
Author: Marc Dawson

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Dinamic SoftwareArmy MovesCommodore Amiga1987I5
Dinamic SoftwareArmy MovesAtari ST1988I3
Hewson Consultants LtdAstaroth: Angel of DeathCommodore Amiga1989I5
Hewson Consultants LtdAstaroth: Angel of DeathAtari ST1989I4
Imagine Software LtdBC BillCommodore 641984I3
Odin Computer Graphics LtdHypaballCommodore 641986I
Odin Computer Graphics LtdMission A.D.Commodore 641986I5
Odin Computer Graphics LtdNodes of YesodCommodore 641985I4
Odin Computer Graphics LtdRobin of the WoodCommodore 641985I4
Odin Computer Graphics LtdScary MonstersCommodore 641986I1
Thor Computer SoftwareStairwaysCommodore 641985I1

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