMI)
Snooker & Billiards (800, Thorn EMI)
Pool (800, Thorn EMI)
[D] Mutant Herd (VIC, Thorn EMI)
[D] River Rescue (VIC, Thorn EMI)

Smith, Ken
Super Challenge Football (1982, 2600, M-Network)

Smith, Matthew
Styx (1982?, SPEC, Bug Byte)
The Birds and The Bees (1983, SPEC, Bug Byte)
*Manic Miner (1983, SPEC, Bug Byte)
*Jet Set Willy (1984, SPEC, Software Projects)
[D] Jet Set Willy 2: The Final Fontier (1985, SPEC, Software Projects)

Smith, Mike
Quann Tula, with Gary Kelbrick (SPEC?, 8th Day)
Faerie, with Gary Kelbrick (SPEC?, 8th Day)

Smith, Steve
Bumper Pool (800, APX)

Smith, Stuart
Fracas (Quality)
*Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves (1982, 800, Quality) later combined with Return of Heracles as "Age of Adventure" (1986, EA)
Return of Heracles (1982, 800, Quality)
Adventure Construction Set (1984, C64, EA)

Smith, Timothy W.
Olympic Decathalon (1981, AP2, Microsoft)

Smythe, Doug
Mutant (1982, AP2, Renaissance Technology)

Snell, Dallas
The Quest (AP2?, Penguin)
Ringquest, with Ron Goebel and Joel Rea (1983, AP2, Penguin)
[G] Ultima V (1988, PC, Origin)

Snider, David
David's Midnight Magic (1982?, AP2, BROD) pinball
*Serpentine (1982, AP2, BROD)
[N] Dazzle Draw (1984, AP2, BROD)

Snyder, Tony [founder of WaterWares; Q*Bert world record holder]
Tunneling (1984, ZX81, WaterWares)

Sohl, John
Astrosmash (1981, INT, Mattel)
[L] B-17 Bomber (INT, Mattel)

Soine, Phillip C.
[TB] Divide and Conquer (1981, TRS, Softside)

Somerville, Jason
Murder off Miami, with Fergus McNeill (C64, CRL Group PLC)

Sommers, Dan
The Standing Stones, with Peter Schmuckal (1983, AP2, EA)

Sommers, Jim
Raid on Gravitron (1982?, 800, APX)
Ion Roadway (1983, 800, APX)

Sommerville, Chuck
Snake Byte (1981, AP2, Sirius)
Gruds in Space, with Joe Dudar (1983, AP2, Sirius)
[PG] The Games: Summer Edition (AP2, Epyx)
[PG] Summer Games (1984, AP2, Epyx) port from C64
[PG] Summer Games II (1984, C64?, Epyx)
[P] Ballblazer (1985?, C64, LucasFilm Games)
[G] Summer Games II (1985, AP2?, Epyx)
[P] Destroyer (1986, AP2, Epyx)
Chip's Challenge (1991?, LNX, Atari)
[P] Road Riot 4WD (1992?, SNES) port from COIN

Sonday, Tom
[P] Satan's Hollow (C64, CBS) port from COIN

Sorensen, Trevor C.
*Star Fleet I (1983, PC, Cygnus)
Star Fleet II, with Mark Baldwin (1989, PC, Interstel/EA)
Star Legions (1992, PC, Mindcraft/EA)

Sorrell, Delvin
Autotest (1987, C64)
[P] Super Robin Hood (1987, C64, Codemasters) port from SPEC
Bushido Warrior (1988, C64, Ariolasoft)
[P] The Happiest Days of Your Life (1988, C64, Tellicomsoft) port from SPEC
Scorpius (1988, C64, Tellicomsoft)
Street Warriors (1988, C64, Tellicomsoft)
[P] Skateboard Joust (1988, C64, Tellicomsoft) port from SPEC
[P] GI Hero (1988, C64, Tellicomsoft) port from SPEC
Bounce'n (1989, C64, Microprose)
The Captain is Dead (1990, ST/AMI, ACT)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990, AMI, Mirrorsoft)
[P] Xenon (1991, GEN, Mirrorsoft) port from ST
[P] McDonaldland (1992, C64, Virgin) port from NES
Zyconix (1992, AMI, Accolade)
Apocalypse (1993, AMI, Virgin)
[P] Terminator 2 (1993, AMI, B.I.T.S.) port from NES
Magicians Castle (AMI)
Super Methane Brothers (1994, AMI, Apache)
Death Mask (1994, AMI, Apache)
[P] Jellyboy (1994, GEN, Ocean) port from NES
Traitor (1995, AMI, Apache)
[P] Clay Fighters 2 (1995, 32X, Interplay) port from NES
Marsupilami (1995, GEN, Sega)

Southern, Shaun
Formula 1 Simulator (1985, C64)
Kikstart (1985, C64, Mr. Chip)
Tutti Frutti (1985, C64)
Tutti Frutti 3 (1985, C64)
Bandits at Zero (1986, C64)
Laza! (1986, C64)
POD [Proof of Destruction] (1986, C64)
Speed King (1986, C64)
Trailblazer (1986, C64, Gremlin Graphics)
Kikstart 2: The Construction Set (1987, C64, Mastertronic)
Trailblazer II: Cosmic Causeway (1987, C64, Gremlin Graphics)
Arthur Noid (1988, C64)
Ding Bat (1988, C64)
[D] Lotus Esprit Challenge (1991?, AMI)
Lotus Esprit Challenge with Andrew Morris (1990, AMI/ST)
Super Cars with Andrew Morris (1990?, AMI/ST)
Super Cars II with Andrew Morris (1991?, AMI/ST)
Lotus Turbo Challenge II with Andrew Morris (1991, AMI/ST)
Lotus III: The Final Challenge with Andrew Morris (1992, AMI/ST)

Southon, Barry - also see previous entry
[P] Stack UP (199x, 800, Zeppelin Games)

Southon, Brian & Barry
[P] Joe Blade (1988, 800, Players) port from Amstrad
Arcade Fruit Machine (800, Zeppelin Games)
Blinky's Scary School (C64, Zeppelin Games)
Titan (1982, 800, Atlantis)

Spacek, Jerry
Defend the Cities (1982, TI99, Intersoft)
Theon Raiders (1983, TI99, Intersoft)

Spain, James D.
Laser Maze (1982, AP2, Avant Garde)

Spanburg, Scott
[P] Pooyan (1983, 800, Datasoft) port from COIN
Mancopter (1984, C64, Datasoft)
Delta Patrol (1985, ST, The Other Valley Software)
The Goonies, with Kelly Day (1985?, 800, Datasoft)
[G] Tank Platoon (1989, PC, Microprose)
Knights Of The Sky, with Bill Beckner (1992, PC, Microprose)
[1998: with Microprose]

Speaks, Robert
[TB] Line Four (1980, TRS, Softside)

Spencer, Andrew
International Soccer (1983, C64, Commodore)
International Basketball (1984, C64, Commodore)
Ecstatica (1993, PC)
Ecstatic II (1997, PC)

Spicer, Vic
TRAM, with Chris McKinstry (1982, TRS, Microsystems' Software) Surround-like
Ramatron, with Chris McKinstry (1982, TRS, Microsystems' Software)
UltraGulip, with Chris McKinstry (1982, TRS, Microsystems' Software)

Spiller, Jeremy
Zenix (COCO)
Crystal City (COCO)

Spork, Maz H.
Chain Reaction (1987, SPEC, Durrell)
Buggy Boy (1988, SPEC, Elite Systems)

Spracklen, Dan & Kathe
Sargon (1978, S-100, Hayden) ported to many machines
*Sargon II (1979, AP2, Hayden)
Sargon III (1983, AP2, Hayden)
Reversal (AP2, Hayden Book Co.)

