
Author: Ally Noble

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GametekBatman ReturnsCommodore Amiga1993I5
Imagine Software LtdBC BillCommodore 641984I3
MilleniumEye of HorusCommodore Amiga1989I5
LogotronEye of HorusCommodore 641990I1
LogotronEye of HorusAtari ST1989
Ocean Software LtdGift From the GodsSinclair ZX Spectrum1984I4
Imagine Software LtdPedroSinclair ZX Spectrum1984I1
Imagine Software LtdPedroCommodore 641984I1
Audiogenic Software LtdWorld Class RugbySinclair ZX Spectrum1991I
Audiogenic Software LtdWorld Class RugbyAmstrad CPC1991I

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