Timex-Sinclair Utilities
Tape Loading
These utilities allow you to get programs off your old audio cassettes
and into your computer, or vice-versa. Naturally, this will require
a cassette player, a suitably configured sound card and cabling
between the two.
Title | Description | Download |
Taper | Tool to assist with maintenance of your ZX Spectrum tapes
and ZX Spectrum emulator tape files. It can be used as a virtual tape unit in conjunction with a real ZX Spectrum. Supported tape file formats are .TAP, .LTP, .ZXS (readonly), .VOC, .RAW (the `Raw tape sample' format used by emulator Z80Em), .CSW and .TZX (up to v1.12). Supported snapshot file formats are . Z80 and .SNA (readonly). Such files are immediately converted to compressed, turbo loading .TZX files. |
VOC2TZX | Converts 8-bit mono .VOC samples of Spectrum tapes to either
.TZX or .TAP format. .TAP files should only be used for the non-turbo loading tapes and only the ones with ROM load routines. From version 0.53b on the Amstrad CPC tapes are also totally supported. Use the /cpc command line option to create these tapes (the filename extension is .CDT, otherwise these files are totally compatible with .TZX). |
WAV2TAP | Converts 8-bit mono non-compressed .WAV files that have been sampled at least at 11025 Hz/sec into .TAP format files ready for use with a Spectrum emulator. | |
Spectrum Tape Loader | A Windows utility that loads in Spectrum tapes in through your sound card, and saves as .TZX tape format, or .TAP or .BLK. | |
MakeTZX | A TZX creation utility that will help you to recover your old Spectrum tapes and preserve them from the damages of time. It reads samples either from .WAV or .VOC, or direct from the soundcard in real time. | |
PlayTZX | Lets you replay .TZX files directly back into your ZX Spectrum
(or to a cassette recorder) using your PC's sound card or
if you don't have a SoundBlaster or if your emulator doesn't
support .TZX files you can convert them to .VOC files. Also
from v0.4b onwards you can show extensive information about
ALL blocks in the .TZX file. |
File Conversion
These utilities convert program files, BASIC program listings or sound files from one file format into another.
Title | Description | Download |
BAS2TAP | Converts 'BASIC in an
ASCII file' to a TAP tape image file,
to be used in a ZX Spectrum emulator. Both 48K and 128K listings are supported. |
TAP2TZX | Converts standard .TAP files to .TZX format. This could be usefull if you want to replay .TAP files using the PLAYTZX utility or convert them to .VOC format. A standard pause of 1 second will be put after every converted block. | |
TZX2TAP | Converts the new format .TZX files to standard .TAP files, which are used by most emulators today. Since .TZX files have more information about speed and other important features these features will be lost during conversion. If the .TZX file only had normal loading blocks then this ofcourse will not matter. All Normal Loading, Custom Loading and Pure Data blocks will be converted into .TAP file... however the blocks which are over 64k long will be skipped. Ofcourse all other information and control blocks will be skipped too. | |
VOC2TZX | Converts 8-bit mono .VOC samples of Spectrum tapes to either
.TZX or .TAP format. .TAP files should only be used for the non-turbo loading tapes and only the ones with ROM load routines. From version 0.53b on the Amstrad CPC tapes are also totally supported. Use the /cpc command line option to create these tapes (the filename extension is .CDT, otherwise these files are totally compatible with .TZX). |
WAV2TAP | Converts 8-bit mono non-compressed .WAV files that have been sampled at least at 11025 Hz/sec into .TAP format files ready for use with a Spectrum emulator. | |
SpecPrint | Allows you to view and/or print BASIC listings from the ZX Spectrum (And since version ZX81). Simply save a snapshot from your favourite emulator and load it into SpecPrint. SpecPrint retains all attributes contained in the listing including foreground colour, background colour, bright, flashing[1], inverse etc. It also uses a font similar to the original machine containing all the block characters and grey blocks of the ZX81. | |
Sound Tools | Translates sound samples between different file formats,
and performs various sound effects on those files. This release understands "raw" files in various binary formats, Sound Blaster .VOC files, IRCAM SoundFile files, SUN Sparcstation .au files, mutant DEC .au files, Apple/SGI AIFF files, Macintosh HCOM files, Sounder files, and Soundtool (DOS) files. The sound effects include changing the sample rate, adding echo delay lines, applying low- and band-pass filtering, and the infamous Fender Vibro effect. |
Please get in touch if you have any useful utilities that you wish to share, and we'll add them to the list.