Srimushnam, Janet
[P] Alpiner (1983, TI99, Texas Instruments)

St. John, Stephen
[P] Main Battle Tank, with Stephen Newberg (1989, AP2, Simulations Canada)

Stafford, Graham
The Dungeon Master (1984, SPEC, Crystal Computing)

Stamper, Tim & Chris [founders of Rare]
JetPac (1983, SPEC)
Cookie (1983, SPEC)
Pssst (1983, SPEC)
Tranz Am (1983, SPEC)
Atic Atac (1984, SPEC)
Lunar JetMan (1984, SPEC)
Sabre Wulf (1984, SPEC/C64)
Staff of Karnath (1984, C64)
Knight Lore (1985, SPEC)
Underwurlde (1985, SPEC)
Alien 8 (1985, SPEC)
Entombed (1985, SPEC)
Nightshade (SPEC)
Gunfright (1986, SPEC)
Cyberrun (1986, SPEC)
[G] Bubbler (SPEC)
Knight Lore (1983)
Bubbler (1987, SPEC, US Gold)
Martianoids (1987, SPEC, US Gold)
[G] Donkey Kong Country (1994, SNES, Nintendo)
[G] Killer Instinct (1995, COIN, Nintendo)

Stanfield, Dan
[P] Snake Byte (1982, VIC, Sirius) port from AP2
[P] Snake Byte (1982, C64, Sirius) port from AP2

Stanton, Jeffrey
L.A. Land Monopoly (1980, AP2, Continental)
Ski Slalom Competition (1981, AP2)
[TB] Olympic Dash (800, Antic)

Stark, David
The Shard of Spring, with Gary Roth (1986, AP2, SSI)

Stark, Gary
Cookie Monster Munch (1983, 2600)
Star Raiders II, with Bruce Poelhman (1985, 800, Atari)

Starkey, Russell
Kamikaze (1980, TRS, Softside)
[TB] Rabbits and Foxes (1979, TRS, Softside)
[TB] Hangman (1979, TRS, Softside)

Starks, Sparky
Starfighter (1982, TRS, AI)
Bug Off! (800, 1982?, AI)
[U?] Destiny: The Cruiser (1983, 800)

Staugas, Dave
Krull (1983, 2600, Atari)
[P] Millipede (1984, 2600, Atari)

Steele-Jones, John
Classic Adventure (C64/SPEC, Melbourne House)
Mordon's Quest (1985, C64/SPEC, Melbourne House)
[P] Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (1992, ST/AMI, Lucasarts)
[P] Subbuteo, with Wynford Davies (199, ST/AMI, European Electronic Zoo)

Steenburn, Eric
Lost Dutchman (1983, TI99, CMS Systems)

Steenson, David
[TB] Strategy Strike (1981, TRS, Softside)

Steffen, George F.
Beanstalk Adventure (1982, TI99, TexSoft)

Stephens, Dan
[TB] Gridloc (1989, 128, Compute!'s Gazette)

Stephenson, Paul
*Swashbuckler (1981?, AP2)
*Aztec (1983, AP2, Datamost)

Stern, Alex
Situation Critical, with Peter Rokitski and Greg George (1982, AP2, Prism)

Stevens, Reg
Star Command (1984, C64, Terminal)

Stevenson, Bob
Myth, with Peter Baron (C64, System 3)
Devious Designs, with Peter Baron (AMI/ST, Imageworks)

Stevenson, Kent
Ant Colony (1983, TI99, Funware)
Schnoz-Ola (1983, TI99, Funware)
Ambulance (1983, TI99, Funware)

Stewart, Brad
[P] Breakout (2600, Atari) port from COIN
[P] Asteroids (1981, 2600, Atari) port from COIN
Fire Fighter (1982, 2600, Imagic)
[P] Star Wars: The Arcade Game (800, PB) port from COIN
Sherlock Holmes (AP2)

Stewart, Mike
Quest For The Key Part 1 (1983, TI99, CMS Systems)
Quest For The Key Part 2 (1983, TI99, CMS Systems)
The New King (1983, TI99, CMS Systems)

Stinnett, C.D.
[P] Donkey Kong, with Lloyd Ollman (VIC, Atarisoft) port from COIN
[P] Thexder (AP2, Synergistic) port from PC

Stockbridge, Dawn
Strawberry Shortcake Musical Matchups (1982?, 2600, PB)
[P] Tutankham, with Dave Engman (1983?, 2600, PB) port from COIN

Stoddart, Anthony
Bismarck: The North Sea Chase (1987, C64?, Datasoft)

Stortz, Mike
[T] R.O.T.O. (1985?, 800. ANALOG Computing)

Stott, Elizabeth
Cave Girl Clair with Lucy Ewell (1984, AP2, Addison-Wesley)
Chelsea of the South Sea Islands with Lucy Ewell (1984, AP2, Addison-Wesley)
Jenny of the Prairie with Lucy Ewell (1984, AP2, Addison-Wesley)
Lauren of the 25th Century with Lucy Ewell (1984, AP2, Addison-Wesley)

Stozenfield, Jim
[P] Donkey Kong (VIC, Atarisoft) port from COIN

Strada, David H.
Rocket Command (1981, AP2) Missile Command-like

Strand, Brian
[P] Oil's Well, with Ivan Strand (1983, AP2, Sierra) port from 800

Strand, Ivan
Apple Cider Spider (1983, AP2, Sierra)
[P] Oil's Well, with Brian Strand (1983, AP2, Sierra) port from 800

Strassen, Patrick
Autobahn (C16)
Bounder (1986, C16)
Gwnn [Game With No Name] (1987, C16, Mastertronic)
Pogo Pete (C16)
Power Ball (1986, C16)
Street Olympics (1986, C16)
Vox (C16)
XCellor8 (1986, C16)

Strawer, Larry
Computer Ambush, with Ed Williger (1980, AP2, SSI)

Strawsel, Larry D.
[P] Computer Ambush, with Kendall Whitesell (1980, AP2, SSI)

Stryker, Timothy
Flash Attack!, with Kenneth Wasserman (1980, PET, Mach 1)

Stuart, Duncan
Night Mares (1987, 800?, Red Rat)

Stutz, Brett
[P] TRON: Deadly Discs, with Jeff Ronne (1982, 2600, M-Network) port from INT

Su, Jamie
Timeship (1984, AP2, Five Star)

Suarez, Jose R.
[B] Codecracker (1981?, 800, APX)
[B] Block 'Em (1981?, 800, APX) Surround-like
Cribbage (1982?, 800, APX)
Lord of the Orb (1983, 800)

Sullivan, Charles
Hi-Res Baseball (1979, AP2, Programma)

Sullivan, Dan
Microscopic Journey (1982, AP2, Hayden)

Sullivan, David
Apple Invaders (1981, AP2, BROD)
Space Intruders (1982, 800, APX)
[T] Mr. Munchman (1983, 800, Antic)
Ultima 3 Construction Set (1984, 800/AP2, Total Control Systems)
[T] Pppzzaapp! (1984, 800, ANALOG Computing)
Missile Defense (1987, ST, Total Control Systems)
G.O.E. (1988, 800, Total Control Systems)
Ninja Golf (1990, 800, Atari)
[G] Danny Sullivan's Indy Heat, with John Morgan (1991, COIN, Leland)
[PG] Wing Commander (1992, SNES, Mindscape) port from PC
The Terminator (1993, SNES, Mindscape)
[G] Mario is Missing (1993, SNES, Mindscape)
[G] Wing Commander Secret Missions (1994, SNES, Mindscape)
Super Battleship (1994, SNES, Mindscape)
[G] Road Rash (1996, PS1, EA)
[L] Soviet Strike (1997, PS1, EA)
[G] Nuclear Strike (1998, PS1, EA)
Road Rash Online (1998, PS1, EA)

Sullivan, Jay
Hi-Res Soccer, with Ken Williams (1981, AP2, On-Line)
Crossfire (1981?, AP2, On-Line)
Hi-Res Football, with Ken Williams (1983, AP2, Sierra)

Summerlott, Marc
Clash of Wills (1985, C64?, DKG)
Great War 1914 (1986, C64?, DKG)

Summers, Murray
[TB] Pork Barrel (1980, AP2, Softside)

