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Arkanoid (1987)            

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Details (Commodore Amiga) Supported platforms Artwork and Media
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Related Titles:
Discovery Software International
Chris Chirogene, Rick Ross, Joe Sleator, Eric Reinhart, Rick Ross, Bob Hires

3.5" Floppy disk
Arkanoid 2: Revenge of Doh

Commodore Amiga

More from other publishers:

Acorn BBC
Amstrad CPC
Apple 2e
Atari ST
Commodore 64
Sinclair ZX Spectrum
Nintendo NES

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Your Reviews

(Anonymous) (Unknown)   24th Nov 2010 08:33
Title Arkanoid
Publisher Discovery
Game Type Sport
Players 1-2
HD Installable Yes
Compatibility OCS (Patch available for all)
Submission Chris Vella Profiled Reviewer

Ahh, the first good breakout game on the amiga. I don't know what makes
these kinds of games so addictive but you always want to see what the next
level will look like.

This is the first commercial version of breakout that I know of. For the
people who have been living in a cave for the last 13 years this is how you
play the game. You control a bat object that you move horizontally across the
bottom of the screen trying to deflect a ball into colored bricks that are in
various patterns above you. When the ball hits a brick, the brick disappears,
miss the ball and you lose a life. There are some objects that fly around the
screen that try to hinder you from hitting the bricks. Sometimes hitting a
brick will result in a icon that falls to the bottom, collecting the icons
will result in a variety of changes to your bat. This can include making your
bat smaller or larger, slow down or speed up of the ball, lazers that you can
shoot at the bricks, and a level warp. The icons will have a letter, letting you
know which one does what. So clear all the bricks on the screen and go to the
next level. Thats the whole game. Not much variation but it's very addictive
and I can't explain why. I guess it because it so simple and fun.

In conclusion, I know that there are a ton of public domain versions of
this game but none of them really improve on this original version. I'm sure
this game is cheap to buy and is better than most PD versions. The only bad
thing that I can say about this game is that you can't make your own levels
and the game doesn't come with all that many. That bad point aside I have to
say that I'm glad this game is in my software collection.

Kasket Dark fyre (Unknown)   24th Mar 2013 08:13

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This title was first added on 30th January 2011
This title was most recently updated on 24th March 2013

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