Amstrad PCW - Amstrad readying Intel-based PCW

Amstrad readying low-end PC?

AMSTRAD READYING LOW-END PC? BRENTWOOD, ENGLAND, 1989 AUG 18 (NB) -- As the UK computer industry gets ready for the Personal Computer Show next month, Amstrad is rumoured to be readying a low-end PC, possibly to replace its PC-200 series. The new machine -- pricing in at around UKP 399 -- comes in a PCW-style housing, complete with a low-cost dot-matrix printer, Newsbytes has learned.

Unlike the Z80-based PCW series, however, the Intel-based PCW is expected to use industry-standard 720K 3.5 inch disks, rather than the PCW's quirky three-inch disks. The machine is thought to have CGA graphics and 640K of random access memory included within its UKP 399 price.

Would such a machine be a success? "IT could be, especially as a low-cost terminal to a network," commented one computer dealer to Newsbytes. "There is a need for a low-cost terminal with printing capabilities, not to mention a plug in and go PC for the entry-level market," he added.

Computer Trade Weekly, a UK trade newspaper, hints at an Intel- based PCW machine in its latest edition. The paper notes that Locomotive Software, the originators of the Locoscript word processor on the PCW, is expected to announced a PC version of the package at next month's PC Show.

Amstrad, meanwhile, would only confirm to Newsbytes that Amstrad will be showing its range of PCs at the show. The firm maintained its usual 'no comment' attitude when asked about new machines.

(Steve Gold/19890818/Press Contact: Michael Joyce - Tel: 01-836- 76801)

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