Sumner, Mark
Space Rescue (1980, TI99, Christian)
Space Rescue 2 (1981, TI99, PS Software)
PS Pesteroids (1981, TI99, PS Software)
Hopper (1981, TI99, Futura)
Key Quest (1981, TI99, PS Software)
Star Sentinel (1981, TI99, PS Software)
[B] 3D Stalkers (1981, TI99, PS Software)
[B] Starprobe 99 (1982, TI99, Counterpoint)
Horrors! (1982, TI99, Counterpoint) Q*bert-like
Wallaby (1982, TI99, Challenger)
[P] Spy's Demise, with Ken Dibble (1982, TI99, CSI Design Group) port from AP2
Octal (1982, TI99, CSI Design Group)
Starprobe 99 (1982, TI99, CSI Design Group)
Gravity Master (1983, TI99, CSI Design Group)
Wizard's Fire (1984, MAC, shareware) Missile Command-like
MacGolf (1985, MAC, Diskworld)
Brick Bat (1986, MAC, Diskworld)
Star Defense (1986, MAC, Diskworld)
[Mark now writes SF/Fantasy novels]

Sunday, Dan
Tailgunner, with Larry Rosenthal (197x, COIN, Vectorbeam/Cinematronics)

Surratt, Ron
[P] Burger Time (1983, 2600, M-Network) port from COIN

Sutherland, Jamie
[TB] Arena Racer (1985, 800, Antic)
[TB] Valiant (1985, 800, Antic)

Suzuki, Hitoshi
Jupiter Lander (1981, VIC, Commodore) Lunar Lander-like

Suzuki, J.
Road Race (1981, VIC, Commodore) Night Driver-like

Suzuki, Tony
Alien Rain (1981, AP2)
Alien Typhoon (1981?, AP2, Starcraft) formerly Galaxian?
*Star Blazer (1981, AP2, Starcraft) renamed Sky Blazer for 800

Svoboda, Frank III
Beyond Castle Wolfenstein, with Silas Warner and Eric Ace (1984, AP2/800/C64, Muse)

Swigart, Rob
Portal, with Brad Fregger (1986, C64?, ACT)

Swisher, Tim
Spidercide (1983, COCO, Tandy)

Synoski, Jim
[P] NATO Commander (1984, AP2, Microprose) port from 800
[P] Crusade in Europe (1984, AP2, Microprose) port from 800
[P] Decision in the Desert (1985, AP2, Microprose) port from 800
[P] F-15 Strike Eagle (1985, AP2, Microprose) port from 800

Taglione, Anthony
Dogfight 2187
Red Led, renamed Battle Droidz in the US
The White Feather Cloak
Bloodwych (many)
Legend (C64/AMI/ST)
Legend: Son of the Empire (C64/AMI/ST)
Hexx (PC)
Shogun: Total War (PC, 2000?)

Tamura, Y.
Tactics (AP2, Starcraft)

Tang, William
Hungry Horace
Horace Goes Skiing
Horace and the Spiders

Tapanimaki, Jukka
Octapolis (1987, C64, English)
Netherworld (1988, C64, Hewson)
Zamzara (1989, C64, Hewson)
Moonfall (1991, C64, 21st Century)

Taply, Scott
Dairy Farming (1981, TRS, Softside)

Tarnoff, Harry
Stunt Cycle, with Robert Bazier (AP2, Programma)

Tatge, Conrad
[T] Incoming! (1985, 800, ANALOG Computing)

Tatsumi, Steve
Kool-Aid Man (1983, 2600, Mattel)

Taylor, John E.
Capture The Intruder (1983, TI99, CMS Systems)
The Egg Hunt (1983, TI99, CMS Systems)

Taylor, Mike
Magic Mirror (1982, VIC, Terminal)
Nosferatu (1982, VIC, Terminal)
Causes of Chaos (C64, CRL Group PLC)

Taylor, Richard
Concentration (1981, TRS, 80-U.S. Journal)
Scrabble (1981, TRS, 80-U.S. Journal)
Challenge (1981, TRS, Ramware)

Taylor, Tony
[P] Megamania (1985, C64, ACT) port from 2600

Tavares, Greg
[P] Mario Bros., with Juan Alvarado (C64, Atarisoft) port from COIN
[P] Centipede (C64, Atarisoft) port from COIN, used most of 800 code

Temple, Ed
[P] Amidar (1982, 2600, PB) port from COIN
[P] Front Line (1983?, 2600, Coleco) port from COIN

Templemen, Jim
Fortress, with Patty Denbrook (1983, AP2/800, SSI)

Templeton, Brad [founder of ClariNet]
Time Trek (PET, PSI/VisiCorp)
Checker King (PET/AP2/800, PSI/VisiCorp)
[P] Microchess (800, PSI/VisiCorp) graphics engine only
[N] PAL (C64, PSI/VisiCorp) assembler

Thackray, Jon
SpySnatcher, with Jonathan Partington (1986?, many, Topologika)
Kingdom of Hamil, with Jonathan Partington (Topologika)
Monsters of Murdac, with Jonathan Partington (Topologika)
Avon, with Jonathan Partington (Topologika)
Acheton, with David Seal & Jon Partington (Topologika)

Theurer, Dave
Soccer (1980, COIN, Atari)
*Missile Command (1980, COIN, Atari)
*Tempest (1981, COIN, Atari)
[D] I, Robot (1984, COIN, Atari Games) project led by Rusty Dawe
A.P.B. (1987, COIN, Atari Games)
[N] DeBabelizer (1991?, MAC, Equilibrium)

Thomason, Holly
The Coveted Mirror, with Eagle Berns (1983, AP2?, Penguin)

Thomits, Lew
[T] Battle in the B Ring (1984, 800, ANALOG Computing)

Thompson, Dan
Borg (1981, AP2, Sirius)
Twerps (1982?, AP2, Sirius)
Lemmings (1982, AP2, Sirius)
Repton, with Andy Kaluzniacki (1983, AP2, Sirius)
[P] Hardball (1985, AP2, Accolade) port from C64
Zone Ranger (1985, 800, ACT)
[P] Master of the Lamps (1985, AP2, ACT) port from C64
[P] Snake Byte (1982, 800, Sirius) port from AP2

Thompson, Peter
Peter Packrat (1985?, COIN, Atari)

Thornton, Jack L. Jr.
[P] Slime (1982, NEC PC-6001, Synapse/NEC) port from 800
[P] Shamus (1983, C64, Synapse) port from 800
[P] Attack of the Mutant Camels (1984, VIC?, HES) port from C64
[P] Gremlins (1984, C64, Atarisoft) port from 5200
[P] Demon Attack (1985, C64, Imagic) "port" from 2600
[P] Rescue on Fractalus! (1985, C64, Lucasfilm Games) port from 800
[L] Bo Jackson Baseball and Football (1990, GBOY, Equilibrium/THQ) programmed football half
[also worked on various gambling games for the PC from Interplay]

Tiffit, Johnathan
[P] Drelbs (1983, AP2, Synapse) port from 800

Timmins, Brad
Capture the Flag! (1989, 800, Antic) disk bonus

Tobey, Ray
Skyfox (1984, AP2, EA)
[UG] Ring of Doom (1994, GEN, EA)

Todd, Julian G.
Fat Worm Blows A Sparky (1986, SPEC, Durell)

Tolmei, Vic
Top Gunner (Exidy, 1986) last vector game shipped

Tomita, S.
Golden Mountain (1980, AP2, BROD)

Tomlinson, John
[P] Mission X (1983, INT, Mattel) port from COIN

Toms, Kevin
Football Manager (1984, SPEC, Addictive)

Topley, Kim
Fantasia Diamond (1984, SPEC, Hewson)

Torkington, Andy
Panic Dizzy (1991, C64, Codemasters)

Torrance, Peter
Seabase Delta (C64, Firebird)

Toshihiro Nishikado
*Space Invaders (1978, COIN, Taito) licensed to Midway
Space Invaders Deluxe (1979, COIN, Taito) licensed to Midway
Space Invaders II (1979, COIN, Taito) licensed to Midway

