Commodore PC Technical Section

Commodore PC Board Information

Schematics, Component layouts and port/connector pin-outs

Title Description Date
Commodore PC10 Details More information on the hardware and firmware of the PC10 range. April 8th, 2011
Commodore PC1 DIP Switch settings (in German) Scanned-in pages from the PC-1 user manual  


Commodore PC Firmware

Disassembly of ROM code and other firmware-related articles.

Title Description Date
Commodore PC1 ROM BIOS A binary dump of the PC-1's 16K ROM BIOS at $DC00 -

Commodore PC1 Character ROM

A binary dump of the PC-1's 32K CHARACTOR ROM $164A -
Commodore PC10-III ROM BIOS A binary dump of the PC-10's 32K ROM BIOS (Part # 318085-05) -

Commodore PC10-III Character ROM

A binary dump of the PC-10's 32K CHARACTOR ROM (Part # 318086-02) -


Original documents written by third-party manufacturers of Commodore peripherals.

Title Description Date