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Adventure 8: Pyramid of Doom (1984, Acorn BBC)

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Acorn BBC Related Games:-
Adventurescape Generator  (ID = 13447)
Adventurescape  (ID = 13448)
Adventuresoft  (ID = 13449)
Adventure 1: Adventureland  (ID = 13587)
Adventure 10 : Savage Island Part 1  (ID = 13588)
Adventure 11 : Savage Island Part 2  (ID = 13589)
Adventure 12 : Golden Voyage  (ID = 13590)
Adventure 13 : The Sorceror Of Claymorgue Castle  (ID = 13591)
Adventure 15 : Buckaroo Banzai  (ID = 13592)
Adventure 2: Pirate Adventure  (ID = 13593)
Adventure 3: Secret Mission  (ID = 13594)
Adventure 4: Voodoo Castle  (ID = 13595)
Adventure 5: The Count  (ID = 13596)
Adventure 6: Strange Odyssey  (ID = 13597)
Adventure 7: Mystery Fun House  (ID = 13598)
Adventure 9: Ghost Town  (ID = 13600)
Adventure Anthology  (ID = 13900)
Adventure Quest  (ID = 14135)
Adventure Writer  (ID = 14147)
Adventure  (ID = 14247)

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