Townsend, Clive
Saboteur (1986, SPEC, Durell)
Saboteur II (1987, SPEC, Durell)

Townsend, Zak
Cobra (1986, C64, Ocean)
Platoon (1987, C64, Ocean)
Renegade 3 (1988, C64, Ocean)
Batman: Joker & Penguin (1989, C64, Ocean)

Trager, Wes
Eggomania, with Henry Will and Todd Marshall (1982?, 2600, U.S. Games)
Commando Raid (1982?, 2600, U.S. Games)

Tremblay, Alain
[T] Planet Raider (1990, C64, Compute!'s Gazette)

Trenz, Manfred
Katakis (1988, C64, Rainbow Arts)
R-type (1988, C64, ACT)
Turrican, co-designed by Julian Eggebrecht and Holger Schmidt (1990, C64, Rainbow Arts)
Turrican 2, co-designed by Julian Eggebrecht and Holger Schmidt (1991, C64,Rainbow Arts)
Turrican (1992, NES, Rainbow Arts) different than C64 version
Enforcer: Katakis 2 (1992, C64, Double Density)
Rendering Ranger (1995, SNES, Rainbow Arts)

Tribelli, Anthony
Trivia Savant, with Peter Iaria (1984, AP2, HAL Labs)

Trimby, Matthew,
Crystal Raider (1986, 800, Mastertronic)
Twilight World (198x, 800, Atari UK)

Trout, Ian - see Keating, Roger

Troutman, Greg
This Planet Sucks (1998, 2600)

Tucker, Gareth
Tank Platoon (1987, AP2)

Tung, Joseph
Realsports Baseball (2600, Atari)

Turbeville, Daniel A.
The Spirit of Glennmore Castle (1984, AP2, On-Target)

Turmell, Mark
Sneakers (1981, AP2, Sirius)
Beer Run (1982?, AP2, Sirius)
Free Fall (1982?, AP2, Sirius)
Fast Eddie (1982, 2600, Fox)
Turmoil (1982, 2600, Fox)
Gas Hog (2600)
Toy Bizarre (1984?, C64, ACT)
Fast Tracks: The Computer Slot Car Contstruction Kit (1985?, C64, ACT)
[G] Smash TV (1990, COIN, Williams)
[L] Total Carnage (1992, COIN, Williams)
[L] NBA Jam (1993, COIN, Midway)
[L] WWF Wrestling (1995?, Midway)
[G] NFL Blitz (1999?, Midway)

Turner, Doug
Fingers Malone (1986, C16, British Software)
Icicle Works (1985, C16)
Prospector Pete (1986, C16, British Software)

Turner, Nick [aka Sandy Maiwald]
Super Breakout (1981, 2600, Atari)
Demons to Diamonds (1982?, 2600, Atari)
Snoopy and the Red Baron (1983?, 2600, Atari)
[editor of Dr. Dobb's Journal in mid-to-late 1980s]

Turner, Steve [founder of Graftgold]
Quazatron (SPEC)
3-D Seiddab Attack (1983, SPEC, Hewson)
Avalon (1984, SPEC, Hewson)
Dragontorc (1985, SPEC, Hewson)
Astroclone (1984, SPEC, Hewson)
Ranarama (1986, many, Hewson)
Magnetron (1987, many, Hewson)
[G] Realms (1991, ST/AMI, Graftgold)

Tuttle, Mark
[TB] Double Take (1988, C64, Compute!'s Gazette)
[TB] Verbatim (1989, C64, Compute!'s Gazette)

Twiddy, John [founder of Vivid Image]
The Last Ninja, with Mark Cale (1987, C64, System 3)
The Last Ninja 2 (1988, C64, System 3)
Time Machine (1990, C64/AMI, Vivid Image)
Hammerfist (1990, C64/AMI, Vivid Image)

Tyma, Paul
Death Station (1982, TI99, Futura)

Ufnowski, Stefan [RIP 2001]
Rebel Planet (C64, AI UK)
Kayleth (C64, Adventure Soft UK)
Brat (1990?, PC, Mirrorsoft)
Incredible Shrinking Sphere (Electric Dreams)
Dream Warrior (US Gold)
Fire Ball
Captain America
The Doom Tube

Ulman, J.G.
[B] Beachcomber (1989, 800, Antic) disk bonus

Ulmer, Chris
[T] 3-D Speedway (1988, C64, Compute!'s Gazette)

Ulrich, Bob
Lost Treasure of the Aztec (1983, TI99, Mind Games)

Uptain, Jerald
Assault IV (1981, TRS, Softside)

Urbaniec, Mark
Vectron (INT, Mattel)

Urbanus, Paul
Parsec, with Jim DRAMis (1983, TI99, Texas Instruments)
[P] Vanguard, with Jim DRAMis and Garth Dollahite (1983, TI99, Atarisoft) port from COIN
[P] Jungle Hunt, with Jim DRAMis (1984, TI99, Atarisoft)
[P] Pole Position, with Garth Dollahite (1984, TI99, Atarisoft)
Jumpy (1987, TI99, Databiotics/Softmachine) Q*bert-like; name changed to QMaze in 1988

Urquhart, Christian
Hunchback (SPEC, Ocean)

Ursem, Don
Tank Trap (1977, OSI, SPD) later (1981, 800, Quality)
Starbase Hyperion (1979, Exidy Sorcerer, Quality) later for 800 in 1981

Valleau, Edward
Robot Bowl (COIN, Exidy)
Circus (COIN, Exidy)
Trapeze (COIN, Exidy)
Crash (COIN, Exidy)

Van Brink, David
Tubeway (1982, AP2, Datamost) Tempest-like
Ankh, or 64 Rooms: An Adventure In The Metareal World (1983, AP2, Datamost)

van Canegham, Jon
Might & Magic (1986, AP2, New World Computing)
Might & Magic II (New World Computing)
[D] King's Bounty (1990, AP2, New World Computing)

Van Den Beemt, Peter
[P] Mind Mirror, with Bob Dietz (AP2, EA)

Van Duyne, Andy
[TB] Fire! (1988, C64, Compute!'s Gazette)

Van Halteren, Hans
The Alien (1983, AP2, Avalon Hill)

Van Imschoot, Johan
[P] Castles & Kings, with Steve Hughes (1989, AP2, Entrex)

Van Ryzin, John
Kamikaze (1981?, AP2, Hayden)
[P] Shuttle Intercept (1982, 800, Hayden) port from AP2
H.E.R.O. (1984, 2600, ACT)
Cosmic Commuter (1984?, 2600, ACT)
[D?] Bellhop, with Garry Kitchen (AP2)
X-15 Alpha Mission (1986, C64, Absolute)
F-18 Hornet (7800, Absolute)
Space Shuttle Project (1991, NES, Absolute)

Van Zeist, Mario [founder of Euphoria]
Hawkeye (1988, C64, Thalamus)
[should be at least one SNES title here]

Vance, Stephen A.
[T] Maniac (1982, 800, ANALOG Computing) Berzerk-like

VanderAart, John
Endless (Radersoft)
Hopeless (Radersoft)

Varsanyi, Eric
Falcons, with Thomas Ball (1981, AP2) Phoenix-like
Warp Destroyer, with Thomas Ball (1981, AP2, Piccadilly)

Vates, Chris
Parallax (1986, C64, Sensible)

Vaughn, David
Astrid (1983, TI99, Vaughn Software)
Chopper Fireman (1983, TI99, Vaughn Software)

Vella-Zarb, Pierre
Gates of the Incas, with Joseph Koenig (1983, 800, IIT)

Verson, Jack [founder of JV Software]
Action Quest (1982, 800, JV)
Ghost Encounters (1982, 800, JV)
Journey to the Planets (1982, 800, JV)

