rEAdy for Game Cube, 31 January 2001 (FGN Online)

by Kosta Andreadis - January 31, 2001 - 6:01 A.M.
Source: FGN Online

EA "officially" confirms GameCube launch support

With EA heavily rumored to be on the GameCube bandwagon to the extent that its basically taken as fact, comes news that helps cement the publishing giant as a GCN supporter. EA CEO and Chairman Larry Probst said, "Gamecube is going to be an important platform in the next generation. You can surmise that we will be there when it is launched."

Translation? EA will be supporting the GameCube from the get go. Sure most of us have been expecting this announcement for a while know its good to know that its finally out in the open. GCN support seems to be getting better by the day and with companies like EA and Sega (we think so anyway) on board, Nintendo looks to be in a very good position come launch later this year.