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Captain Fizz and the Blaster-Trons (1989)      

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3.5" Floppy disk

Commodore Amiga

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Your Reviews

Iss 48 Apr 1989 (Zzap! 64)   3rd Dec 2011 09:56
S urprises don´t come much more extreme than the one you´ve just had. The other day you were trotting into hospital ready for your tonsil operation. Dead easy you thought. Just a couple of days with a sore throat. It came as a bit of a shock to wake up in a new body on a different planet.
Since you’re trapped, you decide you might as well sigh up with the Queen’s Cloned Highlanders troopers.
Your first mission involves you fighting your way through the multi-level enemy base, alone or with your partner (you need tow players if you want to win), to destroy the master computer. Pass codes and switch systems, open doorways and operate lifts.
By the way, the mission is said to be impossible. Nice thought, eh?

I reckon that a puzzle game should rely on devious and mind-boggling situations that require plenty of thought. Unfortunately, Captain Fizz lacks the necessary depth to keep you occupied, trying to rely on blasting action to make up for the simplicity of the puzzles. This would not be so bad if the blasting was fast and frenetic, but it isn’t – it’s just slow. It does get quite involved the more you get into it, but I can see a lot of players getting fed up long before then – especially when you really have to play it in pairs.

The intro piece to Captain Fizz is brilliant, with a very well drawn title screen backed with some amazing music. Unfortunately, the game fails to live up to the standard of the loader. The graphics are very weak, consisting of a few meagre sprites moving through boring mazes. I would not mind if the gameplay made up for the weak presentation, but it does not. It is dull. The shoot ’em up bits are not exciting enough and the puzzles are not mind taxing. I have come to expect more from Psyclapse than this.

(Anonymous) (Unknown)   24th Nov 2010 09:09

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This title was first added on 4th March 2007
This title was most recently updated on 3rd December 2011

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