Vierra, Joe
[P] Fort Apocalypse (1982, C64, Synapse) port from 800
Warriors of Zypar (1983, C64, Synapse)
[P] Shamus Case II (1984, C64, Synapse) port from 800
[G] Breakers (1985, C64/800/PC, BROD)
[G] Slam City with Scottie Pippen (1994, PC, Digital Pictures)
[G] Quarterback Attack with Mike Ditka (1995, PC, SAT, Digital Pictures)

Vincent, Dave
Cross Country U.S.A. (1985, AP2, Didatech)
Cross Country Canada (1986, AP2, Didatech)

Von Ehr II, James R.
Slymoids (1983, TI99, Texas Instruments)
Sneggit (1983, TI99, Texas Instruments)

Voskuil, Jon
[TB] Math Decathlon (1981, AP2, Softside)
[TB] Strategy Strike (1981, AP2, Softside)
[TB] Battle at Sea (1981, AP2, Softside)
[TB] Battlefield (1981, TRS/800, Softside)

Voth, Mitch
Mini Golf (1981, TRS, Softside)

Wacker, Mike
Video Vermin (1982, VIC, UMI)
Zeta-7 (1984, C64, Victory)
Fire Ant (1984, C64, Mogul)

Wada, Jun
Snoggle, with Ken Ida (1981, AP2, BROD)
Puck Man (AP2, BROD)
A.E., with Makato Horai (1982, AP2, BROD)

Wadsworth, Simon
Adventure (ZX81, 1981, Bug Byte)
Invasion Force (ZX81, 1981, Artic Computing)
Invasion Force (SPEC, 1982, Artic Computing)
Gobbleman (SPEC, 1982, Artic Computing) Pac-Man-like
Adventure E - The Golden Apple (SPEC, 1983, Artic Computing)
Adventure F - The Eye of Bain (SPEC, 1984, Artic Computing)

Wagner, Joe
[P] Wizard of Wor, with Joe Hellesen (1984, 800, Roklan) port from COIN

Wagner, Jossef
[P] Masters of the Universe: The Power of He-Man, with Mike Sanders (1983, 2600, M-Network) port from INT

Wagner, Larry
Combat (1977, 2600, Atari) some work initially done by Joe Decuir
Video Chess, with Bob Whitehead (1979, 2600, Atari)

Waldo, Steve
Mutant (1983, AP2, Universal Software)
[P] Whomper Stomper (1987, AP2, AI) port from ?
Wings of Fury (1987, AP2, BROD)

Walker, Martin
Back to the Future (1985, C64, Electric Dreams)
Rupert and the Toymaker's Party (1985, C64, Quicksilvia)
Chameleon (1986, C64, Electric Dreams)
Hunter's Moon (1987, C64, Thalamus)
Citadel (1989, C64, Electric Dreams)

Wallace, Robert
Amazin’ Mazes (1980, TRS, Softside)

Walker, Roger
Craps (1979, AP2, Softape)
Roulette (1979, AP2, Softape?)

Walker, Skip
Xyphus, with Dave Alpert (1984, AP2, Penguin)

Wallace, Bruce
Asteroids in Space (1980?, AP2, Quality) Asteroids-like

Wallace, Lou
[TB] Hail to the Chief (1988, C64, Commodore Magazine)

Wallace, Mike
Robot Odyssey, with Leslie Grimm (AP2, The Learning Company)

Walsh, Arthur
Bridge 2.0 (1979, AP2, Dynacomp)
Bridge 5.0 (1987, AP2, Artworx)
Hearts 1.5 (1979, AP2, Dynacomp)

Walsh, Conal
Missile Wars (MBEE) Missile Command-like
House of Frankenstein (MBEE)

Walton, Gordon
Trek X, with John Polasek (1978, PET, Instant)
Dungeon of Death, with John Polasek (1978, PET, Instant)
Gran Prix, with John Polasek (1979, PET, Instant)
MicroWarrior, with John Polasek (1979, PET, Instant)
[G] Orbiter (1986, MAC/PC, Spectrum Holobyte)
Sub Battle Simulator, with John Polasek and others (1986, MAC/PC, Epyx)
PT-109, with John Polasek and others (1986, MAC/PC, Spectrum Holobyte)
Sands of Fire (PC?, 360 Pacific)
*[G] Harpoon (PC, 360 Pacific)

Walton, Stephen
Star Clash II (1983, PC, Baen Publishing)

Wanttaja, ROM
IFR (1983, VIC, Academy) flight simulator

Warady, Stephen
Ceiling Zero (1981, AP2, Turnkey)
Amazon (AP2, Trillium, 1985)

Ward, Dennis
[TB] Interna-Maze (1980, AP2, Softside)

Ward, Grady
Beany Bopper (1982, 2600, Fox Video Games)

Ward, Peter
South Pacific Quest (1985, AP2)
*Black Magic (1987, AP2, Action/Datasoft)
International Hockey (AP2, Artworx)
Main Frame (C64, Microillusions)
Robin Hood Prince of Thieves (NES, Virgin)
[G] Super Star Wars (SNES, LucasArts)
[G] Super Empire Strikes Back (SNES, LucasArts)
[G] Stanley Cup Hockey (SNES, Nintendo)
[G] Super Jedi (SNES, LucasArts)
[PG] Mortal Kombat 3 (SNES, Midway) port from COIN
[G] NHL Breakaway 98 (PS1, Acclaim)
[PG] BioFreaks (PS1, Midway)
[PG] Rainbow 6 (N64, Redstorm)

Warhol, David
Mind Strike (INT)
Thunder Castle, co-designed by Connie Goldman (1983, INT, Mattel)

Warling, Chris
Candy Bandit (1983, C64, T&F)
Speed Racer (1983, C64, T&F)

Warner, Craig
Galactic Gliders (1987, AP2, Keypunch)
J-Walker (1987, AP2, Keypunch)
Sea Hunt (1987, AP2, Keypunch)

Warner, Silas S. [co-founder of Muse Software; RIP 2004]
Escape (1978, AP2, Muse)
Firebug (1980, AP2, Muse)
ABM (1981?, AP2, Muse)
*Castle Wolfenstein (1981, AP2, Muse)
Robotwar (1981, AP2, Muse)
Beyond Castle Wolfenstein, with Eric Ace and Frank Svoboda III (1984, AP2, Muse)
[P] Gunship (AMI, Microprose) port from PC
[P] Silent Service (ST, Microprose) port from PC?
Jigsaw (1991?, CDI, CD-I Products) even did art and sound
[P] Wolfpack (1992?, CDI, CD-I Products) port from PC
The Terminator (1993?, SCD, Virgin Interactive)

Warshaw, Howard Scott
Yars' Revenge (1982, 2600, Atari)
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1982, 2600, Atari)
E.T. (1983, 2600, Atari)

Wasserman, Kenneth
Flash Attack!, with Timothy Stryker (1980, PET, Mach 1)

Watson, Alan
Robot Rascals, with Dan Bunten (1986, C64, EA)
[also see Danielle Berry]

Watson, John
Pro Golf (SPEC, Atlantis)
Pro Golf 2 (SPEC, Atlantis)

Watton, Richard
Robot Knights (1986, 800, Red Rat)

Wazaney, Norman J. Jr.
Pandemonium (1982, AP2, Soft-Image)
Singles Night at Mollies (1982, AP2, Soft-Image)

Weatherburn, Ian
Alchemist (198x, SPEC, Ocean)
Hunchback - The Adventure (1986, C64, Ocean)
The NeverEnding Story (1986?, 800, Datasoft)

Weatherby, Robert
Chuck Norris Superkicks (1983, 2600, Xonox)
Sir Lancelot (1983, COL, Xonox)
[P] Motocross Racer (1983, COL, Xonox)
[LD] Super Sprint (1985, COIN, Atari)
[LD] Championship Sprint (1986, COIN, Atari)
[G] RoadBlasters (1987, COIN, Atari)
[LD] Lakers vs. Celtics (1990, PC/GEN, EA)
[D] Bulls vs. Lakers (1991, GEN, EA)
[D] Team USA (1992, GEN, EA)
[D] Bulls vs. Blazers (1993, GEN/SNES, EA)
[D] NBA Showdown (1994, GEN/SNES, EA)
[LD] Area 51 (1995, COIN, Atari)
[LD] Maximum Force (1996, COIN, Atari)
[LD] Area 51: Site 4 (1997, COIN, Atari)

Weaver, Carl & Ellen
[TB] Pressups (1981, TRS, Softside)

Weaver, J. Jr.
Outhouse (1982, TRS, Soft Sector Marketing)
Chicken (1982, TRS, Soft Sector Marketing)
Rally (1982, TRS, Soft Sector Marketing)
[L] Vexus (1982, TRS, Soft Sector Marketing)
Planetbuster (1982, TRS, Soft Sector Marketing)
Yield (1983, TRS, Gamester)
Pulsar (1983, TRS, Gamester)
[L] Color Outhouse (1983, COCO, Computer Shack)
Catalyst (1983, COCO, Computer Shack)
[L] Intercept 4 (1983, COCO, MichTron)
Cards (1985, Sanyo MBC, MichTron) also ST in 1987

Webb, Martin
Adventuremania (TI99)
Main (TI99)
Lilo and the Dragons (TI99)
Panic on the Titanic (TI99)
Santa and the Goblins (TI99)
Snap Dragon (1987, C64, Sharedata Inc.)
[P] Outrun (C64, US Gold) port from COIN
[P] Roadblasters (C64, US Gold)
Max Power (C64, Bubble Bus)

Webb, Monty
[B] Seven Card Stud (1981?, 800, APX)

Weber, John
[TB] Lone Eagle's Revenge (1983, 800, Antic)
[TB] Snowbird (1984, 800, Antic)

Webster, Bruce
*Sundog: Frozen Legacy, with Wayne Holder (1984, AP2, FTL Games)

Webster, Roger
Earthly Delights, with Daniel Leviton (1984, AP2, Datamost)

Webster, Ron
[TB] Boing! (1980, TRS, Softside)

Wehner, Paul
Saratoga (1983, 800, APX)

Weigandt, Rorke
Marauder, with Eric Hammond (AP2) wrote 2600 version on his own

Weiner, Elliot
The Brain Game, with Rita Aero (1984, AP2, The Millennium Group)

Weiner, Jack & Bob
[TB] Spacelander (1981, 800, Softside)

Weinstock, Mike
[TB] Acey Ducey (1980, AP2, Softside)

Weinstock, Neil
Cosmic Drift (1982, TI99, Futura)
Ice Caverns of Xen (1982, TI99, Futura)
Moonduster (1982, TI99, Futura)

Weisgerber, John - see Eric and Robert Anschuetz

Weiskopf, Tom
Pro Golf (1983, AP2, Home Computer Software)

Wells, Arthur
Bloody Murder (1979, AP2, Stoneware)
Micro League Baseball (1981, AP2, Micro League)

Wetherill, Steve
[P] Manic Miner (1984, CPC) port from SPEC
[P] Jet Set Willy (1984, CPC) port from SPEC
Nodes of Yesod (SPEC, Odin)
Arc of Yesod (SPEC, Odin)
Robin of the Woods (SPEC, Odin)
Heartland (SPEC/CPC, Odin)
Sidewize (SPEC, Odin)
Crosswize (SPEC, Odin)
[P] Crime Does Not Pay (AMI, Eldritch the Cat) port from ST
[P] Flimbo's Quest, with Mark McCubbin and Marc Dawson (1990, ST/AMI, Eldritch the Cat) port from C64
Myth (ST/AMI, Eldritch the Cat)
Last Ninja 3 (ST/AMI, Eldritch the Cat)
[G] Projectyle (ST/AMI, Eldritch the Cat)
Under Pressure (ST/AMI, Eldritch the Cat)
[P] Risky Woods (GEN, EA) port from AMI
[P] John Madden Football (AMI, EA) port from GEN
[P] Desert Strike (AMI, EA) port from GEN
[also worked on numerous games for Westwood]

Wesely, David A.
RAF: The Battle of Britain, with Ross Maker and David L. Arneson (many, Discovery Games)
MIGS and Messerschmitts, with Ross Maker (1980, AP2/TRS, Discovery Games)
Flying Tigers, with Stephen Goss (1983, AP2, Discovery Games)
Lafayette Escadrille, with Ross Maker (1983, many, Discovery Games) based on a TRS design by Colin Barnhorst
Jagdstaffel, with Ross Maker (1985, many, Discovery Games)
Guns of Fort Defiance (many, Avalon Hill)

Westfall, Anne [co-founder of Free Fall Associates]
[PB] Hellfire Warrior (1980, PET, ASIM) port from TRS
[B] Tuesday Morning Quarterback (1981, TRS) ASIM)
[PB] Temple of Apshai (1981, 800, ASIM) port from TRS
[P] Tax Dodge, with Jon Freeman (1982, 800, Island Graphics)
*[P] Archon, with Jon Freeman and Paul Reiche III (1983, 800, EA)
*[P] Archon II: Adept, with Jon Freeman and Paul Reiche III (1984, 800, EA)
[P] Swords of Twilight, with Jon Freeman (1989, AMI, EA)
[P] Gin King/Cribbage King (1989, AMI, Software Toolworks)
[P] Chessmaster 2100 (1990, AMI, Software Toolworks)
[P] Archon Ultra (1994, PC, SSI)
[P] Simplex, with Jon Freeman (online, Free Fall/GameTV)
[P] Eureka, with Jon Freeman (online, Free Fall/GameTV)
[P] Reflection, with Jon Freeman (online, Free Fall/GameTV)
[P] Stop & Go, with Jon Freeman (online, Free Fall/GameTV)
[P] Grab, with Jon Freeman (online, Free Fall/GameTV)
[P] Heartless, with Jon Freeman (online, Free Fall/GameTV)

Westmoreland, Wayne
[P] Armored Patrol, with Terry Gilman (1981, TRS, AI) Battlezone-like
[P] The Eliminator, with Terry Gilman (1981, TRS, AI) Defender-like
Sea Dragon, with Terry Gilman (1982, TRS, AI)
[P] Rear Guard, with Terry Gilman (1982, TRS, AI) port from ?
[P] Zaxxon, with Terry Gilman (1983, TRS, Radio Shack) port from COIN

Wetmore, Russ [founder of Star Systems]
Scott Adams Adventure #11: Savage Island, part 2, with Scott Adams (many, AI)
Preppie (1982, 800, AI) Frogger-like
Preppie II (1983, 800, AI)
[P] Sea Dragon (1984?, 800, AI) port from TRS
[N] HomePak (1985?, 800, Batteries Included)

Wheeler, Martin
Sorcery (1984, SPEC, Virgin Games)

White, Jerry
Fun 'N' Games (1982, 800, Swifty)
Trivia Trek (1982, 800, Swifty)
Name That Song (1982, 800, Quality)
Pokersam (1982?, 800, Don't Ask) poker w/speech
[B] Sunday Golf (1983, 800, AI)
U.S. Adventure (1984, C64, First Star) educational

White, Mark A.
[P] Nibbler (1983, 800, Datasoft) port from COIN
Moon Shuttle (1984?, 800, Datasoft)

White, Mike
Cavern Construction kit, with Scott Elder (1983, C64, Nukefop/BROD Japan)

White, Robert
[TB] Orienteering at Jacque’s Coulee (1981, AP2, Softside)

White, Sandy
Ant Attack (1983, SPEC, Quicksilva)
[B] Zombie Zombie, with "Angela" (1984, SPEC, Quicksilva)
"I, of the Mask" (1985, SPEC, Quicksilva)

White, Sheldon
Cell Defense(1984, C64, H.E.S.)

Whitehead, Bob
[P] Star Ship (1977, 2600, Atari) port from COIN
Homerun (1978, 2600, Atari)
Football (1979, 2600, Atari)
Casino (1979, 2600, Atari)
Blackjack (1979?, 2600, Atari)
Video Chess, with Larry Wagner (1979, 2600, Atari)
Skiing (1980, 2600, ACT)
Boxing (1980, 2600, ACT)
Stampede (1981, 2600, ACT)
Chopper Command (1982, 2600, ACT)
Sky Jinks (1982, 2600, ACT)
Private Eye (1984, 2600, ACT)
Hardball (1985, C64, Accolade)
4th & Inches (198x, C64, Accolade)

Whitesell, Kendall
[P] Computer Ambush, with Larry Strawser (1980, AP2, SSI)

Whittaker, Doug
[P] Jawbreaker II (1982, VIC, Sierra) port from 2600/800

Wible, Tom
High Gravity (1987, TI99, Asgard)

Wiethoff, Andreas
Nadral, with Julian Reschke (198x, 800, Atari Germany)

Wild, Keith
Skeet Shoot (1980, AP2, On-Line)

Wilhelmsen, Brad
I.O. Silver (1984, AP2, Beagle Bros.)

Wilker, Harry
Congo, with Michael Berlyn (1982?, AP2, Sentient)

Will, Henry
Eggomania, with Todd Marshall and Wes Trager (1982?, 2600, U.S. Games)
Word Zapper (1982?, 2600, U.S. Games)
Squeeze Box (2600)

Willard, Joel
[TB] Draw Poker, with Lee Blumenthal (1980, TRS, Softside)

Williams, Bill [RIP 1998]
Salmon Run (1982, 800, APX)
*Necromancer (1983, 800, Synapse)
*Alley Cat (1984, 800, Synapse) also did PC port
Balloon Float (1984, 800, Synapse) part of the Relax package
*Mind Walker (1986, AMI, Commodore)
Sinbad and the Throne of the Falcon, with Steve Quinn and John Cutter (1987, AMI)
Pioneer Plague (1988, AMI, Terrific)
Knights of the Crystallion (1991, AMI, U.S. Gold)
[P] Monopoly (1991, NES, PB)
Bart's Nightmare (SNES, Acclaim, 1992)

Williams, Brian
Ambush (1984, C64, Virgin Games)

Williams, Fred D.
Adventures in Flesh (1983, AP2, Krell)

Williams, Glen
Space Spikes, with Rod Nelsen (1983, AP2, Three Sigma)

Williams, John C.
Battlestation with John D. Gardner (1983, TI99, Mirage)
Chopper Ace with John D. Gardner (1983, TI99, Mirage)
Mean Streets with John D. Gardner (1982, TI99, Alpha)
Quadrant Command with John D. Gardner (1982, TI99, Alpha)

Williams, Jon
Jet Boot Jack (1984, 800, English) released by Datamost in the US
Berks (1985, C16, CRL Group PLC)
Major Blink [aka Berks 2] (1985, C16, CRL Group PLC)
Berks 3 (1985, C16, CRL Group PLC)
Baby Berks (1985, C16, CRL Group PLC)
Timeslip (1986, 800, English)
Knight Games (1986, C64, English)
Oink! (1987, C64, CRL)
Knight Games 2 (1988, C64, English)

Williams, Ken [co-founder of Sierra]
Mystery House, with Roberta Williams (1980, AP2, On-Line)
Mission: Asteroid, with Roberta Williams (1980, AP2, On-Line)
Cranston Manor, with Harold DeWitz (1981, AP2, On-Line)
Hi-Res Soccer, with Jay Sullivan (1981, AP2, On-Line)
The Wizard and the Princess, with Roberta Williams (AP2, Sierra)
Ulysses and the Golden Fleece, with Bob Davis (1981, AP2, Sierra)
Threshold, with Warren Schwader (1981, AP2, Sierra)
[P] Mousekattack, with Al Nystrom (1982, AP2, Sierra) port from 800
Hi-Res Football, with Jay Sullivan (1983, AP2, Sierra)
[P] The Black Cauldron (1983, AP2, Sierra)

Williams, Roberta [co-founder of Sierra]
[D] Mystery House, with Ken Williams (1980, AP2, Sierra)
[D] Mission: Asteroid, with Ken Williams (1980, AP2, Sierra)
[D] The Wizard and the Princess, with Ken Williams (AP2, Sierra)
[D] Time Zone (1982?, Sierra)
[D] King's Quest (1983, PC, Sierra)
[D] King's Quest II (1985, PC, Sierra)
[D] King's Quest III (1988, PC, Sierra)
[D] King's Quest IV (PC, Sierra)
[D] King's Quest V (PC, Sierra)
[D] Phantasmagoria (PC, Sierra)
[lots more games, too]

Williams, Steven R.
Tobruck: The Clash of Armour (1988, C64, Datasoft)

Williamson, Gil
Hotfoot (1981, 800, Ingersoll)
Locomotion (1982, BBCB/BBCE, BBC Publications) also wrote C64 version
Paul Daniel's Magic Adventure (1983, 800, Amazon Systems)

Williger, Ed
[D] Computer Ambush (1980, AP2, SSI)

Willson, Paul
[P] Kaboom! (1983, 800, ACT) port from 2600

Wilmhurst, Paul
Robot Man (MBEE) Pac-Man-like

Wilmunder, Aric
[P] Space Invaders (1978, Exidy Sorcerer)
[PB] Temple of Apshai (1979, 800, ASIM) port from TRS
[PB] Datestones of Ryn (1979, 800, ASIM) port from TRS
[PB] Hellfire Warrior (1980, 800, ASIM) port from TRS
[PB] Star Warrior (1981,800, ASIM) port from TRS
[PB] Keys of Acheron (1981, 800, ASIM) port from TRS
[PB] Upper Reaches of Apshai (1981, 800, ASIM) port from TRS
[PB] Crush, Crumble & Chomp! (1981, 800, ASIM) port from TRS
[NP] MasterType (1981, 800, Scarborough Systems)
[U] Star Raiders II (1982, 800, Atari)
[U] Gossip, with Chris Crawford and Kim Whitmore (1983, 800)
[P] Korinis Rift (1985, 800, LucasFilm Games)
[P] BallBlazer (1985, 800, LucasFilm Games)
[P] Club Caribe (1987, C64, LucasFilm Games/QuantumLink)
[P] Maniac Mansion (1987, PC, LucasFilm Games)
[P] Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders (1988, PC, LucasFilm Games)
[P] Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989, PC, LucasFilm Games)
[P] Loom (1990, PC, LucasFilm Games)
[P] The Secret of Monkey Island (1990, PC, LucasFilm Games)
[has worked on many LucasArts titles since then]

Wilson, Anthony
Bomb Fusion (198x, 800, Mastertronic)
[P] Rampage, with Russell Knight (1987, 800, ACT Europe) port from COIN
Protector (1989, 800, PAL Developments/Mastertronic)
Sidewinder II, with Russel Knight (1989, 800, PAL Developments/Mastertronic)

Wilson, Clive
Se-Kaa of Assiah, with Les Hogarth (1984, C64, Mastertronic)

Wilson, John
Green Goblins (800)

Wilson, Nick
Deep Strike (1987, SPEC, Durell)

Wilson, Tim
Jellyfish (1982, AP2, Sirius)
Kabul Spy (1982, AP2, Sirius)
Blade of Blackpoole (1983, AP2, Sirius)
[P] Space Shuttle: A Journey Into Space (1985, AP2, ACT) port from 2600
[1998: with EA]

Winans, Mike
[P] Lock 'N' Chase (1982?, INT, Mattel) port from COIN; minor improvements added by Julie Hoshizaki

Winfree, Al
Dungeon Duel (1982, 800, C&C)

Winnie, John
Ripper, with Stanley Baronett Jr. (C64, Avalon Hill)

Winter, Michael
[TB] Super Sub (1979, TRS, Softside)
[TB] Meltdown (1979, TRS, Softside)

Wise, Edwin
Dueling Digits (1981, AP2, BROD)

Wise, Mike
[P] Lode Runner (1983, VIC, BROD) port from AP2
[P] Seafox (1983, VIC, BROD) port from AP2

Wittmeyer, Greg
Jubilex (COCO, self-published)
A World At War (COCO, self-published)

Witts, Bill
[P] Battlezone (1984, SPEC, Quicksilva) port from COIN

Woakes, Paul
Encounter (1984, 800, Novagen/Synapse) also did C64 port
*Mercenary: Escape from Targ (1985, 800, Novagen) also did C64 port
Mercenary II: The Second City (1986?, C64, Novagen)
[P] Mercenary Compendium (1986, AMI, Novagen) ports of the two Mercenary games
Battle Island (1988, C64/AMI, Novagen)
Backlash (1988?, ST)
Damocles (1990?, AMI, Novagen)
Amiga Encounter (1991, AMI, Novagen)
Mercenary 3 (1992, ST/AMI)
[P] Legends of Valour, with Graham Lilley (1993?, ST, US Gold)

Wohlert, Randolph
Beast King (1985, AP2, Avalon Hill)

Woita, Steve
Quadrun (1983, 2600, Atari)
Asterix (1984, 2600, Atari)
TAZ (1984, 2600, Atari)
Kid Chameleon (1992, GEN)
[G] Sonic Spinball (1993, GEN, Sega)
Water World (1995, VBOY)

Wolper, Jerry
Cutthroats, with Michael Berlyn (1984, many, Infocom)

Wong, Amory
[P] Fight Night (1986, 800, Accolade) port from C64
[P] Ace of Aces (198x, 800, Accolade) port from C64
[later with EA]

Wong, David
Deathlord, with Al Escudero (1987, AP2, EA)

Wood, Doug
Phantasie (many, SSI)
Phantasie II (many, SSI)
Phantasie III (many, SSI)

Woodhead, Robert J.
Dungeons of Despair, with Andrew Greenberg (1980?, AP2) the precursor to Wizardry
*Wizardry: The Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord, with Andrew Greenberg (1981, AP2, Sir-Tech)
Galactic Attack (1983, AP2, Sir-Tech)
Wizardry II: Knight of Diamonds, with Andrew Greenberg (AP2, Sir-Tech)
Wizardry III: Legacy of Llylgamyn, with Andrew Greenberg (AP2, Sir-Tech)
Wizardy IV: Return of Werdna, with Andrew Greenberg and Roe Adams [D] (1985?, Sir-Tech)
Wizardry V: Heart of the Maelstrom, with Andrew Greenberg and David Bradley (Sir-Tech)

Woodhouse, D.
Stranded, with Hughes C. (1984, 800, English)

Woodroffe, Mike [founder of Callisto Computers & Adventure Soft UK]
Temple of Terror, with Simon Woodroffe (C64, Adventure Soft UK)
Super Gran: The Adventure, with Brian Howarth (1985, C64, Tynesoft)
Robin of Sherwood: The Touchstones of Rhiannon, with Brian Howarth (1985, many, AI UK)
Seas of Blood, with Alan Cox (1986, many, AI UK)
Personal Nightmare, with Mike Woodroffe and Keith Wadhams (PC?, Horrorsoft/Tynesoft)
Elvira, Mistress of the Dark, with Keith Wadhams (PC, 1991?, Horrorsoft/Accolade)
Elvira II (PC)

Woods, Tad
Spacestation Pheta (1985, TI99, T&T)

Woolley, David
Discovery Incident (1989, 800, Antic) disk bonus

Wootton, Alan
Pollywog (1983, AP2, Top Notch)

Worth, Don
[B] Beneath Apple Manor (1978, AP2, Quality)
[B] Beneath Apple Manor Special Edition (1982, AP2, Quality)

Worthington, Steve
Chivalry, with Richard Hefter and Janie Worthington (1983, AP2, Optimum Resource)
Fat City, with Richard Hefter (1983, AP2, Optimium Resource)
Run for It, with Richard Hefter (1983, AP2, Optimum Resource)

Wozniak, Steve [co-founder of Apple Computer]
*Breakout (1976, COIN, Atari) hardware only, designed by Nolan Bushnell
[B] Little Brickout (1977?, AP2, Apple) Breakout-like

Wright, Will [co-founder of Maxis]
Raid on Bungeling Bay (1984, C64, BROD)
*SimCity, with Jeff Braun (1987, PC, Maxis)
*[D] The Sims (2000, PC, Maxis)

Yabumoto, Kan
Mad Planets (1983, COIN, Gottlieb)

Yandrofski, J.A.
[P] GATO, with Timothy Reese (1985, AP2, Spectrum Holobyte) port from PC

Yantis, Mike
[P] Protector II (1983, TI99, Atarisoft) port from 800

Yates, Chris [founder of Sensible Sofware]
Sodov the Sorceror (1985, SPEC)
Galaxibirds (1986, C64, Firebird)
Parallax (1986, C64, Ocean)
Wizball (1987, C64, Ocean)
SEUCK [Shoot 'em up Construction Kit] (1988, C64, Palace)
Oh No! (1988, C64, Firebird)
Insects in Space (1989, C64, Hewson)
International 3D Tennis (1990, C64, Palace)

Yob, Gregory
Hunt the Wumpus (197x, mainframe, freeware)

Yorke, Gary
Submarine Commander (1983, VIC, Thorn EMI)
Countdown to Meltdown (1985, C64, Firebird)
Blitzkrieg (1986, C64, Ariolasoft)

Young, Greg
Hot Lips (1982, 800, London)
Bumperball (198x, 800, London)
Space Ace (1982, 800, London)
Parallax (1983, 800/C64, London)
Trion (1983, 800, London)

Youngwood, Jonathan D.
[TB] Car Race (1983, 800, Softside)

Yu, Tim
[P] Dragonfire (1983, Vic 20, Imagic) port from 2600

Zalewski, James
K-Razy Shootout (1981, 800, Kay Enterprises)
K-Razy Kritters (1982, 800, Kay Enterprises)
K-Star Patrol (1982, 800, Kay Enterprises)
Barnyard Blaster (1987?, 800, Atari)
Planet Smashers (1989, 7800, Atari)

Zander, Dennis
[B] Giant Slalom (1981, 800, Artworx)
Hazard Run (1982, 800, Artworx)

Zaron, Ed [co-founder of Muse Sofware]
Titan Empire (1983, AP2, Muse)

Zdybel, Robert
Stellar Track (2600, 1979?, Sears)
[B] Castle (1981?, 800 APX)
[B] Alien Egg (1981?, 800, APX)
Centurion (1981?, 800, APX)
Tact Trek (1981?, 800, APX)
[P] Missile Command (1981?, 800, Atari) port from COIN
Realsports Football (1982?, 2600, Atari)
Bug Hunt, with Alan J. Murphy (1987, 800, Atari)
Warbirds (1991?, LNX, Atari)

Zedeck, Stephen A.
[P] Tutankham (1983, TI99, PB) port from COIN

Zeldin, Alan
Spy's Demise (1982?, AP2, Penguin)

Zeller, Dan & Mike
Spare Change (1983?, AP2, BROD)

Zerber, Kevin G.
[P] Universe (1984, AP2, Omnitrend) port from 800

Zett, Alan J.
[TB] Quest (1981, 800, Softside)
[TB] Flip-it (1981, TRS/800, Softside)
[TB] Word Challenge (1981, TRS/AP2, Softside)
[TB] Hexapawn (1982, 800/AP2, Softside)
[TB] Space Rescue (1982, AP2/TRS, Softside)

Zicchi, Giulio
Armourdillo (1987, C64, Codemasters)

Zielinski, Bill
Garkon's Getaway (1983, TI99, TEXware)

Zimmerman, Jay P.
Microwave, with Jim Nitchals (1982, AP2, Cavalier Computer)

Zuber, Jim
Millionaire (1982, AP2, Blue Chip)
Baron (1983, AP2, Blue Chip)
Tycoon (1983, AP2, Blue Chip)
Squire! (1985, AP2, Blue Chip)

Zumwalt, Greg L.
Malcom Mortar (COCO, Tandy)

Zwick, Larry
Air Raiders (1983, 2600, M-Network)